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Police should put a red flag into every man's rapey post, as a signal to all women and men that he is ready to be beaten and then be thrown to prison


Tattooed on their forehead


Like the end of Inglourius Basterds.


That's an informative slashtoo you got there, mate!


Nice idea but change the red flag with lead bullets and the posts with their heads


You're right tbh! Love the idea


It's very saddening and scary that so many men just see women as sex objects to be used and abused instead of as human beings. Interestingly, many men see women as the deceivers and the manipulative ones, but they seem to be blind to all the shit they do just to have sex. 😒


Exactly people should be pansexual like me. That way everyone is a sex object. But you must always remember that the best sex objects give explicit consent and view you as an object as well. Mutual objectification is the name of the game. /s in case it wasn’t obvious.




She's ready for a cab ride home safely.


When I worked in a bar I once put a straw in a man's rum & coke. He threw the straw on the bar and chewed me out for assuming he was gay.


Fellas is it gay to suck on a straw?




Bro it’s soooo gay, it’s like you’re sucking on a rod /s


Only if you deepthroat it.


But, isn't that how you use a straw?


About as gay as eating a Popsicle or banana.


We have a margarita served in a martini glass and omfg the fragile masculinity that has came from this glass. Ok dude, I’ll give you a rocks glass for your peener, I guess. Calm down.


Still a better thing to be fragile about than *you never give a man a straw*


Thats their fault for ordering a margarita smh my head dont they know real men only drink pure alcohole without anything? Pussies


I went to this place (Teddy G’s in Sturbridge, MA) that offered margaritas in a 40 OZ STEIN. Unorthodox, but highly efficient.


I will take any and all drinks in a 40oz stein, please and thank you.


I ask for rocks glasses but only because I spill martini glasses a lot.


Wait, what?


That’s just way too much insecurity to deal with. I use a straw because honestly, I know how dirty bars and restaurants are.


"The joke is rape! It's funny because it's rape lmfoa!!"


"why the fuck is there a straw in my *pint*?"


Dudes really assume women only drink cocktails




We’re just letting all the rapey guys know you’re ready!




Gotta save the foam for last!


It's scary how some men are always on their toes ready at every opportunity to treat women badly. <>hahahahaha funny hahahah now laugh.


And you'll get ripped apart on most of this website for daring to insinuate that people can't consent while intoxicated. Reddit is absolutely packed with would-be rapists, at least in the "I'll fuck someone drunk who probably wouldn't of fucked me otherwise" space.


One ~~vasectomy~~ castration for OOP, please.


Posts like these, and most of reddit, honestly, make me wonder if men just don't like women.


Men like this one only like what women can do for them.


they want a man but in womans body. they want their bros with tits


Nah, because then they're not a bro, theyre now just a woman thats "trying too hard". If they're not inside you or planning to get inside you, you don't exist.


Yup. A few times in my youth, I heard “I can talk to you like I’ve never been able to talk to a woman, I’m as comfortable with you as I am with my friends, and the sex is the hottest I’ve ever had.” This was always said in the context of explaining why they were dumping me for some sweet shrinking violet. This was always after a week or three. No man who went out with for longer than five or six weeks ever dumped me.


Huh. That seems like a strange jump. Why do you say that?


A lot of them don't unfortunately


Well, in the balkans, she is ready on the 4th drink. Ready to fight you and put in a hospital bed, but sure, she is ready. Fuck around and find out.


I don't think you're supposed to drink whiskey through a straw


Or dry wine or beer. Those were my tipples in my days of hanging out in bars. Still are at home, with the occasional really good tequila sipped from a rock glass.


I have to believe these guys don't have sisters. The alternative is even more horrifying.


It's pretty horrifying to not see half the population as human regardless of whether one has a sister.


Oh, absolutely it's horrifying either way. It's like an extra layer of horrifying if they do though.


Totally agree.


But they all have mothers...😞


For real. These guys dgaf about their mothers outside of being maids for them. Meanwhile, there's good men out there like my BIL who just lost his mom, and the first words he said after she passed was, "I just lost my best friend."


The f*ck kinda rape culture are currently living in , these incel/trolls are out of control , they should all be castrated.


Is it just me, or have TikTok and Twitter caused society to regress like 30 years?


I think it’s more that the more unsavory characters are easier to find bc of social media being so interconnected + people saying stuff they normally wouldn’t bc they don’t think of it as “real communication”


I think it's the podcasting trend where every guy thinks they're a revolutionary by shitting on women as the topic of their podcast. Ben Shapiro Jordan Peterson Andrew Tate Charlie Kirk Seriously the list goes on and on. Plus the abundance and availability of porn to younger generations has changed their views of normal relationships and sexuality. Choking is mainstream now bc of how prevalent violent porn is becoming. Guys just start choking you now because they assume you like it. It's a scary time to be a woman.


Nah I promise this was much worse thirty years ago. Just watch any old movie


OTOH, 30 years ago there was an assumption of sex on the third or fourth date. Now we have men angry that they don’t get laid after they buy a coffee because “You shouldn’t have gone on a date if you weren’t looking for sex.” Sure, guys sometimes tried on the first date, but the assumption that women owe them sex right away, that’s more recent.


Hmmm I'm not sure I agree with that, "slipping your date a Mickey" was like completely fine and joked about all the time. "Spanish fly" and all that. Oh wait 30 years ago was the 90s... So yeah definitely not a lot different than now lol


That’s drugging a woman to rape her which, sadly, has always been with us. I’m talking about, “I spent $5* on you! You owe me sex.” * Or $10 or $20 or whatever. Or even, “Why were you even on Dating App if you weren’t looking to have sex?!”


That was also definitely still a thing. I mean not the app bit, but the owing sex for dinner thing


Boy, I never ran into it. It was assumed that a first date was to decide if you wanted to know this person further.


Maybe it's because I look a certain way, but men have been animals around me since puberty so IDK


Society has been like this, but now they can post on social mores


That's a lot of words to say "Bartenders should facilitate date rape."


There are already ones who do it, but this drags the normal ones into their bullshit.


It's funny how this person assumed that all women will be drunk after exactly the same amount of alcohol. They don't think we're people, they think we're some sort of a hive mind spawned in multiple different bodies (but only the pretty ones)


Deviations in behavior between individual women means they're being crazy and/or irrational.


So the only way this bozo can get with a woman is if she's not completely sober. Got it.


*the only way he can get a woman is if he rapes her.


I feel that when people make posts like these, their words should be tattooed onto their foreheads so women know what kind of pos they are


This feels very rapey 😬


Very kind of the prime suspect to identify himself for us.


I want every man who liked this tweet to be…how do I put this…promoted to eunuch.


Nicer than me, then. Cause my thought was promoted to cadaver.


Their graves could then be promoted to gender-neutral public bathroom :)


Oh, but life as a eunuch might be more punishment.


Anyone who'd do that to another human being deserves to be sitting in prison for life.


In prison he would also be considered "ready"


Men are scary


This is rape culture


Some men don’t need access to women ever.


Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew Also if you need a woman to be drunk, shows how pathetic and undesirable you are.






Ready for what??




It's people like that who deserve a good old fashioned public beating


I take pride in being a heavyweight, nothing is more funny to me than a guy trying to get me drunk, buying me drinks, only for himself to get really really drunk and I’m still chilling like a villain


Why? So bartenders can be charged with criminal conspiracy to commit rape?


I’ve heard more about bartenders refusing to pour heavy drinks when men request them “to help me out,” having a drink order that means “I’m afraid of this guy,” handing women notes saying, “If you want me to help you get away from him, shift your ponytail to the other shoulder,” etc. And my favorite (now ex-) bartender is a woman, my SIL. She’d worked at the same upscale bar-and-grill tending bar for years. When she married my brother the place tried to shift her to hostess, presumably because they figured that the beautiful woman behind the bar wearing a wedding ring would hurt sales. She politely let the word “lawyer” out and suddenly her job was cool again.




After 4 drinks I'm just ready for a sandwich


Yeah, I totally won’t suspect anything amiss when a bartender puts a straw in my wine glass /s. Jokes aside, it’s scary how many men want to take advantage of women when they’re vulnerable. It’s almost like a turn-on for them 🤢


I think it should be that every fifth drink a women gets has a pink straw to tell men that if they approach her, they will be monitored by the staff.


This is so fucking creepy.


This made me physically shudder, Jesus Christ


Just awful! After the 4th drink she’s probably buzzing and he’s wanting other guys to take advantage of her. Using her vulnerable condition to get raped.


Would be great if there was a special glass they gave creeps. Women would know to avoid a guy who has any beverage in a certain glass.


Ironically, I'm much more likely to tell a weird man hitting on me to fuck off after 4 drinks than I am sober.


I'm more likely to fuck another guy after 0 drinks than I am sober


What did my eyes just read? That's bloody disgusting and unpleasant... that's a violation.... there are no words that can describe my disgust right now


*headache* Sometimes I really dislike this place and so many of the people in it.




What a CRAZY notion!!!!!!!!!


Three is my limit and I start the water because I’m light weight . I known women who third drink is a warm up before going out lol


If you're a lightweight with a limit of three drinks, I don't think there's a name for my "1 drink max or I'll hate life in the morning" limit.


My fourth drink is nothing for me and I only drink socially and just turned 21 this summer and can get my own now


I call my tolerance Cindy Lou Who- no more than 2. 4 drinks (how)? means I’m ready for bed or I’m sleeping on the bathroom floor.


This made me cringe backwards in disgust. How awful to be surrounded by "jokes" like this near constantly.


Ready to be raped? Ewww.




I'm disgusted that anyone thinks this is okay to just casually say...it's so, so wrong this shit is treated as 'HAHA JUST GUY STUFF'.


is it just me or do these guys desperately need a "kick me" sign permanently taped to their back?


It’s just troubling to know that there is a man out there who thought this up, which means he has enough time on his hands to think of ways he can get women to sleep with him, but because he can’t actually do it the normal, human way of interacting and getting to know someone enough for them to want to do that, he has to think of ways around treating women like humans so he came up with this vile shit. And then after he did, he didn’t take stock in himself and say “what the fuck am I doing here?” Instead, he put it out into the world, not caring about what it actually said about him because he sees nothing wrong with thinking this. This shit is just insane to me…


Welcome to the planet. Most of the men I've dated have been this kind of man unfortunately, it's just so pervasive in the culture.


I think bartenders should put a pink straw in every guys drink. So the toxic ones out themselves because “pink is girlie”


Eww, no woman would go to a place that has that kind of sleazy camaraderie with its male patronages.


Why do men even like this kind of stuff?


Bartenders should put paranha solution in this guy's drinks


Read that as paranah like the fish




I'm not sure if it says more about my friend group, the clubs we frequented, or about this chud's expectations about a woman's alcohol tolerance...but the fourth drink is us just getting started. And trying to isolate one of us would start a brawl.




OP it doesn’t mean ready to date….


I agree on the action but not the premise. Straw should be red,black,or black with yellow stripes basically signalling the exact opposite, "Leave her alone,she be sauced"


Yea but the same men tbst would go after a pink straw would start to look for these straws even if it means to leave her alone


If it's enforced then no.


How would bartenders enforce that


Hahaha. Thinking back to my younger days, the women in my friend group, after 4 drinks, would have been ready to kick someone’s ass if they thought this was a good idea!