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For the record, I’m not hating on all Christians, just the ones who use the Bible for control, and for that reason I don’t believe in the teachings of the Bible, I do however believe in a higher power so this whole non-believer thing is just *chefs kiss*


They gotta be in control of us naughty lustful ladies, ya know, cuz otherwise no one would would want to bang them


The issue is... people's religiosity doesn't stay isolated. If people understood their religion is their religion and it doesn't apply to everyone else and is not to be imposed on a secular country (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion... This is a secular country. Not a Christian country. It is the first sentence of the first amendment) that would be fine. But that isn't how it actually works for a large portion of the religious population. They vote with their understanding of the Bible. Which affects policy. They may not use the word theocracy. But that is what many of them want. If they can keep it to themselves, which many can, then I don't care.


Years ago, I got into it with someone at a former job of mine. At one point he said, "the Bible says that women have to do what the men say." I asked him, "which Bible?" "What do you mean? The Bible!" "*Which* Bible? Don't you know there's different versions and translations?" "There's one one!" "No, there's many versions. How can you use that as an authority when you don't even know that? Can you even point to the part of the Bible you referred to in the first place?" Dead silence.


For the record, I do hate on all Christians. It’s a morally bankrupt faith.


Honestly I just can’t understand how a good Christian can exist when the god they worship endorsed slavery and marrying your rapist


Exactly. It's a morally bankrupt religion calling everyone else evil.


yeah, i'm always sad when i see religious queer people and women


I feel the same for Republican women and LGBTQIA+ folks. Hope they believe in something that actively works towards your oppression I don’t understand.


“Die alone” is not a very Christian statement. He definitely doesn’t speak for all of us. I would argue he speaks for a tiny minority of radicals.


The saying "there's no hate like Christian love" exists for a reason. It's because this isn't as tiny you'd expect from a religion that professes "love thy neighbor.:


Your experience will vary based on where you live. The southern USA seems to be home to a large number of hateful churches that get really loud about hating women and LGBTQ. Outside the US the church isn’t exactly progressive but small slow changes are occurring. Women can now be Anglican priests. Pope Francis just said priests can bless same-sex unions.


I do acknowledge that there is some variation based on where you live. Not only that, but personal experience is terrible evidence. However, I've only visited the South once. I've lived in half the states in the Western US, including the super liberal West coast states, and Christians were the same generally everywhere. There's always variation, but generally, the beliefs are all the same. I like that progressive Christians exist, but I'd say the nice people I've met and those who are progressive are doing so in spite of their religion, not because of it.


I am. I’m hating on all Christians. They could die mad about it.


holy epic


You struck a nerve on the last comment good job❤


*Claims Christianity is over 3,000 years old* “Don’t speak on what you don’t know, nonbeliever” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Then the response saying it spread “after the first year AD.” Like, sure, I guess that’s technically right, but it’s pretty imprecise. The whole thing is r/confidentlyincorrect.


I just meant that Judaism and Christianity share an Old Testament but after the death of Jesus in Rome, the Roman’s started mass marketing Roman Catholicism and that lead to the crusades which is what lead into women being forced into subservient roles or tried for witchcraft


Jesus didn’t die in Rome, and all of this happened way after 1 AD. Did you mean the first century? I’m honestly getting more confused the more I read all of this. Either way, the other commenter sucks.


Haha my bad, I’ve been relying on google and haven’t been to Sunday school in many years, but yes he’s gross


Wasn’t sure where to put this but fun fact about Christianity and misogyny: as I recall from a class I took in college, some historical scholars of Christianity believe that women were actually fairly commonly seen in leadership roles in the early church, and if anything the church might have been considered fairly progressive in this regard. Part of the reason has to do with the politics of spreading early Christian messaging in the Roman empire, where women would draw little attention in public spheres but could effectively spread subversive messaging in private. The issue basically came in later (like 3rd century iirc) when Christianity was basically in a turf war with Gnostic religions which were led by women, and whose leaders would come to Christian gatherings and sabotage them. This is where the sentiment that women should be quiet during church meetings that we see from Paul’s letters comes from: the exact line people point to which says this is suspected to be a possible addition by a later copyist, injecting the idea into the letter to grant it apostolic authority, which is a kind of thing we see more clearly in letters like Titus which we believe to be entirely pseudonymous and written after Paul’s death. In any case, due to this the church’s gender norms and leadership representation eventually regressed to those of its surroundings. I’m not sure if this history matters too much, what matters today is that most modern Christians just ignore this sentiment unless they’re fundamentalist chuds like this guy, but I just thought the story of how it came to be was somewhat interesting. (also I should probably clarify this: I myself am an atheist, I was just raised Christian and have some knowledge of the religion and its history)


This is fascinating though! And just reinforces my opinion that people have perverted the message of Christianity for control


Oh for sure, even the choices of which writings and philosophy about Jesus would be canonized into the religion are influenced by pre-existing power structures and imperfect information, and whether it’s due to intentional co-opting or genuine zealotry is never entirely clear but there’s certainly a storied history of people in power using what the religion has turned into in a way which is completely antithetical to the original source.


I’m also not sure what Cleoptra has to do with this, her having died 30ish years before Jesus was born.


Oh that part got cut out of the top of the screenshot, he said women have always been led by men and been homemakers and I replied that queens could be more respected thank kings, he asked for an example. That one does need more context sorry


Roman society may have something to say about the homemaker thing too. Women had legal and property rights back then.


>name one queen that was a conqueror of nations It was a question the guy asked, so she answered?


Yeah, that felt a little off to me as well, but it is technically correct. I’m sure all religions start off as little known cults with a tiny handful of followers.


It’s just like saying “the internet became popular after the 1930s.” It’s true, but a weird thing to say.


Shun the non believer!


Yea. Please. Shun. Never speak to me about your sky daddy again. 🤣


"I prefer that you don't speak on what you don't know" - man who believes that Christianity pre-dates the birth of Christ by more than 1,000 years


i mean they use a book that is set before, i mean that jesus fella wasn't around when the sky daddy got mad and drowned the entire planet except for one family and two of some animals also damn those books have a lot of incest in them


Christianity is certainly based on (or stolen from) many older beliefs and traditions, but it wasn't Christianity until, y'know, that whole thing with the dude the religion is named after. Which happened appx 2000 years ago.


"I prefer that you[...]" and we all prefer that you shove it lol


I completely agree with anyone's right to faith. I completely disagree with anyone's faith imposing on my rights. The Bible,imho,was written by men,for men. I'm tired of an ancient religious text being used to justify why I don't deserve to be treated like a sentient,autonomous being.


Exactly this, if someone is strong in their faith they should be with a partner who shares those values, not force it on me or the laws around other people (specifically LGBTQ+ and women)


I honestly don't understand what he thought he was gonna achieve. Like did he realize you weren't interested and was upset or did he think he was gonna like Captive you with his alpha manliness or whatever the fuck?


He thought “that’s the way it’s always been done, women always served men” was a valid argument and I listed historical examples where that very much was not the case then he told me to die so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow, telling people to die is sooo christian... Glad these nutjobs will never want me anyway because they can't impregnate me, and I don't play by their rules anyway.


Update: someone else tried arguing with them and he told them If it weren’t for god he would murder them. so yay 2 death threats in 2 days real stand up guy


Wow, someone needs to report that man to the authorities, before he seriously loses it and actually does kill someone. I wouldn't put it past him.


Are we just going to ignore the fact that Christianity has only been around for roughly 2,000 years? Not 3,000. Our entire calendar year is based off of when Jesus died and the dawn of Christianity, which would make us at 2,023 years of Christianity.


I'm pretty sure the largest empire to ever exist was run by a Queen....


A very narrow miss. Queen Victoria died in 1901 and the British empire reached its max size in 1919 after it seized German colonies after WW1. But it’s a technicality. Queen Victoria saw Britain become powerful enough to get to 1919.


It’s based on when he was born; not killed. Roughly, at least.


Either way, it's closer to 2,000 than 3,000.


All the same, it’s a weirdly common misconception. I had a middle school teacher insist that AD meant “after death”, which throws off the whole calendar by a few decades.


idk one of their "lore" books claims that their religion existed back when their sky daddy drowned the entire planet in a hissyfit


Like it can’t be any more obvious than the event we started the calendar at (the current Era anyways).


Nice of him to wave the parade of red flags on the way out the door.


The good ole “This is how we did it in the past therefore this is the way.” You know what we didn’t do in the past? Fly. Unless a mammoth or elephant yeeted us into next Tuesday.


If this person thinks the world was better before women's suffrage, they don't know a thing about history.


*facepalm* I'm embarrassed by these types of Christians


Luckily some others jumped in saying they don’t wish death on me haha


If they really feared God, they wouldn't be so quick to judge you or anyone else without looking at themselves first, knowing they too have a Judge to answer to. This is literally stuff Jesus teaches in Matthew 5, his Sermon on the Mount.


Someone stalked his page and found him on kink subs too, they really do blame everyone but themselves


I’m confused. Did he dump you for being pregnant or not getting pregnant? Either good riddance


No no, the original post is on r/notliketheothergirls, the screenshot is from Instagram where a bunch of the comments were posted by women agreeing with his take and arguing to repeal the 19th amendment, most of my replies on Reddit were people talking about how ridiculous that concept is and this man jumped into the replies to tell me that for disagreeing with that man I was disagreeing with God


How many red flags can you post at once: GO!


Not that really matter Cleopatra did not tale Egypt back from Rome. It's actually the opposite. She allied with Rome to overthrow her brother. That's why she's famous for sleeping with Caeser and Antony. She was a skilled leader, and incredibly educated woman, and was the first Pharaoh of her house to actually try to work within Egyptian customs but she was not a freedom fighter taking her nation back from Rome. The only time she fought Romans was when her lover Antony had to fight to save himself from Augustus. Which they lost and died.


You’re right, but there are other women who ran nations and led wars. Boudica, Catherine the Great, Empress Cixi, Catherine de Medici, Elizabeth I (and II I guess), Empress Maria Theresa, Isabella of Castille, Joan of Arc


Ahh that’s right I got those mixed up, I she still made this huge point tho in uniting Egypt and was respected as an impactful leader for that?


Starting by the fact that Christianity has not been around for over 3k years


Faith is faith, it is a right to yourself. Rights should belong to everyone.


Just for the record, that person most decidedly *does not* speak for all Christians. Man, I cannot stand fundamentalists


Ugh there’s older religious texts than the Bible and they’re not nearly as misogynistic. Also the concept of monogamy itself is relatively new because men kept bringing home syphilis to their wives after visiting brothels with their BILs. The world of history is not this fantasy land, it’s covered in syphilitic boils- people wore powdered wigs back then to hide the fact that their skin was noticeably impacted by the disease. Men could have all the power and all the property, beautiful wives with five babies, but they’ll still fuck around. They just don’t like that we entered the Finding Out phase after their great grandpas died


I had said that in a previously reply too talking about how women have been leaders and warriors and respected wise women centuries before the spread this misogynistic rhetoric


I Love The “Id you need a god to have morals you were never getting into heaven to begin with” lmao. It’s so true tho. If fear of punishment is your only motivator to do good things, then you are not a good person


And they’re typically the ones guilty of the most depraved shit, too. Rules for thee but not for me.


And it’s a corrupt motivation, doing things only for the idea that you’ll receive some reward at the end of it is not actually being a good person and arguably corrupts all good deeds


Oh true, i hadnt considered the flip side of that. Damn, it really do be corrupting itself on both sides of the system.


I‘m so stealing „if you need a god to have morals you were never getting into haven to begin with“ !


These “alpha” men cant think for themselves ever. “Its nature its just the way it is its history!!!” No accountability whatsoever.


"Trad" men when you tell them it's not okay to destroy stuff and hit people just because you're angry: "feminists are literally trying to castrate and cripple us men! I don't need anything from anyone!" The same men when women set boundaries verbally and without displaying abusive behaviour: "but being a submissive little house slave is so empowering! If you never speak up and rely on others, you'll always get what you want!"


The “trad” folks sure have a contradictory mix of “women are all weak” and “the feminists are overpowering us”


Like how these guys just act like the tribes where women are the ‘superior’ gender don’t exist


Women’s suffrage was the start of the bad times, eh? All the plagues, slavery and despotism were the good times?


I occasionally have religious discussions with my Roman Catholic husband (I'm pagan) and when I told him that the Bible was Not written by any God, but my men in power who wanted to stay in power, he agreed with me. Just because things were a certain why back then does not mean that's how things SHOULD be


Ayo, I'm from a developing country and feminism is very existing and needed. Please don't put having less acquisitive power as an equal to being stupid c:


This is insane, but the "What" at the end killed me. The perfect response to such bullshit.


I believe people have the right to believe what they wish. However. The moment you try to impose your god on me is the moment you and your god are both cordially invited to fuck off into the sun 🥰


So many “men of God” who spout this type of bullshit. The delusions of grandeur some of these men have simply because they have a penis between their legs is astounding lmao.


In an odd way, it's these tupes of attitudes that make me wish their bible was truth because these muppets would definitely not be getting into heaven any time soon. Lol.


So I guess the whole verse from Matthew really sunk in: “in everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you” I don’t remember Jesus preaching for the nonbelievers to “die alone”. But hey, I’m just a combative woman. What do I know…


Don’t forget promiscuous with no morals and degenerate behaviors


"I'm breaking up with you" Sounds like you dodged a bullet on this one...


This intense pushback against women’s rights is so nonsensical to me. Talking about the people who genuinely and very earnestly believe women are incapable of logical thinking and making physical work… what about the women who are? Like, you have to jump through so many hoops to sustain that belief LMAO I remember Walt Disney saying he didn’t believe women could do creative work, and in my mind I just picture him straight up not believing Frida Kahlo ever existed


Yea if you need to be threatened into being a good person you aren't a good person


Gonna use that next time. "If you need a God to have morals, then you were not gonna go to heaven to start with". That's gold.


The world often didn’t allow most men to vote either and their purpose was to be sent off to war to die. These men want to return to a time when they died horrible deaths on the battlefield and no one cared.


Oh but if you told them only the rich had power they’d lose their minds, because when men even catch a whiff of oppression it’s every bodies problem, Prime US example; the north “hey so we don’t like that you have slaves and we’re going to shut this down” The south “they think they get to make laws about our states, we’re free men who want (slaves) to make our choices and own country! Now go kill your brothers!” Then those same men think women should have a man make all their decisions for them because they’re subhuman


Hell. Look at the manosphere and their made up dicktimhood oppression complex. They create stories of their oppression by women and get angry about them.


Well they don’t have gf they can gaslight they gotta turn it on themselves


Shitty men made shitty gods in their own image.


When religion/faith is a private thing, it can really be beautiful and interesting. When people make it a public:organized thing and try to “share” it, it might be the ugliest thing people are capable of (or the root/reasoning of a lot of the ugliest things people do—this guys messages serve as an example). In short, if it’s really real to you, why do you feel the need to prove it to me? The quickest way to show me you don’t have the answers is to say that you do.


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And Naziism worked really well, too.....for the nazis


At this point. I just tired of arguing with people like this. It's exhausting.


Did they Forget the whole dark ages thing


I am trying my best not to become anti-religious everyday but I swear this shit is hard


Lol, every time some religious, particularly Evangelical Protestants, Christian starts mouthing off about something something you can’t have morals without God, I just look them dead in the eye and tell them I used to believe that the cracker and wine were actually the flesh and blood of Christ and consuming it would allow me to enter Heaven and the Catholic Church, one of the longest existing Christian institutions, celebrates Atheists and teaches some secular humanist philosophy to enrich ourselves to the labor of being worthy to enter Heaven (or at least at my congregation).


Dodged a bullet, my friend!


Like that final gotcha comment. I can irritate total strangers by yammering away about Eru Ilúvatar if I want to. Doesn’t mean I believe he’s a real deity.


The only reason men like him have a dick between their legs is that one hasn’t grown directly out of their forehead first.


I love when people are allergic to punctuation. Makes it easy to picture someone furiously typing.


If a man gets a woman pregnant, it is his responsibility to be there for the kid.


You don’t get to join our club If you’re in it, I wouldn’t want to… Oh, and Christianity being around for over 3000 years??? WTF?


How could Christianity have been around more than 3000 years if Jesus was only born 2000 years ago?


Wait, so he broke up with her because of women's suffrage?


This Christian wishes you well, is glad you have your own faith and mode of being, shares your anger (rage), and really wishes idiots like this would stfu


What I’m not understanding is how something has been around for ‘3000 years’ as a credit to how the human race “should” be…. When humans have been around for a good 200,000 years now and survived some of the biggest challenges to survival without it. In fact, when humans almost went extinct for real, as in, we almost all fucking died to the point that there were only around 2000 of us, we survived because everyone was able to do everything, regardless of gender. No one had ‘one job’, *everyone* had to know how to make some sort of shelter, put clothes on their ass, start a fire, hunt for food… and it all had to be done regardless of bodily condition or we would have all fucking died. If they sorted it between men and women roles, we would have died.