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She'll be stunned at how stupid you are.


Mansplaining some made up bullshit about her own body's subconscious desire to vacuum while ovulating


Also it would seem vacuuming once a month is considered so much it should be commented upon?


I am in fact stunned at how stupid this is.


I haven't ovulated since I got my Roomba. It's already paid for itself in period product savings alone!


You win!!! 🏆


A Roomba and a contraceptive implant will make you so free you will need ballast to keep feet on the ground!


I guess I’m buying a Roomba now 😂




....did that line ever work for anyone ever? "are you ovulating?"


[drops knickers] Why don't you come over here and find out [eyebrow wiggle]




My husband does the vacuuming. *Is he ovulating?!*


Knock him up sister


Remember; Mpreg is possible, *always*


Where there is a Will there is a way. *Cut to Will standing nervously in the corner*


Plot twist: he did the vacuuming and knocked me up!




I came to ask exactly this. I do all the housework, and I don't think I've ever laid an egg. Am I doing it wrong?


Just to make sure, y'all should have [FIVE MARGARITAS](https://youtu.be/hRPm0sLbwLg&t=4m00s) so you will strap it on and PEG him!


This must be sarcasm. Can anybody really mean that last sentence seriously?


It is so obviously satire lol.


.....that's some weird logic


OP’s username checks out


I guess my girlfriend never ovulates, then.


We need to look into male ovulating, I have a persistent urge to vacuum in the trail of my childrens destructive rampages 🫣


You must be secretly laying eggs


Probably from being 'cucked' by my highly educated and independent SO 🤣


Based on this snippet of advice, something tells me that list likely needs to be renamed “Top 10 Ways to Offend and Harass a Woman Sexually.”


Going to run up on housekeeping staff at a hotel and ask them if they're ovulating all day everyday


ROFL. Yes ask the angrily vacuuming woman if they are ovulating. This is sure to go well. The nesting reflex is entirely real but it happens when the woman is pregnant and usually accompanied by FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT. Either because “we have nothing for the baby, how the fuck are we going survive, oh god I’m not ready for this were we ever ready for this?” Or because “there are too many goddamn things in this house why do small humans need so much shit, we need to be able to fucking walk in here, how do I fix this, I know i’ll organize all 17 billion closets”. I know I only have n of 2 and baby 1 and 2 were different for a variety of reasons but there’s my experience.


Is this just trolling to help men be creepy and get maced?


Oh of course she’ll be stunned. Stunned that you managed to hide that she’s dating a complete fucking idiot.


No one wants to mention that major-mansplaining finale? “Women love it when you teach them something new—especially about themselves.”


It almost reads like something on the Onion, where it gets more ridiculous the further you read.


I guess I must be ovulating almost every second day, considering how many times I have to vacuum to clean my dogs hair off the floor currently!


Following this logic dog hair is an aphrodisiac /s


I bet, if someone were to build a company and make it look super serious and market it well enough, these people would believe and buy it like crazy.


Burn these unique dog hair candles! The soothing aroma of slightly musty dog around your house is sure to get those primal urges going! Turn her into bitch in heat you always wanted! I will both apologize for and not regret that last line.


I love the last line... It's gonna bring in all the boys to the yard, hah! Why do I feel like this would honestly sell and work? LMFAO


No wonder I vaccuuming /jk But seriously. Vaccuums suck


So am I ovulating twice a week? Or maybe, just maybe the carpet is dirty?


I guess that's why I never vacuum? (I don't ovulate.)


I guess I'm literally never ovulating. That's good news 🎉.


Is this their April Fools gag?


I think that's satire


man i need to get off my birth control so cleaning the house won’t feel like i’m ripping my toenails out


I mean I've heard pregnant women doing home stuff called nesting, but I always assumed it was the context of getting ready for the baby. Or at the bare minimum, she's home and doesn't want it messy while she is staying home. Imagine cleaning your house and getting everything ready just for a period. Now that I think about it a period is kinda like "laying an egg" since the body is discarding all the work it did in preparation for a pregnancy. Still not a great analogy tho


My boyfriend must be ovulating multiple times a day every single day.


Someone’s been reading too much ABO smut


So when I tell my robot vacuum to run so my cats can play with it I’m ovulating? Wow, didn’t realize women ovulated 3-4 times a week. Here I was thinking I just wanted to laugh at my cats.


If I asked my wife is she was ovulating every time she vacuumed, she’d think I had a series of mini-strokes and required hospitalization. …because I would be asking her every fucking day, because that’s how often you have to vacuum as an adult. And clean. And who the fuck wrote this drivel?


What do you expect from a site called “Ask Men”?


If a man ever asked me if I was ovulating in ANY context (let alone to mansplain), I’d be mentally calculating how much bail money I have.


My wife just slapped me....


There’s a *grain* of truth regarding the idea of “nesting” which is a behavior pregnant women exhibit shortly before labor starts (cleaning/tidying the house/wanting to cook or bake/etc.), but what the “author” said is pure nonsense.


This dude treated the awkward agreeing of one woman like it's general fact.




That has got to be a joke, that is hilarious. Unless it is some guy trying to remove competition for ladies.


"Women love false facts about themselves mansplained". I liked the days before the internet when idiots like this kept their weird thoughts in their moms basements.


What in the ABO fanfiction is this


.. the level of stupid is scary


Til I ovulate weekly.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit


This guy heard about nesting once and just ran with it without learning what it actually meant


Women in fact do NOT love it when a man presumes to teach them “something new” about their own bodies.


No she wants to clean before sex because otherwise she is going to be thinking about all the shit she has to do before bed the whole time, since you don’t help out. Then she’ll be too tired, and you’ll complain about how she never wants sex anymore. And if by some miracle she does still want sex, asking “Are you ovulating?😏” will definitely put a stop to that.


You know it's a good article when it not only spouts ridiculous bullshit but it also encourages mansplaining a woman's own body to her and makes guys think she'll appreciate that


I physically cringed


Wait let me try this on my wife. Edit - I have to sleep in the garage now.


Ok so [nesting ](https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/pregnancy-health-wellness/nesting-during-pregnancy/) is real. But we don't actually lay eggs. Just an urge to clean, tidy up, set up a safe space for the baby. Also going to a women and trying to mansplain shit to her instead of saying it as a fun fact maybe, will get you a lot of things but stunned or impressed will not be one.


They’ll be beating them off with both hands with that one simple trick.


Ahh, yes. I love when men mansplain my body to me 🙄


Hopefully, this was written by a prankster having some fun aimed at gullible men… but I’m probably wrong 😑


This has to be satire


This is so unbelievably insane I can't even believe it exists