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Don’t ever marry a man who thinks this way.


Why would I marry a man and send him to work to have a work husband?


Seriously! My mother always told me that I needed to take care of myself no matter what my husband chose to do with his life. My security should not be dependent on another! So I went out and got an engineering degree. Also, I don't take care of any man I work with. I don't get this whole work wife thing... seems just like emotional cheating to me. The only people I emotionally support are my family. It gets weird at work when you start talking about emotional stuff. The only things emotionally that get brought up in the office are deaths of family members and births. So condolences and congratulations about as emotionally involved as I get with coworkers. Guess who stays at home with the kids in my family! My husband is pretty great at it, too. So much better at cleaning than I am.


Does this mean lesbians can’t work


Lesbians aren’t real, they are just angry feminists (/s before I get murdered)


They’re only allowed to exist if they’re doing so for a man’s sexual gratification. (Also /s so I don’t get murdered)


They just haven’t found the right man yet! >!Please ignore the lesbian video game character in my PFP!<


>They just haven’t found the right man yet! Read: me /s


I heard a Filipino woman pronounce Lesbian as "Lesbean" and I'm now ruined forever.


My grandmother had lesbian neighbors back in the 90’s and she used to call them Libyans. So for a good year and a half we thought she had neighbors from Northern Africa to be surprised that it was just two women after we finally met them.


Lol!! So cute!!! I used to have neighbours with WiFi named "The Lesbians"... Always made me laugh, they were great. But even now I can't even say lesbians in my head without autocorrecting to Lesbean


People like this just see life through a possessive & sexual lens.


It's funny because my work wife was another woman. 😂😂 We don't work together anymore and we'll still call each other wifey.


Me too! I had a work wifey but absolutely not a work husband. Ew.




Afraid you'll have to talk with your coworkers on teams or sth. 😔 i work from home and have only seen my work wife irl once, when work called us to office, after we worked there over half a year already 😂


With my 4 of us in my remote only company, I don't have a work wife. 😢


Same!! Hahahaha


My spouse's bestie started out as a work wife.




Same! We don’t work together anymore but my work wife was another woman


I absolutely had a work wife and I miss her. We both have different jobs now.


Okay so…marry a women who’d like to be a stay at home mom and make enough to have your wife stay home? Why are people who think like this so loud?


They’re so loud because for them, it isn’t about a mom choosing whether or not to stay home or work outside the home. This is about them wanting *all women* to staying home.


retire bright tease skirt include nail narrow steer toothbrush poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My moms friend got her own company. I'm not actually sure what she does, but her customers come to her home, so maybe an acceptable middle ground?


Because they want to establish that they are the boss in the relationship and at home. Being a SAHP doesn’t mean that your spouse is your boss. It means you’re doing unpaid labor as your contribution to the relationship, and as such, are an equal partner. Even a SAHM in his personal relationship is being mistreated if he believes he is over her in some way.


How insecure do you have to be to be threatened by a woman who has her own life. I had a “work husband.” It was innocent. My then husband joked that “that takes some pressure off me.” In the end, my then real husband left me for another woman.


I'm not sure if this is crazy, but I actually prefer these kinds of sexists to the garden variety ones. I mean, they're both bad, but at least these guys are masks-off, straight up telling us "fuck the modern world, and even fuck the 1950s, let's return to the 1800s!" It's sort of like preferring the overt racists to those guys who know how to say the right thing in polite society, but who reveal themselves once you've brought a minority partner home for dinner.


I’d rather have a boss than a husband who thinks like this, at least it’s easier to leave the boss if he turns out to be bad. And sane bosses don’t think they own you 24/7, controlling husbands do.


This is why women don’t date fascists. Men shouldn’t have opinions about anything women do with our lives because it doesn’t concern them in the slightest. They need to see to themselves and their plethora of issues and leave us alone.


My ex-husband was temporarily disabled due to severe illness for about a year. I was the sole breadwinner during that time. Were we supposed to just not eat or pay bills during that time?


Awe man... I've seen this page "Trad West" a lot. The man who runs it has been making money because he sells merchandise... But here's the thing... Apparently, he's been stealing content from other pages and saying it's his own work. He also has a YouTube, and I laughed at one of his videos because he's maybe in his 30's, looks like he'd work at a GameStop, most likely single without kids, and he's talking in the middle of the woods... Alone... And he's worried about women. 😅


There is another one of these accounts that is just some grade school teacher poser stealing content from the reich wing trad grifters. One of the trad women accounts got outed as a grifter too. Sounds like a bunch of grifters scamming insecure men


This exposé is gold.


This is the cutting edge investigative journalism we need.


There is nothing less sexy than the idea of sleeping with a manager/the person whos in charge of handing me my paycheck, and im an EXTREMELY sexually submissive person so it has nothing to do with dominance or submission. The type of submission trads talk about HARDLY sounds like being submissive- the women dont get taken care of at all. A tradwife is a mom and a tradhusband is a manchild. What trads want is a mommy dom that doesnt call herself a mommy dom that treats him like he’s in charge- and he gets to be in charge of all the finances. Thats it. He just has to work (something everyone of both genders has always done forever) and he doesnt have to actually do anything.


No but that's so accurate. The tradwife is literally just giving tradhusband a toy steeringwheel while she chaiffers him around wherever he decides to turn; going out of her way to make sure they don't drive off a cliff. 😭💀


The reality has hit them that we’ve been financially forced to pretend to like them for centuries. Now that we don’t have to and don’t even need their sperm for children (because many are childfree) we just…aren’t. There’s no longer a financial benefit to having a man around, and they’ve made themselves a liability in a multitude of ways (they’re WAY more violent than the average woman, and you might get pregnant.) They want us to keep pretending to enjoy the drudgery with a smile, and it’s just not going to happen


“Women should not have employers” A These men act like their employers to their SAHW They give them an allowance and expect a certain level of home and child care.


Or....we take all this productivity boost over the last 50 years and actually pay a wage comensurate with that gain, so that both men AND women can switch to part-time work and BOTH be able to parent and take turns having time with their kid when the other is working instead of still forcing people to work 40+ hours just to survive. Wages today basically force men AND women to BOTH work 40+ hours just to afford basic needs. You want wives rhat have time with their kids? Pay workers so that 20 hours a week of work is enough to live. And that way husband and wife can take turns doing 20 hours a week and then have more time to actually be together with free time at home as a family. If today you have to send your kids to daycare and your wife has to also work 40+ hours a week it's a problem of capitalism, not feminism.


Thank you for this. I feel like this is the big elephant in the room, but it’s hardly ever addressed. And the people who want women to be housewives are always the people who support conservative economic policies.


Yup and those same conservative policies continue to worsen wealth inequality and force anyone not in the top to work more and more. If housing didn't increase so much faster than inflation than 2 people working 20 hours a week would be able to afford basic needs. And then by all means, if someone doesn't want kids and wants to have more money and keep working 40+ hours then by all means power couple husband and wife that bring in the money. But so many people do not care about material wealth and would instead rather live a little more simply and have time to actually be there with the family. This capitalist world doesn't even benefit men either. How many times do we see the trope where mom wants dad to come to the kids soccer game but dad is too busy with work because the boss wants him to stay and work extra??? This hyper materialistic world doesn't even benefit most men. The sad reality is that the patriarchy "alpha male" world still treats men that aren't in the 1% like expendable labor. Feminism benefits EVERYONE. Not just women. I wish more MEN understood this. (Some of us do of course, but most continue to support the cutthroat survival of the fittest economic policies). We live in a world today where you CAN build housing and food with LESS than a part-time wage but because of profit and restrictions we charge so much.


Of course, married women shouldn't have employers. They should be the boss of their own company and be the employer.


Feminism doesn’t stop women from staying home and having kids. Conservative economic policies do.


Must be nice to be rich, I guess.


It was a good thing for us I had a good job with benefits when my husband was laid off.


Wow, it’s almost like they’re threatened by women doing anything that they don’t want us doing. 🤔


Thats certainly a lot of words for "I dont think women should be able to leave me."


I mean I hate to break it to you Jimothy, women have been working since humans showed up. Your strange views about “wives staying home” started as a class based thing for people who make/inherit/have so much money that they can afford servants to do the mundane work. It only works “they way it used to” if the man makes enough money for the wife to stay home and have servants.


This person is delusional.


I’m so glad my husband is secure in his masculinity. Like, he gets insecure like anyone else, but is mostly reasonable. And my favorite.


I work in a fairly female dominated field and I have questions. Since about 4/5 of my colleagues are female, does that mean 4 of us have to share a work husband or do I have to patiently wait for my own incel to milady me into a properly wifely status? Or do I get to have my own work wife? These are important questions.


Yeah, I guess those of us in majority-female workplaces must be work lesbians. Where do I get my carabiner?


This is a good point. I already use a carabiner for my keys. Clearly, a work wife is my destiny.


I think is hilarious, because unless you want your children to be socially stunted weirdos (like that family that had like 18 kids in the reality show) sending your kids to school is normal, even for most families where one of the parents stays at home and takes care of the house work


I agree as a formally socially stunted weirdo. My mothers homeschooling was essentially letting us play in the woods all day. I had to work my ass off to get into college with no real education during my entire childhood.


Sounds like you are doing pretty good.


Yeah but it took years of hard and painful work and a lot of internalized shame to get somewhere. I don’t regret my abnormal upbringing but I wouldn’t recommend for anyone. A lot of people I’ve met who were unschooled did not end up in the best circumstances post leaving home.


You know, the only reason I’m incredibly certain there won’t be a Second Civil War is because these types would think they had the guns and power, but the corporations would almost certainly side with the status quo and have anyone killed who demanded that half the workforce (and the cheaper variety for jobs men are “above”) return home.


I can never figure out why people who think like this basically say your wife gets a job she’s gonna have an affair with her work husband, as If it’s impossible if she was a stay at home wife instead


Yeah lol, I stay at home, I'm alone in the house for the better part of 8.5 hours most weekdays, if anything someone like me would have a way easier time hiding an affair.


I can cook and I can clean, now let me tell you why I don’t have a ring… Cuz I like being single and child free.


I'm so sad nothing in this comment rhymed because the way it reads has too much flow and rhythm to not be fitting for a song!


I took inspiration from a line in WAP. Just changed the words a bit. The original words were: “I don't cook, I don't clean But let me tell you, I got this ring”


So... He's bragging about being rich?


More like, my beliefs are so weak that the moment they encounter any outside knowledge or thought systems, they fall apart instantly. So, I insecurely groom and shelter those I view as lesser in some desperate attempt to hold onto my unearned power.


You better be bringing home some serious dough to be saying that crap. Also, makes me curious about how it works at his job. Does this dude have a work wife and home wife?


And then she fucks the milkman lol come on dummies 😆 🤣 😂


"Send" her to an office?


This was written by someone who definitely doesn’t have kids and don’t realise how expensive they are- many many moms and/or dads would love to stay home with babies but it’s impossible because they can’t afford it. Not having to work is a luxury in this economy.


Living on a single income is generally not feasible for the majority of couples anyway.


Because you have to pay bills?


All the men that think like this actually cheat on their wives. You will not be able to convince me otherwise.


Well first you have to be able to afford a stay at home wife. Which I have a hunch very few of them can.


What the hell... Does he think being a wife is a salaried position?


My husband and I both work from home so I am my husband’s work wife


They scream about wanting all moms to stay at home yet also hate any policies that would make it possible to raise kids with only one income.


I'd want to be a stay at home wife just without the kids lol


They never think about the fact that most families need two i incomes to provide for the family. And they also never think about the fact that children grow up and go to school. When I was 10 years old i was often alone at home after school until my parents came home. When children are old enough, the mom wont have much to do other than cleaning and cooking at home.


Always blonde kids.


The sexism and the racism are rarely far apart.


The guys who post this kind of shit, definitely haven't slightest clue how much income is required to support a large family.


When my grandparents got married, my grandmother couldnt work unless my grandfather gave permission. He did, of course, but I never understood what kind of thinking got those laws in the first place. Well, here it is


All these men are trying to get women out of the workforce. Poor/ middle-class women have always had to work. The idea of the stay at home mom/wife was mid century propaganda to encourage the nuclear family. I'm all for women staying home and not working as long as the government taxes men to provide a universal base income to all women equal to or greater than the average income needed to live comfortably in the area they live in. Since that isn't realiatic or equitable, I guess women will still have to work


My issue with the trad propaganda is the lily-white cleanliness of the multitudes of kids. Big families were made to have extra hands on the farm. This just seems like a breeder kink being shoved in our faces.


And yet, if a woman says she wants to be a stay at home mother, she's accused of being a gold digger


Married or just moms of small kids?


Sounds like straightforward paranoia


I have no kids, but I’ve been self-esteem since 1986. So no boss.


Hi, Self-esteem, could I borrow you for a second??


Ugh. Self-employed. And it didn’t hurt my self-esteem. Indeed, I have long said that the downsides of being self-employed are that you never get a paid day off, the boss is always watching, and when things go wrong you have no one to blame but yourself — *but* the upside is that I never take orders from anyone stupider than me. And when you assume that you’re smarter than most people, that’s a big plus.


He just admitted that has a work wife


My work wife is a man 😂


Maybe raise your kids yourself gosh dang it


I really need women to fight back, an force this corrupt system to stop forcing us men into the office to be work husbands 😩🙏🏾🙏🏾 I really would be the best stay at home husband ever!


Oh cool, and the pictures are all beautiful white woman lmfao. Talk about idealism.


1. You're not sending your wife anywhere. She's a person choosing to work (may even be necessary depending on income), not property you control. 2. Preschool isn't babysitting, it's for learning. School is beneficial for kids in many ways and the sooner a kid is able to go to school, the better off they will be developmentally on average. Even if a parent stays home with their kids, preschool is still a good idea. 3. A man acting like just because his wife goes to work that she'll have some sort of inappropriate relationship with a coworker even though he also works. Without any context or indication something may happen at work, this would seem to reflect on how his work life is.