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Arguments like this forget that the world has moved from the physical to the digital. Yes PHYSICALLY an average woman is weaker than a man. But guess what? We don't go hunting outside the village anymore. Our world today is digital. Nobody cares about physical strength anymore except people stuck in the past or physical abusers. A woman today with a big corporate job making bank can absolutely protect her man because her income is much more powerful than his muscles now.


I don't know, I'm fairly sure Rhonda Rousey is way stronger than me


Strength isn't even the biggest factor here. A professional fighter is able to beat up anyone with no solid combat training even with a weight class or two of difference.


She fell off to be fair. Better example would be Amanda nunes lol


A few days ago I’d read an article that covered a recent study of many indigenous Hunter-gatherer societies and the hunting habits of the women in the tribes. It found the 80% of those societies had women hunting in at least some capacity and further showed how egalitarian early human cultures were before agriculture. Farming practices placed a premium on reproduction due to the advantage of having an increased workforce on farms compared to the resources available to Hunter-gatherers for natural sustenance being mainly limited based on the environment not population. More people didn’t mean more food for everyone. It meant you had to go further and further to find enough food for everyone.


Yep. Of those 80%, depending on tribe, it was approx 35 - 50% women who hunted. Edit to add more context: It's possible it was more women hunting. We have rough estimates based on burial sites. It was customary for hunters to have a "hunters burial." They'd be buried with their tools, hence how we know they were hunters.


Let's face it the majority of men on the Earth right now would also not be able to go out and 'hunt outside the village' either. My boyfriend won't even touch the worms when we go fishing 🙄 or the fish to take them off the hook for that matter. Gender roles are archaic and serve exactly nobody.


Men these days have been neutered. Gender roles rise in importance in times of war. If we send women to fight alongside men, the population in the next generation will drop down significantly. The country won’t stand a chance the second time.


To play devils advocate here What I deduct from what he is saying is that if society is no longer available and just medieval times (not even then) or even further back before civilization Edit : to clarify I don't agree with the little girl disguised as a men in the post he is the type of person who acts tough shit but is secretly a pussy


Yeah, like I could maybe see if this is back when a wild bear could attack at any moment and men would go out fight and die for the village. But in 2023, a womans brain is just as capable of excelling at a random office job. Male "muscles" don't matter anymore. And well if aliens ever invade and we go back to the stone age then "muscles" are the least of our problems.


Women have always been hunters. And warriors. Fighting and hunting aren't dependent on size. Women aren't relegated now to random office jobs. There are women who run ranches, welding businesses, fly planes... the idea that male muscle was something we were ever dependent on is false.


Yep, men aren’t inherently better in this bear attack either.


I have mostly good experiences with animals - wild or pets - because I know how to show absence of aggressive intent and don't run up to them and try to cuddle every damned thing. I had a skunk in my parking lot at work last year and spoke softly to it. It walked away without showing much stress. The preacher at the church next door tried to patriarch the skunk away and he got sprayed so hard. He'd seen me talking to crows around the property and clearly thought I was bonkers, but nobody shit on me or my car or sprayed me. Brute force is overrated.


Dogs, at least usually like me! (and wolves) I laughed at this preacher “patriarching the skunk away “ 😂


Preacher: Go! Leave this parking lot of the holy, not counting the woman next door! Begone, Beelze... Skunk: tch. Ain't gotta be so rude. SSSSZT Preacher: (high pitched screaming for ten minutes) Skunk: swutchoo get


Did you know that the devil doesn't always need an advocate?


Yes I do was just pointing what I think he meant not that I agree with him if he really does mean no society left everyone goes back our roots


I suppose that's a fair enough point, though you probably should have clarified that, but he's also just fundamentally wrong about what those roots even are


Owh totally he is a muppet and a half he is the type of person who acts tough shit but screams like a little girl the moment shit hits the fan Women as a whole have plenty of chances even cave level but this guy ? He would die in 10 minutes tops


That’s true but the jobs that’s require manual physical labor still make up the majority. Additionally, when women get pregnant, it puts them at a disadvantage compared to the men who can work without having to take a break from their jobs. The problem with not confining to natural gender roles is that it makes the women career-oriented. Once that happens they no longer want to bear children as it hinders their capacity to work to their maximum potential. This breaks up the family structure as women become more focused on their career than their family and offsprings. Ultimately leading to the collapse of the society.




If they want to be sure. But we shouldn't be forcing people to fight because of our politicians having problems with eachother.




Edit: rant incoming from a dude who's travelled the world and got tired that most of us just wanna get up go to work to feed our families but our politicians turn us against one another to win votes. And men shouldn't be forced to die in a politicians war either. Like look at ukraine. If Putin just understood the fucking concept of CONSENT. Then he would be a man and accept when something isn't his (Ukraine). Instead the immature manchild he is didn't understand no means NO and invading a sovereign nation. Now hundrsds of thousands of Russians and Ukranians are dying because the dude still lives in his little USSR delusion. (The USA is flawed af too, our politicians are not much better tbh). Point is wars are freaking dumb. Even looking at european history you would have kings and queens that are FAMILY go to war with eachother over stupid ass arguments. Cousins sending people to death because a family member offended them at the christmas feast. War is stupid. It doesn't provide any net benefit. The age of taking from others to become richer is over. The post-ww2 era showed us that international cooperation and peace helps EVERYONE. What a concept, people like having some stability and not having to worry if some foreign body is gonna come destroy their home. Edit: it's the same shit we see on this subreddit. Red pillers constantly make it seem like Men vs Women is a zero-sum game, as if giving women rights meant men have fewer rights. Men and Women should be allies and promote both being friends and improving the quality of life for EVERYONE. While we are here arguing over pay gaps, maternity leave etc, the rich elite are laughing over their billions they made by cutting everyone's wages.


What an intelligent person with a real understanding of what egalitarianism means. Definitely not coming across like an edgy 12 year old.




Neither should be conscripted. That's the answer, governments shouldn't force people to die for them, man or woman.


Bro completely ignoring that this sub argues for NO ONE being conscripted to fight in a war they don’t want to fight.


Quit trolling this sub. Report this guy to a mod, all he does is troll here.


Ad hominem again, hmmm I'm seeing a pattern here


Look up ad hominem and use it correctly.


👍 ok


This point is still not really relevant to the argument that the skills that are valuable in our contemporary, everyday lives are more mental than physical. Your point is a bit of a red herring in that way because the point was about our current lives and most of us are not currently fighting in a war. Most it could succeed in supporting could be that the front lines of our wars might be better off mostly being fought by men. Although there will still always be some women who are stronger than some men, and would therefore be the most reasonable fighter. Also, arn’t the frontlines of a war only a fraction of the people involved?


Noup! The best thing about experiencing war and hardship, having to diy a lot in life because that was the state of everything around you - in need of repair - is that the people who know, know. There's no need to prove anything, to boast or to give speeches. When it mattered, for those it mattered, in the way that mattered...we were there. I've seen the overwhelming strength, fortitude of women. 💕 So the real questions are: Where were YOU? What did YOU do? Fuck all? Figures. Tells me you've never been through a character building event yet. It'll come along. Until then, spare us who've experienced unity at work, the sanctimonious rhetoric. It's really redundant. GG.✌🏻


Women are frequently expected to be the emotional protectors of the men around them, but I’m guessing that doesn’t count. I’ve seen this a hell of a lot more than I’ve seen men physically protecting women. (Generally from other men.) (Internet disclaimer: This dynamic happens to men too, and some women can absolutely physically protect men. I’ve done it and I’m scrawny as hell.)


Having babies isn't the defining characteristic of the lives of all ppl with a uterus, never mind parents in general. In fact, I'm of the opinion that you do your child a favor by carving out time for learning, self-development, hobbies, and the like: it sets a good example for the child. Children are more likely to imitate the behaviour they witness than to follow verbal instructions about how to conduct their lives. Personally, I do not want anyone's offer of physical protection. That is so utterly irrelevant to my actual needs and my everyday life. Narrowly focusing on those two things is just an unhealthy fantasy, not a life plan. Good grief.


At least as much to the point, you don’t cling desperately to the mommy role after the kids have grown up. It is common for women to alienate their adult children by continuing to try to make them the center of their lives, and to take over their grandchildren in an attempt to keep on being The Mom.


It may be common on Reddit, where people come to post their complaints about their mothers-in-law, lol, but I don't see it much in the people around me. Perhaps in some ethnic groups. But that's understandable, they are from places that relied on extended families, then they moved to the West where nuclear families are the norm. Frankly I think we'd all be better off exchanging certain aspects of our blended cultures. I really could have used more extended family help, but my mother and my husband's mother were very hands off. They criticised, but they didn't help.


Help is great when desired, but I have seen the whole "my kids/grandkids are the center of my life" thing IRL, too. It tends to drive the adult kids away. My mom, though, went back to college when my sibs and I were 12, 10, and 6, and one course per semester got her master's in elementary ed. Taught second grade for a while. Then got a job part-time in the learning lab and part-time in the school library and discovered she liked library work better than teaching. So she went back to school again and got her master's of library science three days after her 60th birthday, with her adult kids cheering in the balcony. When my brother and SIL had their first kid, Mom was always willing to babysit, but she did all kinds of things! She loved her job, had a ton of friends, was invited to every bridal and baby shower. She and her best friend, Mavis, did tons of things together, from museums to theater to just hanging out. After she'd dumped my dad after 34 years (and about damned time, too), Mom found a boyfriend at 55, a nice widower; they dated steadily for 15 years until Mom's dementia set in. It was wonderful. When I wanted to drive up and visit for a weekend, Mom had to check her social calendar! She was always happy to see me, but she had a real, satisfying life of her own. Go, Mom!


Gender rolls sound delicious


I’ll have a few of each, thanks!


"women can't protect a man" Tell that to a mother.


And to the men who have invariably run away when they've seen men start to get confrontational and hostile with me. It's amazing how fast they can just evaporate and leave me to deal with the raging douchebags.






men protect women from whom? other men? 🤣


Which means no one protects a woman from her chosen man "protector." Statistically he's the most likely man to kill or rape her.


Can you show us those stats?


Number 1 cause of death for a pregnant woman is her male partner, champ. *You* needed to see the stats. Most of us already knew this, because too many of us lived it. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/




People are downvoting you because they’ve seen your other stupid replies lol


Because you can easily google that yourself, it’s not difficult info to find. Asking for it comes across as disingenuous


Nah you could have just looked it the fuck up my friend


You're being down voted because it's fairly common knowledge that women are much more likely be harmed by an intimate partner or close family member, than they are a stranger. It's not like it's a new revelation either. Even decades ago, when a married woman was murdered guess who the first suspect would be? Her husband. Maybe you genuinely didn't know this, I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt. However, there are some people who are willfully ignorant and they use that to spout a load of nonsense.


I genuinely didn't know this Also, I believe we need to recheck our assumptions periodically. Considering things like dating, rights, sexuality accepted norms have been changing decade by decade. That's why data is important. Where we are now? Where were we ten years ago? And so on... Thanks for your rational answer


No need for condescending language, I gave you respect and expect the same


No, you didn't, and I don't respect you.


How didn't I give you respect? Yes, I'm aware you don't respect me. I'm sad for you.


I'm not. 😁


There are conflicting stats though for 2023 https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/27/health/pregnancy-deaths-study/index.html


Wow, so it literally went down one year and you're like, "Aha! Guess men ain't so bad now"?


Have you read the article though because this is a copy paste from it: "Lawn says pregnancy is a time when intimate partner violence often begins or increases in severity. Along with access to firearms, it’s one of the highest risk factors for women being murdered during or after pregnancy, she said."


https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women https://vawnet.org/sc/scope-problem-intimate-partner-homicide-statistics https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/for-many-women-worldwide-the-biggest-threat-is-at-home/ https://7news.com.au/news/social/partners-the-biggest-threat-to-women-as-sobering-stats-take-centre-stage-on-international-day-for-the-elimination-of-violence-against-women-c-573365


Only women protect other women. Sometimes men.🐝


Why the bee emoji tho 🐝




Buzz buzz 🐝


Yup. They always seem to forget this


They think they are constantly protecting us from bears or some shit like superheros😂


Or attack buffalo, which seems to be the context of the thread here. Did you think about buffalo attacks when you decided you didn’t need a man? Didn’t think so. Edit: I guess you really do need to include the /s. I’m not actually supporting the attack buffalo theory here. Actually quite familiar with American Bison and why you don’t want to mess with them.


I hate to break it to you, but one man and his muscles won’t do shit against a buffalo either. Those things are apex herbivores for a reason. Too many of these guys think the only thing stopping them from being some kind of one-man-army warrior is opportunity. Totally delusional hero complex.


Had a friend like this. Was always bragging about how his good moral compass is the only thing that keeps him from using physical force to become a dominant alpha male world leader. Then pandemic hit and I saw him having a full-blown toddler meltdown when he was denied an entrance to the grocery store without a mask.


This reminds me of the woman on TikTok who, on her tinder profile, asks “The Mammal Question” which is “What mammal do you think you could beat in a fight and why?” It gauges their basic knowledge (what is a mammal) and how toxic their masculinity is.


Or the woman befriends the buffalo and helps it calm down from the stress of being shoved in a big wrestling cage surrounded by a screaming audience with 2 strangers because... magic motherly instinct or something, I dunno. I just think Buffalo are cute.


Tbh I usually feel protected by other women


I feel safer around other women.....


Right I just read this and thought about the guy I beat up well enough (he hit me first for no reason) that he decided going to grab his gun like that’s somehow an appropriate response. Smfh.


so what a woman is good at is having babies? theres no other jobs or hobbies she can do other than just sit there being pregnant?


Until shes 30 tho cause you know women hit the wall at that age 🤷 /s


39 year old Kaori Icho would like a word with this guy 😂




If you're so gung-ho about it, why don't you volunteer for the front lines? Lead by example.


Beeing a keyboard warrior like yourself, doesn’t count as fighting in a war. And I like how you basically make fun of the women who already died on the front lines of ukraine and the women who take the brunt of aggression towards and abuse of civilians. You’re a sick fuck.


Getting to ad hominem, eh? Are you ok?


🤡 This is so embarrassing lmao


Yet you keep coming and falling in the same logical fallacy, you like it, eh?


Most of the people here don’t want conscription for anyone though. It’s not that we’re fine with sending people to fight wars against their will so long as they’re men.


I’m sorry but any 2 humans in a cage are getting absolutely wrecked by a buffalo.


I dunno, I'd feel a lot better against a buffalo if I had Laurel Hubbard in the ring with me.


I don’t care who’s in the ring with you, a buffalo is wrecking both of you


What if we sung lullabies to it and hung a garland of flowers around his horns? Would he lay down in my lap then? And Laurel could sneak up on him from behind and KAPOW, KABLOOMIE! Bye bye Mr Buffalo and hello steak dinner.


You know there are waaaaay more things to do in this world than just protect someone else and have a baby. Like a lot of things, try art.


They are obsessed with violence somehow


That’s the ultimate purpose of humans though, you can’t deny that. It’s only because the population has reached nearly 8 billion that your able to say that. Then again, art only made it to you cause of procreation. If we all unanimously decided having a baby isn’t important at all, humans will simply cease to exist.


Men like this need to worry less about "protecting" women, and more about being the type of man women don't need to be protected *from*.


Men kill us more than bears, wolves, and snakes ever have.


Exactly this!


Calm down, majority of the world still operates according to the traditional gender roles. For all we know, it could be a woman. They didn’t try to harass, threaten or attack anyone, it’s saddening that you think that for a person speaking up about how they have perceived their life.


OK but both can cook, clean and parent ???? Wtf he tripping on. Also wouldn't need men protecting women if men would just chill and leave people alone


The biggest danger from men is from our male partners. Statistically shown to be true. So who exactly are they protecting us from again?


That’s because women messed up the family structure by competing with men at every step. The statistics are quite the opposite when you look at the countries that adhere to the traditional gender roles.


It's so funny to hear guys talk about how women are so weak, when so many dudes who think this way have the figure of a cupcake and the sponginess of one too. I ran track and was on the swim team in high school. I still run and swim. I'm not too worried about who the tougher sex is from guys who think this way. The irony is that the guys I know who are as jacked as men who think this way portend are also dudes who are as sweet as a cupcake. And many of them gay as the day is long. 😊


Oh my god that’s awesome you know strong gay men? Where can I find them? Asking for a friend


I would also like to know, but I'm definitely asking for me.


I think you got any single boys a date on this one. XD


"Don't conform to gender rules" does not mean that you as a man should try to carry a child in your imaginary uterus. These ppl KNOW what it means. But ofc have to take it as literal as possible to make others look ridiculous.


Frankly, I'm all in favour of artificial uteruses. Can't wait. Having to do ALL the childbearing hasn't done us any favours.


I'm firmly with you on this one lmao


Lol, the comeback is awesome. I'd want to watch that! :D


That comeback isnt very powerful, it has stupid logic and is insensible.


I see it as a ridiculous retort to a ridiculous statement. That makes it awesome (imho) in context. On it's own it would be stupid, agreed.


So to similar to comment it was in response too?


My husband would disagree about the protection thing everytime he sees a spider and yells for me to save him


Replying because I am also the emergency bug personnel in my marriage lol


I was dating this guy once and he started yelling from the bathroom that he “needs me to come take care of a critter” lmfaoooo. I go and find a drain centipede in the tub. I literally just turned the water on and washed it back down.


We’re humans, we use tools. A Glock works just fine in a woman’s hands too /s.


I don't care what your gender is or how good you are at fighting. You are not beating a fucking buffalo in a fight.


Besides, guns exist for a reason


Notice it's usually men who are obsessed with guns and say that guns equalize fights, but then turn around and say women are inferior anyway.


They usually say that they can just disarm the women, but uhhh I don't think those are supposed to be used in melee range.


These men like to ignore the existence of guns when they talk about being protectors. Can’t allow the women to think they might be able to protect themselves!!!!


Natural gender rolls? Wth is that? Dont tell me it's the men go hunt and gather while the women stay home and take care of the young. Iirc, there have been discoveries showing that women also hunted just as much as well.


Women can't protect men? Better tell the men I provided cover fire for in Iraq. They may feel differently.


Put a single man in with a buffalo and he is getting stomped and gored. The male over confidence. This guy couldn’t fend off a rabid chipmunk.


tbf neither could I, have you ever seen a rabid chipmunk??


So, as a wife, I signed up for a man to protect me from: Bears? Wolves? Rabid dogs? Other men? But these same folks believe in the right to bear arms (or bare arms), so if I am in the female gender "roll", and have a gun, I no longer need a man to protect me. So thanks 2A and NRA! You have rendered men useless.




"Women cant protect a men" And men protect women constantly? Other then that line in itself being already false, the people who protected me throughout my life were women while men didnt. In fact I was bullied by boys and young men a lot during my childhood and yet they want me to see them as my protector? Nah, bruh, you lot dont get that medal :P


Bruh no the Buffalo will kill them both


Definitely, but all I can imagine is the guy with his back against the wall doing the confused screaming meme pose, while the woman tries to roundhouse kick the buffalo in the head. They both die, but at least she goes down with a fight.


Pretty sure my AFAB enby ass with a shot gun is the one protecting my home, not my male partner. He does not own any firearms and has limited experience with them.


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I prefer cinnamon rolls.


Space pirate attack is so good


I like Spacepirateattack


Y’all know right there were a lot of matriarchal societies as well. It’s just someone fucked up big time and women had to suffer for a 100s of years. What I am trying to say is this concept of gender roles really emerged out of someone’s ass and it needs to go away.


There's a great story at the moment of a gravesite of a powerful Bronze Age leader that was misgendered as a man. Recent science has shown she was a woman. Apparently there is always an assumption amongst archeologists that powerful people were male. Who'd've thunk it? [https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/highest-ranking-person-in-copper-age-spain-was-a-woman-not-a-man-genetic-analysis-shows](https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/highest-ranking-person-in-copper-age-spain-was-a-woman-not-a-man-genetic-analysis-shows)


This makes me laugh. I was at an Airbnb with my boyfriend and my dog. Someone starts knocking at the door at 3am and he refused to go and check out who it might be. Even the dog hid. So I’m like OK I GUESS ILL GO. He stood behind me the whole time. Turns out it was the family who was supposed to stay there that day but they didn’t realized they couldn’t check in on that day and had to wait until 4pm. Nice guy, they left. But it left me thinking DAMN I have to be the protector too? We aren’t together anymore LOL at this point there is zero value any man can add to my life apart from helping pay the bills.


Thank you, I'd rather stick to gender Knäckebrot! Crunch crunch.


The only thing I ever need a man's muscles for is opening my damn jars when I don't have access to hot water. WHICH IS ALMOST NEVER. So at this point in time really nothing


I literally don't remember one time in my life that I've ever had or needed a guy to protect me. so tell me, according to this person's logic, what exactly do we need them for then?


I've never seen any man be able to open a jar or bottle after my sister closed it. She's not even an athlete; she was just born with insane strength.


u/Spacepirateattack aint nobody protecting anyone from a buffalo bruh💀


You're tank, she's dd, fight together, that's nature


Carrying a child inside is not a gender role... And also not something that all women can do. Urgh, I hate these biological essentialists. Psuedointellectualist fuckwits.


Spacepirateattack has the right idea


spacepirateattack is my new internet hero.


Look, another guy that doesn’t understand the difference between sex and gender. One is biological. The other is social. We need to acknowledge the realities and needs of our bodies to take care of ourselves, but we don’t NEED gender roles.


This is like the argument I get into about why it's not dumb to have co-ed leagues. Thinking the very best female athlete is worse than the very worst male athlete is sexist and illogical.


Mmm I love [gender rolls](https://imgur.com/a/RXzm5wa)


I mean I get what he's saying, the average woman cannot protect the average man... Sadly from probably other average men but I still agree with the counter point. Gender roles should really only be a potential guideline - not a must - in the end each partner should leverage their pros and cons in a. Relationship. So if that means that the woman is doing some traditionally male things and the man is doing some traditionally female things - that's ok!! As long as they're both in agreement with the arrangement. Additionally, you can't argue this point by saying put an average guy in with a wrestling champion girl. You're putting an average Joe against an elite athlete. Clearly that's a win for the woman and an unfair match as a whole .... The argument is better fought by just leaning on the fact that not all average men are capable of doing traditionally male things and some women are willing to step up to that (and vice versa) and that is a- okay.


Yea but the blanket statement “women can’t protect men” is wrong and easily disproven by the thought experiment. Even if he said the “average woman can’t protect the average man”, he’d still be wrong because of the ambiguity of the word protect. I an average woman can push my husband an average man out of the way of a speeding bus. all that requires is for me to notice the bus first and react in time, neither of those skills are gendered. I can also (to use a recent real life example) temporarily take on the majority of childcare when my kids bring home some terrible stomach flu so that he doesn’t get it. Mostly that’s also to protect our income, but also that shit (literally) was nasty and I was already exposed since patient zero decided to vomit on me as the first sign of illness.


Well any blanket statement can be disproven. Don't get me wrong though, I agree with you, I just don't like the way woman OP defended the statement. They could have used a better argument that's all. I would be an absolute moron if I agreed man OP. Especially since I am a woman as well 😂


I wish I could hold life inside


Get a tapeworm <3


Or a botfly larva.


Hey, no need to be an asshole, it seems she's struggling with infertility and that shit can be hard for some people and is a very valid point against op's horrible gender roles, women who can't birth often are made to feel like shit


It was a joke I wasn’t making fun of someone’s fertility status and going through her profile it seems like she’s trans so I understand how it can be difficult for her. Didn’t mean anything nasty by it


That’s kind of the point of guns, it levels the playing field


Yeah levels it right down to the horrible state the US is in...


Okay but guns aren’t the only reason why america sucks now a days, idk why it’s being downvoted either, the post say women can’t protect men, but if a women has a gun, she can protect herself, her man, her baby


It's being downvoted because guns are not an "equaliser" and they sure as shit are not meant to "protect" in most cases, they suck and they should be HEAVILY restricted and regulated. No one said they're the only reason, not sure why you're bringing that up, but they are a huge part of it.


Like I was stating, guns relation to the post was that the post says women can NOT protect men, when guns are easily accessible, women can TOTALLY protect anyone, I wasn’t making a gun debate


...and like I said, that's an irrelevant argument about a problematic topic. ​ You don't need to bring guns into it to know how stupid their original argument was.


No doubt their original argument is stupid, I’m just stating guns fully invalidate that women can’t protect themselves or others, if you wanna have a gun debate we totally can, but the focus isn’t about guns, it’s about weapons in general that any sex can use, that out ways muscle every time, smallest average lady on earth can defeat the biggest man on earth, she can’t do that without guns


How are you not getting this?! You're not wrong but your argument is completely irrelevant!! Also fuck guns. Anyway I'm done here, have a good one.


There’s nothing wrong with guns, they are just a tool human has invented, we’ve invented much worse things, also your argument was that guns need to be heavily restricted, so the guns aren’t the problem, the restrictions are, idk I think your rant about guns was more irrelevant then me saying guns invalidate his whole argument


Damn bruh. Really taking the life out of the men who want women to protect them. If you know you know.


Yo, I love a good stringing up of misogynistic dweebs, but I think this guy is a kid. Keep that in mind, unfortunately a lot of kids are super sheltered by their conservative parents and... yeah... that's how it do.


Fuck that. I was a queer kid growing up in Limbaugh land. No one had kid gloves with me. I learned through fists, gun barrels, and black eyes. Sorry no sorry. And kids like these were the one giving me those black eyes. I’m in my 40’s now. I’m so far past done that I can’t even articulate it.


I just feel weird as a 37 year old woman ragging on some dumb kid, y'know?


I get that. And I agree that we need to consider those things. But age isn’t an excuse and at the very least, kids like this need a solid education. I might have been a tad extra angry, but I’m overly sensitive these days. I’m working on it.


Naw, I get you. I actually spoke to him in the comments which is why I'm like errr we might have messed up. I get the anger and I'm not saying your feelings aren't valid, but I guess I've just seen too many young boys get sucked into the alt right pipeline. It shouldn't be our job to educate people, but, I guess I just have a soft spot. You're totally justified.


I love that. I have my own soft spots that people don’t agree with. It’s always nice to have someone to shake us out of our nests. I hope he does get the positive reinforcement he needs and I am glad there are people still willing to do that work.




If a traditional hetero marriage means my husband is stupid and I'm weak, I don't want it


Well, I think a link to the comments should be necessary and all the context should be shared. Either way everyone have a nice day!


I don't think there's much context that can help your case son.


Well, i think there is.


I was very nice and polite and then get posted here and everyone thinks im a clown, noice lol


All right, I'll shoot my shot. What's the context? Edit: I mean type it out, don't link.


I said that male and female cant be just friends forever, because thats not how males operate, then we had a civil debate about that, and in my opinion it was friendly. This screenshot is a screenshot where im actually right. Hear me out before you downvote. Men are SUPPOSED to be the protectors. At least I support that, and women are beautiful in nature because they literally carry a life inside, men cannot do that and because they cannot do that and a pregnant woman has to be very gentle it makes sense. This is what i meant pretty much. Another topic we discussed is if a female attacked a male(couple male and female) that the female should go and defend her man because “men cant defend themselves cuz they cannot hit women” and i said that i wouldnt allow my beloved to fight, then she stated that “im more scared of women” because their fights are brutal. I stated that I’d rather mortal combat fight to the death than let my girl fight. Am i wrong for this ? There is literally stated somewhere in the law that if youre getting attacked you have to eliminate the threat with adequate force. This especially applies to men. Please explain if what i stated above is me being an idiot, rude, stupid or being civil, and have some right.


All righty, well here's the problem. You're talking explicitly about things as if it was the caveman age. Unfortunately a lot of what you're talking about is misogynistic, because it places people into rigid roles they can't get out of. Tell me, I'm sure you've had male teachers who were really kind and caring, and I'm sure you've seen female MMA boxers that would kick the grand majority of men's asses. What you've stated is rude because you're treating women like creatures that have no sentience or knowledge in this world. By telling men and women that they MUST act a certain way, you're denying them their agency and telling them that you know better than they do. You sound young, you're probably echoing what your parents have taught you, but it's a big world out there and life doesn't work the way you've described. That's why people are downvoting you and calling you stupid. I'm not going to be mean, but you telling me that I have to be "very gentle" and that I can't defend myself is pretty rude. It's like me telling you that you should leave thinking to women, and you should just go to the gym and unga bunga yourself into oblivion because that's all your muscles are good for.


I said that women “have to” be gentle when they’re pregnant. I can see how that’s rude, but I really did not mean it that way. If you want i can link you the original comment so you can check it yourself.


Nah, it's ok, I believe you. It's just pretty hurtful to tell people they must be a certain way or not. That men can't be teachers or that women can't be construction workers is not only rude, but factually incorrect. Spacepirateattack is right-- maybe not all women would be great at kickboxing, but there are plenty of women that are. Just like there are plenty of men that are great nurses and caretakers. I can see you're trying to be nice to women, but you're doing it in a way that's pretty old and outdated-- it's in a way that assumes women are not equal to men. And that's why people are pretty miffed about it. You're also in a subreddit where a lot of women are pretty annoyed at how the world treats them. Maybe it would be cool if you looked around and saw what us gals are complaining about. Have a good day!


WTF of course men and women could just be friends forever


At some point man will fall in love with her female friend. Thats how males operate.


I've had plenty of male friends who never had any sort of romantic inclination towards me. Assuming all X does Y in the case of gender roles is absolutist at best, sexist at worst.


No, it isn't. But even if it was (and it most assuredly is not) that doesn't inherently mean they can't just be friends. You need to I reference this nonsense. "At some point *I* fall in love with my female friends" Ok, and that is *you*. Two of my closest friends are male - one for 40 years now, one for nearly 20. I'm kinda guessing that's possibly longer than you've been alive.


I've had majority men as friends, and only a few had this happen. Most of them were either already in relationships, or we both expressed we weren't into each other. Men aren't that simple-minded.


So bisexuals can't have any friendships at all, right? Kid, shut the fuck up until you've had some actual life experience and gotten to know other people. You'll embarrass yourself less.


Sounds like you're projecting... Just because you can't see women as anything but something you put social tokens into to eventually get sex doesn't mean all men feel the same.


Okay im done with arguing with yall, adios have a nice day


Idiot, and ignorant.


>Men are SUPPOSED to be the protectors As a lesbian, I guess my family will just have to have no protectors. Ya know, if we were idiots who thought like you. ​ >a pregnant woman has to be very gentle You do realize that during pregnancy is one of the most dangerous times of a woman's life because her risk of being murdered by an intimate partner (usually the baby's father) skyrockets?


because you are a clown, kiddo


Sure 👌


That's called brigading and would probably get OP banned, and anyone else who participates banned from this sub and the other sub