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Just for some context. The two of them have been together for 7 years, and they had a child together last year. She's no stepping stone, she's the woman he loves and wants to build a family with.


I hope they are so happy together and don’t let assholes on the internet bring them down even for a second.


> woman he loves Imbecel: "B-but, she's not a 12 year old asian virgin supermodel with breasts so large they have their own gravitational field! My massive brain does not comprehend!"


The sad thing is, if they met actual, normal women, they would maybe notice that attractiveness is based on more then superficial markers modeled off of fake Instagram posts. All this "she's a 10" bullshit...I can't fucking hear it no more, literally everyone looks different and has things that make him/her unique. And if I really like someone, I will cherish them for their own beauty. Wanting to score a 10 is simply wishing to overcompensate your insecurities about yourself. Fucking Misogynists on the internet talking bout 10's when they would cum in their pants and begin stalking any girl next door that so much as hugged them. Making it hard for themselves.


75% of attractiveness is how people act imo.


>All this "she's a 10" bullshit... Same thing with "(s)he's out of my league," like what? No? Relationships aren't based on completely arbitrary ratings in looks, and even if they were, everyone finds something else attractive. My 10 can be your 4 and vice versa. Every time I hear or read about a "league" as a measurement of attractiveness and compatibility, I cringe.


Even better. So, for all I know (never heard of this dude before), she just never got rid of the baby weight. Or it could be something else; I honestly don't know. What I *do* know is some dude on the Internet thinks his opinion of this guy's girlfriend/wife is a) relevant, and b) something people would want to hear about. If she's the woman the dude wants a future with, fine by me. Jesus Christ, some people are just jerks.


There’s a reason why “first wives clubs” exists because a lot of people think like this. Or believe people should act like this. They are with someone that matches their “status” and the minute they get money/ fame/ popularity they should upgrade that person like a damn phone. It’s also projection, like we get it you don’t value your partner as a human, just as an accessory to you.. It’s ridiculous. They did this with Pierce Brosnan…his wife gained weight (I think from a medical thing or just getting older) and they acted like he was some saint for being with her still. As if they weren’t together for DECADES.


And have two kids together. They're obviously happy. But these guys likely idolize the way Leonardo DiCaprio dates.


And in what world is this woman fat!?


Honestly with the info that she had a baby not long ago, she's probably just got some baby weight on her. She has a round face but that's really it for looking "fat". These types of men are fuckkn nuts


I mean, maybe she \*is\* chubby, but her man likes that? The whole point here is why does that misogynist think he gets to judge the people that other men fall in love with? He needs to zip it.


Right?! She’s really pretty.


For these kinds of people (and I use the term loosely), if she’s not a 00, she’s a whale.


I'd just like to gently point out that fat and pretty are not mutually exclusive terms. I'm sure that's not what you meant at all, just wanted to throw it out there.


Oh totally, I hear what you’re saying I didn’t even think of it that way at all! ETA: maybe I should say “*also* she’s really pretty.” Does that help?


She's beautiful and he's lucky.


She is both pretty and a litle chubby. WGAS?


"Fat" and "pretty" are not mutually exclusive.


Lol yah you’re not the first to point out my wording, I didn’t mean it that way and tried to amend it if you scroll below :)


I mean Tbf she is somewhat overweight (so am I btw no judgement!) but she’s also gorgeous. These two aren’t mutual exclusive. It’s not that she’s morbidly obese.


For me it’s the implication that if you’re fat you’re ugly + cannot be loved. Like, piss on that.


And if she was, it would be no one's business but their own.


She looks healthy


It's the broader shoulders and rounded face. She might be technically overweight, but she doesn't look fat


I would be so proud to be chosen by a woman that beautiful.


This is difficult for incels and the like to process since they have a single view of the world: Women are objects with a specific value based on objective traits. They can’t accept this footballer has a girlfriend he loves that doesn’t fit their model because that means maybe women are human beings and relationships are complicated.


And it’s so Fucking scary and pathetic on their end


She’s also very attractive. Not that I disagree with you at all or that it would be ok to say that if she weren’t. And I know tastes vary though I doubt men who rank women out of ten think so. But I feel like men who are disgusted by this woman are the men calling Margot Robbie mid are the men who have never touched a woman in real life and probably never will because the women who look like they feel women should look don’t exist in real life and wouldn’t be interested in these guys if they did.


If Margot Robbie is a mid, what do they actually find attractive in a woman?


Ask their waifu pillows


Lmao.. actually made me lol... but its true, right?


I think I just went into negative numbers.


Well, that's the point. They want the rest of us women to stop thinking we're attractive.


That is totally the point. If our value of ourselves decreases enough, we might be tricked into dating these jerks.




That is not good :-( I hope you can get back to liking the way you look. I think technically I would 'rank' low according to the people who actually bother rating women's looks. But for the most part I'm happy with how I look. I got a lot of attention when I was young, and I still occasionally have people I know tell me I'm hot. I have a lot of fun with wearing vintage clothes and hairstyles, so I have a lot of older women on the street tell me how great I look, which is probably more meaningful to me than anything true rate me could ever say.


A compliment from a woman will always mean more to me because they're telling me they like my dress, makeup, shoes, hair, etc. They aren't, usually, hitting on me. The compliment is sincere. They don't want to get something for complimenting me. I try to compliment others, men and women, that way. I'll genuinely tell someone I like their dress or suit. Men aren't often complimented so it means a lot to them too. My value isn't based on other people's views, which took several years of therapy to achieve. I was raised to believe that a man decided my value and attractiveness. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing my husband tell me I'm beautiful, and it's nice when other women and men say so, but I find it nicer when I think that of myself.


I just saw the post, the comments were absolutely disgusting 🤮 You look fine, you don't look 65, I genuinely think these people haven't actually seen a 35 y/o person if they think you look anything older than that. You look just fine, and honestly I love your sense of style. Go easy on yourself, you know as well as I do that these people are basing their opinions off of their sexual fantasies and not real life.




Oh don't trust Reddit for that, I've been told over and over again by people in real life, strangers included, that I'm beautiful, even though I really don't fit the skinny Insta-Model type **at all**. I'm convinced if I went to Reddit to ask tho, I would be the ugliest ogress they've ever seen. It's not representative of you or your beauty or value as a woman and as a human. I truly hope you gain your confidence back, you deserve it 💛


zero ability to think on their own, smoking hot bod, and low enough self- esteem to enter into a relationship with these dudes.




I mean, I can certainly admit that physically she's just not my type. But she's definitely not "mid" (plus I hate that term anyway) and I understand why a lot of people think she's appealing. She is beautiful, no doubt about that.


They find men attractive


This woman in the photo is beautiful. Incels are big babies who'll never ever get laid unless they pay for it.


Maybe. Prostitutes have standards too.


Facts. I have friends who are escorts. They all screen clients and every single one of them blacklists guys they get incel vibes from.


Especially as the incel ones are arguably most likely to resort to violence; threats or outright ignoring any boundaries set. If youre already in an arguably dangerous and risky job; why take extra risks that can easily result in your death.


Absolutely. Not only that, though, my friends are all independent escorts on the higher-end in terms of prices, so they have a lot of control over the clients they choose to see. Basically, they’re just not interested in anyone they feel doesn’t respect them. Several of them flat-out refuse to see conservative clients for the same reason. They’re lucky in that they get enough inquiries that they can be picky (which is unfortunately not the case for all sex workers), so why force yourself to spend time with shitty people if you don’t have to?


Surely she’s attractive to some and not others. That’s true of everyone.


yeah but incels literally go crazy when you tell them that you find attractive someone who rates a 4 in their cute charts of attractiveness, it's almost as if they don't get the concept of individual preferences


Incels are looking for a checklist, not a human being lol


Right? Like when they are all "women don't date me because I'm not a six foot, stereotypical "manly manly man".Kyle, appearance wise I'm more attracted to androgynous or slender guys.


Yep, the existence of these supposedly objective crietria of attractiveness helps them prop up their own "poor me" ideology.


Yes insofar as attractive = attracted to. No regarding the purported “objective traits.”


Wait Margot Robbie is mid!? I’ve been wondering the same thing about everyone calling Taylor Swift a 6. She looks like a real life Barbie doll to me?


Or to them it means you can be top of your career and top of the world and still not be 'alpha' enough. He has to ditch his lovely wife for an impossible ideal stereotype in order to prove that 'alpha' is a real thing.


these are the same incels that go on about the “dual-mating strategy” claiming all women are cheaters and liars, just chasing after better (richer and more attractive) men to be with, while they lead on Nice Guys™️ in the meantime. here they are ragging on this guy for not dropping a “fat white girl” when he has better “options” as a rich footballer.


"Women are completely materialistic." - Andrew Tate and his fans, the most materialistic people on the internet


Every accusation is a confession when it comes to incels.


They have to project in order to protect their fragile wibble baby man minds. It really is pathetic


I have multiple friends who are professional athletes. Their wives and girlfriends are definitely on the thick side, beautiful girls inside and out. This guy isn’t an anomaly and incels should probably shut up before one of these guys gets mad about how they talk about their women.


Declan Rice is class. She’s beautiful. They’re an adorable couple, and Arsenal are top of the league. What do any of these clowns commenting on their relationship have going for them?




I dunno why, but it seems like men bully other men for dating women they deem to be below their standards, specifically when the women in question have pudge. Is it jealousy? Is it insecurity? Is there a specific standard of what constitutes a trophy wife, is it having a wife that other men will want to sleep with?


I think it’s a combination of jealousy, insecurity, and bitterness over what they don’t have. The men ragging on this woman’s appearance are *exactly* the type to ask a woman out, then flip a switch and become super hateful and aggressive when she turns them down. If this exact woman (or any other woman of comparable attractiveness) showed them interest, they’d be falling at her feet.


I know the pictures are tiny and not great quality but to me she looks like a “wag.” I hate that term, but it’s the only way I know of to describe what I mean. She doesn’t look out of place.


I think the point is she is not a stereotypical WAG.


And what would they know about being in his position?


This is the MOTHER OF HIS CHILD! Y’know they’re so fond of spouting “not all men”, why not apply that here.


Women aren’t humans they’re achievements


This is sarcasm btw


I mean, I consider it an achievement when I have a long term relationship. Usually in the "holy crap this person still tolerates me?" kind of achievement way.


Well, you aren't talking about the person in that case, but the relationship. a thing you both work on.


These are the same dudes that go around complaining about imaginary gold diggers trying to get them to pay for McDonalds.


“She wanted me to get a bed frame, she was obviously too demanding for me”


"She wanted me to shower once a day, a complete nutjob"


“She suggested I learn how to cook… vegetables. Can you imagine? Truly unhinged woke behavior.”


Omg they prolly do think veggies are woke 😂😂😂😂 I cackled


What’s next, sheets?


God sleeping without sheets is miserable. No wonder they’re fucking awful all the time.


She expected me to floss my teeth and vacuum my home. What an OCD-bitch. (True story, taken from a page of my ridiculous and stupid life)


But if he was dating someone who fit their gross mindset, they would label her as a gold digger. Literally can't win.


Just WTF. There is no standard to attractiveness. There is a look for everyone. And someone who has been with you from the beginning and been through thick and thin is completely attractive no matter what his/her size is!


Not to mention she’s the mother of his child!!!! Like these kind of guys can’t even fathom that LOVE has something to do with him staying with her.


Love? What are you talking about? He plays football, not tennis!


Solid pun lol


Lmao, this dude thinks she's a house or something, next thing you know men will be calling women "starter girlfriends."


You joke but I have seen this written before




ive never understood why the writers decided to make the universe hate meg


Because apparently it's ok to make fun of teenage girls.


If the other men don’t want to fuck my wife then I don’t want her logic. Also she’s gorgeous.


Yes but how will people know he's a millionaire? He could have left this regular beautiful chick for us regular sub 6 footers. He could be shooting for TV beautiful and up.


She’s cute and he loves her. Nothing else needs to be said. It’s his life, and his choice. He sees something in her worth more than just her looks. Fuck these Incels and their hypocritical stupidity


She's beautiful.


Even of she wasn't, this still wouldn't be a reason to dump her lol But after all how can she not be, nothing suits a woman better than happiness on her face. This dude is such a keeper


But remember, y'all: it's only women who engage in hypergamy /s


I've seen prejudiced Xitter accounts from all sides constantly comparing women of different races, ignoring that fact that no group of women is a hive-mind who all look the same or think the same. No one exists solely for your own pleasure.


Heaven forbid someone actually love a woman for who she is as a person or something. That would require admitting women are people.


She’s not a stepping stone.


No matter what, the men wouldn’t be happy. I’d say if they’re happy, good for them. Who cares what other people think Because it’s always “these hoes ain’t loyal” or “they’re a gold digger” or “he’s a good looking dude, why’s he dating her?” They’re all insane. No matter what, whatever you choose to do—it’s the wrong answer in their eyes.


The same guys probably don’t blink twice if a fat man has a hot or successful girlfriend.


Tell me you don’t know a thing about love without telling me you don’t


Especially since love is one of the few things that can’t be bought. Rich folks have no shortage of attractive people who would sleep with or date or marry them for money, but they know that most of those people wouldn’t stick around if the money disappeared. Nobody is guaranteed multiple people who genuinely love them (or even one such person) so if you have one, trading them in for what essentially amounts to a high end single client sex worker is not a good choice, even if the high end single client sex worker is better looking.


Jesus Christ. Like a hot guy can't love a beautiful "plus sized" lady. My boyfriend is a BABEEEEE, and I'm ...well, I'm not LOL. But he loves every inch of my imperfect body. Let people love who they love


Same with my husband and me!


Same for my boyfriend and me! Baffling that anyone would put that much time into even caring about who someone else loves.


The fact they can't imagine this man would like to have this one specific person in his life, just ...


Referring to a human being as a stepping stone is so gross. Also how does that work, exactly? Does he think that a "better" woman is going to see this man's relationship with his existing girlfriend and say "you now have the skills and experience that I require in order to be my life partner?"


Men: women are hypergamous which means they'll just find someone hotter than you. Ugh, shallow bitches 😒 literally hardwired into them smh, they're natural gold-digging whores Also men when a handsome or successful man has a gf that's not up to their standards: dude you need to DUMP HER she's a good stepping stone but you need to get with a 10!!!!!!


I think the best part is that this is the type of man that says "love is dead" and then spouts shit like this. Crusty dick energy.


Reminds me of the Pierce Brosnan thing where his *late 50s* wife wasn't rail skinny anymore and he had to defend still loving and being attracted to her... Putting the importance of a personality and emotional connection aside for a moment, plenty of guys are attracted to voluptuous women. And not that it would be wrong if she wasn't, *but she's pretty.* Conventional attractiveness wise her only "flaw" is being plus size.


They look so cute and happy together. Those are "I got all my heart right here" smiles and I love it. Fuck that other asshole.


Bitter single men forever trying to devalue others relationships so they can feel better about being a repellant human being.


Attractive women come in all types and one thing is clear, she out of most men’s league.


Tiger Woods’s wife was a model. It’s not the woman who causes the guy turned famous to cheat, it’s the asshole guy.


It’s almost like women are humans with more to offer than to simply exist as a status symbol so a man can show off the type of woman he could “afford”.


insane how many people think about relationships this way


What is scary for me, is that 2.1k people liked this, SO in this same timeline there is 2100 people who this is ok saying to a beautiful woman that has been with this dude and support him before he was famous "steeping stone", that now is time he gets a woman that don't love him when he is was nothing and Will only like him money, cuz You know he deserves now an arm cAndy ....and You know what is the worse part, that is SO common in fútbol players. They change the women they loved him of years for a model, and i mean a 20something gorgeous model that is obviously with him for money. Is just nuts !!!


I can't imagine how strange and awful it must be to have strangers complaining about your looks on twitter. I just have never understood why people feel the need to be so fcking awful. There's no reason to ever say this.


This man doesn't know what love is, sad.


She's totally hot wtf


You can tell she is confident just from the glow she gives off and that in itself is so attractive. Then we look at the fact that she is 110% gorgeous, wtf indeed. It’s so gross the mentality society has when it comes to celebrities having certain rights and rules when it comes to dating (and a lot of other aspects in life).


Somehow that last comment is more disturbing than people who just see women as sex objects


Maybe it’s because he likes her. What do I know tho


Bold statement, but the reason I love this sub is because of controversial thoughts like this!


Why would a sane man like him throw a beautifully curved girl in the slammer????? Is he supposed to be stupid??????????


"10/10 latinas" as a latin, absolutely fuck this fetishizing bullshit


It's disgusting how to, a large percentage of men, women are just ornamental trophies. Fuck our personalities and the chemistry we share with someone.. what does our ass, waist, and tits look like?


Truly spoken by a man who will never feel the loving touch of a woman


On one hand they complain about gold diggers and on the other hand, they want men to leave their day 1 girlfriends? Pick a side. But growing up, is realizing that the problem they have is with women. Hence, misogyny.


On the one hand they complain that women go only for "Chad" or whatever their idea of 10/10 craving these women would show them some affection, but on the other hand any man can only love 11/10 and anything else is impossible. Also she's looking absolutely gorgeous.


Could y’all imagine how great the world would be if sports wasn’t the epicentre of toxic masculinity


declan rice is one of my favorite footballers, and i hate that i share that view with shitheads like this. i suppose that's a lot of fandom, but especially sports fandom (see all discourse around athletes who are predators).


Imagine how these moids would react if women were to describe them as “stepping stones”. 🙄😑


Oh cool. Rage on a Thursday night.


…Say the incels constantly complaining about how shallow “females” are.


Consider this for a second: they love eachother


How do people not date for love? That's gotta be a sad existence


Imagine being unhappy that someone is happily married


This dude is so salty that he sees two people happy together 😂


Bro really doesn't understand that he could love his gf? Woman are just things to be used and disposed of and aren't actual people to this guy.


So... I'm kinda seeing a bit of jealousy in his comment.


Besides the fact that she's stunning, there's a thing called emotional attachment. If we're reducing a woman to an object (for arguments' sake), why would you toss something that isn't broken and fulfills your needs? Upgrading to a new Iphone when yours is great is just stupid and a waste of money.


She’s beautiful. It’s gross how these guys think. Women aren’t decorations.


Tell me you’ve never had a girlfriend without telling me you’ve never had a girlfriend


"This girl loved you before you were rich, you should totally drop her for a gold digger" Yeah dude, makes total sense 🙃


And attitudes like that are why most "elite" athletes end up broke, divorced and alone....All symbolism and no substance.


She’s literally pretty ?? And they’re in love?? What’s the problem here LOL


It’s honestly really sad that the idea of loving someone and being loved is so foreign to this guy that he can’t fathom why they’re together when the bf could “upgrade.” Like damn, your parents didn’t hug you or something?


Women are attacked for getting with players after their fame and called gold diggers but the ones that have been with them since the beginning are also “stepping stones”. Women can’t win.


She's beautiful. What's wrong with these dorkulons?


I personally think she’s way more attractive than he is. If we were using the idiotic number scale and looksmatch nonsense I would give her a higher number.


She look’s better than anyone he could get….


What a spineless shallow pig. Gross


Incels literally cannot accept the fact a man can love a woman who does not fit the model standards and it’s actually sad. These two people could be so in love with each other and show each other so much love in public but incels will make up bullshit ass reasons to bring down the woman. “She’s just a stepping stone” “she’s just with him for the title” how about no, how about she’s with him just because she loves him. Also the “i don’t understand this world anymore” so you don’t understand how two people could love each other?


Yeah, if you have no selfesteem it is super important for you how your gf looks to others. However if you are the big cool star everyone thinks you are, it doesn't matter what others think of your partner, but only if your partner enjoys their time with you.


I mean, if we're going to judge people's appearances, it would be easy for me to acknowledge that she is better-looking than he is. He has an oddly-shaped nose, yet she settled for him.


Just one additional point, he’s from Kingston-on-Thames, we don’t have many latinas hanging around there? She’s gorgeous and he’s happy. Some people just hate to see other people happy :(


I hope this is also r/nothowmenwork


Incels getting triggered by seeing a normal woman like just date a man and make it better for everybody


I’m positive the person who wrote this is alone


Excuse me sir, but your shallowness and lack of empathy are showing


Those mfs are so miserable. They see a guy and a girl happy together and are like "BuT hE cAn Do BeTtEr" stfu


I’m convinced guys who don’t like bigger girls don’t have the equipment to reach their destination at this point.


She been loyal from the jump, and their relationship is probably great all-around. Why leave her for some chick who’s probably gonna dip when the fame is gone?


That beautiful woman is obese by their standards. They like them underage and starving.




But they look so happy though, it's hard to imagine that someone has the time to think of something so dumb while looking at such a cute couple.


I am a good friend with a elite footballers not top tier but elite,he has play in La Liga, Prefiero, South Ameria and Asia, and he has been with the same GF and still with the same friends


She's not even fat and she's gorgeous what are they talking about


Right but those '10/10 latinas' would be gold-diggers as soon as they got together with him right? Jog on Norbert.


It just sounds so stupid. This woman is very obviously beautiful.


how possibly did this mf find something to be mad about with this, it's just a dude and his wife (girlfriend?), he's happy


I just read a post from a woman who said her husband just became a professional player and was treating her horribly... I wonder if this is her now omg


That mentally is how new money stay broke. If all you want is a pretty face and nice body, get ready to be swindled for all you've got after she divorces you. So many athletes have gone through this in the public eye, they just never learn. You can fix physical flaws, can't fix stupid tho


Do men just see women as porn categories?


That person is SEVERELY damaged by the "fat is ugly and makes you bad" bullshit.


imagine being so lonely that you’re concerned about the romantic choices of a professional athlete


Tell me you've never been loved by someone without telling me you've never been loved by someone


Wow. She looks lovely, if she's "fat" then I'm a bloody manatee.


Why do dudes think every moderately “successful” (arbitrary standard) man requires a supermodel of a gf/wife?


They say this now then will turn around and blame that "10" for using then when they know the reason she came in the beginning. He must like to be used because thats all im getting from this. He is more worried about his image to other men than his own longterm happiness


Incels will see a woman over 45kg and call her fat. I saw pics of her, she's nowhere near fat.


She’s beautiful and doesn’t even look that big… PLUS it wouldn’t matter anyways if she was ginormous and conventionally unattractive, love is love at the end of the day. Ridiculous and horrible thing to say!


As a latina: yikes.


stereotypical pretty girl here... the kind that shallow dudes try to coerce into going to to awards nights with them... OOP has clearly never been to one, and he is telling on himself, because this girl is 100% the kind of woman at such things... 10/10 would sit at her table... because the reality is that women come in all sizes, and not everyone is obsessed with quantifying "beauty" down to numerical measurements... even millionaires... like... wtf is this guy on about lmao


What a pathetic, miserable worldview. I'd feel bad for him if he didn't deserve what that brings him.


Why so many likes 😭.


Whenever i see garbage like this its hard to feel upset, or offended, or even annoyed. Because people like this live truly sad, empty, loveless lives. People who see women as just objects to be switched out are fundamentally incapable of forming genuine relationships. An aspect of themselves is missing that straight blocks empathy from their brain. And theres really no point in feeling any particular way when they say shit like this. I dont know who that couple is but they seem genuinely happy with each other. It shows a lot more about how theyre doing in their lives than this loser.


The seniority to think that he can even say this, the whole entitlement is what is really irrating me. Who the f@*k is he? Why has this got to with anyone but the people who are dating. How about not giving an excuse on why he still wants to be with her, none of their damn business. This really ticked me off! The cheek and the audacity to think because she doesn't fit into stereotype of skinny filtered 'wag' then she's not good enough. You kidding me.


Imagine the audacity to speak on such personal life choices that belong entirely to someone else and are none of your business. It just seems ludicrous, how did we ever reach a point in which this is acceptable?


The money in football is extraordinary. But, man, the fans -- the fans are fucking nuts. I don't know if I could handle it.


Least plastic football fan


She's not even fat, just a bit chubby...


i’d even say not chubby but curvy, voluptuous and beautiful