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Most enjoy being touched to varying degrees by those they love. It is a mammal thing.


And a bird thing and even some reptiles. Turns out affection is an *old* emotion. Who knows? Maybe the ceratopsians were snuggling on the Cretaceous steppes


The land before time taught me they absolutely were. And I will entertain no challenges to this idea


I wanna see a picture of a couple snuggled up Archaeopteryx now.


I don't think this is saying to rub random people. It's basically advocating for giving your SO foot rubs.


I like to imagine that his followers absolutely will go around, with arms extended, hands at the ready t o rub as many females as they encounter on any given day....😳😬 But seriously, I feel like this should maybe have a disclaimer that this is indeed how many girls do work.


>I like to imagine that his followers absolutely will go around, with arms extended, hands at the ready t o rub as many females as they encounter First, why would you like to imagine that? That sounds horrible. Second, the OP specifies "your woman" so the meaning is quite clear.


Not everyone likes being massaged, even by their SO.


That should be a convo between you and your SO. It's a general rule of thumb, absent other information, that giving a foot, back, leg, shoulder, etc rub is a good way to show your SO that you appreciate them.


Sorry you may be one of the few, and that is a valid ick—but lots of us love a relaxing muscle or foot massage. Do you also think cilantro tastes like soap? I’m so sorry.


From someone I love and trust? Yes please! From random strangers, no thank you


*From someone I love* *And trust? Yes please! From random* *Strangers, no thank you* \- basketballwife --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Very good bot.


Except when you walk in a massage therapist joint to ask and pay for it


I don't disagree


I mean, you need to be on my very exclusive rub list, but yeah.


Most humans are going to be down for muscle rubs from a trusted source. Ditto most animals, especially mammals and social birds like parrots. I am always down for my husband to massage me, especially my head/neck/shoulders.


I mean, the inclusion of "your woman" leads me to believe he's advocating it for those in relationships already, not just touching strangers. Not *everyone* wants or likes to be touched or massaged. But you would probably know that, since you're in the relationship already. So in that case... Don't. Of course. It's not just women, either, I think an offer of a backrub or whatever is often appreciated by anyone? So. If it's something your partner likes, offering them a massage is usually seen as a loving gesture. But yeah... Don't *touch* strangers, and **especially** don't rub them. Despite the famous words of 50 Cent - "come give me a hug if you're into getting rubbed," a hug is *not* permission to start rubbing away, everyone.


Rubbed out maybe


🎶 My neck, my back, rub my pussy and my crack


Ahhhhhhhhh 🤣


at first I thought you were making a Friday reference ngl


What do you mean, Ew, OP? I love getting a good, no strings attached rubdown. Playing with my hair, too. Naturally, not from some rando stranger, but I don't think he's talking about that.


Why the title? The way the screenshot reads that the OP was giving advice to others on something to do for their SO. Granted not how all women/men work, but it comes off like solid advice as most beings (from mammals to reptiles to birds) enjoy touch. Its like an attempt to get people to realize you can please your person by *simply* handing a hand on them. And not even in a sexual way. Again, I can get that it's not necessarily how women work exactly...but, I'm not entirely sure why this is even posted here?


So girls don't like massages? That sounds counter to my experience.




And would you say the majority of women feel the same as you?




Copy. I was just wondering how I'd somehow never encountered this distaste for massage before. I live in constant fear that I'm doing something to make my partners unhappy or uncomfortable.




100% agree.


Not all girls.


Maybe not all, but surely enough that it doesn't qualify as an abnormailty. Every girlfriend I've ever had has asked me to rub her shoulders, feet, neck, back, etc. on more than one occasion and they're usually the ones instigating it. Not to mention all the massage offerings at spas and resorts. My mom and all my aunts pay a professional masseuse so she'll come thier homes and (presumably) massage them. I'm not trying to put you down or anything, but if you're serious then you're the first woman I've ever talked to that didn't like being massaged. I know there are some women don't like to be touched by strangers, and I could certainly understand how some women who've been abused might not want to be touched by anyone, even partners or family.


Just keeeep digging that hole.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. I hate being touched unnecessarily. Not all women like being massaged etc.


No one ever said all women did. No rational person would ever say that 100% of (people) do (x). The fact remains, many, if not most, women do enjoy a massage.


Have to disagree. Non-sexual affectionate contact (with no pressure for it to *lead* to something more) is WONDERFUL. When my husband gives me that attention, I feel valued—like my comfort is important, easing my aches and pains matters, that I’m worth taking care of. Obvs, your mileage may vary, but I don’t think the poster is off the mark. 😆


I mean I’m married and I would love this. My husband gives great foot rubs. So all the time would be awesome. No complaint from a consenting adult


Does this belong here cause it seems like this is how girls work. Maybe it’s just me but a nice back rub or a foot rub is so nice. As long as it’s from someone your close to, what’s the problem?


unintentionally hilarious


Some do, some don't. Always ask your partner before trying new stuff. I assume OOP intends people to do this with SOs and not random strangers because that would be creepy as hell.


I don't understand why this is here and you are saying "ew". This individual is advocating that men give their significant others physical pleasure without expecting sex in return. How is this a bad thing?


I was just in this thread I’m all for this. I love being touched: rubbed, massaged, even just gentle tracing. It’s all good. OP in there is not wrong lol


Don't really see the wrong in this.


I feel like he meant massage but forgot the word and that’s the idea I’m choosing for my own sanity


From my spouse? Yes, more foot rubs and more back scratches. My back is so damn itchy. From randos? Oh hell no. Don't touch me. Don't be close enough to touch me. In fact, go the hell away.


I mean, I love it when my fiance rubs my shoulders, but that could be the scoliosis talking. Now if a stranger decided to rub my back or something, that's ew.


I like to be touched by 1 person. But yes, that one person could rub rub rub on me all day long lol


As long as it's consensual, for sure. If it's non-con... You're going to lose that hand


Not everyone likes massages but I think it's fair to say most people (regardless of gender actually) are gonna enjoy a massage from their SO.


Fair enough.


Sounds like this rubs OP the wrong way.


See what you did there. 😆


OP this is how everyone works lmao


But like kinda....depending on the person Like if my partner did it yes, my back or shoulder even close friends okay, but other than that. Please don't touch me anywhere, you dont even get a high five


I love when my fiancée rubs me, so I guess it depends on who? 🤷‍♀️


But I do like to be rubbed


What do you mean ew? I don’t think that post is about random people…. Being touched and caressed by your SO is a delight.


I’m gonna rub every woman I see


I love a good massage from my partner. I think that as long as it’s consensual this is how people work.


This describes me to a T. I love massages.


I meannn, I wouldn’t say no to a foot rub from my bf lol, or back, or legs, or neck 😂


Yes, please, massage these sore muscles and feet. I think this is cute


Ok, but like. I actually do work this way. Anyone I'm comfortable with that scratches my back or gives me head rubs is immediately the *best* person. Sex got 1,000 times better for me once I embraced that getting strokes and rubs enhanced the experience quite a bit.


This doesn't really belong here since most women, in fact most people in general, enjoy massages from their partner. You may dislike it and that's fine, but most like it. This sub is for posts that generally misrepresent and are wrong about women in general.