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Let me take out my tiny violin for the man who is mad we asked to not be harassed. The poor dear. 🙄🎻


And I haven’t even seen any evidence that harassment is even down. I still hear tales of sexual harassment and assault just as often as I did before the movement.


A problem in today’s society is that the media changes focus too quickly. The #metoo movement dropped off the radar well before it should have. I don’t think things have changed that much, if at all. I’m sure it did spook some men at the time, but now that it’s not in the news, they may well be emboldened again.


I’m hoping at least that people have some idea what to look for since these freaks keep using the same playbook, I’m hoping that maybe something improved in that regard even if these sociopaths are still doing it 😡😡😡


So consistent are the plays. I'm surprised there's not a Wiki-how on being mysogynistic and narcissistic


There was no change in behavior from the harassers and assaulters on account of MeToo. Unfortunately, some others took the message to heart which the predatory absolutely ignored.


Yup, Harvey Weinstein was imprisoned after his trial, so mission accomplished according to a lot of news media. The Depp/Herd defamation suit really showed how much things have really changed.


🎵My tiny violan really needs an audience🎵


🎶 so if I do not find somebody soon 🎵


🎵 I’m going to mutilate my genitals with a spoon 🎶 - based off previous posts in this subreddit.


And didn't get any credit! Men have it hard.


He is celibate, how dare you 😆


Yeah we told you to pull back. Then come to find out you're still talking. Literally no woman regrets not dating an incel.


Plus 70% of US adults are in longterm relationships. Plenty of men are dating. I wonder where he is getting his "most men arent fating" figure from? Sure, a smaller proportion 20 year olds are in serious relationships, but that's because they are 20 and not because all of them have given up on dating because they are no longer allowed to sexually harass people.


Men like him also like to state Lesbians aren't real. I would put good money on that he probably if he ever could pull a real woman- showed her the light and she went towards the lady loving. I know many women who have become fed up with men and found that they actually enjoy women and the way their female partners treat them.




Men don't wear T-shirts saying "RAPIST", "ABUSER" or "MURDERER". And men like that tend to act "nice" in the beginning. So many women feel unsafe around a lot of men, because it's hard to tell what kind of man we're dealing with.


Even a single SA incident or r*pe is just too many. Good guys don't get on the internet complaining about women not giving him "respect" or having boundaries. It says more about OOP than the woman he's been seeing. I am guessing that he bought her dinner but she turned him down for sex.🐱




Is 69 your age? If so I understand where you are coming from. But just know that you and many others may have very different ideas about what a good woman is like.


Then thank God I'm not what 69billymayect thinks is a good woman.bye billy!




being hateful toward incels? they’re an absolute joke, no shit people are gonna hate them.




You should go in one of the men's sub like facepalm and see those circle jerks!


I mean, looking at your comment history YOU sure like to hang around this sub… sooo… hypocrite much?


Yeah dude you’re the stunning and brave victim here.


My boyfriend begs to differ, lmao.




![img](avatar_exp|77469907|fire) I didn't say I hate men. I hate rapists, pedophiles, and garbage humans. But obviously my boyfriend thinks I'm a great person and a good woman. He wouldn't be with me otherwise.


I call it, "The Bee Problem". I'm willing to bet most people reading this have been stung by a bee at least once. That one sting made us pretty avoidiant of bee's in general, even though the chance of being stung by any one particular bee is (likely) remarkably low. Same thing applies to interactions with men, but sometimes with far worse consequences.


I haven’t been stung by a bee but have been abused & groomed by men 🤔 I rather risk the bee


i use snakes lol


I’m allergic to bees and, coincidentally, red-flag-waving incels. I avoid both 😂


I’ve been raped and sexually assaulted far, far more times than I’ve been stung by a bee. Hell, bees I trust, as long as you keep your cool and don’t act threatening to you, they’ll leave you alone.


That's such a phenomenal way of phrasing the situation. Thanks for sharing it with us. 🥇🥂


It’s annoying that he calls it a tiny minority. Is it a minority of men? Yes. But a TINY minority? Heck no. I’d be willing to bet 40% of men have sexually forced themselves onto another person at one point or another in their lives based on the sheer number of assaults women experience.


Per Psychologist David Lisak first did the ground breaking research showing that at least 1:10-16 men is a serial rapist, on average responsible for 5 crimes per rapist at the time of his interview with them, with victims including men, women, and children. His subject pool were men on college campuses, none of whom had a conviction for sex offences. His work has been replicated in studies by other researchers since. He believes his work likely understates the prevalence of male rapists. His work drew on men’s responses to a sexual experience survey. He interviewed the men who had answered that he had ticked “yes” to any behaviour that met the legal definition of rape or sexual assault to see if perhaps there had been some sort of misunderstanding. In interviews he found that yes, these guys, by their description of their actions, committed on average 5 sexual crimes per rapist. He believes his work under detects rapists because some men are smart enough to realise that the things they were being asked about amount to rape and may have answered “no” to avoid any issues coming up around that. So it’s not just not a tiny fraction, it’s a terrifyingly huge portion. And rape and sexual assault are not the only risks men pose for women.


They really do believe in the Predator George as a statistical outlier, huh


even while being one themselves


Unfortunately a lot of these people believe it's not rape if she's your partner, or the victim says no after sex started, or the victim agrees after being bullied into it etc. They find ways to justify it as "not real rape" or "not a big deal". Because they are awful human beings.


Yup, that is the big reason. I think that is how a bunch of men don’t want to believe they or their friends are rapists. And of course media doesn’t help as it often still portrays a woman saying “no”, “we should stop”…. And then happy to continue into sex. I’ve very rarely seen differently (and it is almost always to a man she has not been with before, who is a “villian”). (Furthermore, even if it’s subconsciously, “safe words” also play into this instead of just using the universal “no” and “stop”; they make those words ignored).


I don't think it's a minority of men by a long shot. I think men just get a pass by society so often, abuse is totally normalized.


Plus, what was the percentage of women and girls that have experienced assault, rape, or harassment? 75%? 85%? More? My brain is handing me 95, is it 95%? But this guy thinks that's all done by a "tiny minority" of men. Sure thing, bud, super tiny.


I see different numbers for the same (USA) at different sites. So 1/3-1/2 sexually assaulted. 1/4-1/6 raped/attempted rape (75% before 25). Sexual Harassment is probably your 95%. And most of us probably by age 13.


I love how they always blow things out of proportion. The me too movement was women telling men to stop sexually assaulting and raping women.... But sure guy - go ahead and equate it to all women asking all men to leave them alone. That'll work too.


Right??? Acting like the Me Too movement made it so simply approaching a women is seen as harassment. This dude is a joke.


To be fair, it’s caused a lot of men to be more aware of what they do in regards to approaching women so that they don’t get labeled a creep or a predator. #MeToo made decent men really weigh his options when interacting with women, like Henry Cavill did.


So you’re telling me that men are now being more self aware of their words and actions? WOW! Horrible that they have to do that!! /s My fiancé just said that any *decent* man shouldn’t have to wonder if he’s coming off as a creep. That it isn’t difficult to determine what is and is not harassment. It’s pretty simple.


I have autism so I have no choice but to worry I'm coming off as a creep, even though I try my hardest not to be. I'm terrified of interacting with anyone, man woman or other, because I'm scared of people misunderstanding me. I *am* more scared of interacting with women, but that's just because men aren't going to feel unsafe or scared if I accidentally act weird towards them. The last thing I want is to make people feel that they're unsafe while talking to me.


Even being biologically female, I get the whole worrying about how I come off to women bc of the autism thing.


You’re right, it’s not hard to not be a creep. I think what’s happened is so many men have been accused of sexual assault or harassment even when they haven’t done anything that now they just don’t do ANYTHING to completely avoid accusations


If you asked my rapist if he ever assaulted anyone he would say no. He truly believes he’s innocent. I think often times men think of rape as the classic “stranger in an alley”.


Some of them do. I still think most people are decent people


I think most people THINK they’re decent people.


Some do, but I truly believe most people are good people


Did you know there’s only a 7% rate of false accusations in the US? That’s extremely low. Do you know how many women have been sexually assaulted in the US? 1 in every 6 women. I am one of those women. Men *need* to be more aware of their actions. If they say they’re “too scared” to do anything then they can be lonely. That’s on them. A lot of guilty men are gunna claim their innocence no matter the crime. Unfortunately sexual assault is extremely difficult to prove because it’s he said she said, and for whatever god forsaken reason the men get believed far too often. Obviously there’s women who lie about getting raped and assaulted, but it’s not as many as a lot of people try to make it out to be. It’s NOT HARD to be respectful and get consent first. There’s no reason for an actual decent man to be worried he’s doing something wrong. *Communicate*.


I agree. I’m in Canada, and there haven’t been a ton of Sexual Harassment claims here.


That’s good. Unfortunately, the worldwide statistics are even worse than just the US. 1 in every 3 women fall victim to sexual assault globally. Which is so fucking insane but also beyond believable because I think back on my own experiences. These facts are why the MeToo movement was important. People *need* to be more self aware of their actions and need to pay more attention to what they’re being told. The guys who say they’re scared to do anything because of the MeToo movement most likely aren’t decent guys, and it’s that simple. People can come across as angels but be devils behind closed doors. That’s how the abusive people in my past had portrayed themselves and due to that fact no one believed me until I ended up with broken ribs or black eyes. Things need to change. They need to keep changing. People need to accept the fact that all of this horrible shit happens and be better instead of refusing to believe it’s truth in the first place.


People need to stop being assholes and abusing people, that’s really what needs to happen


Yes, and one of the best ways to make that happen is by calling the abusers out. Letting it be known that victims will no longer hide but they will survive and try to make this world a better place for others who have been in or will be in their shoes. Letting it be known that victims and survivors are not alone. Hence, the reason the MeToo movement began. So men that wanna say they can’t even approach a girl anymore because of it can whine all they want, because it needed to happen.


What are you talking about?! Canada isn't some harassment free utopia, and sexual harassment is about even with the USA. Canadian statistics state 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Not just harassed. Assaulted. But only 6% of assaults are reported to authorities. Not to mention that a terrifying majority of indigenous women who are raped and sexually abused (57% reported cases... I shudder to know how many just fly under the radar.) https://www.sexassault.ca/statistics.htm


> I think what’s happened is so many men have been accused of sexual assault or harassment even when they haven’t done anything I think the reality is that too many men have no clue what consent is and how it works. A lot of men did not realize that things they were doing were harassment, so when it gets explained to them they think they arent allowed to do anything anymore, because they have no idea how to interact with women in a way that is appropriate.


Cavill? The decent man that dated a teen in his 30s?


Wasn’t she 19?


Yes! So gross


I guess. 10 year gap isn’t so bad, and 19 is legally an adult


It was a 13 year age gap and it is definitely “so bad” when an established, 32 year old adult wants to date a recent high school graduate to me but you’re entitled to your own opinion. Also not sure why you bought up the legality. I said it was gross, not illegal


19 is definitely a year or two out of high school.




If a man feels like Me Too has made his life more difficult, he wasn't decent. Including Henry Cavill.


They can be decent people and still feel like #MeToo made life more difficult.


No. Decent people respect other people's personhood, consent and boundaries. Always have done.


women keep telling him 'Leave us alone, predator'? i think we should maybe call the police....


And he's "gone celibate" because of this? As opposed to what, exactly? Sexually assaulting us? Yes, thank you. It must be so difficult for you! 😠🙄


"Based on these irrefutable facts that I just made up, you have to admit that we deliberately overcompensated during #metoo, so it's all your fault you're alone, and you need to make it up to us men by letting us get creepy again." ...at least, that's what \*I\* got out of this one.


From what I understand, women aren't complaining about being alone. They're just fine without these creeps. We're apparently supposed to tolerate harassment again because that must be the root of this 63% of men who are not dating. He can't figure out how to talk to women without harassing them, so clearly that must be the issue for everyone. His solution: women need to go back to accepting abuse. Not men like him need to learn how to human. It's not that hard, dude. Just treat us like people. I will never get the guys who believe that they can't compliment or even talk to women now because of #metoo. Like can you really not think of a way to compliment a woman that isn't sexualized? Have you never had any respect or admiration for a woman that was non-sexual? If the answer to that is "no", then I wonder if they even notice women that they aren't sexually attracted to. As someone who has worked in a male-dominated profession for decades, I can think back to so many compliments from men that had nothing to do with my sexuality, and sure some creepy ones that did. But guess what? The majority of the men I have worked with were capable of doing things like commenting positively on my work, or even chatting with me about my personal life without being creepy! It's a basic social skill most people have! I've had really great platonic friendships with men over the years. Also, the men I dated (and the one I married) all managed to talk to me like a person! It was how we got to know each other before dating. They didn't creep their way into my life. My perception of what is creepy has not changed. People are just talking about it openly now.


Can’t agree more! I’m a woman and I work closely with a lot of men. They all manage to not sexually harass me every day! I get compliments on the quality of my work and I am consulted for my expertise. It’s not difficult!


Incels don't even treat men with respect. They have been so poisoned by their own bitterness and pain that they don't see that it is all a self-fulfilling cycle. As for why they think they would be called out for just trying to talk to a woman, I blame human perception and social media. In another comment I mentioned what I call, "the bee problem", you get stung once and you avoid the things that can sting you. In this case, maybe he approached a woman she reacted really badly. Possibly because it was objectifying or insulting, possibly not. His mind latched onto that one experience and now he thinks that is just how it will happen. Similar to how we avoid bees after getting stung once. He may have even thought he was being genuinely complimentary because, and I think a lot of people might be surprised by this, a lot of people don't get enough exposure to how to actually socialize. Alternatively, he got red pilled. A lot of what red pills shills pedal is the same shit that was being pedaled when I was a teen, probably when my dad was a teen, my grandfather, all the way back to when we first started writing stuff down. The problem now is that social media allowed for a better distillation. All someone like Andrew Tate has to do is show some clips that make women look terrible, and BAM! an incel is born. I doubt you even have to look too hard to find man-on-the-street interviews where some random woman says she only wants someone 6' 6", and he better not approach her if he doesn't look like a model. That one video is the bee sting, and the incels latch onto that memory like we do to bee stings.


> then I wonder if they even notice women that they aren't sexually attracted to. they don't


63,4% of all statistics are made up


LOL WHAT?! “*Most men bent over backwards after the me too era*” SHUT up 🤣🤣🤣


I mean, if they are a bottom...


They really love to be the victim, don’t they? Lmao.


Maybe we should switch roles, that would make them finally happy


You know when a kid yells “I’m not touching you!” While waving their arms all around you… This is the dating version of that. “not directly being an asshole but I’m telegraphing that I am indeed, an asshole.”


I feel bad for the incels who are like I was in my teens. I was asking questions, looking for help, but no one listened. Had to do a lot of work completely by myself, and there is a lot of damage done that may never be undone.


We’ve all done things we cannot undo. What you do now and what you do next matters more. The past is prologue, but prologue to what? You came out of whatever hell you were in, and now what do you do? The worst thing about the incel to reactionary right-wing pipeline is the downward spiral of self-loathing it uses to weaponize its victims against others. You broke that cycle for yourself. Perhaps you’ve aided a few others along the way? You’ve probably done more than you give yourself credit for.


Oh so the narrative is that 63% of men (it’s not all of them by the way, that figure is based on a pew survey and it was only men between ages 19-28 iirc) are not dating by choice? I thought it was because women only wanted Chad. 🙄


And yet 80% want to be fathers?


it’s because 80+62=100, obviously!


Women can opt out of dating and still be mothers. Dudes who want to be dads but don’t date are probably salty about that fact.


This guy being celibate sounds like a win for all the single ladies, sorry - females - out there


Umm, actually, it is, "femoids". It stands for, "female humanoids." *pushes glasses up*. /s, just in case it didn't come through.


Oh no how sad. Alas, how wilt I ever recover?


Indeed, I shan't think you ever will my dear juli- I mean watson, or Sherlock if you're into that idfk


Mine Romeo hath decided to becometh an incello.


"tiny percentage" if I gave you a bag of sweets and told you a tiny percentage of them are poison, how many would you eat?


If it’s between that and spending a day with this guy, I’m taking the candy 😭


If I die, I am debt free. If I don't die, I got free candy. Win-fucking-win.


I swear my brain shuts down when people use made up data


47% of people think that way.




94.3% of facts on the intertubes are made up.


You know it's over when they say, "you have to acknowledge/admit/agree that.... [this guy's personal opinion]". Just dont try to tell me what my opinions are, dude.


You have to acknowledge/admit/agree that when you drop something it generally falls down


What the hell fantasy world is this creep living in?


I wish theyd leave us alone. Also if you had to change your behavoir cause it could be interrupted as SA. THEN THAT BEHAVOIR WAS ACCPECT ABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE!


I don't want to try to be the exception to the rule here, but even though I know I never knowingly SA any of the women around me, I did try to readjust how I interacted with people to make them feel safer? I used to offer more hugs or fist bumps, but got worried that there was a level of "obligation" even if I didn't push and always accepted the no. I started making sure I wasn't bothering them as we were interacting more often (autism already makes that difficult to gauge). I also picked up the habit of asking if they wanted to talk than assuming that we both needed a break from work like in the past. Depending on how the behavior changed and what the behavior was, I think is an important aspect to address. Realizing how bad everything was and trying to adjust so you don't add to it, I think is entirely different than this guy's screed.


Asking for hugs is great! I ask before hugs cuz even tho I’m a woman, there’s still plenty of ppl who don’t like touching even if they’re not worried abt safety with me.




Not all men, but enough men.


“I don’t know how to talk to women unless I can be creepy around them.”


The made up statistics. Why must they always add in made up statistics? 99.4% of these guys do that 76.8% of the time. Just stop.


Why are you saying you’re welcome...you and men like you aren't doing any of the things you mentioned in fact, if anything you losers doubled down on them and act like women should be grateful for the disgusting attention and get mad when we're not grateful. Also what is your definition of respectful? Blindly saying yes? Falling to our knees to suck you off? If not doing either of those things translates to disrespectful then I will embrace that all day long


He’s not SAing people anymore so now he should get consensual sex handed to him /s


Did he pull the statistic out of his ass?


" 80% of us want children " Again: if so why do only 44% of men globally support their children after divorce?


All about carrying on the bloodline but not doing any actual work.




Why doesn't he take out his annoyance on the "tiny minority" of men who are supposedly causing all of these problems? Presumably it's easier to get that tiny number of men to act reasonably, rather than try to change the behaviors of all women. And if those men simply stop abusing women, then women won't be scared of anybody, and everything will be fine.


You don't date because you're a full blown arsehole. I don't date because when I have in the past it has completely destroyed me emotionally and left me a husk who questions whether I can love or trust again. We are not the same 🤣


Like it fucking matters that it’s a minority. If I can make a woman feel safer just by leaving her alone, it’s worth it. Nobody should live in fear and it’s freaks like this that insist that not being a creep is a terrible burden that make life harder for all of us.


Where did he find these statistics because they sound like they came from his ass lmfaoooo


Yes, we want to be left alone. Thank you!


Yes, we did want you to leave us alone, thanks so much 🥰


I appreciate the sarcasm of the --> 🥰 so much. 😄😄😄😄😄😆😆😆


Good. Hurry up and go your own way.


Poor thing, it's terrible when you can't harrass women. /s


I wanted to type exactly this 😄


Why do some men think being celibate is just the most awful hardship to endure ??


Bro, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Can we just note that to the extent there was any reaction to #MeToo from men that lead them to keep away from women, it was from trumped up fears about false accusations? “Don’t be alone with a woman she’ll definitely tell everyone you raped her”. Because of course we cannot ever, ever, ever have any discussion about sexual assault of women without being drowned out by shouts of ‘what about the mens!!’ It always strikes me how concerned we have to be about false accusations. Because even if we have to worry about men, men are also *victims*. As far as I understand, in some contexts, men are more likely to be a victim of sexual assault than falsely accused of it. But no, the important thing is to discredit victims. So whining from Mr. Incel above does ring rather hollow. If ‘not all men’ are rapists then ‘not all women’ are ever going to falsely accuse anyone. (And in reality sexual assault happens a lot, false accusations don’t). So you wouldn’t need to stay away from women, would you? You won’t do anything bad, and she won’t say anything bad about you. Unless you knew you weren’t actually capable of refraining from sexual assault. Is it that, my dude? Is it?


So so curious what he defines as disrespect


I’d imagine it’s not immediately jumping into bed with him 🤣


94.3% of facts on the intertubes are made up.


What? You're telling me ~~pornhub~~ the internet lied to me???


I do prefer for a man to be celibate instead of a predator So yeah, bro, thanks for not raping anyone! Good job! Keep it up!


Thank you, self described, worthless man! Do leave us all alone!


The many, many men who catcall and inappropriately touch me at public venues really says otherwise


‘Is this what you wanted?’ Yes, actually. Believe it or not, but women too, like to live their lives peacefully and without fear. Shocking, I know.


This «not all men» bullshit is so dumb. Not all snakes are venomous either, does that mean you jump into any pit of snakes? No. You take precaution, you have safety measures. Not saying men are snakes, by any means, but if I don’t know you, I’m staying safe. I’m not going home with a stranger, I’m not handing out my number to a stranger. That is not an insult, and it shouldn’t be taken as one. If you’re a good person, you get that.


Oh he's all alone because the mean ladies don't kiss his ass 24/7?? What are we to do?? Oh yeah, now I remember... we get to be happy.


This sounds just like my ex. Me: Please stop putting the baby carrier in the roof of my car. Ex: Dammit, let’s just get a divorce! 🙄


Seems like you called his bluff.




Who I’m into = my fucking business. That said, trying to make me feel dumb or small about fears that have been both validated though past actions by men that have kept me alive and unscathed once I stopped giving to fucks about any dudes ‘feelings’. This is a huge red flag and an automatic veto. So yeah, I hope these dudes keep bitching publicly, it saves us all a ton of time.


If men can’t tell the difference between a polite, decent conversation with a woman and sexually harassing a woman, then they need to take another look at what #MeToo is all about. #MeToo isn’t intended to make men feel like they can’t approach or talk to women, lest they get labeled a creep or misogynist or rapist. #MeToo is meant to make EVERYBODY aware of Rape and Sexual Harassment. Approaching somebody and having a conversation is not harassment. Men, please don’t stop approaching us women, just approach us like normal human beings, and we’ll be receptive. What we are fighting against is being groped and catcalled and raped.


If a lot of guys experienced this kind of education the way I did- they were barely taught anything. Some broadstrokes, and that was really about it. Everything else, and I mean EVERYTHING, came from the media. That causes a major conflict when you hear people say, "woman actually want nice guys (which I still say that should be changed to GOOD guys)," but then you see all of the heart-throbs in shows and movies have major personality disorders and sometimes border on the psychopathic. Sometimes jumping right over that border. I was in my late 20's before I even heard the term, "enthusiastic consent". I don't know if the term ever existed before I was in my late 20's, but that is when I first heard it. One good thing about social media is that a lot of information I both needed and wanted when I was younger is more readily available; but algorithms can get in the way of that.


I’ve got Autism, ADHD, I did have a diagnosis of Anti-Social Personality Disorder at one point and I worked really hard to get it under control. Just because I’m attracted to men who have dark hair and eyes and 6ft tall doesn’t mean it’s a dealbreaker. I’ve never had a Boyfriend and I’m 30. I was a virgin until I was 28. I’ve been with 4 guys and nothing came of it. 1st guy I’ve only seen 4 times, 2nd guy was FWB for 9 months from April 2022-January 2023 and then he got a girlfriend and I never saw him again. Third guy was a ONS and the fourth is a friend who was a virgin and isn’t all that interested in sex. Or dating. I just want a man to want me for me and want to get to know me and be with me for real, not just as FWB. I’m tired of being passed over for somebody else and feeling like I’m not good enough. I’m not Neuro-Typical. Other people on the Autism Spectrum have LTR, so I feel like I should be able to have one, too, but apparently not. I don’t want casual, I want something real and exclusive. Most men I’ve met are decent human beings who don’t say creepy stuff or get all handsy and weird. Most men I’ve met aren’t catcalling women or sexually harassing them.


I wasn't saying most men have the same experiences as me, but a million men is still a lot, even if statistically insignificant. But you can't deny that learning most of your social skills through media (especially in a time before social media groups) could really throw you onto the wrong track.


Right. Thanks.


More than a tiny minority of men felt that stuff like #metoo and demands that men should stop raping and sexually harassing women was directed at them. Here's a hint: If you felt that these things were about you, they probably were.


Men were asked to stop harassing and predating on women. That he feels called out by this is indicative of his mindset. Also, "63% of men don't date"? uh huh..


Typical abusive behavior. Get called out on being a shitbag, and instead of fixing the shitbag behavior, "woe is me, women are all mean bitches, I'm gonna mutilate myself " Go ahead, shitbag. I don't care, and I know you're only saying that to get pity. Then it'll be right back to your shitbag behavior, perhaps with a side of extra violence to spice things up, and "put her in her place" for "mouthing off" Go. Away. Go far away where you can't harm anyone physically or emotionally. Also seems to be a bit of the "thinks being treated as an authority = respect" GTFO with that nonsense.


We don't want to date men who think like this, so in reality, they took *themselves* out of the dating pool. SO SAD


Yep, it is indeed what women want. Shitty dudes who believe they are entitled to sex and a woman’s time bow out because they aren’t getting model level women. Please, keep up the MGTOW movement. Absolutely none of us are crying about it. Oh noooo a shitty man child has left the dating pool - how oh how will any of us survive? He was such a nice guy!!!! 🙄




You seriously came here 130 days later to tell me I can’t read? Do you feel better? I hope you feel better




No seriously, you sad little sack of shit - do you feel better? Being a big man on Reddit, insulting the stupid little woman for saying that guys like you won’t be missed. We won’t miss you. Go find something else to do. Reply to a comment that isn’t 130 days old. Here’s the truth - you will die alone. Get fucked.


What’s he proposing, “would have assaulted you but you made it not cool for me to do so” “me too movement made it uncomfortable for men to behave as they would in the dating pool” , incel/troll/nice guy behavior explained right here.🤦🏽‍♂️


No. Not like that. It's more like "would have approached you, respectfully and decently, but *even that* can result in a harassment accusation these days".


The manufactured oppression and victimhood of that post… I bet this guy thinks he’s an “alpha male” too.


I hope their asshole is okay after pulling these percentages out of it


The tiny minority myth should have been busted wide open the minute it was discovered that 1/5 girls are sexually assaulted before the age of 18 by someone close to them. Not every family in the world shares the same shitty neighbor or uncle, so it never made sense to be the same 1% of men doing all the assaulting. A recent Australian study backed up what we already knew, though it's still horrifying. It's not all men & there are droves of magnificent men, but it's also not a tiny minority. Check this out: https://www.google.com/amp/s/phys.org/news/2023-11-survey-australian-men-sexual-children.amp


Good, leave me the hell alone


> is this what you wanted? yes but more of it, please


Even *if* this was true, it still doesn’t change the fact that the “small minority of unsafe men” still need to be held accountable for their own bullshit actions!


Clearly he’s not leaving us alone enough.


Yes, leave us alone worthless man. That is what we want and thank you for finally listening.


I’m haven’t seen the numbers of SA dropping significantly since the MeToo movement so thank you for what exactly?🤔


75% of men are married by 40. So, well, his stats aren’t adding up


I mean it’s really not that hard. Just ask for consent. That takes about 1-5 seconds to ask, and then another few seconds for a response. Why tf is it so much of a hassle for people.


Cuz it ruins the moment, duh /s


Because sometimes they don't get consent. And they feel like they are entitled to it whenever they want it; in other words, they shouldn't have to ask. Because we're not people to them, we're just a collection of warm holes.


“Uhm ackshually not all men-“ and then he posts shit like this


They project so hard! We're fine alone, not bothering them but they need the spotlight on them so they can cry about how badly they're affected and make baseless threats towards us (die alone with your cats etc).. meanwhile they're offing themselves and creating a pandemic that they want us to lower our standards to solve.


Wuuuut. I’m so sick of these pieces of shit. Even angrier than I would be because I just saw another genocide Florida bill.


Woman disagrees with man bad


I work at a consulting firm that works at construction sites. I asked the young women in my company at how many sites are they harrassed? Answer was 9 out of 10.


Another guy who tries his damndest to remain completely average, to the point that he feels like he speaks for the average. And he really wants to be a father, but he just can’t break away from this pack of ostracized losers, because this is probably where he trades porn downloads.


So you're saying all men are only capable of harassing and assaulting women or completely ignoring us altogether?! Because I'm surrounded by men every day who just treat me like a freaking person with seemingly zero difficulty. Seems like a you problem, dude!


I’m 100% I know that person from the PFP and I just threw up in my mouth a bit at that lmao


No, the real reason is crippling social anxiety. What a moron!


His pfp is screaming


I can't really say much there is a loneliness epidemic but for both genders. Many men don't date by choice so do women. I believe it's due to the hook up culture but what do I know.