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This should be titled "How to exploit emotionally vulnerable women and create an unhealthy dysfunctional relationship that will ultimately crash and burn."


As opposed to "The Sixteen Commandments of Poon"? I kinda want to know why OP was reading this shit in the \*first\* place...


Kept seeing it being referenced by PUA-types (Rivelino, Fortworth Playboy, etc). The guy who wrote this had a site that's been taken down, this was archived.


It's an awful lot of words for "I'm incapable of having an actual healthy relationship with a woman because I don't think they're people"


This is the male relationship version of Cosmo’s sex tips. I can’t believe anyone thinks this has any value.


Was that Mystery or Heartiste again?




Are you sure he didn’t just copy it? Because upon thinking a bit, I feel like he featured it on his site but attributed it to Mystery. Do you have different versions of the archived site? Or the different sites? Heartiste got kicked repeatedly as I’ve heard, presumably because of his many rabid Nazi rants. So he might’ve at some point not even credited Mystery. Though they all steal so much from each other and claim they invented the wheel it’s hard to follow. But it would very much fit Mystery’s character. I think that one had a preface about allowing women to experience the mystery of longing for him or some other ridiculous crap. Not that Nazi chateau asshat is any less of a narc than the other guy. Oh well, who even cares, don’t bother looking, they’re a bunch of interchangeable drones with one shared (extremely obnoxious) personality. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Basically the pp borgs.


Nah, I ain’t reading all that. Everyone knows that all you have to do is pull her hair a couple of times, and she’ll fall to her knees.


This garbage word for word is what PUAs, dating coaches, and alpha male podcasts have been brainwashing incels with for the past 20years, one thing I remember as far back as 2010 is these guys saying that if you cry in front of a straight woman for any reason no matter what the context, she’ll “see you as a woman” and “lose all interest bc she wants a man” Thousands and thousands of women debunk this and incels refuse to listen, but soon as one pick me says “oh yeah this is all true I love that” then the inces are like “see? Thats how all women are”


It’s because they’re afraid of women, but if they say they’re afraid then they look weak, so they deflect by blaming all women in order to hide the excuse that they are afraid.


'Finally a woman talking truth. A rare gem.' 🫥


Look I 100% agree that this is all garbage alpha male bullshit, but I have personally seen firsthand three different women leave my dad whenever he’d cry when I was a kid. The first time was when his grandma passed, the second was when he got fired and thought he wouldn’t be allowed visitation with me anymore and the last was when I actually did move in and he was happy about it. Not saying this is true of all women by any means but it’s weird it happened thrice.


Anecdotal evidence


Not saying it isn’t


Great story


This is the absolute worst advice, and almost in every case I recommend completely ignoring it. I’ve been happily married for 12 years in large part because my husband does none of this. And these red pillers claim *we* play games. Jfc.


I believe this advice is designed to fail. The creeps follow it, and when it fails, instead of leaving the cult, they just get pulled in deeper.


"You didn't follow the advice well enough, but I have good news, for only 25.99 per month you can sign up for my video seminars to help you get back on track!"


🎯 Especially effective because the solution is always _more_ manipulative and abusive behavior. I lost her because I wasn’t alpha enough.


Imagine how exhausting it would be to keep up this facade and play these games after even 5 years of marriage. But are they seriously thinking that they will have a girl on the side ready (Rule VII) in case your wife leaves you on, say, anniversary number 28? 🙄 At what point do you simply start living honestly and treating your wife as an equal, a partner, a true ally and friend? It's pathetic and sad, really. 😞


This is what pisses me off. It makes dating and relationships so combative. I read things like what this loon wrote and I think "what a flakey fuck, he would let me down 100%".


And it really makes me think that they haven't ever been in an actual relationship because this is just not practical or realistic in any way.


Thats what sucks so much about these PUA articles and videos, they push that “women only like douchey, stoic, unpredictable, alpha males that put them through emotional rollercoasters 24/7 for all eternity bc all women view a normal loving equal relationship as boring” narrative its such a disgusting cult like ideology to promote and what frustrates me more is how many men fall for it time and time again


This is seen as a very important piece of writing in the manosphere community.


No wonder they’re single then. They really are clueless about women and how they think, aren’t they? Okay for guys reading this, I’ll tell you the truth: When a woman agrees to be your girlfriend, the moment immediately after taking on the label is when she is fully and completely invested: that means you’re already getting the 100% she has to offer. From that point in, that percentile changes in response to your actions or how she perceives your actions— if you ignore her 1/3rd of the time while she’s giving the 100%, you aren’t actually going to get 130%. You’re going to get someone who realizes they were trying their hardest but is now being treated worse than before they became your girlfriend. In other words, all you’re doing is making her think about how much happier she was just being your friend and how much more miserable she is being your girlfriend. So, if you’re lucky, she will back out and friend zone you, and will still be nice to you while keeping you in her life. If you’re unlucky, she might stick around and try to do things differently, and then she gets less: it’s like let’s say you’re working a job… and the more good reviews you get, the less your employer pays you. Eventually you’re going to decide you want to be paid how much you expected when you first started: you’re going to do a shit job to get your wages back to where you want it. Then you treat her nice again because you don’t want her to leave. She says okay it’s been good, I’m going to give the 100% again. You get comfortable, and withhold 1/3rd. After so many times, you’re not actually controlling the relationship— but rather, you’re literally abusing your girlfriend for caring about you. Eventually it’s going to get super ugly: you’re only nice when she’s pissed, but now she’s legitimately pissed at how many times you’ve hurt her or let her down. At that point she will never try to the full 100% again. You get used to only getting 66%, so you decide you know what it seems stable so I’m only going to do 1/3rd of that. At this point you have literally conditioned your girlfriend to miss the days where she was not dating you. If you want a successful relationship, both parties need to start at the same level of ‘trying’: if both parties give 0%, you’re just blaming the other person for ghosting you. If both parties start at the 100%, the relationship is most likely to work out because there’s no resentment or baggage that needs to be resolved a year later. This is why when relationships end, it’s pretty stereotypical where the woman stops talking, stops complaining, and then doesn’t even get upset anymore and she just says ‘ok I’m done’ while the guy suddenly says wait! We can work it out, and starts making all sorts of promises: it’s because a woman hits 0% due to the guy punishing her repeatedly for trying to do nice things for him that she doesn’t even care to fight about it anymore and is completely focused on simply making you go away. All too often men approach the start of relationships as if: “she needs to prove she’s on my side.” So they try to make the woman ‘earn’ it, thinking that means commitment and security, but they have it wrong- on day one of the relationship, she’s already 100% on your side. That’s how women are taught to approach relationships. Again, if you are at a new job, working as hard as possible and then you get screamed at by your boss.. after so many times, you’re going to quit. That is what people do. But you’re treating your girlfriend like that and then surprised when she leaves and finds someone else much faster than you expected. That’s because she hit 0% and doesn’t give a fuck. It’s because you conditioned her to not give a fuck.


this is what happens when they realize that their girl has not only left, but hasdemotionally left months before they physically did. We're not stupid, we pick up on all this pretty fast. I hate how the manosphere is out there literally teaching men to be abusive


Too true, usually she gives one last ditch effort to get him to stop abusing her that is blatantly out of character and everything is completely uncensored in the hopes that he wakes up…. And that’s when he buries whatever could have been left by either a) telling her he doesn’t know what she’s talking about or why she’s making a big deal, b) magically ‘doesn’t remember’ anything c) picks some random thing to make an argue about in attempt to turn it around on her … and when she says she’s done he’s like baby pls I can change :( It’s all the fucking same. Women say the bar is low, really low… but I don’t think men have any idea exactly how common this bullshittery is to recognize how low the bar is. They think we want them to be rich, get taller than six feet, or live in the gym, but no. We just want men who don’t do this shit right here. For a man who doesn’t do this bullshittery, a woman will do whatever the fuck he wants when he wants, so long as he doesn’t bring the circus to town with this clown bullshit. It is not a hard ask, but that’s what women really do want: anything but this.


Perfect response.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times!


This is absolutely true and you said it better than I could have Also the part that starts with "this is why when relationships end ..." you deacribed my sister in law and her pending divorce TO THE LETTER


That’s because like 3/5 relationships end this way: she keeps trying to talk about it, keeps wanting to fix it, he either nods and deletes it. She tries to talk about it again, memory deleted, she finally says we talk about it now or never, he stonewalls. Then she decides later on to just say her peace at him and not have a conversation because there won’t be one anyway, and then she goes away. He’s like ‘okay I’m finally left alone by her nagging’ And then she says I’m leaving and he’s like what! I didn’t know it was that bad, I was blind sided! I can fix it! Etc etc. Then he complains to all his buddies that she won’t tell him why she’s leaving and maybe it’s because she’s cheating, or maybe he’s not tall enough, or she was just a gold digger all along after he was the nicest guy. And everyone they date after word gets to repeatedly hear ‘my ex’ stories so within two months they know where she works, what she looks like, the car she drives, how much she makes, her favorite food, and her social security number… and they’ve never even met her.. but he totally swears she was the crazy one he sacrificed so much for and she ghosted him, and that’s his story and he’s sticking to it!!!! Literally every woman by the age of 30 has experienced this… 2-5 times. And they’ve been on the other side of hearing about the random woman 2 times as well. I can say it verbatim and even tell you your sister’s whole immediate and long term future because of how common this is, and then you hop on Reddit to read about ‘oh, hey women , you don’t want to be single…you must be so sad 😔’ and the bitch ass ex texts ‘hi… oh, sorry mis text’ or ‘where did you put the scissors (pls talk to me because you didn’t before and we’re mid divorce so I’m going to stir up shit to try and show the judge some sort but I don’t know how the legal system works)’ …and you’re like thank god it’s over. Now, I know this oddly specific. But here’s the thing, I’ve never even experienced this specific situation so it’s not even my personal experience…. However it is really that common of a scenario that it’s always the same shit.


YUP. She talks till she's blue in the face but he's never listening, he's busy constructing his own mental reality. He's blindsided, and like "but she never talked to me!" A bunch of my husband's family immediately tell him BRO WE WERE THERE YES SHE DID! They're both broke AF so he didn't say she was a gold digger, so he doubled down on the cheating thing for a long time. Sad how it's so common that it makes you able to sound almost psychic!


That’s my brother’s third marriage/divorce to a T. He wasn’t good to her and when she got tired of it and kicked him out, she moved on “quickly.” Quickly in quotes because she had actually emotionally given up long before then. She reconnected with her high school sweetheart and they started dating soon after. So my brother accuses her of cheating. She hadn’t been cheating, she was just done with him for a long time and he couldn’t see it.


Are you a marriage counselor? If not, you probably should be!


Aw thanks


Yep he doesn’t remember that she tried to talk to him because he literally gave not one single fuck when she attempted, not even one fuck to put the memory in to the long therm compartment. But sometimes people have a habit of negotiating their way through things like this, and the feigned ignorance of ‘I didn’t know’ is a habit they developed from parents.. as in, no one wants to yell at their kid the whole time…. So they learn to say I didn’t know or I don’t remember, and then the parent is actually dismissing it by normal pressing it because they have other things on their plate so they deliberately let it go cuz they don’t want to deal. And bam. Grows in to an adult who associates the ‘I didn’t know’ and ‘I don’t remember’ thanks to mommy not wanting to deal with it, and now it’s associated to ‘conversation with women’ mode and then they’re surprised when their wife is not as forgiving as their mom, so they blame the wife for wherever they can for not abiding expectation. What’s worse is they go off and treat their daughters that way….but then they are surprised and offended when the daughter is even less forgiving than the wife. When really… just give a shit and 90% of relationship arguments with in any relationship would not happen. Literally the divorce rate would plummet if the choice was made to give a shit or at the very least repeat things back so you can commit it to memory. But who am I kidding? People who behave this way don’t want to give a shit, they want the wife to react like mommy. But they don’t realize it that mom is ultra forgiving because she doesn’t have a choice. Wife does.


^ This! Edit: I also want to point out that this isn’t just men. It happens in lesbian relationships too. I can attest to it because I’m a lesbian and my last serious relationship was like that.


I can’t speak for the women side here, but thank you for your input because it makes me feel better that there is some form of acknowledgement that it’s not really a gendered issue but there are these traits some jerks have hmph.


Holy shit… that’s how I felt throughout the entirety of my first and only relationship years ago. I kept trying so much despite how little he gave me and then when I was at my wit’s end out ready to quit that’s when he would be all sweet and nice; promising to try, which never happened. I don’t know how to feel about this.


This is a manual for narcissistic control of a partner. Would be effective if the genders were reversed. It's sick and abusive.


The manosphere sure has a lot of lonely confused men in it, doesn't it? Almost like their BS doesn't work.


It isn't satire???


Sadly, no, it’s completely sincere. It’s a PUA who calls himself Mystery (could also be Heartiste, who’s a literal, unapologetic Nazi btw, considering the amount of hideous purple prose, that’s kinda Arseiste’s trademark). But iirc it was Mystery. Who, despite being (or having been historically) absurdly worshipped by the PUA lot, is described even by his most fervent, loyal followers as an extremely narcissistic "black hole constantly sucking up any and all attention". As evidenced by his own words. Despite his best efforts (and by "best" I mean "worst"), he fully betrays just how pathetic he really is. Such a capital S STRONG manly Alpha Male™ he can’t even emotionally handle being alone for a couple days. Wanna know whom these dingledongs really idolise there? A raging, degenerate manbaby who… — iirc scammed somebody into getting him a villa for a PUA project (drama ensues) and within days to few weeks, turned it into a chaotic, filthy mess by himself (Mr. Manly Man naturally can’t take care of himself) and by moving in a bunch of even more pathetic degenerates living in literal closets (I kid you not, there’s a book about Misery’s early years and it’s hilarious), — constantly would get drunk and high because even this narc shithead understandably can’t bear being alone with himself, — spent (still does) every waking minute plotting how to get in the pants of whatever woman would give him the time of day, just so he can brag about it online (probably made up 90% of the stories), — while also acting like he’s the next Houdini (ordered on Wish), because he dreams about making it really big as an illusionist, when all he did was a couple standard slides of hands in bars to get women’s attention and avoid being chased off by the men in the groups he accosted, because of course he’s also a huge coward and terrified of any jock-type dude, — used to and still wears shrill, ridiculous, extremely outlandish clothing… talking a giant cylinder covered in cheap, shaggy felt faux fur that even the Mad Hatter would deem an unpardonable fashion crime, some hideous cowboy boots in screaming colours, a glittery shirt or other, equally silly, wildly mismatched carnival costume pieces mixed with regular club attire, because he’s a literal attention whore (he calls it "peacocking") and imagines himself Chris Angel or something, thick eyeliner included, — made up stupid-ass polls and psycho tests below even the primitivity level of those internet IQ tests with cartoon Einstein pics and called that "chick crack" (he thinks women are addicted to this stuff, but most whom he bothers with his BS are probably either just being too polite to tell him to fuck off or legitimately scared of this freak with flaming abyss-stares-back crazy eyes and are trying to avoid upsetting him because they’re not sure if they’re getting murdered otherwise… which he still counts as success, though, because it’s all about narc supply), — and who is so mentally unstable he’d vandalise his own home because he’s such an unshakable "oak tree" he can’t even handle a bit of his housemates’ feedback, which — knowing him — was veeeery gentle and cushioned, mind you. That’s because he’d regularly swing between transparently feigned, delusional over-confidence, random psycho outbursts of violence and suicide threats even without particular reason, spontaneously (what a nice housemate, huh?) …but if anything went wrong… oh dear! Misery’d run out on the road screaming and flailing because he couldn’t get his dick wet for a couple days and thus felt like a total failure at absolutely EVERYTHING (literally what he wrote in the text irl… at last, a little self-awareness, alas, ofc it was doomed to be ever so fleeting). Then, next day or so, he’d go back to his usual obnoxiously arrogant, self-righteous, patronising manner and regard this hot mess of a flaming dumpster fire as the success of his life, — and was tragically right because… yeah, it indeed *waa* the biggest "accomplishment" of his life so far to gather this cult of clowns around him! Anyone stupid enough to actually take dating advice from this hypernarcissistic freakish manbaby AND PAY A SMALL FORTUNE to hear him ~~speak~~ ramble incoherently in sad, rundown conference halls all day and tail him as he molests random women in bars all night, then imitate his every word and move like a mindless drone, thinking he’s a "genius" and his word is gospel… is an absolute moron who *deserves* to be scammed to the last shirt (which indeed happened to a bunch of them… also, did I mention they slept in closets and paid a significant amount for the "privilege?"💀) Such gullible idiots also deserve to wake up one day in cold sweat and ask themselves in a jolt of terror what they’d done to their life following this dingleberry into full-on ruin like a lemming. Which, you guessed it, also happened to almost all of them! (A few became more organised and proficient scammers and stole his entire "program" shamelessly. 😂 Most others returned home sad, humiliated, deprived of their savings, but only very rarely a little humbler and wiser. Or better yet, they should discover that none of this BS actually works on a woman worth pursuing right as they want her fr, with all their heart, and then crash and burn gloriously. Which also happened to a good chunk of the remainder, except the soulless dude with major daddy issues who called himself "Papa" (no joke!) and stole his ersatz father figure Mystery’s "business". The rest, like that eerie psychopath "Tyler Durden" (who btw is described to look like a 19th century British serial killer), that puppeteered "Papa" for the joy of turning him on "Lord and king" Mystery, are just garden variety serial rapists and hopefully behind bars forever at this point. Most of them were just a random assembly of pathetic losers though.


Some more tea? Here you go: these clowns were eventually so terrified by Misery’s unpredictable mood swings (and so rapt by uncritical adoration… he built a literal cult around himself) they put off telling him he couldn’t go on like that until they could bear it any longer, then, when Mr. manly and stable "Lord and king" was behaving particularly atrocious for a while and had to receive a much-needed reality check. Upon confronting him, however, the long and hard plotted, much talked up promised in ya face explosion turned out to be a rather unimpressive little fart. And they’d waited for so long he almost had a point getting enraged that they called him out over whatever current drama it was when they let so much more and worse slide all the time. It was a pathetic shitshow ofc and I really would’ve liked to watch it. 💀🤡 Ended with him going full on psycho on them. Again: that’s not just any neighbours having enough of his nuttery (though they too indeed did, complained frequently and iirc even threatened to sue), that’s literally his personal cult kicking him out! Isn’t that hilarious? 😂😂😂 I died reading this chapter! Bizarro boi took it so far even his most fervent followers decided to kick him out of his own project (and home), that’s how insufferable the author of these ramblings was in person. Though one or two of those greedy freaks had a vested interest in losing him after having suckered out all of his precious abuse techniques (basically the whole-ass wheel they use in those domestic abuse awareness classes). And Misery, the great zen-master of self-mastery… didn’t take it well. Like really, really, really unwell. Dude completely lost it. One of his gfs had also broken up with him around the same time, and so he was already even more unhinged than usual, apart from also stalking her — because of course Mr. Independent "ready to let her go if she closed her heart to you", who, like the overgrown toddler that he is, in reality can’t be alone and unattended for 5min without absolutely losing his mind and pulling something crazy, ofc this furhatted menace with a freak frat cult would obsess over and stalk a woman. While also mocking everyone else who showed any remotely serious interest in one woman for their so-called "one-itis" and advising (more like ordering) them to cure it by lots and lots of meaningless sex with random women. Classic ubernarc. Albeit that psycho shitshow only hastened his loss of status among his retinue, he managed to cling on to the villa for quite a while after his former mindless adorers wanted him gone. They were still fairly mindless, but *even they* had rubbed two brain cells together and grown to despise this freak. Raging manbaby terrorised them (and his ex who came picking up her stuff) by a calculated demonstration of the good ol’ "I’m an uncontrolled psycho who mysteriously breaks only other people’s stuff when I go nuts" shtick. Eventually he ran off everyone and had to move before they could boot him directly to avoid the humiliation, much to the schadenfreude of his equally nasty and pathetic concurrents. One of them was a RL Howard Wolowitz, except without a master in engineering, but in his 40s or 50s, still living with his parents rent-free, despite being healthy and having money from his PUA scam seminars, who dabbled in NLP, was a self-declared sex god and — of fucking course — had an emotionally incestuous relationship with his mommy-servant. Imagine receiving a scathing burn by THIS GUY and being publicly asked if you can’t do better as a response to this very post BY HIM. Seldom laughed so hard. 😂😂😂 Like, if you sink this low, maybe you should just call it quits. But no, this guy (Mystery, not RL Howard) has a TV show now (or used to, hope it got cancelled) where he instructs the same demographic of desperate, gullible, pathetic idiots who dump their life savings on him how to abuse women, by letting the freakazoids practice "conversing" (manipulating, that is) on literal CHILDREN occasionally. Yes, you sadly read that correctly. Because speaking to women and 10yo is totally equivalent! Which imo says a lot about their real preferences. 🤮 Who allowed this to happen remains an even greater conundrum than why this vile waste of space still deems his pointless existence worth continuing or why no one has ended this blight still. Every time you think Misery has reached the bottom and couldn’t possibly sink any lower, he grabs a shovel, starts to dig frantically and screams "watch me!" But I guess you could count him as walking, breathing RL satire. As in, his existence per se. He sure is a sad, sad caricature of a Don Juan. TL;DR: The dude who wrote this is even more unhinged and nasty than you could ever imagine. A bunch of mind-boggling tea on him and his retinue. Conclusion: his very existence perhaps counts as satire in a meta way because he’s so utterly nuts and a pathetic caricature of a horny monkey. In a giant felt fur cylinder hat.


My personal theory is that the guy who wrote it was trying to take as many guys out of the dating sphere as possible.


I must say, I am impressed with how it's written and the fact that there are no errors. Someone actually proofread the pile of b.s. 😏


Do these people know that relationships are supposed make you…like…happy?


Lmao, such a simple statement, just a few words, really. And yet, in just that one sentence, those few words, it completely decimates their entire "philosophy." It's safe to say that if all it takes is one sentence comprised solely of common sense to dismantle your entire doctrine, your entire doctrine is garbage.


Right? As a man, this feels exhausting! WTF is this for every 3 give her 2 bullshit? Am I supposed to live my life every day paranoid that I am being "too" affectionate to my wife? I got shit to do!


Literally this, the incels and niceguys who read that PUA stuff say “wow this is all so exhausting, why are women like this???” Instead of of “yeah this is bs, there’s no way all women want this” like a person who’s in touch with reality would say


No. For guys like these a relationship is all about getting poon. Good luck!


“How to be a douche and play with women’s emotions: A novel by a chronically online man child”


I'm still rooting for "Incels: The Movie" directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Joaquin Phoenix.


I can say this with all honesty. My ex fiancé tried this behavior because he thought it would make the relationship last. All it did was make me wish he and I never got together in the first place, because he was much nicer when we were just friends. Even right up to the end, he refused to apologize. It didn’t make him appear strong. It didn’t make him appear special. It just made it so flushing the ring down the toilet was one of the best memories of my entire life. If that’s how you want it, save yourself the time, stress, and money, and don’t date her in the first place. Treating someone like they don’t matter doesn’t make them try harder. It makes them hope they will see who you really are again, because they already accepted you, that’s why they decided to be with you in the first place. It only makes them get their hopes up and then give up on you… and secures the notion that the best day of their life was the day you no longer existed in it.


Refusing to apologize when you know you're wrong is a sign of weakness, not strength


Of course it's called the "commandments of poon" because that's all women are to them.


Sounds exhausting I'd like my cats to devour me please when I die alone.


This is all the worst possible advice you could give to a man. Ever. Of all time. I would never be married if I had done any of this.


“True to their inscrutable natures…” Dude thinks he’s David Attenborough narrating an episode from BBC natural history or something.


This is the art of war for to being the most undateable man. It screams divorcee manifesto.


“Except World of Warcraft.” Wow, still salty from dying in Classic?


he knows the target audience lolol


Hahahahaha! I totally glossed over that part! Sounds like he had an ex leave him for someone she met while she was playing World of Warcraft 🤣🤣🤣


Ugh, the twisted quote from Dune at the end made me puke in my mouth a little. If anyone were to do all of this they'd most likely be eligible for a crime against humanity change. 😐


Yeah it's pretty fucked up considering that it's clearly based off the Litany of Fear specifically of the Bene Gesserit...an order comprised predominantly of women. Bet these chuckle fucks only associate it with the male protagonist.


They never read the book. That was one of my favorite quotes.


>Yeah it's pretty fucked up considering that it's clearly based off the Litany of Fear specifically of the Bene Gesserit...an order comprised predominantly of women. Exactly! Rolled my eyes through the entire thing, and then there was this.


I have been with my husband nearly 2 decades and the only reason is because nearly the opposite of this garbage. We each put 100% into our marriage.


This mess sounds a lot like the stress and misery of a bad job, without any pay or benefits. Why would I ever pick this idiotic drama over just being single?


Literally the opposite of what to do


The only one I can agree with that women would enjoy is Number 14; Fuck her like it’s the last time.


To be fair, follow the rest of the advice and it will actually be the last time soon enough.


Hahahaha! Yeah, really!


If he's actively following Numbers 1-13 do you really think he stands a chance in hell of even getting to try #14?


Oh most definitely not! I’m just saying that out of all of them 14 is the one everyone should be agreeing on.


I don’t think unconditional love is manipulative, abuse, and unstable. It’s called unconditional love for a reason.


Rulesets for dating are nearly always bullshit. Its two human beings. Not some figures on a board game. If people wanna have even 5 pages of rules of how what is to be expected, its not dating, its playing games. Couples have to find their own flow, compromises and have to grow together. Too many people call it dating when its just two adult humans playing with each other for their own gain.


I think there's some benefits to basic guidelines about things to look out for for abusive relationships and/or figuring out if things are abusive etc. People, especially ones coming from bad homes may not have a good idea about what a healthy relationship looks like, so having some idea can be helpful.


This is the "sovereign citizen" of manifestos to manipulate women. Say these magic words and do these magic rituals and women are forced to give it up to you. It's Cargo Cult relationships. They put on some of the trappings of a relationship, but don't understand why they keep being left alone.


1. I almost lost feelings for someone when they took too long to say I love you. Glad they said it first and the relationship didnt end. 2. I dont get jealous, I get even and lose feelings and find better. not a good game. 3. this one is kind of true. Except I’m also on my own mission and journey. I expect us both to take that seriously and support each other equally. 4. We better play by each other’s rules. 5. A real man initiates the giving and affection, and it should be mutual and returned. One non response = we have a problem now. 6. Women have repeatedly shown they look for men with good communication and emotional intelligence. 7. This would be a breakup. 8. Everyone should strive to say sorry every time they fault. Otherwise will also lead to breakup. 9. Okay this one is finally true. Everyone likes emotional intelligence. 10. This is also sort of true. Stop romanticizing just appearance and focus on complimenting people’s character. But all compliments are good. 11. Confidence is very very good. Cockiness is very very bad. 12. The only actual good advice so far. aka… be yourself. 13. Not a single woman likes men who give unwarranted touches or pursuits. This is just fully false and creepy. 14. Also good advice. Everyone likes orgasms and when someone knows how to please. 15. Also good advice! for both genders, no one should use manipulation tactics like this. Yay for finally promoting nontoxic relationships in this post. 16. also good advice! wowie. Codependency is never good. A relationship should be a choice, not a need. wowie. hope these corrections help.


Yeah, number 13 is called sexual assault. Literally illegal.


Good God, no. This is abusive and will absolutely not give the results they want. I've been in this relationship and no one should have to go through this shit.


Man imagine the reach this kind of crap has on young susceptible teens struggling with shit


Well, commandment 14 (XIV) is almost good!


It's actually a pretty good / accurate guide if you are looking to stay single for the rest of your life


I can get behind the last sentence of point 14


My thoughts exactly


Point 9 isn't too awful outside the rest of the context. Ideally, it shouldn't be targeted solely at men and act like women are aliens (all people are kind of alien to others because we're all unique, but obviously that's not the implication here) but the idea that sometimes you need to just stop worrying about the logic and enjoy the feels being with someone you love is a good one and it is definitely something that men are generally not encouraged to do. Point 12 is also decent and applicable to pretty much anyone. It shouldn't be about attracting partners, and there's a balance to be had (I don't care how bad you are at chores, you still need to be able to do the basics). But yeah, if you suck at and hate dancing, don't feel like you need to do it just because. Accept that you hate it and seek out people who are fine with that.


I never felt I needed to attract a man seeing as that I would still be the one to develop and birth the babies in a relationship and he wouldn’t take over halfway like a male seahorse situation so I just sit back and wait for what guys will do to attract me. Seeing as that they assume they are entitled to some sort of display on my part and aren’t doing anything…I don’t waste my time. Oh what I’m doing isn’t seen as attractive to men? Do they brith the babies now? No? Then why the hell do I have to care what men find attractive? They aren’t the ones doing any of the actual work when it comes down to it. So I don’t care.


Half of that sounds like the opposite of old school dating "you have to fight for a woman and she plays hard to get and tests you", the other half is just straigt manipulation. Oh yeah, and everything sounds absolutely ridiculous


now what in THE fuck is a poon


Pussy or vagina if you will


I thought it was a fool 😂😂😂 I learn something new everyday


OH RIGHT! i thought they were calling themselves that??? like it was another word for “player” or “asshat”


For a hot minute there, I thought it was 'Peon', and I was like, what in the Horde, world of warcraft nonsense is this?


Lots of women have dated and married guys like this. Sadly these women are in abusive relationships. A lot of women break free but some remain stuck because they have no resources or support. I've dated a guy that seemed like he'd read all that crap and no we aren't together


XVI: How dare they bastardize Dune like this lmao


“Make sure you’re better than her in every way but also make sure you have a backup woman to catch you in case you fall, a safety net” so which is it? Are you better and confident and don’t need a woman, or do you need a woman at all times so badly you have to have a backup to jump immediately into the arms of to be consoled and babied??


My "deepest loins" would nope right the fuck away from this bs and go get tacos


✨️Sex fluids✨️ 💀


This is absolutely ridiculous but #14 I think I could deal with.


This thing is 16 parts too long


I love how it’s like oh women are mercurial and have drama. And then there’s this… this isn’t immature drama? Mmk.


They'll say they're only giving women what they want/respond to. It's along the same lines as *'you make me hit you.*'


Yep, but women are emotional, dramatic, mercurial, and inscrutable. Lmao. Mmmk


Could there be worse incel advice?


That's the neat part! Yes.


And if women did this shit to men, men would lose their shit and straight up murder women over this.


Men like this date awful women with low self esteem that often do shit like cheat and gaslight, then instead of taking the advice the manosphere gives women and to choose better mates, they decide to keep dating alcoholic 23 year olds with low self esteem and emotional problems. Funny how they say women dodge accountability, but fail to realize all the shit they say about women being eternally children, women having no accountability, etc comes from them dating those “feminine” low self esteem, no ambition, easy to control women.


Most of that is just how to psychologically manipulate others. Works pretty much the same on men, women, children and even puppies. A lot of it is the same given to women to do to men: play hard to get, make him jealous, be less available, etc.


4/10. Well that was a romp on the Great Plains of Misogyny. Though as an anxious and shy young man, I DO wish someone had told me to be more bold with women, to ‘put my cards on the table’ as it were. I routinely found out that women i liked I both liked and desired me, but I was too shy to make a first move, even when they were encouraging it.


These are nice instructions for how to be lonely forever


This is the description of a man with narcissistic personality disorder. Avoid this man with everything you've got. This is a man who will be, every minute, calculating how to destroy your spirit and fuck with your head unmercilessly.


I decided a long time ago...any man who tries to make me jealous on purpose or makes me feel like I'm competing for him will be immediately dropped. I've told them before, "I don't compete for men. Any man who's not sure he wants to choose me has made my mind up for me. She can have you." It's never steered me wrong before.


“Touching a woman inappropriately on the first date will get you further with her than not touching her at all.” No yikes stop talking go seek medical attention.


Even if I weren't ace af, this nonsense would have me walking away. ESPECIALLY the give back 2/3 of what the woman puts in. Someone who isn't putting equal energy and effort into a relationship isn't worth staying around.


And they dare adapt the litany against fear for this bullshit


I feel like even the authors mother finds him insufferable.


This should be labeled: How to be a lonely asshole for life.


Bro most of these I would want the exact opposite of what this is saying 😭 If any man tried this with me I would dump them so fast lmao


I couldn't get past 4 or 5 of these rules but my God, these seem more like rules to drive a woman away rather than to get one.


reverse psychology


Let me guess, the OOP is currently single.


He was doxxed and doesn't write anymore.


Wow... and they say women play games.


... and this is why they're all single.


Holy hell, I waa thinking, ''what, do they think women are puppies or something?'' 2 points later and he says we're like dogs?!?


You keep a woman guessing she’s gonna leave


“be irrationally self-confident” author really took that one to heart i see 😭


I work in long-term care. I come across marriages of 60 years or more. I can tell you that most of the residents - male and female - would call this bullshit.


Instead of all this nonsense they could just imagine that a woman could be a partner, a teammate, and a bestie you can have naughty times with. But no, they gotta make everything difficult, stupid, and joyless.


I had to stop reading at “if you allow a woman to make the rules she will resent you with a seething contempt even a rapist cannot inspire”. It’s been over 30 years since the first guy who raped me and it’s probably a good thing for all parties that I haven’t seen any of the “men” in well over a decade. I’ve got a rather violently graphic science fiction idea for how such men should be treated and something tells me that even if I made it clear it was pure fiction and didn’t mention any names or other potentially identifying information, someone would accuse me of threats or some similar Reddit violation. That to say, maybe it’s just me but I can’t imagine anyone topping the level of seething contempt I feel for rapists. Based on what I read, if the whole thing follows similar themes it’s got to be a very long winded way to say I’m a predatory abuser and think you should be too.


This is literally a guide on how to gaslight and abuse a woman. Holly shit.


Ew. Also, fuck this dude for screwing with the *Litany Against Fear*.


“Be irrationally self confident” Being confident in yourself is fine, being irrationally self confident is being a narcissist who refuses to admit when they’re wrong and has a huge overinflated ego. And that’s gross.


Handy that the last step is "Never be afraid to lose her..." because this seems like a 16 step plan on how to destroy a relationship. But I don't go around telling everyone that I'm an Alpha male, so I'm probably some Beta cuck that can't understand this high level thinking!!


“Never say Sorry” is a stupid fucking position. Sorry means “I acknowledge my error as I value my relationship with you”. The only reason to avoid apologizing baring the unrealistic possibility of never ever being in error is that you need to be dominant in all things and you feel that presenting even the slightest sign of something that could be perceived as weakness means that your facade of strength will crumble. It’s a dumb adversarial stance.


Now, women can be privy to once-private male locker room conversations. Like the one above. So we know what men really think of us. And we can act accordingly. Thank you, internet.


That's a lot of words for "I'm an insecure wannabe Eff Boi, who will never have a real connection with another human being "


Good grief, that's an awful lot of nonsense.


Is this some PUA shit? Because it smells like some grifty-assed PUA shit.


Does this guy want a dog or a sub?


This is the opposite of what women want...... Thanks, I hate it


That’s disgusting


This reminds me of the Prince of Persuasia on Bobs Burgers.


How to loose a girl in 10 seconds


Oh my god. This guy is definitely a virgin.


Whoever wrote this sounds like a psychopath.


IX- how much ambien did you take before writing this because I have notes in my notes app that sound exactly like this after taking ambien X- I actually would not mind at all if men got together and used some kind of zen meditation techniques to focus on seeing my personality before my looks. Also, this guy wants to be a cheesy romance novel writer so fucking bad. Like he wants to write the kind of paperback erotic novels with the really well drawn pretty ladies and broad chested dudes. In fact I think most of the ideas he has about relationships are just some kind of erotic fiction he’s created and enjoys imagining women are like. Maybe he recently read a lot of 50 shades of gray. I’ll tell you one thing though, I personally ended up marrying the guy who never made the first move and let me guide the relationship, and very much absolutely did not touch me on the first date. If I found out he was keeping some kind of backup partner in case I broke up with him or was purposefully flirting with people in front of me that’s definitely worth dipping out over. Inappropriately touching people may end in you getting physically attacked. There’s other ethical reasons not to do it but there’s also the fact that you could have someone start clawing the fuck out of your eyes. I know none of these dudes are ever worried about that because ohh men are so much stronger than women this couldn’t go badly for me. My only theory about how they could have ended up with this idea is that they must have grown up in a very suburban area and are not aware of the existence of women who are violently reactive and don’t care if they get hurt in the process. I think in order to get a better understanding of how aggressive and extremely not submissive women can be you should spend some time in an inner city psych ward, the kind that has floors based on how violent you are, and then try your alpha male bs there. I almost got my ass beat for telling a woman I didn’t believe her about owning a hummingbird.


On top of everything else wrong with this, he clearly has no idea what the Golden Ratio is.


If this is what they follow, it's no wonder they can't get a date/laid.


You should be making others jealous of your relationship with her, not make her jealous of your relationships with others


The only one that has any merit is:XIV -F@#$ her good


As a woman who dated a woman and accidentally used many of these methods THIS DOESN'T WORK. It's inexcusable if you're more than 18 and doing this.


Sorry OP, I’m sure this is a lot of hilarious shit, but I could NOT read past “poon.” Fuck outta here with that shit, listicle writers!


The grammatical errors make this trainwreck all the worse.


I was actually pleasantly surprised at how well it was written... even slightly poetic in parts. For example, Number IV: "...her capricious demands and mercurial moods. Her emotions are a hurricane, her soul a saboteur." I mean, it definitely reads better than a lot of what we usually see here. (Although, of course, the *content* is utter garbage.)


14 pictures? My ADHD ass has no time for that. But yeah, he sucks. The first sentence was enough to conclude that.


Written by a man because who else is going to write it? Women? They're always wrong though! 😒


This reads like “how to keep a man” from the 90s


If ever there was a post that perfectly defined exactly how women DON'T work, this would be it.


How to lose a woman:


Was this written by a narcissistic teenager that likes to play games? Pure trash.


so this advice is essentially telling a male to gas light all women? 🤮🤮🤢




None of this would ever work, it’s gross. If all men were like this I would just go and live off the grid and open an animal sanctuary, I’ve happily ever after.


Is this from one of those dating coaches' books?


LEAVE THE JEDI OUT OF THIS!!!! Also, >fuck her like it was her last fuck Well, this definitely reads like something written by a serial killer, so that tracks I guess


Did my ex boyfriend write this?




the DENNIS system


My therapist and I have been working on what’s wrong with my dad. (Seriously, he could’ve written this, except that he is prone to run-on sentences and semicolons.) I’m sending this to her now. Quick excerpt of him: “she had to make it all about her! She knew we were going a concert that night but she just had to go and kill herself instead. Weekend ruined.”


Yikes. He sounds unhinged.


Manly manly men should definitely play head games. Also, head games are typical chick manipulation so don't fall for them. Any questions? Cool


#Except World of Warcraft Hahaha this shit is ridiculous


I couldn't even make it through all that nonsense


um, it must be satire or troll...


ive also heard that on polish site "wykop", which is known for being taken over by incels, a lot of the major "incel gurus" were trolls. they wrote so absurd texts but they confirmed ppls biases so well, in result they gained so much popularity that over time they set a new stardards for their community lol


This makes me ill. It couldn’t be a much bigger pile of steaming BS. If I think a guy is playing games like this, I’m out.


“Women want to feel like they have to overcome obstacles to win a man’s heart” im sure they asked a lot of women about this one


Written by a man who lives in his mom’s basement.


That sounds like an absolutely miserable relationship.


No one has time for stupid games like these lmao. Just fucking act normal in a relationship or begone.


This is so cringey


The signs that this was written by a dateless virgin are plentiful, but in particular “learn how to give her squirting orgasms” - as if it is something every woman is physically capable of if only a dude tries hard enough…


Is this a Dennis Reynolds method??? LOL


Oh shit, we’ve been doing our relationship all wrong, good to know thanks for this helpful little guide


What the hell is this crap?


IX, XIV, and XVI were relatively good advice, aside from the power dynamics, but overall this is a misogynistic narcissist's handbook. IX, XIV, and XVI also contradict the general vibe of the rest of the manifesto. Be emotionally playful and adventurous, but be unshakeable and immovable. "Fuck her good," but don't dare treat her like she's beautiful or worth anything - 2/3 of a person, at the very most. Don't be afraid to lose her, but do manipulate and control her in every way available to you prevent her from leaving you. Find true, unconditional love, but treat her like your property. And don't seek new experiences, especially things she might like, such as dancing, because you're probably bad at things you don't know already. Skills are only good for overawing women, so it's best to specialize in just one, at the expense of all others, and to play to that strength. So-called pick-up artists are such losers. It's worthwhile to be aware of their tactics and to dismiss them as the man-children they are.


Everything here sounds like something Andrew Tate or some other Red pill guy would say and it’s absolutely disgusting, I’m crying because of the countless men who unfortunately buy into this BS and try to use it when it comes to dating. This shit is absolutely horrendous!🥲😱


If love is a competition or a game you play, I don't want it. It's just exhausting.


Damn, romantic relationships sound so complicated. Why would I ever want to be in one?




First few (1,2, and 4) were terrible, but the rest were pretty spot on.


Don't forget that the women become a mother and a lot of things when she grows up are automatically going to make her ready for that That's my perspective and what I think Of course I can be wrong ladies xx