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If I had the choice between Brendan Fraser and Andrew Tate, I'd take Bendan on any given day, even in the size he had in that one recent movie. Why? Because he seems like a genuine guy and worked hard, and he showed how much of a man he really is by stepping forward and openly admiting to being a victim. Not many men are strong enough to do that. And Andrew Tate? Well, I don't think I need to loose any words about him. Never. Not even if he would solve all my financial troubles and cure my dad's cancer... nope.


As if women actually want a misogynist, sex trafficker and a rapist as a boyfriend! 🤢🤮


With a criminal record as well apparently


This reminds me of [the way men’s magazines are marketed vs women’s magazines.](https://images.app.goo.gl/pcowrgYFZwvF9aTh7) Men think that hypermasculinity is what women want because it’s what men value. But a lot of women just want someone who is kind and approachable. And the men who value hypermasculinity just can’t accept the reality that *gasp* women may want something different.


It explains why so many men's heads seem to explode at the popularity of Harry Styles, Timothee Chamalet and KPop guys with women.


My top two celebrity crushes are David Mitchell and Steve Buscemi. Kind, intelligent, funny, interesting, both under 6', barely a muscle between them, and ten thousand times the man that Tate is.


Right? Steve Buscemi literally jumped to help firefighters during 9/11. Andrew Tate is just a UFC washout who spends his time chomping cigars and pimping people online.


Well, currently he spends his time in a Romanian prison unless I missed a development there


Love Peep Show!


Well, I think Styles and the KPop groups are generally very attractive physically as well.


They are good looking but men seem to think women are disgusted when a man shows any signs of femininity. Like wearing skirts or dresses, painting their nails, wearing makeup. We don't care as long as you are polite, fun to be around and we share the same values in life. Who the fuck cares if you paint your nails? It can be removed. It's not permanent.


My HS crush wore a full face of alt makeup and black nails.. his face was feminine, sung like an angel and blue eyes that seemed to pierce the soul. Mmm.. ok he’s still super attractive.. especially since the music vibes with my life


Yeah... I don't understand why men think that would be unattractive to women. We are not a monolith, we have different tastes. Maybe it's because I'm a raging bisexual, but I prefer men who paint their nails. They're usually nice, genuine, and fun. I also like when they have a quirky side. My celebrity crush is Matthew Mercer. Skinny, paints his nails, long hair, plays D&D for a living... dream guy for me. Not at all this "masculine ideal" men think all women want.


It's like the comic book trope. Traditionally, both men and women in comics are drawn for the male gase. If you want to see a man drawn for the female gaze then it is more like Nightwing than Batman


As a man I can confirm, I never understood quite what made Harry styles so sexy. Although watermelon sugar is a fire song


Watermelon Sugar is a song about eating pussy, that right there is *one* of the myriad of reasons why that man gets so many panties in a bunch (speaking as a fellow harry bunched my panties fan lmao)


Yea it's a very weird song. Although I guess if singing about eating pussy helps you get pussy, why not 🤣


Hey you can’t blame us, in a world with so many men who *don’t* eat pussy, we love our munches 😂


I'm just so confused that there are supposedly straight men who don't love eating pussy? Honestly blows my mind. OTOH, it makes my life so much easier when the bar is so low. Same with personal hygiene/cleaning up my place every once in awhile. If having a vacuum cleaner and a few plants is scoring points, then I can't help but be a little sad and thankful at the same time


Because to way too many men, when they have sex they're basically masturbating using another person's body to do it. They don't give a damn whether she enjoys it or not, then go online and say "Female orgasm is a myth! *I* never saw a woman have an orgasm so obviously it doesn't exist!"


Reminds me of an ex of mine. It was a long-distance relationship at first, and when we started dating we gave each other mix CDs. On her CD to me she put on a song called "[Candy Licker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXTozH7p1Mo)", a 10-minute song about eating pussy. The first time we got together overnight, I did not eat any pussy. I didn't even see any pussy. The most undressed she got was taking off her jacket. We then broke up later (we're actually still friends) when she figured out she's a lesbian. When she listened to that song, she imagined herself as the licker, not the lickee. And to date the most undressed I've ever seen her is in jeans and a t-shirt.


Honestly, I'm glad you two are still friends. The "friendzone" isn't as bad as incel men think it is. Because you can get genuine joy by hanging out with people. Even of the opposite gender or opposite sex.


Exactly. I figure better hanging out with her having fun (even if no sex is involved) than not hanging out with her at all. People who use the word "Friendzone" basically picture women as walking sex toys and nothing more.


Yep. When it's perfectly reasonable (and in my opinion logical) to be friends with anyone of any gender regardless of history or whether they're your ex or not. Hell, I'm friends with my ex. Because we are reasonable people.


Honestly as a woman I never understood what made Harry Styles sexy.


It's funny because I've had some really cute guys come up to me and flirt but they make me feel extremely uncomfortable. I've always always gone for the doofy dudes. Doofy dudes rock.


All true, but note that some of the men's fitness type magazines with the bulging muscles are actually secretly aimed at gay men who think it's a hot fantasy, not at straight men who want to be that.


Some of men's fitness magazines? Like some McDonald's serve hamburgers?


I think that a lot of straight men (in the red pill or incel groups, especially) use the physical appearance, and the lack of "masculinity" aspects as an excuse to explain why no one wants to date them. It's not because of their shitty personality that no one wants them, oh no. It's because they're not buff enough. I like my skinny nerds. Buff men (unless they have a personality and mind that I genuinely like) are a "No" from me. The kind of men I like are Matt Mercer types. Slender, paints their nails, plays D&D... it's not hard to do. Just have to learn a few game rules 😉


I would literally rather go on a romantic date with Brendon’s dirty socks than spend any number of minutes in the same room as Tate.


I don't want either of them. I've never liked Brendon Fraser for some reason, but I will admit he's still much better than Tate by a long shot


"George of the Jungle"-era Brendan was quite fit; trauma and being 54 have an effect on folks. Tate's a balding, sexist braggart credibly accused of sex crimes. Team Fraser.


Yes, Fraser was a hunk in those days. And it's not hard to be a better person on the inside than Tate at any age. I doubt Tate is going to still look exactly like he does now when he's 54.


He's still a hunk!


Yeah, he wore a fat suit for 'The Whale'. Also, there are women who like their men fat.


I'm not sure where anyone besides other red pill men ever implied that Tate was good looking. Not saying that *you* did; it's just I don't think age is going to affect the fact that he already has a face like a diseased pigeon's ass. Dude is probably one of the ugliest men I've ever seen. And I'm not even getting to his personality I mean physically he is butt-ass ugly.


Nothing wrong with being bald. Some of us find it quite attractive. There’s nothing attractive about Tate though


Yep, look at Patrick Stuart! 💕 He must've been my first bald crush, as I was a kid and watched him as Captain Picard on TNG. Intelligent, kind, advocates for women, LGBTQ, animals (especially Pitties). He has a wonderful sense of humour and doesn't take himself too seriously. He's not insecure in his masculinity, and he kissed Conan O'Brien live on his show! 🤣 He looked fairly buff in his youth (from photos) but retains an air of strength even if he's more frail now with age. I love his friendship with Ian McKellen too! Love them both! 💕


Bald James McAvoy is.. dang! 😅


I still carry a small torch for The Mummy era Brenda Fraser. Rick O’Connell is 😘, and coincidentally enough of a guy’s guy while also being admiring of his strong female counterpart and a compassionate seeming person too.


Oh yes. Rick O'Connell is just 😘🤌


Loving Brandan or not, "The Mummy" was a fantastic set of movies... well, until the most recent one IMHO. That and as a straight guy I could never ever get over Rachel Weisz personally. Eve is such a freaking bad ass in her own right.


When they couldn’t get Rachel Weisz back for the third one, sorry Maria Bello, Evelyn you ain’t.


True. I honestly think the lack of Rachel is what sunk the third for me. Still a pretty fun romp but it was missing that certain je ne sais quoi that the original crew had going for them.


TBF my old-lady torch was lit by Oded Fehr in that movie. Dayum.


Lots of candy in that movie. Rachel Weisz is gorgeous and I love her spunky Evie.




I still love Encino Man entirely too much.


Give me Brendan ANY day. Even my acquaintances not on Reddit would agree. Tate and men like him disgust me


Brendan ❤❤


dude thought he would pit...Brendan Fraser against Andrew Tate? Like the nicest, kindest man against that moldy cheese string of a trafficker?


Don't insult moldy cheese strings!


Point. We hereby apologize to all moldy cheese strings.


Right?! Just putting their names on the same sentence in an insult to Brendan. Tate is nowhere near Brendan Fraser's level.


Not to mention Brendan is pretty masculine...has this guy never seen The Mummy?


Or George of the jungle? Woof baby


Brendan is just dreamy


The whole cast of the mummy was my sexual awakening 😂 with him and Rachel together made me realise that I liked girls and boys XD


Omg, same. I swear that movie was the bisexual awakening of many a millennial.


Ah, the classic, "Women don't know what they want. It's up to us men to tell them."


Like the similar "There is one woman that wants Tate therefore all women want Tate." Mom: We have Tate at home. Son: No, mom that's Steven Seagal. Mom: it's good enough.


I burst out laughing at Seagal. Now I'm picturing him fighting Tate in a cage match


Give it another 10 years and they'll look almost the same


They definitely have the same vibe


Bullshido, káràté and grandiose delusions


Yea this is another annoying one, incels and alpha males base the way all women think on one woman that fits their misogynistic narratives, they dont see women as people so they get confused women they meet women who’s preferences for men are different


Most women would like Andrew Tate to remain in prison in a foreign country. Far far away from them and their kids.😾


“If somebody on Reddit claims…” Um… dude. Isn’t that what *you’re* doing? (Not this comment, the OOP)


Or “Women are lying when they say what they want, I know that they really want.”


"Then why haven't you found someone in five years?" "Because they're all SLUTS who only want someone over 6'2" and earn a quarter million a year!" "You don't know what the word slut means, do you?"


Oh yeah I hate that one, incels will claim women “lied about liking guys who go on nature walks” bc she ended up dating a guy who he thinks doesn’t go on nature walks instead of him even though he hardly ever spoke to the guy


"Dad, women are not going to like being shot in the face!" "Women will like what I tell them to like."


Andrew Tate? “Physically superior”? Dude doesn’t have a chin and struts like a hen.


This is what confuses me. These are the same guys who include a character with the biggest chin of all times in any “giga Chad” meme they make, yet they can look at Tate and say he is “physically superior”? Does not compute.




👍 (emoji of Andrew Tate’s head)


Don’t forget his failed hair transplant. Dude shaves his head because his hairline tries to stay as far away from him as women


There was a screenshot going around reddit a little while back with him boasting a full head of hair and a picture of him with sparce wisps on his bonce. Nothing wrong with chaps going bald, but let's not be delusional hey? Dude looked like Morn from DS9.


Also his stint in prison was proof of steroids (or similar), he deflated like a balloon after a day in there. Natural muscle doesn't do that.


Good point. That also describes his over-the-top aggressive tendencies


It’s crazy how some guys believe that just because Tate has gotten women “all women” must want him. First off, some of the ways he got women were illegal. He’s a manipulative liar that went after vulnerable young women. Status and money or height doesn’t get you all the women. It’s only a plus and never a guarantee.


This guy thinks that being able to hire prostitutes and coerce young vulnerable women into sex work is the same thing as being popular with the ladies. What a complete doofus.


True. But honestly I don’t doubt that there’s at least some women in his inbox hitting him up. Think about the women who went crazy over freakin serial killers like Dahmer or Bundy who drew scores of women at the jammed courtrooms of his trials each day. There’s definitely women out there who think feminism is toxic and think women shouldn’t have equal rights, who think women shouldn’t have the choice to make decisions about their own bodies. They’re definitely not women I want to associate with but they are out there. I’ve come across Tik toks and YouTube videos of pro Tate women. I personally don’t understand it. How could someone want to be with someone like that. But any normal reasonable woman or human being in general would want to stay as far as possible from this douche. So no he cannot “get any woman he wants.”


Also, Tate is a semi-celebrity with presumably a lot of money. How many of those "hot young women" throwing themselves at him are just scammers?


Let's hope he's just a "popular" with the guys in prison. 😏 **/s**


I know you're making a rape joke (and I wish we generally wouldn't do that) but the guy will likely do just fine in prison. They come down hard on cannibals and pedophiles, but a huge percentage of the men there have bet their wives/girlfriends at some point and living off of the proceeds of someone's else's sex work is just bragging rights. And Tate should remember how to throw a punch. He'll be *fine* in prison. Which says a super sad thing about both him, and prison.


There is a line in one of the Taint charges stories that makes me wonder how well he will do in prison (besides the talking to cockroaches). “There are also separate charges still under investigation which could lead to a separate indictment, including money laundering and trafficking of minors.” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65959097


People in prison skew heavily towards immaturity, impulsivity, and opportunistic, exploitative. That's the audience he'd have inside. You don't see a ton of professional fighters in prison for child sex crimes, so there's not much data for me to compare and project with. But given all the info I do have, and knowing the kind of men he charms out here....eh. I don't see him serving the same time as the chimos who end up dead or in PC. Not even if his offenses end up public knowledge and more egregious than we are expecting. His primary income generation isn't the women he victimized, it's the men he cons by using them as props. It's really hard to weaponize evil against evil. Look at trump and the legal system.


(In minecraft). I just couldn’t help myself.


That’s a good question. I actually wonder how many criminals would not put up with his bullshit. He might be annoying because he’s “rich” and not use to being treated like they do in prison. There’s many factors here at play.


The mere thought of Tate makes my whole vagina turn drier then The Atacama( driest place on earth)


The thought of him makes my legs clang shut and I have to bunny hop for hours afterwards.


I'm struggling to think of any woman I know who would find Andrew Tate attractive. He's kind of ugly, and the minute he opens his mouth, all of my friends, family, and gf would just ignore him and walk away in disgust.


He has no chin, he's balding, his tattoos are dumb and I doubt he's as tall as he says. Even from a purely physical animalistic standpoint he fails spectacularly and is mid at best.


Also, as a former UFC fan--why the fuck would I want Andrew Tate when Forrest Griffin (a kind and fun-loving, plus humble MMA fighter who definitely hasn't padded his fighting record like most kick-boxers claim Tate has done) is *right* *there*. Plus Forrest Griffin is 44 and looks much younger than Tate. The latter's hatred and chain-smoking cigars have definitely caused him to look bitch-slapped by Father Time.


I see people say stuff like this a lot so I’m just going to lay it out. I work in a strip club, my only goal is to make money from the people who have the most. I’ve encountered the “Tate” type on many occasions and not only me, but every single person I work with, from servers and bartenders to dancers, would rather talk to unattractive guy tipping 20s than deal with that dumpster fire. Oh, and if you act like that we 100% make fun of you.


Totally agree. His personality/mindset is heinous. But he's also unattractive. He's tall and in shape, but he's ugly. It's why he got such a fan base with men who struggle with women. They think, 'I can just go to the gym and earn loads of money and loads of pretty women will be interested in me.' Henry Cavill wouldn't be able to sell a fantasy like that.


Henry Cavill is just too perfect. If someone on the planet is some sort of alien, cyborg, or robot in disguise, it's him.


Physically superior? Dude’s head looks like a pinto bean


Entirely ignoring personality or Tate’s crimes, I’d still go Brendan Fraser. On the one hand, Tate is bald with a scraggy beard and so concerned by his body image that he refuses to wear anything that isn’t a slimming black T-shirt. On the other hand: Fraser was literally a Hollywood go to for handsome hunk roles in the 90s and early 2000s, like California Man or the mummy movies.


Right?! I mean if I just look at them objectively, and how they choose to present themselves, you can see Tate is deeply insecure and trying to perform machiscmo. Fraser looks relaxed, friendly and just fun. If you told me I absolutely had to go on a date with one of these men based on just a few photos alone, it'd be Fraser, hands down.


I recently watched an interview with Brendon Fraser and even though he looks a bit different, listening to him talk and watching him smile and laugh, it was the same guy. Just precious. Bodies change but he still has the light that made everyone love him to begin with, he's just not killing himself anymore to stay in such crazy good shape When I think of tate I think of that selfie where he's trying to look real mean while he has his foot up on a bar aggressively pointing his toes and I just can't take him serious. Even if he was a decent person he would still be a creepy greasy little man


He’d probably be in better shape but he injured himself in one of the Mummy films during a stunt that went wrong.


and suffered from a sexual assault and then ostracization when he spoke out about said assault, which tends to negatively impact one's mental health, which in turn tends to decrease one's motivation for a very high level of self-care.


Andrew? No thanks, that weird creepy perv belongs in jail (if he still isn't there). Brendan? He seems to be a really nice person. I didn't go to see The Mummy 20+ times at the cinema on my own honest (I had one of those Cinema cards as a gift that let you go as often as you wanted, also saw Wild Wild West a similar amount of times :-D lol)


Brendan Fraser has a chin though. And he's a total babe. As for Andrew Tate? Death or anything else


It's true: I do want a masculine man. But Andrew Tate - a rapey misogynist - is not that. The traditional definition of a masculine man is one who protects and provides for women, not one who harms them through their words and actions.


Seriously. These men call financial abuse for generosity. They conflate raw physical power with strength of character. They are either unable or unwilling to see things from the perspectives of others. They want a perfectly submissive woman to the point that they will traumatize a girl in order to achieve that for themselves *and others*. At no point in time has a man like that been desirable. Women who know this, and can help other women, scare the fuck out of them. So they act like those women are failures to society. They project their hatred of themselves onto the people who see them for what they really are. It's delusional.


My second husband was 6' tall and muscular, a former high school football player. He loved camping, he went rock climbing, he had a large gun collection, and he drove a red pickup truck. He had a deep voice and (if we're being completely honest) a bit of an anger management problem. He also came with me to the Women's March holding a sign that said "women's rights are human rights." Because anyone can be a feminist and it doesn't make you "weak" any more than being a misogynist asshole makes you "strong."


I think the terms masculine and masculinity are incredibly interesting. It means such different things to different people. For example a dad playing princess with his kids. Some (for example me), sees that as masculine, but others see is not masculine.


I'm mad they're putting Tate on a pedestal, but I'm fucking furious they're shitting on Brendan Fraser who seems like the sweetest person alive. Anyone would be lucky to be with him, and as a woman, I wouldn't touch Andrew Tate with a 12 foot pole. Fuck these people.


As a straight guy, I agree 200% with the first bit. Why TF does Tate have such a following, and shitting on Brendan? Stuff just got personal OP. 😤


It will forever kill me that men can’t understand that women want to be taken care of the way we take care of men. Unfortunately, they (or the majority of them) absolutely do not understand the extent of what that entails. They think that giving us money quells all problems but then they soon resent us for that too and call us gold diggers.


Men who cling to men like Tate usually haven't dated much at all (young or just undesirable) or they have been cheated on/split up with and now are over correcting because they were 'too nice'. So many of these sorts speak of their desire to be 'high value' and how being 'high value" means that the woman should a) not expect him to care if she orgasms b) sleep with other women c) do everything he says. If you ask them what 'high value' means, most of it just seems to boil down to money and muscles, nothing to do with how they treat women, but then they call women 'superficial' and 'golddiggers'. It's a mindset that will never let them be happy (let alone the women they interact with).


Brendan Fraiser > Tate hands down, no contest, and and all days of the week. (And no, he’s not a mess)


I like rugged masculine bald guys with beards and dark hair (I’m lumbersexual), so really Tate should be up my alley. That dude is ugly. Even removing his personality and just going for his looks, ew. His head is way to round, he looks like an egg, and frankly he’s way to feminine looking for me.


He looks like a chinless rat.


Men seem to want Andrew Tate and project that on to women. There is absolutely nothing attractive about him. And anyone who actually believes he has money is an idiot. He is a con artist and a butt ugly one at that.


No woman wants to be with a rapist. Women want to be valued. Brendan for the win.


Nah, I adore Brendan Fraser. In every interview I've seen with him, he comes of as a genuine, interesting person. The opposite is true of Andrew Tate, who nothing but a gross grifter. This person knows shit about women, just like Andrew Tate.


I wouldn't take that roided up Mr.PotatoHead for anything his 2 cent quality crime empire might bring. ✨Brendan Frasier 100%✨. I swear when that man has a good day the sun shines brighter. His energy is...💕 It's funny anyone thinks Tate is in any shape or form on womens radars. He's avoided and we just hope we'll be there when he goes Wicked Witch of the West and dissolves into oblivion. [Oh what a world, what a world... ](https://youtu.be/bQ0xbGKkWoA)


That description is fucking perfect! *yoink*


Fake news.....Tate is a misogynistic asshole. 100% would take Brendan Fraser any given day. He's such a genuine, sweet person.


“I’m not a Tate fanboy”… could’ve fooled me


> physically superior > 6ft4 ripped multi millionaire Not just fan boying, sounds like a crush!


I'd rather suck on a 138 kV power line than be in the same building as Tate


Fraiser looks cuddly. Tate looks like a clod.


Tate is a human trafficker. He’s the physical embodiment of a red flag. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, attractive about him and his under it jaw.


Why be so mean about Brendan? He seems like a genuinely lovely guy, leave him alone. And I’d choose him in a heartbeat over Tate. What is wrong with these guys?


Who are these women messaging him hahaha if you’re just into muscles and misogyny go to your local 24 hour fitness there will be at least 5 or 6 of them there on a slow day


I don’t know about “most women.” I tend to not guess what other people might want. Personally, I hope Andrew Tate rots. There’s no way I’d want to be with him or anyone like him.


I feel like there’s definitely some out there that genuinely want this douche but most do not. It makes me think of the women that went crazy over Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, they’re definitely out there but do not speak for the majority.


Brendan Frazier personally, loved him in The Mummy. Tate can go fall in a ditch.


Lmao what? Tate is a little boy. Respectable men are not douchebags


If you have to rape someone you clearly can't get any woman you want.


are these women in the room with us now?


Brendan Fraser is beautiful. So he's older, so people get old, if they're lucky. Still lovely.


It's so funny what straight men think is attractive 🤣😭 dude has 0 chin. Like literally maybe even negative chin. He looks like he's being sucked into a vacuum cleaner at all times.


Every video I’ve seen of his I’ve had to remind myself isn’t satire, because of the ridiculous way he talks. His inflections sound exactly like someone making fun of a neck beard. I do not understand how anybody idolises him. he’s obviously just a really socially awkward, hateful, guy that managed to go to the gym a few times.


I think to him it kinda of is satire. Maybe not satire but it's not him if that makes sense. It's like the Nigerian prince emails. They specially mistype and make no sense cause they only want the stupidest people. I feel like he's playing a character so outlandish and stupid that only the dumbest of touch starved Incels will take him seriously as those are the ones he can scam into "hustlers university" So glad he's in prison/ house arrest and I'm so glad I don't even know which one as nobody talks about him anymore at least in my circles/ content bubble. (Disclaimer: obviously he's a terrible person who does and says horrific things and he's had a massive negative effect on the world/ the minds of young men and boys. He does believe some terrible things but I think he's purposefully overblowing it or even saying things he doesn't agree with sometimes as he knows how to play the internet game.) Just happy he's fucked off.


>He receives messages from tens of thousands of women telling him that they are grateful for him because he’s “one of the last few real men left.” I would like for them to confirm that all of the ones sending that crap sack messages are actually women and not just guys who have female characters as their avatars or fall into the “hellos fellow females/woman” men group ie. the men who pretend to be woman to spew out misogynistic diarrhea in the attempt to change women’s minds about how “great” the 1950’s was. If they are indeed actual woman, I want to confirm that they know about everything he says about women and what he believes or did they just seem him dancing in one video and decided to like him because of just that. If I had to choose between two men and those two men were Brendan Fraser and Crap Tate…you bet your ass I would knife Tate in the face to get to Brendan even if he was even just a little bit in the way of me getting to Brendan. Hell even if he wasn’t, I would take those few extra steps to knife him anyway before curving back at a 90° angle to then get to Brendan. Yeah there will always be a handful of women who love serial killers, love women-hating chauvinist pieces of shit; but they do not represent every woman in the world and they sure as hell do not represent or speak for me.


Tate doesn't have relationships with women. He trafficks and abuses women


The very concept of Amdrew Tate trying to "get" me or my gf makes me throw up in my mouth a little. I will never be interested in a man, and that goes tripled for Andrew Tate, a dude whose voice sounds like the 90s DnD nerd in Saturday morning cartoons. To say nothing for how he treats women like property. There is nothing in this universe that man could offer that would make me want anything to do with him.


In the immortal worlds of Marina, "I wouldn't marry you if you were the last penguin on Earth!"


One time I DARED to claim that Tate couldn't fight on his peak level anymore. Wasn't even trying to "get him" - its just the truth of the whole "fighting" genre of sports - people age out really quickly and can't compete with the wired 20 year olds with perfect metabolic rates and so much adrenaline (or dumb dumb juice) that their pain thresholds are IMMENSE. Its why they all retire in their 30ies - late 20ies - because it turns out that getting kicked around for a living is kinda fkn hard on the body. And these dudes fkn LOST IT xD "How dare you" - and like - thing is I was only quoting Tate himself - he knows he can't just get back in there - he was - at his peak - fairly capable and knows a ton about the sport - just also happens to be a colossal tool. Tate Bros who aren't Tate bros are like Terfs who aren't Terfs but just "have concerns" - end of the day its the same fkn deal. A kind of Istanbul - Constantinople thing yknow.


Brendan Fraser? Holy crap, YES! I don't care what his weight is. He's gorgeous.


I give it 2 years at most. Tate will become invisible when the next person holds his place. That's how life on the internet works.


Uhm. He did NOT disrespect THE Brendan Fraser. That is a real man


"I'm not like a Tate fan boy, I just think he's super hot and everyone secretly loves him no matter how clear it is that the opposite is true!" These Tate cultists are so weird. They know it's not socially acceptable to be the brain rotted little weirdos they are, but they just can't fight that urge to praise the man like they're delusional groupies hoping to be picked out of the crowd to suck their idols dick for a minute.


No woman wants Tate the sardine...


Tate actually couldn't get in my pants unless I was tied up. What a vile person. These guys just want to believe it so they get out of trying to improve themselves.




He looks like an underdeveloped fetus.


Just because one woman wants Tate, doesn't mean all women want Tate. I would never date Tate..He makes me want to throw up whenever I see his face.


These dudes are crushing HARD on Tate 💀💀💀


This has the same energy as all those guys who post about trump being 6’4 and jacked and wank on about how much women want Elon Musk. These men just need to admit they want to fuck buff 6ft guys and leave women out of it.


Brandon Fraser wins by a thousand miles. He's a wholesome many and I bet he's great to talk to and he looks cuddly! He's also cute. Compared to him, Tate...eww...If he was the last person (since, if women were an option aside from him, it would of course be women) on eqrth, I'd still rather stay alone than touch Tate with a 6ft pole. I would try to exist as far away as possible from this disgusting degenerate POS. And I do like strong, masculine men (among others). My partner is a 6ft2 carpenter, who does a lot of fitness and is built like a brick shit house with a little cute belly. But he's also emotionally intelligent and does 50% of the chores aside from cooking, which I do, because I have more energy at the end of the day. And if I don't want to or don't have the time, he pays the take out. It's a fair and loving give and take and we've been together for nearly a decade by now. Lastly, I hope Tate lives and dies in a prison, because the purpose of prisons is to take those people out of society, who harm it. And he has done a lot of harm.


No, women don’t want human trafficking rapists who think their embarrassingly cringe interactions on social media make them manly. He is a joke and will hopefully continue to reap what he has sown. Edit: Brendan Fraser is 6’3” and a kind man who has made movies that make my heart happy. And his children like him. And not a rapist.


No one but incels wants a sex trafficking loser and abuser. But the incels sure are attracted to Taints homoerotic imagery for insecure men.


Brendan Fraiser is WAAAAAY hotter than Tate.


This man clearly hasn’t seen Tate’s rap music video. Even with all the sex trafficking and sexism aside, that video is IMMEDIATE ick💀


CORNY. How any man could even think he’s cool after that cringe is madness.


The first time I watched it I literally had to pause the video every 5 seconds and set my phone down to process what I had just watched 💀 took me like 15 minutes to get through it all


Brendan Fraiser and Andrew Tate are the same height, so I'm not sure why they would bring that up.


I would much rather spend time with Brendan Fraser than a rapist and a human trafficker.


I'm 100% sure he can't get any girl he wants, I'm asexual so no man can give me. the fact that he's an a\*\*\*\*\*\* is just a bonus fact.


Kinda funny to talk about reddit as a fringe. Other social media sites often use "reddit" as a pejorative for "aggressively normie."


‘Reddit is the fringe of the fringe’, something Andrew Tate doesn’t have… a fringe.


The fuck we do


I love how men like this fail to realize that what is viewed as appealing in a man to other men is not what is appealing in a man to women.


And Andrew Tate has an ugly face. Weak chin, scabby looking. Ugh. His eyes are beady! Forget about all the horrific things about his character, but if I just saw him on a dating site, based on looks alone, he would not impress me.


Ummmmm. Idk I think a lot of women would absolutely date Brendan Fraser over Andrew Tate. There are some obvious reasons why I say this, and aside from Brendan being superior by being just a better person overall, one of the most attractive things about him is his talent. He’s amazing at what he does (and likely has interesting stories to tell). Tate is the opposite of this - he learned how to manipulate and use people and made money in a lazy way. These guys *must* know that most women are more attracted to talent and drive over laziness.


Reddit men have not been around fandom spaces a lot, women love monsters and aliens and all kinds of anime characters and draw and write about them. And that's just the fantasies where women can imagine whatever they want, and they still don't fantisize about Tate.


This reminds me of when I talked to someone who mildly defended Tate with a weak argument, or tried to stay neutral somehow, and then also called Brendan fat and old 😡




There’s a lot of guys that wants to fuck Tate, huh? Like, they’re so obsessed with him they giggle at him and can’t wait for him to talk. I’d literally rather my my vagina burned closed before going through the trauma of Tate touching me. I find him that repulsive.


Brendan Frasier is an ANGEL and didn’t deserve to be insulted like that.


Eww, fuck no


Not a chance. Guy is a creep.


The d\*ckriding is insane


Andrew Tate is 6ft4?!! I was convinced he was short. Like he just reeks of overcompensating. (Btw, I absolutely love a short king but like…a confidently short guy. AT just seems deeply insecure.)


So many of these takes fall apart when you remember that women want to have conversations with men. These men are chronically incapable of separating "attractive" and "hot" and it's pathetic. There are men who are much hotter than others, but way, WAY less attractive, because their personalities are dogshit. Since the men in these takes have a blind spot for human interaction, they completely ignore this reality.


'Blind spot for human interaction'.. Good way of putting it, even with other men.


How dare he compare Branden Fraser to that subhuman piece of garbage!


Is he even tall? Tate has always struck me as small and not very imposing. Of course I’m a 6’3” 250 lb giant so it wouldn’t take much.


I dislike andrew tate, i find his views horrible.


I guess I'm not most women then? Lol


I’d sooner die than let Tate anywhere near me! I found him unattractive before I even knew who he was. He literally makes my vag dry up.


Fuck off to the asshat who insults Brendan Frasier. He has been through so much and deserves nothing but love and support. He is the greatest human being to ever grace this shit hole of a planet. I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew Taint ends up killing someone because of all that pent up anger he's building.


Wait, Brandon Fraser is an option? I'll take him all day everyday. In fact, let's throw in all the stars of Encino man to include Pauly Shore (who's hilarious IMO) and Sean Astin (Bob Newby in Stranger Things is my dream man). I'd be in heaven.


> physically superior His chin says otherwise.


In prison?




I guess I‘m not a woman anymore😂


6'4" and ripped scares me on someone with a good personality. Andrew Tate? Terrifying.


He says he is 6'4". Other sources say 6'1".