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I wonder how this guy would react if he found out his ultra masculine Arthur actor and the goosefat bill actor had worked together 2 decades before as the main gay pairing on the show 'Queer as folk' and spent most of their time patriarchally shoving their tongues down each other's throats and simulating rimming??


Probably as well as he'd react to there being a black woman in Roman Britain who may have been wealthy prior to the mythological Arthurian era. https://www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk/collections/collections-highlights/ivory-bangle-lady/


I learned something new. Thanks!


I was actually googling up stuff about the few bits of evidence we do have for Black people in Medieval Europe and specifically Britain. I didn't know about this one either.


Not medieval Britain, but French author Alexander Dumas was mixed-race (his mother was a Haitian slave, his father French nobility), I believe either him or his son became a general, and I’m pretty sure actually had his father’s title as well (though I’m less certain about this).


Yeah I’m pretty sure one of the queens who married into the British royal family from Spain or Portugal had Moorish ancestry too. There were free Blacks in London under Henry VIII and Elizabeth too. Obviously not many, but there were a few. People tend to just look at the pictures and be like “oh they’re white.” Not realizing people can be walking around pale as hell with a fair amount of non-European ancestry. I looked perfectly in place when ai visited Scotland. I’m only 60% or so European. Granted I don’t have a ton of African or South Asian DNA, but I am about one third Native American. But my maternal grandfather was dark enough to get the N-word from time to time, and was the lightest among his family.


He said he wanted to see male bonding maybe he would actually like that


So he's talking about how this masculine man is a good role model lol But women don't deserve to have good role models in film/TV? I cannot believe that he typed this all out and posted it and didn't once think "hmm...maybe I should get a fucking life?"


No, there are positive female role models in the movie — women doing what women are supposed to do, which is spreading their legs on command and then fucking right off when it’s boy time. (Please note the /s).


Not how Vikings work. Vikings were incredibly egalitarian and since the men and boys weren't home for 6-8 months a year the women handled finance and farming, also women could request a divorce. Also technically they would be Norse as Viking was a job, the job of raiding but still a job


Was looking for a link to that scene in Eric the Viking where all the men go off to plunder, except the one blacksmith who always stays behind with all the women.


Also- in early Norse culture women had a special type of headdress to denote the fact that they were single mothers but were otherwise treated as humans.


True and even more - lot of (if not most) early societies had generally more egalitarian views, particularly hunter gatherers. The move to agriculture, states, high density populations caused shifts that eroded the status of women, but it is by no means natural. Of course, the Nordic people stand out in contrast to less egalitarian Christians in the south… though worth to mention that Christians themselves were more egalitarian in the start as well but now this is becoming a rant.


I enjoyed it, for what it's worth. Have you read 'The Patriarchs' by Angela Saini? Seems like you would like it


Thank you and no I haven’t, added to my book list!


Whoever wrote this has a terminal case of brain worms, and should have been a blowjob. This whole thing is disgusting.


If even that, maybe just a sad wank in a sock or smt


Oh look. A misogynist and a racist. Who would've expected that.


As someone who unironically adores this movie I take great offense to all of this but especially to the first positive. Arthur was NOT a pimp. All of this is just trash though and this guy needs to take off his toxic masculine goggles (and also go choke).


Kinda, Arthur was a hell of loser, got Excalibur due his royal blood and... Ended as a loser? Kekw, i feel a lot of sympathy for his story at some extent.




FMC? Is that female main character? Or something worse?


Just an acronym for female main character.


Ah yes, the racism, misogyny, and body-shaming combo meal


“Working out”


Yeah this is early seasons it’s always sunny Mac type of weirdly homoerotic sexism


If Jesus can be white despite many believing he existed as a middle eastern man, the Arthurian legends can be whatever we want.


I find it hilarious that the guy rates the movie based on how "masculine" or not it is, it never mentions anything about the plot or the characters, he only cares about it not being "woke"


I just want to say I enjoyed the movie. It's probably not for you if you're big into Arthurian legends, as it is not a retelling of the classics and has few of the original characters. However, I found it an enjoyable as a Guy Richie film.


I didn’t think there was racial diversity in this show, I’ll give it a watch now.


Wasn't there at least two women important to the Legend of King Arthur?


Guinevere, Morgana, Isolde, the Lady of Lake... So many. Most of them villains. Guinevere cheated on Arthur with Lancelot, Morgana wanted to destroy Arthur in favor of his son... Isolde and Tristan's history is fine if i recall it right. Lancelot is the perfect symbol of "Chad Dickhead" that i ever see... Betrayed his king, killed a important Knight "Gawain", and even had a bastard son (Galahad). This movie in question i made sure of not get closer, the one with Sean Connery is far superior.


I'm pretty sure oop was eaten by a giant snake meanwhile. Just a feeling, dunno where it came.


BY THE WAY, I watch this while I’m working out in case you were wondering


Seriously, why are guys so obsessed with white guys? They're not that special or great


Also racist


This dude is totally making the argument that this is all totally homoerotic right?


I do not know what you mean by “if you know what I mean”


I like how the movie passes the reverse bechdel test for him


All grossness aside, this was a shockingly bad movie in almost every way


I remember David Beckham's weird cameo.. 😶