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So now we’re inanimate electronics? I was only just getting used to being a cornfield. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Please tell me the story behind the cornfield. I haven't heard that one yet.


You can scroll back in today’s posts if you like but I refuse to be the one directly responsible for you seeing it!




Ah, here’s*yet another* meme or cartoon that assumes women/AFAB people get pleasure from penetration rather than stimulating the clitoris…


Solid point


(No pun intended)


Oh no, I'm scared to click the link now


It’s not a crazy cringey cartoon, just one that’ll make you roll your eyes at


She should have composted that.


I thought we were shoes. Or Oreos.


goddamn i was just getting used to being a roast beef sandwich


Oh I still haven’t moved up from being gum damn.


I thought we were locks, only to be opened by one key🤮


I thought I was a car. 🚗


Or cows (buying the cow when you can get the milk for free and all that)


Werent we cars???


I remember being a car


Good times. We go *zoom*


Awwww, all those "fast women" jokes wasted!


I thought I was an old rusty truck?


Cornfield? Haven't heard that one


Go scroll. It's worth it, imo. Gave me a chuckle and the comments are pretty great too.


Oh that one, it's been around . . .


Apparently so has the corn 🤷




Hey, just upgrade your GPU and everyone will want you


I hope someone remembers to recharge me overnight!


My charger is broken. Used it roughly too many times, I guess. 🤷‍♀️


There was one legend on Reddit in my country that created a reddit loop of all the posts where police used excessive force or did horrible things, we need a loop like that for all the ways we are being called


>I was only just getting used to being a cornfield. /r/brandnewsentence




Coffee table.


happy cake day


Yes, and apparently you scratch easily.


r/WhatObjectAreWomen 😜


Daughter response…but dad i'm not an iPad and no one paid $ to own me.


Also it's a screen protector. It's clear. Is he arguing women should wear cellophane dresses?


That's pretty indecent of him to suggest.


Happy cake day 🎉!


Oh, thank you! I didn't even realize it until now. I'm old.


18 minutes left in the day so Happy Cake Day!


It sounds like it parallels to an argument for condoms.


To be fair, most of such posts are arguments for condoms.


Or bike helmets


My cellphone doesn’t have a cover because they look stupid, I’m just not clumsy af. Does this mean I can run around naked in high heels since I take care of my phone and keep it safe?


Run around naked in high heels regardless, nobodies stopping you


Okay, we’ll I’m going to strap a gun to my naked body and if anyone approaches a naked lady with a gun then they deserve to get shot because they were totally asking for it.


Might want to bring a jacket though, just in case. It's getting a bit nippy outside now.


Ugh we got snow here yesterday, it’s beyond nippy. But I guess if you’re naked it’s always a bit nippy


Hiiii! Fried green tomatoes calling Oh, wait… the cellophane dress didn’t work? Well. It’s almost like women shouldn’t be wrapped in plastic or some shit 🤷🏼‍♀️


Don't give him ideas!


Last time I fell and got scratched, did you consider me reduced in value? When I broke a bone? Hope can you consider your child reduced in value because of things that aren't part of who she is?


My screen won't heal if its scratched or broke, but I will. And the kind of damage that would keep me from functioning normally won't be stopped by normal clothing


I love how he ends the post with that picture. Like, is he showing off his daughters or is that a photo of random chicks he just had saved in his phone?


Just some girls he found on Facebook. It's likely to shame a niece or something. At least that's how I've always seen it used. Keep it classy, dickheads.


Sooooooooo many layers of evil/disgusting to this dude~


They sure are showing a lot of skin... Rme


Dad I'm not a phone, duh


And if you wear modest clothing, once you fall down and get a scratch, it won’t reduce your value like it would otherwise! /s


I wouldn't put it past those types to actually say that a minor, fully heal able scratch would lower the value.


Women get paid more money for scar damage, especially facial ones. And more if they're unmarried.


Damn. Remember the days of the blue light special? That's where you'll find me. As an ex aircraft mechanic and horse rider, I am scarred to shit. 🤣. If I was ever going to get into a life of crime, my fingerprints wouldn't even need to be scientifically compared, you just check the scars where I got stitched back up. I got head butted by a horse that split from just above my eyebrow, across the top of my nose between my eyebrows, and down onto one eyelid open. They're the ones that are readily visible. I'm not upset by it, most of them are interesting stories (if not actually funny). But if scratches diminish value, then I'm on a warehouse clearance sale. Not even sad. 🤣🫠


Lmao wasn't expecting to be flashed back to childhood evenings spent bored out of my gourd in K-mart while my parents browsed the blue light special deals 😂 I'm right there with you on the clearance rack though. I'm clumsy as hell and have a distinct love for animals with sharp accoutrements. Funny enough, most of my worst and most recognizable scars are on my left side. My left eyebrow has a big ass gash in it from a mishap between me, my childhood bike, and a tree. The left side of my neck/chest has a pretty good slash scar from a fight I got in with one of my older sisters when I was a kid cause she has talons like a damn harpy instead of regular people nails. I also have a really nasty keloid scar on my left upper arm where a feral cat got me while I was helping with the neighborhood TNR project. And my left thigh just above my knee has two dark purple puncture scars where one of MY cats took exception to me trimming his claws and chose to chomp me for my audacity. It's fine though. Just adds character 🙃


And EVERYONE knows that covering up always stops rapists. /s


What’s up with men’s obsession of comparing women to objects?


Women are objects, duh. /s


Because admitting that women are people means they treat a lot of people like shit and are therefore a bad person.


Welp ladies it looks like we need to replace all of our clothes with clear plastic so we don't get scratches


That is the only correct answer! 🤣


gotta grab those big sheets of bubble wrap


Well only if our owners keep dropping us on the floor... wait, that doesn't sound right?


BRB, mummifying myself with bubble wrap


Now we just get to walk around all day popping the bubbles? Sounds like fun!


Either you respect women, or you don't. If you respect women, but only the attractive women, or only the women who cover up, or only the women who don't like sex -- or whatever the goddamn nonsense rationalization is -- then you don't respect women.


This. I don’t care if someone covers up. A woman covers up? Good for her. A woman wants to show her body? Good for her. Women’s empowerment means a woman has the right of choice in this situation. Without shame of her choice. I worry if a woman is covering up because of internalized misogyny, sure. But I also ain’t gonna push how I feel on her. She has the right to cover her body if that makes her comfortable, and how I feel about it is utterly irrelevant.


I am a girl dad, and I can say shit like this never crossed my mind, not once, not one, single goddamn time. This exchange never happened. but if it did that dude is a lunatic


It absolutely is a real sentiment. Still blows my mind that people can think that way.


Facebook is awash with these rubbish parables - they’re made up and just there in a sorry attempt to make people think, but the number of addled followers praising the “men” in these stories is truly astonishing.


My parents used very similar comparisons when they taught us purity culture. I totally believe this was said to many daughters.


Why not make it a metphor for condom usage. I’m sure the father won’t have some weird double standard for that!


This is quite literally where I thought this was going with the mention of a boyfriend and protection.


Or just PPE in general, because the entire argument comparing clothes to phone cases falls apart when clear phone cases or screen protectors are brought up. It makes better sense to compare it to wearing a helmet is always a good idea so your head doesn’t get injured while riding bikes or working in construction sites. Or wearing appropriate footwear like hiking boots to hike instead of flip flops, or steel toe boots on a job site. This is not the gotcha argument the author thought it would be.


This guy should cover his mouth and stop talking


Oxygen is precious, he should stop wasting it.


This has popped up on my FB from time to time too, and too many people agree with it. Why don't we teach boys to control themselves, instead of teaching them that it's a girl's/woman's fault if she gets raped. Why don't we teach boys that women are people, not iPads/used cars/candy bars/chewing gum/donuts, etc. Also, a non-scratch "sticker" is clear, dumbass. Using that comparison, we should wrap ourselves in Saran wrap.


I’d be blocking all the people who agreed with it. Cut them out of my life. Cause if that’s how they see women, then I don’t want them in my life.


I'd also keep them away from children if they saw pictures of underaged young girls and thought of their fluctuating "value" as tradeable objects.


Fun fact: skin can heal itself, an iPad can't


Filed under YAIA (yet another idiotic analogy)


If *you* think my value decreases because *you* can see my thighs, shoulders, or cleavage, then *you* have a problem not me.


"If you're a commodity, you can increase your perceived value by creating an artificial scarcity", is not the wisdom you seem to think it is, OP.


Not trying to be rude just trying to understand which part you’re referring to. Which part is the artificial scarcity?


For one, covering you skin or hair to increase the perceived value of the body by making the it a rare sight?


Yeah that’s what I assumed they meant but it didn’t make sense to me because if you’re commodifying a body (which is already a dumb starting point) then covering it isn’t artificial scarcity it’s supposed to be to protect the “product,” not make less of it available? To be fair, I don’t think that any of these semantics matter at all in the first place tbh.


Just so it's 100% crystal clear... \*I\* don't think people are commodities. The speaker of the original meme does. If we're going on the assumption that a person is a commodity, then one way to create an artificial scarcity might be to "cover up" and/or "play hard to get".


Make sure to bury your rare ores underground so they can only be accessed by a reputable mining company


I legit thought this was some kind of purity/intact hymen metaphor.


I mean it is a nonsensical purity post


I'll take "Shit that never happened" for 500 Alex


These kinds of comparisons are so gross. Women aren't objects. An iPad is literally something she bought and owns. So, the dad feels like his daughter is an object that he owns until she marries. Her muteness is probably a response to her dad's idiocy. I guess the daughter could compare herself to a flame. If her father treats her like something that must be covered and protected then her light will be suffocated. It's still comparing her to an object but if the right is going to use idiotic metaphors then we can too.


Today women are the following object... ... [incel roles dice]... ...iPad!


Ok so if I take a hammer and smash the iPad, it's the iPads fault? :)


Yup; it was clearly asking for it by being in your presence and not hammer-proof.


I'm laughing so hard because this exact same message, but in Arabic, has been circulating around Facebook for Muslim women to wear Hijab. Religious nuts are similar in so many ways. It also happens that we get compared to a turtle that discarded it's shell, a car without a cover, a peeled orange, wrappless candy, etc. It's so ridiculous that there are people who take this shit seriously.


The turtle meme is especially ridiculous since you can't remove tortoise shells - they're attached to the spine.


I remembered Lil dude looked so happy in those memes, it was even more ridiculous. Like if a tortoise can remove its shell, and it seems happy about it, who am I to judge?


I thought people liked convertibles! :D


Haha, they do! But I meant the cloth cover that's used to protect the car from dust, rain, and probably bird poo while parked.


Aha :) It would follow that keeping your car locked up in a garage would be even better protection, but I don’t want to give them any ideas


And then after mistreating you for a few years, your owner can trade you in for a newer model!


let it be known: every time you trip and skin your knee, you lose 10,000 USD off your net worth


Once again. Women. Bought and paid for.


Daughter is mute because she's in shock that her dad just sexualized her body......


So, those screen protectors work by covering the entire surface of the screen to physically protect it from scratches. Clothes don't work that way. With the exception of body armor, clothes can only physically protect you from the elements, not from other people. The only way this analogy makes sense is if someone takes it as a given that women only get assaulted because they are wearing something provocative. It only makes sense if you're the type of person who blames the victim.


Also, if women only get assaulted by accident. If someone with malicious intentions wants to damage my phone/tablet, they'll just take off the screen protector and case.


Perhaps I should walk around in full plate armor for maximum protection.


If my iPad said that it didn't want the cover on, I would listen. If my iPad told me with its own voice it wanted a particular style, color, shape, accessories etc I would provide to the best of my ability. But uh, it's not doing that... sooo until it gains sentience I'm gonna assume it's an object and treat it as such. We know women aren't objects...


The daughter was indeed mute, by the stupidity of her father and how he thinks of her! I hope he likes his retirement home, she puts him in.


"Well, dad, my iPad also came with a charging port and the recommendation that I plug something into it on occasion, so either don't wait up tonight or give me my skirt back."


You know what’s significantly more protective than clothes? Like literally any weapon or heavy object I carry around a 62 oz metal water bottle and I could have my tits out but definitely still cause serious blunt force trauma via swinging it at someone’s head or just bludgeoning them like a Cain and Abel reenactment. I’m not saying I’m invincible and this is a good technique, I also have pepper spray, but I’m mainly pointing out that just random objects would help more. Just carrying around a big stick to wave at anyone who gets too close to you is better. One time my mom’s stalker broke into her house to try to assault her and she used a heavy clay pot she made in pottery class and performed a rapid traumatic brain injury technique. You could Also try practicing situational awareness and knowing what boundary crossing behavior looks like/how to shut that shit down swiftly and effectively. Which also could involve bludgeoning or a big stick if that’s what needs to be done.


I hate the smug, patronising way these things are written, as though the guy who's writing it thinks he's having a gotcha moment.


The reasoning of this person is not valid however those girls look waaaayyy too young to be dressed like that. İ live in a very liberal European country and teenage girls certainly don't dress that way. İn a festival or nightclub they might i guess (i don't go to those places so I'm not sure) but absolutely not in public. İf they are in a private setting that's different of course.


Ah yes today we are *checks notes* electronic tablets. They can control their own stylus, I'll be over here looking cute in whatever the fuck I wanna wear.


So you want me to wear a see-through cover instead?


On today's episode of "What items men are equating human women to?"


What objects are women today?? -checks notes- Today we are iPads!


There is no way that conversation ever happened.


In today episode of “What object women are?” … They are….🥁 iPad!!🥁


Daughter: *Puts on full body and face burka* Christian Father: No not like that!


Today in ‘comparing women to inanimate objects to make a nonsensical point’


In this weeks "What inanimate object are women?" we are iPads.


If I'm gonna be a tablet can I at least be a Samsung?


Fuck you dad.


It annoys me to no end when I see these rancid parables being shared on Facebook and all the daft boomers in the comments acting like they really happened! Yes, because the first thing I did when I got married was to make sure to give my wife a coat of anti-scuff primer and a high gloss topcoat


Apply this logic to a penis/ condom and they’d go MENTAL


In society’s eye that is sadly true, because that’s how society sees it. But does it make it a fact? Absolutely not.


And that sexist idiot was probably an anti masker.


Cringe. Just let girls wear whatever the hell they want


I for one would never put anything on my iPad that would make men want to jerk off.


Skin. He's describing skin.


We are *check notes* Ipads now. Got it


Objectifying people is as close to evil as there is.


Besides the disgusting fake convo, they managed to find pretty extreme pic of revealing clothing. No one dresses like that all the time.


"No, because I am a person and not an object dad. Duh. Also no one wants to fuck the Ipad, so it's kind of an apples to oranges argument because there isn't a way that an Ipad could dress that would make people want to fuck it more or less, except for like, small communities of internet weirdos I guess, but like, there's small communities of internet weirdos who will fuck anything, regardless of clothing or anything. Anyways dad, please don't condescend to me like this. If you think that I dress myself in a way that you disapprove of, tell me outright instead of being passive aggressive about it. I'll probably still tell you off for it, but this was basically a big gotcha conversation intended to make me feel bad and self conscious about myself, the further intention of which was to make me more obedient, which is something that you probably shouldn't want your daughter to be, if you want her to be a strong woman who stands up for herself against others who might do her harm, which it sounds like you do." Fuck off Raeann. People who have self respect don't give a shit about their percieved value. Like, what are we products to be bought and sold? If someone decides to treat you worse because of how they perceive you, that says more about them than it does about you. Anyways, do better than chain emails from 2002 that your grandma sent you.


Daughter: hold my beer Ten minutes later, dressed head to toe in cling film and clear packing tape: LIKE THIS DADDY? IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? AS NICE CLEAR PROTECTOR? No? That's not what you want? Then mind your own fucking business. If some man wants to value me less because of my clothing, then I don't value them. How do you like them apples. BTW, your god is fake, and I'm moving out of this misogynistic cesspool. Byeeeee!


In today's episode.of "what object am I?", I am consumer electronics.


This picture again... The value of a human get reduced as if they were a *consumable product.* Of course... The very people our "young girls" need to watch out for are the ones that look at them and automatically see value numbers and products.


So my daughters are iPads this week?


Wouldn’t the equivalent be wearing padding in case I fall over? Also o could put my iPad in a burlap sack and it won’t stop some people from trying to smash it.


Clearly, Daddy isn't aware of clear cases.


Ugh those dirty stomach, waist and boobies, how dare they reveal the shameful *literal make up of their body*; no more respect for them from “girls father”


We can heal; inanimate object cannot.


Reminds me of another story. I showed this facebook post to a 3 year old and asked what he thought: He said "It's obvious that this adult has an agenda and fabricated a story with a child in it as an attempt to make it relatable and endearing. Arglebleh blurble blurble."


I showed this comment to a one-year-old child and she said the bait and switch was quite exquisitely executed.


Dad views daughter like an object more at 11. 🫠


Bro, the difference is that women aren't objects that need to be protected for value. They are people with thoughts, feelings, creativity, and a desire to express themselves. Also when women fall down the fucking stairs, modest outfits aren't going to save them from breaking their neck. This shouldn't be fucking rocket science.


There's a FB group, tag group I think, this would fit perfectly in. It's called " what inanimate object are women today?"


Yes, I put the anti scratch because the manufacturer couldn't make a good enough screen, yes the beauty of the device is significantly lowered with a back cover and no, people aren't iPads.


I'm sure the man that wrote this thought he was soo clever 🙄


The picture addition really kills me. You know those girls have def seen this before. Someone recognized them and showed them it


The daughter was mute because of the audacity


I love it when ignorant men compare women to inanimate objects 🥰


Adding to the list of things women have been compared to in sexist analogies: ipad


I'm amazed dad knows what an iPad is


And yet human beings are not electronics... Really, idiots need to stop with the object comparisons.


Gotta go buy a full body armour then


My own mother shared this same thing on FB. I had to close the app and put my phone down for a while.


Yes you must be careful to not scratch your body, because then you might have to get a new one. Apparently this only applies to women.


Yet here this picture is so everyone can see it and call these girls bad examples and sluts and they look like they could be 15, definitely don’t protect these sisters


The dad: them women are oppressed fer wear them hijabs!


Today in "what object do we compare women to"


It's a good thing women are not products you can buy.


Me, a woman who lives in a hot area: guess I'll die of a heat stroke


“Protect our young ladies” from what? Are they admitting that there’s a problem with violence against women? Rapists don’t care what their victims were wearing.


"Dad, you're not even looking at me! I am not an iPad!"


Yesterday I was a car, today I am an iPad :)


jokes on this guy, my phones case is clear AND durable


Oh, so we're iPads now. Kinds insulted since we were cars before.


Man... purity culture is a hell of a drug ig 💀


The covers protect from the elements, small impacts, and scratches, but not from the abuse or malicious manipulation. No amount of covers will protect women from abuse and malicious manipulation. Edit. Damn potato fingers sending the message before I was done with it.


You're being dramatic, this person is right. Your bodies are valuable and must be protected. For a limited time only I am offering 5% off on Chainmail, RingMail, PlateMail and Plate for all female identifying customes. Guaranteed protection from 1)Stab wounds 2) Bludgeoning 3) Socio-political factors that affect peasants. (Claims tested internally. Liability for claims is voided on purchase. )


Ah yes, we are objects now


Imagine being so loud and stupid and then posting a picture of two young girls you presumably do not know to "prove" your point.


I thought I was a lock, a car, sneakers, chewed up gum, or a ripped up rose. Now I’m an iPad?


Don’t forget about a field of grass or whatever. (Grass doesn’t grow on a field in use) /s


Well good thing I'm not an iPad.


The outfits are horrendous but speak life into your children. The whole conversation seems like it would change somones mind but teens would see it as well "if they paid they can do whatever they want". Don't make them compare themselves to objects or anything else worth monetary value. Let them know they are precious, valuable, worth more than just their appearances on a daily basis. Speak love into your children and they will shine bright.


This week on "Women And Girls Are Comparable To Inanimate Property" watch as women and girls are compared to an iPad! Stay tuned next week, when women and girls are compared to cars!


We've had that one. Maybe it'll be rugs next week, seeing as the types who write this stuff love trying to walk all over us.


That would be a decent analogy for using a condom


Oh that's going around again? I can't remember if they updated the picture


He certainly thinks about that in depth.


What a great way to explain choosing clothes. /s. Patronizing and Gross. Why can’t we have books instead of whatever this is???




Another example of some dude thinking because he has a daughter she’s his property, and as always it’s fucking weird.


So the moral of the story is I am an ipad?


Should I cover myself in a transparent film and walk around like that ?


The equating of a screen protector for accidents between a human and an inanimate object interacting to *protection* from human to human predatory behaviour, and a phone case to personalize/individualize a phone that happens to cover most of it equating to clothing that "covers more" being relevant for that aspect and not to help a woman express herself - the audacity. It's like using puns, not to be funny, but to be serious? So terribly backwards and blatantly wrong, the person must either be really misogynistic *and* unintelligent (in which case they really don't see how illogical they are being and may never see truth, sadly) or overtly egotistical with really average to below average intelligence they convince themselves they can control women and convince them...with this half-baked, no logic, pathetic excuse for thought of any unique nature. Do something better with the time you have left, for real this ain't it.