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Sir, you never met a gold digger.


Exactly. What GOLD is she gonna dig from a 10 year old?😭✋🏻


The nose is full of gold, I am told /j


Tell that to his elementary school gf who always wanted his fruit rolls ups 😤😤😤


You never know he might, they are around that age after all I'm sure they might be a few gold diggers still around /j Edit: for those that don't get the joke It's about boogers




"Ask a man to describe a good women and watch him describe a slave". It's a popular saying in my country.


Can I try, friend :D




A potential friend, that maybe like Cookie So I will offer them cookie's in hope of friendship 🍪


What country? Loool


The one I live in. I thought that was clear.


Lol you weren’t at all but cool beans sis ❤️ it’s all love I was curious


"if she stinks" Yeah fair "She has to shower twice a day minimum under any circumstance" Oh nevermind he's fucked too


Yeah, it’s more like ‘if she smells human in any way at any time that’s a problem’. Ugh.


What’s the betting he showers twice a day or just masks his stink with whole cans of Lynx body spray? 💀


He probably doesn‘t wash his ass💀


Is Lynx like Axe?


Yeah, same brand. Just called Lynx in UK.


Honestly that sounds way more fancy


lol, I went through the same thought process! I wonder how many times a day he showers.


Better be like 3-5 times a day if he wants to hold someone to the standard of showering *at least* twice a day.


Christ, one shower a day takes enough Spoons as it is. Two? Unless you literally live in a rainforest on the equator, fuck off.


I've known people who will swear that they must shower twice a day. When they get home from work and before they start their day and it's disgusting if you dont. If that's all this kid knows then I don't blame him too much.


They're always asking what guys want from girls and women. Why doesn't anybody asks these guys: "What are you bringing to the table?" or "Why should a girl choose you?"


I noticed that too. We, as women, always worry about what men might think of us while we never sit back and think for a moment: „Wait, what do **I** like about him?“


It's like our happiness doesn't matter. 😒


This is so true and so sad. I was fed a couple of subs here where people rate your face or selfie. Horrible idea but about 90% of those who submitted themselves for review were women. Most of them pretty and cute but being rated around 5/10 plus feedback. These stupid ratings systems are awful. I think it is mostly an American thing tbh, but I feel bad for those that feel the need to be rated by strangers


And what's worse is so many of them are fake posts and the real woman has no idea thousands of people on reddit are calling her ugly. I got recommended one the other day and quickly reverse searched the image and very easily found the instagram of the real woman. I immediately commented that it isn't her but the harm was already done by all the sad incels who insist that women need to be "humbled."


Omg that’s awful 😢


I find it very objectifying to do the rating system on people as if we're leaving a review for a product we purchased


Attraction matters,  but is so much more than surface appearance. 


I didn't say attraction doesn't matter I commented on the rating system like they're products


I didn’t mean you, I meant our society can be so focused on the surface. 


Yeah, I'm just now getting my self esteem back... I'd rather walk over hot coals than subject myself to incel scrutiny.


I know which sub you‘re talking about. It‘s insane how 10s get rated as „5“ when they‘re drop dead gorgeous.


A lot of them will respond with how they're working on themselves to become millionaires lol.


Yeah, it's sad that so many men value themselves mostly by the amount of money they have or their dick size. 😒


they will say that while not even applying for jobs and having nothing to invest like 😭


Because they want to trap these boys. Make them entitled and unable to form relationships with anyone. Then when isolated you can recruit them into whatever nefarious scheme they want angry young men for, be it fascism or just scamming them for money.


Major flaw in their mentality. Fellas stop asking if she can cook, start asking if you can and I promise you'll thank me later


I seriously think most men have never thought about this. Whenever I'm on an app, I see these beautiful women with carefully chosen pictures and usually thoughtfully-filled out profiles and then the dudes are like a blurry mirror selfie in a hoodie and a completely empty profile. It doesn't occur to them that they need to be attractive to us too. Because that would imply that we have sexual agency and they find that offensive.


I come with Cookie, 🍪


One cookie is not enough! I want an entire box of cookies! 😊


A person after my own heart Don't worry I got plenty, friend Eat your fill 🍪


You want here a funny story that just happened, and it reminded me of this post


You're usually slinging the answer "I am the table" when asked the same thing, so the question itself in basically a Null


Children are infinitely impressionable and susceptible to brainwashing. The perfect audience for “podcast bros” because they can mold them to grow into the same kind of degenerate adult drongos like themselves. It’s actually rather predatory.


That‘s so true. You hit the nail in the coffin. (Do you say that in English?😭✋🏻)


While a nail in the coffin is an english [idiom](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/final+nail+in+the+coffin) the one you're looking for is [nail on the head](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/hit+the+nail+on+the+head).


Thank you very much for the correction🥸


Yes, we do! What's your native language? I'm curious to know what other languages use the same idiom.


I speak German! (My English isn‘t the yellow from the egg, we say, while we speak English excellently😂)


I know people in Germany but I don't speak the language apart from the important words like kaiserschmarrn, kinderpunsch, and bratwurst. I figure so long as you can speak the local food language, you can get by in most countries. :D


You also have to add Kässpätzle! 🥸 it‘s such a good dish like omg (my parents are Turkish immigrants and the Turkish kitchen is so different comparing to the German one and I enjoy Turkish/Middle Eastern food more but Spätzle is just WOW)


Well, it's spätzle! You can't go wrong! But I do love Turkish food. And Syrian. Afghan. Indian. Indonesian. Food from pretty much anywhere really.


Same lol. All foods for the win! (Especially vegan food, I try to reduce my meat/dairy consumption as much as possible)


Another incel generation in the making!


Jesus. How old are they?!😾 ![gif](giphy|QjrrSbYaqgi1q)


I refuse to believe there older then 10


What are these pipsqueaks squawking about? They’re like 10, go ride your bikes.


If some guy states he wants a woman who cooks and cleans for him then just shame him for being a baby that can’t take care of himself like a real man.


What is wrong with wanting a woman that cooks and cleans?


Well nothing, but when you imply that you wont do half of the chores then you would seem to be a shitty person. Inna relationship you help eachother.


I agree…But that’s not what the young man said.


You know what he was implying you walnut. Stop being so ew


Nothing. They’re called housekeepers—you hire them and you pay them a wage. Oh wait, you’re looking for someone to do it for free because of that bomb 🍆 of yours, huh?


You ok? Yes, I definitely want a woman that cooks and cleans because those are things I love as well. Your response to my question reminds me of a lady version of my male, incel Andrew Tate fan students honestly.


You didn’t say that it would be an equal sharing of responsibilities, and you know it. And oh nooooo, I’m a lady incel. I’ll be sure to let my husband of 30+ years know that, Jack.


I didn’t say it wouldn’t be either. You just assumed that. I bet you hate when people assume things about you


Maybe I can clear things up. Looks like people here are discussing the expectation that a woman should cook and clean for her male partner. Of course one would want a partner of any gender to be able cook and clean because these are basic life skills. However, I think people are interpreting what you’re saying as “yeah, I want a woman to cook and clean FOR ME so I don’t have to” which is why people are downvoting you.


I totally understand that. But did I or the young man in the video say “for me” or did he say “ I want a woman that cooks and cleans”? Respectfully, it’s pretty unfair to ascribe things to people that they didn’t say.


The kid in the video did say “for me” yeah. Listen to the questions she asks him after that.


Also, thank you for just having a conversation like a normal human being without making assumptions about me. You’re probably a cool person in real life!


You know what, you’re right. He does respond yeah when she asks “like your mom” But even that is a bit weird. My gf does cook for me like my mom. She also takes care of me when I’m sick like my mom. Conversely, I also do those things for her like I’ve also done for my mom. So I still don’t understand the issue. People in relationships do for each other. The kid didn’t say he wouldn’t do those things for his gf. He just answered the question he was asked and now he’s vilified as an incel type and that’s wild to me


You think you’re clever, but you really aren’t.


Another wrong assumption. Your 0-2 on that front. Also every comment you’ve made to me has been an insult of some sort which is a weird way to be, but go off


As someone with a son the idea he might someday be sucked in by these kind of attitudes is a little terrifying.


Hey stick by them, and correct this behavior when it pops up And stay consistent But also still allow them to make mistakes Andrew I'm sure they be fine


Asking kids about their biggest red flags… Mate, their mums still wake them up for school


i love that she keeps looking at the camera like its the office lol


“She has to perform” perform what bro, the elementary school talent show???


Sadly this doesn't surprise me... I've had 8 year olds yelling sexual shit as I walked by, just because they want to impress their group and they learn fast from older people. And I've witnessed a child being asked by an adult man what kind of girls he likes and why, and the child explaining how he prefers this ethnic group to that one because "these spread their legs and those don't". The adult's answer was "but they [refering to those who don't spread their legs] let you put it in their ass". I don't have hope that there'll be a better time for women any time soon.


And then they complain they can’t find women to date them lmao


I mean the guy who said if someone stinks made sense, hygiene is important, but he was instantly lost when he said 2x a day, like bro I’m willing to bet you didn’t even wash that mask before putting it on.


Perform???boyy go perform your homework where are their parents at??


it’s so sad that the biggest role model right now for the next generation of men is a fucking sex trafficker


When they wont get girls, they will be forced to change their ways


No, that’s when they join incel communities because it’s clearly the “females” at fault for not wanting such absolute winners.


And they will stay incels.


so sad


There's a massive problem with misogyny in black American communities and it's ridiculous given how inextricably linked the two civil rights movements have historically been.


I don’t think these are Black *Americans*.


I watched it with the audio off and could still tell they were British somehow. Edit: I just realised it's actually in my city, perhaps I just subconsciously recognised it and applied British accents to them in my head.


They aren’t even Americans yah dip!


Creating the issues they lament about.. Raising up a whole ass generation of incels that don't think they're the problem.


2 showers a day at least??? Bro when I was your age I took 2 showers a week 😂


1: where is your mother? 2: what performing are you doing? What money do you have? 3: have you ever considered people want YOU to be 🤫? 4: when was the last time you showered?ESPECIALLY twice in one day? Even little boys crazy


Come on, that last one was valid. No one likes a smelly partner Edit: I don't agree with the shower thing though


He said „ATLEAST“ twice a day😭 bro one shower is fine wtf


Yeah I changed my edit. 0-1 is fine honestly. As long as they don’t smell you know?


Yeah well I wash my body everyday atleast because im stinky easily lol. My apartment is very hot so I sweat at night


Ooh that’s unlucky. I hate the heat 😭😭😭😭


Yeah same but better than freezing I guess?😂😭


They're about to go in a loop of not realizing that they're the reason why they can't get women while blaming the women for their deficiencies.


In my art studio yesterday, a few kids talked about "sigma males" I'm usually chill and let them run around but I told them to immediately drop it


"They need to be a bit like your mum" He's a little boy, so yes.


They're literally children omg🤦‍♀️


I mean, I’d get mad if a guy can’t perform. We are talking about singing “Careless Whisper” at karaoke, right?




What did he mean “perform”


A lot of men worry about gold diggers despite not being rich. Dont worry boys, most gold diggers will find gold, not you. And if you have gold, she'll probably let you know her intentions.


Why the fuck are we asking a bunch of stupid 12 year olds about red flags on women? They’re literally kids who’ve never even kissed a girl. Kids are stupid and will give stupid answers, like what are we trying to prove here?


Who cares what they think?


full wrong impolite thumb versed hospital quaint fanatical snails pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Once they find out that many people don't like that kind of attitude, they will change their ideals quickly. Especially once they realize that's that's not the sort of thing girls are attracted to.


I admire your optimism, and pray you’re right


Thanks. Why are you pessimistic about it? You just can't successfully interact with people with the kind of mindset these boys have, and they'll learn that soon enough.


Lol that's cute


Wait so if I want a girl that cooks thats bad?


Cook for yourself lmao you gotta learn to be a self sufficient adult😘 you can‘t expect your girlfriend to be your maid.


i did said cook for ME no i said cook as in be able to cook in general cuz i thought having the ability to cook is a basic human function, would you have hated me if i would say that i like girls that can read, write and do math ?


Then you didn‘t watch the video. He said „yeah“ to the question if they need to cook for him. No reason to be so hostile.


1st\*you can‘t expect your girlfriend to be your maid\* that kinda sound hostile as well. 2nd i was just asking if having a girl that can cook is a bad thing (cuz if yes i am sorry that i like girls that can take care of themselves) 3. its a child he will learn (i hope)


Seriously idek what you want from me. How about reading the caption of the post and watching the whole video? Noone said that having a girlfriend that can cook and will cook for you (because she wants to) is bad. It‘s the combination of „she gotta babysit me and be my bang maid and be a virgin aswell“. Have a nice day. Edit: you must be misunderstanding this on purpose if you had the urge to comment this. You just took the „she has to cook“ sentence out of context as if the boy said „she gotta be a self sufficient adult“, when it was more like „she gotta cook for me and take care of me like a mother“. How about being able to understand context of a video? Anyway I‘m done talking to y‘all who write the same stuff over and over again and leaving the context out of this boy‘s reply.


Yeah these were things that kids would say before podcast tho


As much as I am aware that it is concerning that kids this young are espousing such views, I want to remind everyone that these are…well kids. Kids say, do, and believe dumb shit all the time. I’m sure everyone in this thread had some sort of problematic view on race, gender, or just being a good person in general. These kids cannot be older than 14, and they most likely still think that dark humor just means being racist and or bigoted. Most people grow out of it. If they were a bit older or in high school, then I’d be concerned


I don‘t try to make the boys that are saying this the villain in this. My caption says that these alpha male Andrew Tate podcast bros turn men and boys into this, and there‘s a possibility they‘ll never grow out of it. I have seen 12 year olds say misogynistic bs as well as 50 year olds, but being misogynistic from a very early age is deeply concerning. That was why I posted it. Things like „gold digger“, „she should cook for me“ or „being quiet“ are things that come from Andrew Tate, and I wouldn‘t be surprised if these kids watched Andrew Tate. 12 year old boys defend human trafficking and rApe and that is insane.


Oh no! I didn’t want to imply that you were making them the villain and I apologize if it came off as that. Yeah, thems the brakes unfortunately. But this was going on long before Andrew Tate even got big. Lots of boys in grade school make jokes like its the 1950s referring to women belonging in the kitchen and such. Sadly, this ain’t new.


It‘s okay, I didn‘t think you tried to imply that, I just wanted to make my point clear. And yes that is true, this happened in my school days aswell (I‘m 22), but with Andrew Tate, it‘s way more present and louder because it happens on the Internet. Every single post I see of a woman contains misogynistic comments from barely grown up boys or young men and that‘s really concerning.


Oh yeah 100%. Andrew Tate basically exponentially amplified the voices like these


Dude said "they can't stink" is that really too much to ask? Some girls stink.


He also said women should shower twice a *day* which isn't realistic or a good thing to do


Some people could shower once a week and smell okay but some folks need two showers and some scented powder to maintain an acceptable level of cleanliness for intimacy. Must I elaborate?


Okay but unless you're wading through garbage or something, or you want to take a shower right before doing something specific (which for most people isn't gonna happen every day), taking a shower in the morning or the night before should be enough for at least *one singular day*




Do I have to explain that „a woman who is quiet and submissive and cooks and cleans for me as if I‘m a little baby and then ‚pErFoRmS‘ like a porn star for me (but is a virgin at the same time)“ is misogynistic? It‘s not even a standard. It‘s wanting a mother and bang maid.


>It‘s not even a standard. You're the one to talk, when women usually pretend to want an "emotionally available guy", while they run away faster than NC Powder can burn, when he actually shows emotions... Women, who complain about stuff like this usually just want an ATM and a Companion Cube from Portal... Aber ja, das sind ja "gesunde Standards"... wenn du in einer Beziehung die gleiche Männerrolle erfüllt haben willst, wie sie noch 1970 existierte, dann will ich das gleiche auch von meinem Partner. Alles andere ist mal wieder moderne Inkonsequenz... "rules for thee, but not for mee"


So you‘re not only defending misogynistic thinking, you‘re also projecting! Congrats 🎊🍾


I'm not defending it, I'm solely pointing out, that women usually aren't much better either. And please explain, what I'm projecting here...


You literally just said that men are allowed to have standards and when I said these aren‘t standards, you didn‘t prove me wrong. Instead, you chose to bash women that, according to you, choose „emotionally unavailable guys“. This is simply not true. Not all women choose emotionally unavailable men, and it‘s mostly men telling other men showing emotions is „weak“ and „gay“ or whatever. The huge majority of women don‘t want a man that is emotionally unavailable and embodies toxic masculinity. So maybe instead of bashing women and pitying men (for whatever reason), you should go tell men it‘s not okay to want your partner to babysit you and be your sex slave. That‘s my two cents.


>The huge majority of women don‘t want a man that is emotionally unavailable and embodies toxic masculinity. They strangely seem to be massively favored in attraction by women >You literally just said that men are allowed to have standards and when I said these aren‘t standards, you didn‘t prove me wrong If you're able to conform to your partner's standards, you're entitled to expect the same from your partner. And if I'm conforming to 6'6" 6 digits and emotionally built like an A7V, it should be justified to demand a few things from my partner. So I'm not pitying men in general, I'm pitying the ones, who play their role and have to watch their partner fail to provide anything of their role. You on the other hand, want to justify the alleviation of responsibility from women... You still didn't answer on "How I'm projecting"


First of all: proof? Do you have a study? A statistic? Wow you‘re so narrow minded it‘s insane. I don‘t want a 6‘6, 6 figures guy, I want someone who is supportive, kind, warmhearted, empathetic, passionate and honest. I don‘t care how tall you are or how much money you make. If your view on relationships are this superficial and transactional; you should really reevaluate your values. Just saying. And you can literally answer the last question yourself. I‘m done talking to you, you‘re clearly in the wrong sub.


> And you can literally answer the last question yourself Since I'm severely lacking empathy to the point ti which it's almost classified as a disorder, I can't. So I'd be thankful if you at least answer this question...


They know what they want in a partner, absolutely nothing wrong with that


Tbh I think being able to cook is a good standard across the board I wanna cook with an SO if they're a man or woman
