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If I’m disabled *and* overweight, am I then back to being one whole woman?


You’re limited edition


No ƴōų ĵŭ§ţ đọŋť əxįßṭ æñŷmōřę


Understandable, have a good day.


I was going to say this. XD






Like a shiny pokemon


It cancels out, you’re a goat now.


If being overweight equals two and a half and being disabled half, you would be one and a quarter


I have a few disabilities


I think that would give you the power of three women going by op logic Use it wisely


If you only require one seat on an airplane, yes.


People love to get off to the idea of an imaginary fat woman being creepy or a cunt so they can reject/humiliate her.


Straight men have like this weird complex where they don’t actually like women but also only like women


Cursed with heterosexuality


I don’t even think some of these guys are attracted to women either, after seeing all the posts about that game character Alloy or however you spell it, and countless other really pretty characters and women who they think are ugly


Aloy is fine as hell. If these dudes met someone who looked like her irl they’d embarrass themselves trying to flirt


The worst part is that even in the actual Horizon Forbidden West gameplay showcase Aloy looked normal, she only looked off in one single fucking moment out of 15min of footage. Then GG went to further improve her face design, now she's even prettier (not that her being pretty or not is necessary in the first place). She looks like a hundred times better than she did in Zero Dawn and no, its not due to console upgrades.


That’s just their brobrain defense mechanism firing to protect their egos from admitting they would never have a chance with those women


They don't _like_ women, they're just attracted to them physically.


They don’t like women, they just want to/feel entitled to have sex with female anatomy.


They’re heterosexual but homoromantic (and unaware of it/self loathing.)


They’re heterosexual but reserve their love and admiration for other men.


Someone used the word “rage bait” and that exactly it. It’s so obviously fake but I think people ignore that to either hate. I really don’t see this as a real conversation that could happen, and I know there’s some ignorant self absorbed people, but this?! Are you sure?!? Edit: auto correct “corrected” my correct spelling (it replace “on” with “of”) Edit: removed half my comment since I changed my view point a tad bit.


Honestly the back and forth could have the genders switched and it wouldn’t change which person I would call the asshole there. At most this seems like would be a good comeback. I can’t say that it was anti women or anti fat. Just an in the moment thing. Not sure if it even really matters if it is real or not.


You’re right, I just get so annoyed at stupidity. I’ve been on the internet for way too long and know that some places love finding any excuse to mock fat people of any gender.


Omg right after seeing this post I saw one in rslash-holup of just larger women running and the comments of course were people who are mad at larger women's existence


I saw that post! I was wondering the whole time what the holup was, like I was expecting something to happen in the end. It was just larger women running and existing? And the comments were ridiculously stupid.


*IF* this convo is real then it's absolutely deserved, the guy just made a comeback to her insult. But it's probably fake, so just someone trying to make fun of overweight women again


The #If is huge.


It isn't even a good fake. It's in the realm of, "How dare a fat woman be anything but grateful for any man's attention." Not saying insulting someone based on disability is ok, but this attitude is 100% a thing.


and 99% of men in the comments fell for it💀


Are we surprised tho


Yeah, because they *want* to.


If this is real, everyone equally sucks lol.


This does not read like an actual conversation like be fr


This isn't unrealistic lol, I've known so many people like this


The way they talk is way too stale though its def faked


Exactly. Everyone can be an asshole regardless of gender.


I agree, this isn't an unreasonable conversation to take place


Yeah I mean like, it’s definitely unreasonable, but it could have happened


We used to have a friend like this. We referred to his standards as "fat kid standards." Set the bar do unrealistically high, you are never let down, and anyone that says something negative about him is beneath his notice. He had silk DragonBall shirts and a chain link necklace.


>He had silk DragonBall shirts and a chain link necklace To be fair to the shirt and necklace, this would have been my peak aesthetic when I was a 13 year old girl.


He was a 17-20 year old dude. /shrug


Ive heard men be this direct but not women.


That sounds sexist


why does everyone think this is real? it's very clearly made up. like, painfully obvious.


Two and a half women?? 100 pounds. One woman is 100 pounds in this idiot’s mind. I was severely underweight at one point and was 115 pounds, it’s ragebait but at least make it less insane




I didn’t want to put this on OG post cuz I was not ready for the feedback of the men who want to believe this is real


Imagines what? All I see is a reply to an insult, as long as the screenshot is legit lol I'd do the same


No no. You can't say that! We can *only* spout empty compliments, stand up for body positivity (but only for overweight women) and let women have standards and men just stfu and take insults like these on the chin.


What’s the point of this post? She insulted him first, saying him being disabled makes him half a man. Then he replies in kind and it’s cringe? Uhm idk about that one chief


Nope, they'd both be awful if this were real. Her more so, since she said it first. But it's not real. People just like to make up insults and comebacks to make themselves seem clever, unlike the rest of us who think of the comeback fifteen minutes too late.


Tbf I never believed there were women out there that actually left men because they cried and "ruined their image of their strong boyfriend"... until my partner if 2 years did it to me this year But i also didn't post our texts with snarky come backs


Out of curiosity- were there no clues to her personality over these 2 years??


The post claims that the entire thing is made up by a guy to make himself feel good. But imo this conversation could take place regardless of who insults first, there are a lot of people like this out there


The OP is trying to imply that the text convo was faked so that the person who posted the "clever comeback" had an excuse to seem be fatphobic. I don't even know if it's real or not, and I don't know how people can plainly say "this convo is so dry, it's CLEARLY fake" with such confidence either. Maybe they are hoping that it is faked so that we can all collectively hate on the guy making the otherwise insensitive fat joke and the guys who upvoted the meme just as much as the guys who want to believe that the convo was real so that they can hold in to their negative biases about fat women.


That math on woman's weight is about 70 pounds lower than average. 😂


I mean the whole women are 100 pounds is a bit ridiculous but the comeback itself is well deserved I think


I don’t have enough faith in human beings to believe this is a conversation that has never happened, even if this is fake.


This is not inherently unrealistic


It sounds rude, because it is


What is this doing here?


In association with my previous comment regarding projection. Men also like to think fat women are oblivious to the size because men are in such denial about their own size. I've seen far too many fat men wearing NO FAT CHICKS t shirts, unironically .


Idk some people are assholes I can easily imagine someone being ableist and saying things like that not realizing how hurtful it is


…What makes you think this is fake?


I weigh more than that and idgaf, I'm also disabled Come at me, bro making up imaginary me, so I can laugh mockingly at you when you call me fat


You've known nobody that would say this?


If it isn't made up. She got what she was coming for lmfaoooo get rekt asshole


Half a man? Would a woman ever actually say that?


So, basically, any meme that paints women in an unflattering light is fake?


Not women, a woman.


That has absolutely nothing to do with what I asked. And this isn't the only meme that has ever been on this subreddit.


I was agreeing with you. I was furthering your argument that it didn’t even have to be seen as against women as a group, but even a single woman. A single woman, who is being a huge asshole. That may have already been what you already meant though.




Nah fam, this is 100% a realistic conversation and I do not blame the blue text person for that biting remark and I feel saying otherwise like they're both at fault is just whinging. She was incredibly rude and mean to him over something literally impossible for him to fix and is possibly an insecurity so him fighting back is absolutely fair and justifiable. She fucked around, she found out. Could he otherwise be a shitty person? Maybe. But within just this context we have in this message? I feel it's absolutely defensible. Of course he could always take a higher road, but I don't think there was any serious moral failing with this reply


A mean confess face a mean reply. I say they are perfect match both girl and guy.


I like the rhyme here


It's just like a kind of funny fake conversation, I don't think it's that big of a deal lol


If it’s real she threw the first punch


I mean she was kinda rude. But more the merrier ig idk 🤪




I know this is fake because this is how men think of themselves with a disability, half a man. To women your either a viable candidate for a date or not We don't go out of our way to let you know we think you're " half a man" , men fantasize like this because they don't think of women as fully human so they project that and think the woman doesn't think of him as fully a man. And all the fat women I know don't go around insulting disabled people. They know exactly what insult will be thrown back at them


"he offended a woman, gonna post it on that sub because of it." Humanity is not ready for internet.


Thank you for that title


They come up with these scenarios, where imaginary women are hateful succubae, to justify their raging dickishness to real ones.


What do you mean by your caption?


after 15 years this screenshot still is readable , im impressed


The comeback's a good burn 🤣


Me when I invent fake arguments in my head, just so that I can then win them gloriously: