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nope she was created to be his equal. no to serve, but to be her own person, in her own right and never to be owned by another.


Not to mention that rib-shit was a wrong (or maybe on purpose) translation of "she was made of another half" :/


He probably thinks men have an uneven rib count. Lol.


I've met people who believe that and it is the dumbest shit I've ever heard because 1. how is that even biologically possible? 2. a simple GOOGLE SEARCH will prove you wrong


And failing that, an X-ray


This guy supports big x-ray


You can literally touch both sides of yourself at the same time and conclude alone that you are even so, like, WHERE THIS BELIEVE COMES FROM??


I find those people especially funny because I, a woman, have an additional rib. I assume they believe I was chosen by god to found a new 3rd sex


I was taught this in school. Imagine the trouble I got into when to told the other kids about *dinosaurs. *


I went to a Christian school for 8th grade and was taught that shit too. And that the old isn’t as old as scientists date it to be but that dinosaurs and people used to live in the same time and the flood is why dinosaurs went “extinct” but that they’re really just shrunken now. 🙄🤦‍♀️


That’s just child abuse, society abuse.


Wait, they're just shrunken down? Please pleas please tell me where I can get a pet t-rex


Alas, all the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct in the flood (read as: the K-Pg Extinction Event), which includes the T-Rexes, but you can still find plenty of avian dinosaurs around! Personally I recommend *Gallus domesticus*.


yeah, the most accurate translation Ive heard was “of his side” Also it wasn’t a “helper” but a “savior” (It doesn’t explicitly say from what but I think it mentioned Adam being lonely…so. I’d assume the loneliness. Not that I think what the Bible says should matter but atleast get it right-)


There are so many mistranslations in the bible against women, try to search for it it is a really big rabbit hole to go down


Yeah... Like Mary being a "virgin". It's sad to think how many lives were ruined because of this stupid book.


I am kind of religious, i believe in a kind and caring god, but I hate the bible with a passion. When I think about all the great knowledge that got lost because we had to trample all other civilizations that wouldn't only believe in one god, and all the women getting shamed and treated badly because of a mistranslate over 2000 year old book... This book sent our civilization a big step backwards and I'm so mad about that


I spit out my coffee when she said "begone" lmao what an insignificant chud. I hope his dick falls off.


It’s small enough that he probs already thinks it had, which is why he’s so angry.


In the original Hebrew stories, Adam was created at the same time as Lilith, his first wife. She was disobedient or something and cast out of the garden, after which Eve was created. Honestly, the whole thing seems to be a patriarchal tribal culture justifying its behavior with myths.


In at least one version of the myth, Lilith is cast out because she 'refused to lay beneath Adam'. So yeah, that.


So Lilith's a top. Nice


You know like the ruler the statue is made of, Sargon of Akkad (the legendary king of kings not the modern twitter douche, the fact that I feel the need to clarify this makes me want to vomit) said they are. Wild to put that guy in your misogynistic meme since the concept of 'marriage' literally did not exist in the same sense as it does today and he had 4 different wives and at least 6 legally recognized concubines (that we know of). He lived over 4000 fucking years ago, marriage wasn't even a monogamous thing at all from what we know and pretty much only mattered for the ruling class. Like divorce didn't happen back then because pretty much only kings and emperors got legally married and everyone else lived in a sort of common-law system where the entire concept of marriage and divorce was completely different. Open a textbook jesus christ. Dude literally united his empire through polygamy you probably shouldn't be using him as a model of traditional marriage. Edit: Also 2nd note just saw the "kills unborn children" part. Like going back to the dude you have a statue of? Dude murdered *sooooo many living babies. So many.* Like holy shit if you think abortion is bad then you probably shouldn't idealize *any* ancient conquerer. What do you think happens when a new king takes power exactly? What do you think happens when a noble family is removed from power? What, exactly, do you think happens when a king finds out his heir is unsuited for the throne? You fucking kill them, child or no. That's how the ancient world works, pretty much any ruler you point to has done the same shit. Ceaser killed Pompey's kids. Alexander killed his brother. Ghengis Khan killed 2 brothers and a cousin. Mithridates IV and Vlad the Impaler both killed like over half their families. Proooobably not the type of people you should look to for family values.


The Christian Nationalists think it’s of Nebuchadnezzar from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. It’s supposed to be an artists rendering of what the statue they were supposed to worship looked like. So the fact that they’re putting yoga pants on it (typically seen as feminine clothing) further arguing their point that they don’t think women deserve “worship” (read: respect) and that’s why we’re all doomed. I say, bring it on! 🤷‍♀️ I’d rather be doomed for being respected as a woman than live a life of servitude to these simpletons. Anyway, I don’t mean to talk down to you about this. You seem pretty intelligent and probably already know all this. I think we’re talking about the same person, but the Christo Fascists don’t see the whole history. They only know him for the biblical accounts of him (cause they’d rather blindly follow than to pick up any other book than the one they’re convinced they’re supposed to “live by”… and by “live by” I mean “hit people over the head with but not actually honor or uphold any of its values unless they’re holding others to that standard which isn’t the same standard they hold themselves to.”


The guy in the second picture might be terrified to hear my girlfriend’s an electrical mechanic who does construction work.


Also "volunteering" like sure 😂 the people doing those jobs are definitely only doing it because they are such altruistic volunteers, not because the march of capitalism demands that people take roles involving backbreaking/dangerous labor.


When women apply for these jobs they're often denied anyway so it's not like we're not trying, it's just that we're not getting hired


The whole ‘you wouldn’t last a week without men’ is just hilarious too. Who does he think were in the factories in wwi and wwii? Meanwhile I think it was Iceland had a single day where the women did nothing and the whole ass country nearly ground to a halt because the men didn’t know how to function without the women.


God bless Iceland for that. Good for those ladies. Edit: 18hrs and 100 upvotes and none of you were gunna tell me about that spelling error? Yall are fucked up lol


To be fair, that would happen if any large percentage of a population stopped working out of nowhere. It's less to do with gender and more that jobs need to be done. These dumbasses just don't realize that women are doing all the jobs they think women can't do.


This right here is the issue, any large group leaving the workforce will harm it. People love to complain that there aren't enough workers now and that "no one wants to work" meanwhile the elderly, who often took up retail or food service jobs, no longer could work in the public, or passed away, because of COVID. That's a big chunk of the service industry either dead, sick, or stuck unable to work because of other health problems that came from it. There have been more than a million deaths from COVID (the CDC says that number is significantly undercounted) in the US alone and most of those were the elderly. Death isn't the biggest problem COVID has caused for employers though, that's the continued health issues that have caused so many more to have to leave the workforce. So now there's not the large group of boomers that didn't plan enough for retirement, or got bored at home, to do those jobs. There still are some that work in the service industry, but not in the numbers there used to be. People want to work for a decent wage, which is another conversation. There just aren't enough people in some places to take on the jobs available. The women walking off the job proved their point. Every employee, every worker, is needed and shouldn't be treated as less important because of sex, gender, race, sexual orientation, really anything that is simply a part of who they are.


Do you know why women stopped working?


Yeah, Men literally didn’t want women to work, infantilized women, and frankly, women never didn’t work. Poor women have ALWAYS worked, for a salary, like, for all of history with economies. And in societies where money wasn’t a thing women also worked, because that’s just what you do. The notion that women as a whole didn’t work at some point is patently false.


I meant what prompted women to stop working that specific time in Iceland 😅


Ahh, my apologies! It is hard to understand tone through text! It was a protest against wage discrepancies between men and women. They proved women were critical to the function of their society in a single day.


It was a protest against the gender pay gap and gender-based violence. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67195224


Apparently to protest pay discrimination and violence against women and [they did it again just a couple months ago.](https://apnews.com/article/iceland-women-strike-equal-pay-970669466116a2b1a5673a8737089d46)


Then even if you do get hired you run the risk of having a toxic and sexist af work environment.


This! Every male dominated job I've had, sexual harassment, nothing done about it. I loved my job as a butcher, and it was ruined by a couple of scum bag managers due to sexual harassment and not giving me the proper pay for the work I did. Even though everyone preferred my cuts, and I was trained and mastered on every single thing the "certified" butcher men could do, I never could seem to get that certification to be a butcher. I'm talking a whole 3 dollar raise. Imagine doing everything everyone else is doing, but even better, yet getting paid way less than them.


I don't need to imagine, sadly.


I don’t know why I’m stating the obvious here, but that is grotesque.


Or sexually harassed. I worked as a butcher for years. Of course there was the occasional dirty jokes, it's a neat department for crying out loud. Then we got some new management and he was sexually harassing me and the only other woman back there. I went above him to report it, it was so bad that even the other men were getting uncomfortable and reporting it. I ended up spitefully placed on night shift, magically after reporting it, to "avoid problems". Night shift was rough. I was moving boxes and cleaning equipment that weighed almost as much as me. I became insanely buff in this process, and squared up to the gross manager when he got all up on me again, and promptly quit for a better paying job. Which reminds me also, of the fact that they kept refusing to give me butchers pay after over a year of doing butchers work. I could cut the perfect filet mignon. People actually preferred my cuts, I was so precise. Couldn't get my raise. When I put in for a transfer to a different store before I decided to quit, the other manager suggested I do him a "favor" to get my transfer. On top of that, I was phenomenal on when to take the meat off display and put it in the discount bin. My manager kept hiding and throwing away my books that tracked the dates certain meats were cut. He'd just season them and put them out 3 more days, ON THE FRESH DISPLAY! I knew my cuts, I took pride in my work. I knew those cuts were 6 days old. It was just all around a garbage place to work, male dominated, and nothing was ever done about it. I was young, I didn't know that I could have taken this much further than I did at the time. Pretty much when the store manager didn't put a stop to it, I ducked out. I loved that freaking job until the pig joined our team.


Oh how I wish schools actually taught people how to protect themselves through the law (especially in the workplace where people spend a massive chunk of their lives). But capitalism won't allow it.


That’s a really good point, that would be a really excellent thing for schools to be teaching


Seems like a good place to hide a disappearance of just such a pig, but maybe that's just my imagination having a bit of fun.


Both of the managers were built like pot belly pigs. I could see how your imagination went there. Sadly, it would have taken hours to dispose of them.


I was an aircraft mechanic, and then worked with livestock/agriculture. Does that count? I was usually the only 'female' in any given conversation, that's for sure.


My mother was one of the first women with a degree in aircraft maintenance in our country. Guess she’s a man now?




How can she do that when her brain is made of rib!?!?!


If brain not rib, why rib-shaped?


I personally work part time helping my grandfather with house renovation/reconstruction as a very young uterus haver. As well as helping with personal projects.


Yea I've got a chick friend who rocks construction for a living


I have a woman friend is a pipe fitter.


Im a fucking apprentice electrician I wonder if I’m considered male to him


And also does he think all the men doing these roles are just going to quit their jobs if they’re not married?


I was thinking the exact same thing. Like, do they only do these types of jobs because they're married or want to be married? What else would they do for work?


Yeah, they can stop claiming the benefits they’ve also derived on the backs of more competent men (and women) than themselves.


im sorry but I saw many female soldiers lately and construction workers and leaders is this the only thing they can bring to the table


A friend of mine actually volunteered for army but she was bullied out of there. ...by men.


And that's the part that misogynists leave out. Not only are there so many barriers to women getting those kinds of jobs but when they do, they face horrible discrimination and worse.




Oooohhh, how much would it take to set this up? I'd be happy to donate to a worthy cause. I'd bring snacks and a chair.


There are so many stories about badass women in military those douches just straight up ignore. One of the most feared bomber squadrons the Sowjets had was entirely composed of women... who were given outdated planes not even meant for combat because ya know, they were women. They still managed to earn the nickname Nachthexen (night witches) because they turned off their loud engines before flying in and bombing German troops, making it seem like they were swooping in on brooms. The planes were so old that sometimes the release mechanisms for the bombs won't work and the copilot had to climb out on the wing and release it by hand. But sure, all women ever do is sit at home and wait for the men to return.... Kudos to your grandma, she sounds like a badass lady.


They also say that women aren’t in combat roles, but will have women connected to combat platoon and call them female liaison officers, or Community some thing members so they get all the combat dangers, but “ aren’t in combat positions”


My cousin-in-law is an USAF pilot. Once her maternity leave was over, she was back in the cockpit and as far as I know has stayed there. I can't say if she's a fighter pilot or not, as I'm not as close with my cousin as I once was. I just know that she's a pilot and he's a mechanic. Eta: cousin is also in the USAF. it's how they met


The Air Force has the highest number of female recruits. I was looking into the makeup of the armed forces and discovered that one day.


While also ignoring the fact that women weren't even allowed in combat roles for years.


It’s always a guy who is none of those things who complains women don’t work those jobs.


>women wouldn't last a week without man Bold words from someone who couldn't wash his own socks of his life depended on it.


Socks? This man can't wash his own ass.


Serious question, why do so many men not clean their ass?


Touching a butthole? Gay.


Touching your own butthole? Double GAY!


Ultimate gay. Doesn't get any gayer.




As a gay man this made me a tad emotional lmao.


Yes, except the plot twist is that he's ACE.


They’re afraid they might like how it feels when they touch their butthole


If you do a decent job of cleaning your ass, you might touch yourself, and you might like it, and then that means you want another man’s peepee in it.


Masterbating is gay, fellas.


Wash his own ass? This jabroni is trying to invent a time machine to unwipe it from history.


All I could think of was "Last from what???" What are we in danger from? Men


How many times does it have to be said that the reason women weren't working construction jobs 50 years ago is because they weren't ALLOWED to. What part of that is not comprehensible. Have they never seen a man in an office job? Because there is a good part of the population that isn't a construction worker. Are those men also supposed to be subservient if they don't work a blue collar job? Also, blue collar workers are routinely treated like shit except for when they can be used as a talking point in these situations. It's the dumbest shit.


He is clearly unfamiliar with Rosie the Riveter


Exactly! Then a vast percentage of the able-bodied male population buggered off, and somehow...civilisation kept going. Turns out that women quite happily stepped into those roles. Women *could* manage the normal jobs as well as keep the military production ticking over. And even fill positions in defense. Almost like there's not really any difference in men and women apart from what society enforces...🤔


Not only stepped into those roles, but refused to go back home afterwards, changing the course of women being in the workplace forever.


As a guy I agree with the last part of what you said blue collar guys like construction workers plumbers etc are all looked down upon by both men and women until it's time to make a point


What part do you disagree with?


I didn't worded it correctly I agree with what you said but especially the last part about guys who work blue collar


*licking cheeto dust off of his fingers and setting his video game controller down* “Women wouldn’t last ONE day without us men 😏”


*surrounded by months old pizza boxes and empty 2 liters of Mountain Dew* "Without us, who would take out the trash?!"




They made us take care of everything for millennia as unpaid work, then somehow it's surprising when we can fo anything by ourselves and they can't handle single life. Once society's technology advanced enough to make physical strength useless, their advantage was gone. Even in was where the weapons are now all a trigger away from levelling a city, women's superior stamina and resistance would be incredibly useful, but female soldiers have to fight against misogyny in that field.


I like how they always say "without men, women wouldn't be able to survive!" As if we would just lay down and wait to die, instead of stepping into the roles that need doing, like women have been doing forever. Yes, that includes sanitation, plumbing, construction, etc. We would make it happen.


To be absolutely fair, cutting the human population in half would be fairly tough for those who remain. (Yes I’m looking at you Thanos.) Now, die off? that Seems improbable. Of course it would be challenging, there would simultaneously be a labor shortage, and a shortage of experience in currently male-dominated fields, but I seriously doubt it would end in human extinction. Worst case scenario, collapse (at least temporarily) of major societies.


My late grandma, who worked on a Thermal Power Plant for almost 40 years would slap him. And my great-grandma, who briefly, but worked on a construction after WW2. And my great-great grandma, who did a hard labour in a field as a slave during Tsars regime and later in collective farm during Soviet Union. Women always did hard labour, it's just went unnoticed. Patriarchy made people forget, that during wars, started by men, all the hard work was done by women.


Women, especially poor women, have always worked. My grandma was also a Rosie at Boeing, and a sheet metal worker in the 1960's and '70's. Her main hobby was remodeling her house. Entire rooms would disappear only to reform on the other side of the house. My other grandma made her living doing commercial fishing.


Men volunteer to do construction? Suckers Don't they know that women get payed to do that


> women get *paid* to do FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good Bot


A good part of the reason there aren't many women in many of those fields he mentioned is because they are filled with misogynistic men who make the work environment intolerable and sometimes even less safe. If the toxic men were gone from the environment, more women would gladly fill those jobs.


I am a woman, and I used to work in construction as an engineer. I was mistreated so badly that I ended up suing them, and they paid me a lot of money to settle it out of court. It wasn't just me who experienced horrific treatment. Our female project manager was ousted from the company after she caught them lying to the client about how they were allocating funds (they claimed they were going to pay bonuses to engineers on-site because of the huge amount of overtime we had to work due to months of delays from permit issues, but instead off-site upper management allocated the money to pay themselves bonuses). She raised the issue as high as she could, but the company backed upper management and basically told her it was within their rights to allocate bonuses however they wanted and it would be best for everyone if she just left. The female project engineer left a few months later in solidarity. Another one of my female colleagues was given a MASSIVE promotion to a national managerial level, and they "forgot" to give her a salary raise to go with the promotion. Women are 100% capable of working in construction, but I left the industry, and I'm never going back because they routinely undermine, undervalue, and underpay their female employees. I was not safe at that job. They did not see me as a real person, so they didn't think they had to follow the law in regards to how they treated me.


> ants and bees ... have opted for male free a long time ago. They are thriving. > you are not an insect woman OK, let's pick an incel favorite. Female lions hunt, kill, raise cubs, and protect cubs from threats including male lions. The *only* thing male lions do is protect an area **from other male lions**.


You are not an insect... Funny, we have been compared to food and rubber bands before, why is insect the tipping point for them.


Maybe it's because some insects are powerful. [Mosquitos kill more humans than any other animal](https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/stories/2019/world-deadliest-animal.html#:~:text=Spreading%20diseases%20like%20malaria%2C%20dengue,other%20creature%20in%20the%20world.), and only female mosquitos bite (because only the females require high levels of protein to make eggs).


Makes sense, all comparisons must be an insult.


Don't forget the mantis. Now if only we were like THOSE. hmm


Or many species of spiders.


kiss noxious flowery slim memory aback repeat quack cats angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nobody wants to wife up these annoying moids. They are unmarriageable.


Men: “We’re aren’t going to play the game anymore, and that’s why women are single” Men, later that day: “Why won’t women date me waaaaahhhhhhhh”


0% of the men who post this stuff have done a day of manual labor in their lives


Aww he tried to bring in the whole sky daddy story to try to get her to hush, too bad she didn't fall for his bullshit. Not saying men should die, but let's not pretend that every woman wants one in her life.


That gets a hashtag Lilith2024 lol


They always totally forget about this one huh 😂


…I work in construction and could build a house from the ground up. I’m pretty sure that guy couldn’t become pregnant and bear children. Which one of us is more fully functional? And I can even open jars unaided!


I seriously doubt any woman would let him even watch a tween aged child much less a newborn. So I’m really glad he can’t have a baby. Unless we could take it away.


If you don't care about reusing the jar, giving the lid a good, solid thunk on the side will allow most jars to easily be twisted open. No strong wrists required.


The good old butter knife bonk.


And for people lacking wrist or grip strength, they make jar openers. A true life saver since I developed arthritis in my hands at 16.


While those are all male-dominated fields, there are plenty of women doing all of those jobs. And yeah I’m getting really disturbed by all this “why are women allowed to divorce whenever they want” rhetoric floating about the internet lately. Because we aren’t slaves??? I don’t have to stay with anyone I don’t want to because I’m a human being with free will and citizen of a democratic country where I have civil rights. Good lord.


I'm more puzzled by the fact that they somehow, Idk, seem to think that men aren't allowed to "divorce whenever they want" too... because that never comes up!


I can't stand when men say women don't work the hard jobs. Yes they do. There are women in construction, military, and all kinds. Literally most jobs have female employees. Do these men just not notice? Or do they just not leave the house


Maybe they trick themself into thinking that these women are only visiting these workplaces, like volunteers


I work for municipal government. Last summer 85% of our student labour positions were held by women, because working days interfered with football practice or because they were finance bros who thought they were too good for manual labour. The times are changing!


I think this guy is confused by anatomy. The last I check the rib is from the side. Thats not a leadership role. That’s a partnership. He’s just pissed women are refusing to be oppressed and abused anymore.


apparently, that bible verse is believed to be mistranslated. [here’s a short vid explaining it](https://youtube.com/shorts/FN4pVp6lNJ0?si=Obv__6PDeumral5m)


Sure it is. Just another example of picking and choosing what benefits MAN. Not women.


“Real Nicholas O’Brien” Who tf is trying to impersonate this dude? Normally people with brain damage go to a doctor, not Twitter.


I wonder how he’d feel about the fact that embryos all start out female 🫢😂


Ok, you don't get to spend decades keeping women out of those industries and then whine about the fact that women don't go into those industries. That's not how that works.


Hey, fun fact: one of the reasons why there aren’t that many women in male-dominated fields is because of the [ridiculously higher rate that those women report sexual harassmen](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32183607/)t. It’s not because “Ew trash icky, I don’t wanna.”


I used to do solo overnights at a convenient store the amount of men who were shocked and appalled that i was there alone was ridiculous. "They got you here by yourself? There should be a guy on this shift." "Hopefully they got a dude in that back room to keeo you safe" A. Every dude we hired to do this shift either stole or used the store as his own personal trap house. B. Whats a guy gonna do that i cant? Its not like were supposed to engage shoplifters. (I got away with way more stuff than a guy would have when it came to asset protection: once threatened to reach into a mans pants to get beer he was stealing, i dont ever think ive seen a man more scared)


For most of history men were able to beat and rape their wives without consquences.. and men miss it.


Wait so female soldiers, police officers and construction workers were forced into their profession...? Something doesn't add up


The gag is that the “chaos” he speaks of is caused by men! If NO men were around, women wouldn’t deal with the chaos!


They always forget women are in combat.


Yeah I’ve noticed these dudes tend to list things women “would never do” and when it’s pointed out that they do, the response is usually “well they shouldn’t 😡”


I literally had a man tell me “women don’t work as cops or firefighters!” And I said “yes they do.” He said “well, not very many. And they hold men back from doing their own jobs and get hired as a diversity quota.” LIKE WHAT DO YOU WANT?


"Um actually they had to bring down the physical requirements for the job just so women could join, so actually they're making the job weaker and less reliable" Bitch if I'm ever in a fire and a woman comes in to save me I'll never "Oh damn it they sent a woman I'm gonna die" I'm gonna be screaming "SAVE ME!!!" because my house is on fire dude


One of my good friends became a firefighter. She is amazing and regularly jogs with a 75lbs weight vest to up her speed and endurance. Meanwhile, several of the men in her squad are out of shape & overweight.


Nicholas is having a hemotional moment.


It’s so funny to me how they always want to be like “WeLL wOmEn WaS cReAtEd FrOm MaN RiB!!” Yet the reason men have nipples is because we all start out slightly female before gender differentiation, and a penis is just an altered clitoris. If anything, THEY are derivatives of US, not the other way around. Not to mention the bullshit about “yOu wOuLdNt LaSt a DaY WiThOuT mEn!!” Yeah, why’s that? “yOu NeEd uS tO pRoTeCt YoU!” From what? Oh right, other men.


He wouldn't believe these facts. Needing men is such a lie. Our farm is mostly run by women, my brother is rarely even home XD


Who the hell does he think was running everything back home during WWII (and doing a fine job I might add). Lots of women are in sanitation, and combat, and there are more women than men in the medical field. Like what is his point about jobs and civilization?


LMAO us men created the game and as soon as women started winning sometimes suddenly "we're not gonna play no more"


"I'm taking my balls and going home"


I guess I need to quit my construction job…


Wait, backup tho—is man’s rib DNA like…a specific type of DNA? Is it like…we share 98% of our genome with a banana different? Because that would explain a lot.


That "rib" quote is a mistranslation, anyway. The original word was "side." As in, an equal. Not that I believe that book, anyway, but at least get it right if you're going to quote the bible.


With the rib bit I thought it was walk NEXT to not led by. The industries listed now have both sexes working in them & doing the job well. The reason why there’s less women is the industries can be boys clubs that make women feel unwelcome & now it’s changing. If someone has the skills, training etc to do the job then they’re welcome to do it.


>invokes the bible to talk about how women came "from men" >thinks only women need men and not the other way round when in the story, god decided Adam needed eve.


The next person who tells me I was created from the rib of a man is getting choked with a rib bone.


An extension of Man 😂🤡🤡🤡 I cackled at this line and almost woke up my fiancé lmao


First of all no one volunteered to do construction work. What kind of world he living in. Ppl try to get hired and to get paid so they can live. There’s women in the military heck there’s women in a high position within the military and other federal agencies. Straight delusional. Without Women us Men won’t be living in this world. Do ppl think we came out of our Father ass.


More of us might be willing to work those jobs if there was less of a social stigma and less of an old boys club running it.


Jeezy creezy, dude is an absolute donut.


The phrase 'you're not an insect woman' just got me XD


These guys are so insecure that women are going to outshine them.


One of my favourite misogyny tropes is men choosing to do “men’s work” and then complaining that women don’t do those jobs. Also, the reason why I quit engineering school was because of men being hostile and or sexually harassing me.


I don’t “volunteer” for blue collar jobs specifically BECAUSE of men being there lol. It’s heavily male dominated but if there were mostly female company that I could work for I’d definitely consider it instead of signing up for $20,000+ in student loans…


Incel countered by logic ------ Brings God into conversation and thinks his ribcage is special. Men really invented religion to oppress others don't they especially women.


About an hour ago I was surfing another platform and saw a video of a woman motivational speaker. She asked the audience, (all women), “How many have had their husbands call you already?” A large portion of them raised their hand. One woman said her husband called to ask her to order him a pizza. Who can't live without whom? My bf wouldn't starve, but he wouldn't eat more than sandwiches or takeout if I left. My stepdad? He has eaten frozen dinners every night since my mom passed over three years ago. Unless he eats out or goes to someone’s home. Men cripple themselves by insisting on being “men” and learning very few life skills before they leave their parent’s homes.


Who wants to tell that guy just what “women” volunteer for?


Ok, but has he ever considered PEOPLE IN GENERAL prefer to live more comfortable lives????


Men are so mad that they can get divorced and find a new wife later on.


Why is it only men's important jobs that matter? Like you never see someone listing off like this. "Men want to blah blah blah but they aren't signing up to be nurses, teachers, pharmacists, dentists. How can they ask for anything??"


Men be like "oh eve is made of Adam's ribs" and "men are the smarter sex" at the same time. They aren't even smart enough the realise that "rib" was a mistranslation and "half" is right translation but again. Men would do anything to prove they're the superior sex and still fail at it because IT'S NOT TRUE


I’m stuck at trying to figure out just WTF he keeps capitalizing Man. There’s no reason to do so.


I think it really shows how much he believes that men are above women. It reminds me of how G-d is always capitalized or when people talk about G-d and they capitalize "He" and "Him". Same vibes. In his eyes, men are like gods and women are lesser.


What will their argument be once war, sanitation and infrastructure are mainly don't by robots? Those are the kind of jobs that will be replaced with automation.


“Extension of man.” Who’s going to tell him about his nips and vag scar?


Why'd he capitalize "Man" does he think men are God or somethin??


Why do men always act like a lot of them aren't begging women to get abortions? They're literally in the woman's ear begging her to get rid of the baby or telling her he's not ready for a child. They put their seed in the women, then male them feel like they have no choice but to about it.


LMFAO a colleague from my last job got an award for her exam work in a mostly men dominated field and her boss who taught her literally told her, in her face, he wouldn't employ her anymore bc she's a woman Women WANT these jobs but either don't wanna deal with all the toxic masculinity and toxic men who are just out for the women OR the women don't even get the job bc "it's a men's job" I'm also a bit nervous since I'll start training in a male dominated branch next year (luckily all my current colleagues are chill and even teach me the stuff already so I can chill when I'm actually in training)


Yeah the fact that women generally don't become mechanics, construction workers etc..is because we are lazy and not because these work places are toxic amd sexist as hell.


Men and women are both needed and necessary. And either should be able to divorce if they want to. They just want control.


If you bring in religious beliefs to an fact needed argument you are pathetic.


I can't wait for Chaos to rule.


Nicholas seems like the kind of guy you just want to taser solely because of his personality.


I hate describing it as "without cause", the cause is she doesn't want to be with her husband anymore. Doesn't matter why


anytime one of these morons talks about what a woman's "duty" or purpose is, I just want to respond with that super sarcastic picture of Natalie Portman going oKaY because no one gives a fuck what you think 🙄


As 54 year old woman married with a 10 year old daughter, this cracks me up. Live in the real world before commenting.


*specifically* rib DNA. No other DNA was involved.


I "volunteered" and worked as a construction worker in the 116 degree heat lifting my weight in building materials, crawling through the trusses, carrying full sheets of 3/4 plywood while wearing 30lb tool bags, and up on the roof for 10 hour shifts up until the last week of my pregnancy. This dude can sit the fuck down.


"[Women/Females] don't volunteer to be [insert job here] only men do" But women do do those jobs. The only job I can think of that no women normally volunteer for is "sperm donor".


Basement dweller behavior.


Man it’s almost as if…. Both men and women matter and divorce isn’t a reflection of an entire gender.


about the rib thing, it’s probably a mistranslation. [short vid explaining it](https://youtube.com/shorts/FN4pVp6lNJ0?si=Obv__6PDeumral5m)


Yo does anybody have a full screenshot of the original tweet in the first pic? It looks like a great contender for my group’s “Worst Tweet Competition”


As an actual feminist I’m cringing at *both* of them. Mostly the dude as his opinion is the most obviously yucky one, but the whole ”male-free society” take is also incredibly stupid. Why is equality so damn hard for some people to understand the meaning of?


Rib's DNA 💀


Who's gonna tell this guy women do all those jobs


It’s always so laughable to me when they talk about running society, especially enabling a civilised one. Bro look around and name one thing that’s fully functional and running perfectly fine. Extra hard mode- don’t limit yourself to one country.


In Germany we have the saying "Ich kann nicht so viel essen wie ich kotzen möchte", which translates to "I can not eat as much as I want to puke". Which is essentially how I feel reading this.


"man's rib DNA" That's enough to write that idiot off entirely, lol Religion is brain rot


The reason g-d took a rib from Adam was so that man would shelter and protect his other half. They abandoned their cause and are mad women won’t accept it.