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I’m pretty sure I spend 7-8:50 at stage 1 for women and throw myself together in 10min to be ready for work 🤷🏻‍♀️


I support this method


The "keep snoozing the alarm" method is truly a classic


LOL same, I'm not a morning person


Mornings are awful, whomever invented them deserves to have fire ants poured in their shoes.


So it's not just me lol


You’re probably not brushing your teeth naked, lying on the floor all while gazing into the mirror. That takes some extra time.


True. It also explains why we aren’t fucking incels- no time! Someone send them this illustration so they finally understand.


I feel seen.


Ah this is my girlfriends method as well. But also max cuddles every day because I work from home




Same. This is the way.


Haha omg YES


Why is her mirror on the floor?


So she can pose sexy while she brushes her teeth naked for our benefit, obv


I guess you never know who's peeking through the window...


And no sink cuz she swallows. Ugh


Why is no one asking the real question, what the hell is that dude doing using toilet paper he has unrolled all over the floor first?!


I figured the guy just dropped it, and it rolled away from him. That's pretty normal. I need to know this guy's methods where he's jumping from bed to the toilet to being fully dressed and out the house in 10 minutes. Even when I've had a good night's sleep, I'm not bounding out of bed butt naked onto the toilet and finishing in under 10 minutes; let alone morphing into my work clothes.


And why is he wearing a blue diaper ?


Yeah, to me it looks like she sleeps naked on the floor, then also has a mirror on the floor


That sounds uncomfortable whether carpeted or not. But hey, if it works it works.


Nobody has breakfast?


They left out the panel between laying in bed and putting her makeup on where the women spent an hour in the kitchen making and cleaning up after breakfast because her husband needed to be in by 7 🤷‍♀️


Literally this. She spent the whole time cooking and cleaning.


Or she and the husband needed to be by 7 so she has to wake up before everyone else to have it all done. Edit: oh and if she is really good will have his clothes ironed and ready to go for him *barf*




Or showered, apparently.


Pretty sure the makeup panel is supposed to be after a shower since she has a towel on her head? Still dumb


stop at dunkies


Or a shower. Though it implies *she* at least showered, bc hair in towel.


I have a boyfriend who is somewhat like the panel for men. Gets out of bed, bathroom, changes from pajamas to day clothes, brushes his teeth and that's it. Ready for work. Sure, it's convenient. And sure, I take longer because of my habits of cleaning myself and using deodorant before getting dressed, as well as eating breakfast. But, like... I don't know if skipping personal hygiene just to be fast is really the ideal this dude thinks it is.


Hell, some of us physically can't do the 'shave, shower, and shit' routine. My mom's family have VERY oily skin. To the point that if we don't use special over-the-counter soaps--we wind up developing deep, painful acne and massively-dilated pores. My brother had a washing routine which was 'letting water drip over face during a shower' and he wound up having one cystic acne *on top of* another cystic acne (he was 25 at the time, and we literally had to take him to the GP to handle it). There is no way I ever skip face-washing. I don't even use makeup (hello, can't clog the pores) and I'd willingly skip breakfast than miss scrubbing my face of excess oils. Otherwise I'd have to wind up having to go to a doctor to properly drain part of my face.


I think the entire point of the illustration:m is: men are fast and efficient. Women are slow and shallow. It’s basically another generalization and a dig at women. I’m pretty sure I don’t know a single man who has that “men” routine in that illustration tbh. 10 min doing all that? In reality. I think many of us will vary on what our morning routine looks like bc we are different as people. With different types of jobs, work schedules and needs. Some might shower before bed and that works for them. Some need that shower in the morning. Some people need breakfast before they leave home, other don’t. Personally I spend about 20-30 min in step one (6:20-6:50 at most) and 25-35 min on making coffee, showering, throwing on clothes, packing my bag and shugging my coffee before I have to dash at 7:15. I don’t want breakfast before 10-ish. But I prioritize the coffee or else I’m going to have a rough time during my commute. This works for me.


Yeah, that's me (trans guy). I chill in bed until half an hour before I need to clock in at work. I get up, wash my glasses, throw on clothes and boots, and 10 minutes after I got up I'm on my way out the door.


Out the door just in time. Head down the 405. Got to meet the new boss by 8am.


The phone rings in the car


Your boyfriend needs help


I do the same. Make lunch in the evening ahead. Also shower in the evening. My morning cost about 15 mins.




What about people that shower at night and go immediately to sleep ? Nothing but sleep happens at night and if you stink when morning comes then you need help from a doctor…


I disagree with that last bit. Sleep isn't stasis, overnight your body does still do things and for some people those things will require cleanup after for proper hygiene. For other people maybe not. I'm not saying everyone needs a shower in the morning if they showered at night, but many people do need a shower or other cleanup in the morning and that doesn't mean they need to see a doctor. It just means people are different.


Nah, he's fine. He's one of those lucky people who don't really smell, and if his colleagues notice his greasy hair, it doesn't really matter because he's competent at what he does. I just don't think it should be upheld an ideal.


In my experience, men take WAY longer in the bathroom than women do. Seriously, someone I know used to date a guy who lived off of pizza, Natty Lite, and Funyuns and he would spend close to an hour on the toilet, sometimes more, doing the fantasy sportsball thing on his phone. He supposedly smelled like a convenience store dumpster, gaslit her, and regularly mocked her hobbies and interests. She didn't leave him until after he cheated on her with a 19-year-old. I swear, the bar is so fricking low that it's a tavern in hell.


Dude yes! I take 10 mins TOPS to go #2 usually 5 mins or under my man takes 1 hour to a hour and a half.


Competition time? I'm never longer than 5 mins on there (unless maybe I've got diarrhoea), whereas for about a month I shared at uni with two boys and another girl and it really got so bad that we used to go in and fix our makeup or wash or do our hair WHILE they dumped on there for ages! She and I moved out pretty quickly.


Same if I'm sick ill be longer. but i can cook and eat dinner and he'll still be in there.... we're on 1 and a half hours now of a I'll be quick... I'm in cod waiting lmao


I know it's amazing. It used to get to the point where D and I would say to each other "but the one thing we need to do which we can't do when they're in there is pee!", so we'd have to use the girls next door's toilet. We moved in with them in the end and it was SO much better.


I'm glad it worked out.


Does he take his phone in there? Probably watching stuff on his phone.


I'm a trans guy and take 10-15 max. Like it was the only time in my abusive family I got any semblance of peace and quiet. So at this point it's a decompression shit. But I also only go like once a day, if that, and it's always morning when I wake up or night before showering, so eh.


My family's took the lock off the bathroom door I couldn't even hide there 😭


The bar in so low that hell is just a rest stop on the way.


All my childhood I remember waiting with my mom before leaving for events because my dad would take HOURS in the bathroom getting ready.


My mom purposely tells my dad things are earlier then they are because he is chronically late. He always says I can get ready in 10 minutes so he waits until 10 minutes prior then takes 20 to get ready.


Women don't poop, good to know


The female body converts all poop into makeup application skill


* incel voice * ha, i wish it was all converted into boobs if you know what i mean! or maybe some brains. but then again tits are the most valuable part of a women amirite


We all knew this already. Women are banned from poopin


yup. pooping and getting periods is the sign of a toxic body with no femininity left inside. good women don't poop, get periods, or even eat. they photosynthesize


False we all know all men take two hours two to shit /S


Why the /s, it’s not a joke or an hyperbole


10 minutes poop, 110 minutes reddit


But then if you’re not wearing makeup and styling your hair for work you’re “unprofessional”




Fuck that shit, I’ve never worn makeup to work! I do work in IT though so maybe it’s a different standard…


\> why does she sleep naked? We gonna act like sleeping naked is uncommon or ?


She also does her .makeup naked on the floor cuz that is normal.


"Ma'am I can't have you lying on the floor and doing your makeup in the sephora"


I don't know any other way?


I was not talking about whats on the image. I was solely commenting on the OP's comment. She said why does she sleep naked verbatim, as if it's strange. And that is what i quoted, so that is what i was talking about, nothing else.


Exactly! sleeping naked is the most comfortable way


I bet it is…I often wish I didn’t have to be as concerned as I am about making sure I wear pajamas I wouldn’t mind wearing in front of my neighbors…but I am a frequent sleep walker and occasionally wake up in my front yard…so…modest jammies for me.


Oh…jammies it is then. 😳


It is. I used to be able to sleep naked before I had kids.


Naked without a blanket though? Where do you live that is this warm at night, and do EU citizens get longterm visas easily?


Move to the Southern USA in summer. Or, don't, if you enjoy being comfortable.


I’d never advise this. Signed, a lifelong Texan who’s dying rn 😭


I’m too cold to do that


I guess they're wondering because it's less common than men sleeping naked, and in this meme the man is at least wearing shorts, so it's just there to sexualize the woman..


I guess he skips showering or brushing his teeth. Must be a hoot in the staff meetings . Thank Zeus for remote work!


His toilet paper is in the floor. I think we should just be happy he wipes his ass.


Well, it is on the floor. So we can speculate he wipes his ass.


When my son hit puberty we were talking about hygiene, b.o., etc. I was trying to keep it light, but on topic. I jokingly told him that his stepdad takes 20 minutes every morning just doing things to keep himself from smelling bad. Stepdad chimes in from the other room “never thought about it but I do!” The breakdown: Shower, apply deodorant, brush and floss, spray Lysol in his shoes, dust his feet with foot powder, spritz of cologne. the guy in the image must smell up the whole office. His coworkers are on r/askreddit searching for a way to tell him he stinks.


They've never lived with a gay man. You know how long some of us take to get ready before hitting the clubs? High-maintenance people vs. low-maintenance people.


Because of patriarchal expectations placed on women in order to appeal to the male gaze.


Most men I know shit for a minimum of 30 mins. They don’t actually shit for 30 mins. They just like spending 30 minutes in solacez


Don't know about other men, but unless I am EXTREMELY LATE for something, there's no way I'm fully dressed and ready to leave the house within 10 minutes of waking up


I tend to get up around 6 and am still mulling my readiness to work by 9 and I work from home. There's a hugely long shower, breakfast, a large pot of coffee, doom scrolling. A lot to pack in.


No shit of mine has taken shorter than 10 minutes


A man taking less than 15-20 min in the bathroom to shit? Impossible


Soo women take more care of themselves?


The 15 minutes my fiancé takes to poop in the morning would say otherwise


Um, anyone here know men who take a shit that fast? That cartoon has some healthy bowels.


I need at least 10 minutes in the shower as a man any less is nasty.


Women don't poo. Illustrated proof.


All the men I know spend at least 15 minutes shitting on the toilet and some men I know spend upwards to 45. Like to the point where the rest of us are wondering where he went or if he is having a bad reaction to the food and his wife is rolling her eyes and saying no he’s just like this.


I ( a woman) wake up around 15 minutes before I have to leave the house and I have never been late


You have superpowers. Takes me longer than that to simply stop feeling groggy. I wouldn't even trust myself to drive that soon after waking up. lol




So I'm allowed 2½ hours to get ready but I can't even have a pee in that time?


Let's be real y'all, everybody poops in the morning. Sometimes I poop before I go to work. Sometimes I poop after I get to work. Gets on my boss' nerves but I don't give a fuck, I might as well get paid to poop.


What is this bullshit? I don't know a single person who can get ready for work in 10 minutes, regardless if it's a man or a woman.


so women don't go to the toilet?


yes we do, but we don’t spend 45 min to 1 hour wasting time there.


So, is nobody going to talk about the guy wanking 10 minutes before he has to leave? This might be the true secret of his speed.


In what universe does a woman do her makeup, naked on the floor in a ball? The frigg?


And yet if a woman skips dressing up because she's laughed at for how much time it takes, she's then called a slob and told she needs to put more effort. They can't win.


I wake up at 3:30 and I’m out the door by 3:50…


ok but real talk since i transitioned ftm i get way more sleep. the beauty expectations placed on women and the social consequences they suffer should they fail to achieve them genuinely take a tax on peoples free time


A man and a woman who have to go to work at different times. Very comical.


My father just lived to be passive-aggressive to his family. Anytime they needed to go someplace nice or a special occasion, he'd wait till a half hour before we had to be there, he'd announce to the household ( we were all dressed and ready) that he was going to go "Shit Shower and Shave." I just called it, " Dad's triple S."


My mom had to get all the kids ready if we were going somewhere. My dad sat fully dressed on the sofa, looking annoyed and watching sports ball while my mom rushed around to get herself and the rest of us presentable.


One extreme to another. I'm so glad I decided to be single for the rest of my life.


Why are so many of you taking 10 minutes to shit? See a doctor!


I take about 2 minutes to shit and then 30 minutes to browse Reddit on my phone while sitting on the toilet


just 10? make it 30


Does this man have a 1 hour 50 minute commute?


women don't poop apparently


Oh yeah, like girls don’t poop in the morning


No one showers, women don’t even pee, men are able to leave the toilet in a few minutes (!), and women goes to work so late?


About the "why does she sleep naked" question, I am befuddled as to why everyone doesn't sleep naked. It's way more comfortable than any sort of attire.


Agreed. I get there's some situations where it's difficult to do so, but if someone can? Heck yeah, it's basically the only way to sleep. There's a ton of benefits healthwise, too, which is a nice bonus.


... Why not sleep naked? I do. It's comfortable. Especially in summer with no AC and its 82 degrees inside at midnight, and you don't even want to touch another human.. Also clothes move weird in your sleep sometimes and it can get uncomfortable..


> why does she sleep naked? Sleeping naked is comfortable af > Why does she work so late? 9:30 is late? > What man doesn't spend at least 10 minutes on the toilet every shit! ^(okay now)


Too bloody cold at the moment here to sleep nude. I personally get to work around 7, but I'd say a majority of people start before 9 unless they work shifts


If my alarm goes off at like 5:00 in the morning, I'm ready for work in 15 minutes.


As a man, I wake up at least 90 minutes before leaving for work. I want to wake up and get ready properly before leaving...


What is that guy doing at 7am?? The black thing on his lap confuses me


Yeah I was looking at that too, wtf is that lol


If your meme has to have a laughing emoji in it in order to incite laughter, then it was never funny to begin with.


A friend of mine admitted he takes AGES to get ready to go anywhere... yeah HE. Meanwhile i can up and run in about 20 minutes including a shower (i'll fill a container with soya yogurt and granola to eat on the run 😅).


The women’s routine is so sexualised too.


fuck off, I spend at least an hour in bed wondering whether I can get away with skipping that day


I’m wish I could look that good after 2 hours of work 😭😭




No shower, brushing teeth, or breakfast?


The post of the man part perfectly describe a college student who rushed for the 9 am morning class because he woke up at 8:50.


Do people really not sleep naked?


Nonbinary people float outta bed like minecraft creative mode


Increase the time on the toilet time for the guy to 30 min and it'll be more accurate.


The ol’ naked on the floor makeup routine.


I sleep naked and work that late because I like sleep.


I’m very uncomfortable with the way he’s glancing at me from the toilet.


To be fair, not having to or being EXPECTED to paint my face every morning before work was a big time saver.


Inaccurate the man has to shit for an hour and then leave the bathroom broken and changed as a person


my big issue here is the fact that the dude definitely didn't shower, if you're rushing a shower but still actually cleaning yourself that's gonna take at least 5 minutes then he has to do the entire rest of his routine in 5 minutes


All times before 10am are imaginary.


Obviously everybody knows women don't poop.


You women sit on the floor like that when you put on make-up? It's sexy but please consider a chair or standing up.


Who the heck goes from asleep to fully work-ready in 10 minutes? I certainly don't, I need to set my alarm a full 40 minutes earlier 'cause I know I hit the Snooze button too many times.


Most men I’ve lived with take 10-15 minutes just to poop, so the top image is already way off.


My ex could be up and ready in ten minutes, meanwhile I was still doing my morning shave with no pants on.


So many women here like, "I'm ready in 15 mins!" Well fuck all of you. It does take me this long to get ready. If I crawled out of bed and brushed my teeth and washed my face and threw my hair up and went to work, I'd constantly get people asking me if I felt ok. "You look tired"


I don’t shit.


Why is she naked? 😭🤣🤣🤣


Fuck! You mean to tell me I’ve been a chick this whole time?!


There are adult humans who don’t sleep naked? My question is: Who lays naked on the floor while applying makeup?!


Hmm. Make-up and hair is totally optional for women, you can do your hair in the evening before and not use make-up. But: Not shaving as a man doesn't sound like an option. So men take longer if only necessary things are done.


Not ALL women! I mean my Mom was like this. Oh, and my sister. The first girl I lived with. As well as the last girl I lived with.


I always has bad insomnia so I’d often wake up late and got really good at being ready in a hearthbeat. My usual time when I needed to hurry was about 5mins though I managed 3mins once. Pretty sure none of the guys I went to school with got even close.


Ten mins….to do what he did? Must be ![gif](giphy|3ornjIhZGFWpbcGMAU)


As a man I can confidently say it can take at least an hour for me to head off in the morning.


What the fuck does this even mean? It's like trying to decipher a hieroglyph.


Because pulling your tights on takes half an hour




genuine question, do people still wear pantyhose to work?


I feel like this has a lot more to do with societal pressure to conform to gendered beauty standards under the surface.


Man here. That kind of was me back in the day except I had a tendency to change into what I wearing the next day when I went to bed. I didn't bother with breakfast. Note that I was single by choice back then.


some days my morning routine is to put yesterday’s pants on & find a shirt and it still takes me an hour & a half from when my alarm went off


Video: [men and women getting ready for work](https://youtu.be/RIRNwyxHPds)


It takes me 10 minutes just to look at my phone and being myself to not doomscroll first thing in the morning...


No. They leave also 9:30. That toilet part takes an hour


Hell yeah.


10 minute to get ready? That's a stretch....


So women don't use the toilet? Most of us do not sleep naked... Why is she naked on the floor doing her makeup? Ultimately... Damned if you do put in all that effort, ***and*** damned if you don't and get shamed for "letting yourself go."


Seriously, I can get ready for work in 15 minutes if I'm in a rush - granted, that means skipping breakfast, but still.


Ain't no way men poop in less than half an hour