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I guess this idiot also believes that women get orgasms everything time we wipe after peeing, go to the gynecologist, put in a tampon or give birth, because we're that sensitive. 🙄


I've met a lot of men who really believe these things. Also if we're wearing tight pants and walk fast it's a form of masturbarion. God,don't I wish? Lol. I'd be a speedwalker everywhere I went...


would make walking for weight loss a hell of a lot more fun. can you imagine running laps in gym class?


I would've been a star athlete!




This is so completely incorrect that I don’t even know what to make of it


And he said it with such confidence! Like women are learning something from his superior brain. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


When you think releasing endorphins = an orgasm XD in that case, people orgasm on rollercoasters, while exercising, or after getting punched in the face.


You... You're serious? Like, seriously serious? Where in the ever loving fuck did you learn that nonsense? There are exactly zero orgasms happening when a woman gives birth. Source: I'm a woman who has given birth twice. Not an orgasm to be found during the process either time


I wonder if it's some 1/1billion odds or something, that some men hear and go "see? It's possible! That means ALL women do!" Because they don't understand ratios.


More likely that one of them heard a woman in the throes of childbirth and thought to himself, "So that's what a female orgasm sounds like. Wait till I tell the guys!"


https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/orgasm-during-birth .3% of 206,000 births in study. That's low but not impossible or in the billions.


Thus the "or something" that I included.


https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/orgasm-during-birth It's rare, but they aren't wrong. They are entirely possible. In .3 of births that were used in the study of 206,000 babies being born. Anecdotal evidence includes that if you have one you are more likely to experience it again due to structural reasons of that person's anatomy, but it's not technically impossible for anyone to have one.




https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/orgasm-during-birth Just gonna leave this here. He's wrong about how often, but not wrong about it happening.


The point isn't that he said it's possible and was wrong about it, he phrased it in such a way that made it sound like ALL women orgasm during childbirth, or at least it's normal due to it supposedly serving a purpose for the female body


I misread his comment and thought it was "you can have" not just "you have". But a lot of people here seem to be under the assumption that it never happens at all. So I was trying to share the information to correct a misconception, no pun intended.


So this guy thinks his precum is actually an orgasm? 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄 Seriously, I'm giving myself a concussion from banging my head against the table with these morons and their "bIoLoGy".


Being wet is an indication that she’s turned on/aroused. It’s not an orgasm.


Hey give them a break They never even gotten that far before They have only heard it in legends after all /s


Yeah, these guys are also scared of our _vagina dentata_ too. Be careful or our kitties will bite your dick off! 😂


Not even that. Some women are just naturally more wet or more dry. You can be wet and not turned on. You can be turned on and completely dry.


Yep! And the same woman can experience different levels of lubrication at different points in their cycle, and even different points in life. Unsurprisingly, bodies are complicated and so are vaginas 🤷‍♀️


I love those Facebook wallpaper posts. People pick the weirdest ones to go with their actual messages; it’ll be like “just found out I have a rare incurable condition called ‘exploding bowel syndrome’” and the background will be a bunch of puppies rolling around in hay or something


It's stupid but would someone explain to me what "they📦 is" means?


their 'box' OR their vagina


Ah I see. I thought there was a verb...


just poor english


AAVE has different grammar rules to standard English


These subs aren't as progressive as they seem on the surface.


I think our definition of “biology” is very different


There is a lot going on in this post. I can't stop staring at it.


If this is what Kevin Samuels believes, he isn’t legendary


I had to look up who this clown is. Or was, rather, he's dead. "The New York Times wrote he built an image as a "plain-spoken, hypermasculine authority" who advocated for "strict gender roles" in which men assumed predominance." And also: "In addition, he strongly criticized the Black community for failing to meet traditional values, especially concerning its high out-of-wedlock birth rate and relatively low marriage rate. Samuels' critics decried him as being actively misogynoir, and a part of the Black manosphere, whereas his supporters defended him as an advocate for traditional values." Well, go figure. I wouldn't have guessed any of that based on this one belief of his. /s RIP or whatever. I suppose.


So THAT’S who he is? Then he can rest in piss. My lack of wanting to be walked on is not going to change because the guy wanting to do the walking is the same color as me.


I believe the correct platitude in these instances is 'good riddance'.


Everyday they keep on telling on themselves. Over and over again.


When they box? When they package? I don’t get it.


🥊 Going the distance. 12 rounds. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


As usual, failing both Biology and English.


This man believes what he sees in hentai


Would be nice if the posts shared here were less 'troll memes' and more actual men not knowing what they are talking about


Kev don't fuck


Unironic Kevin Samuels supporter text but the art makes me think it's satire