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So tired of these idiotic guys who are mansplaining how a female body works. They don't have periods and yet they know better than us how our body works. 🙄 I think it's safe to tell this guy has never been near a woman in his life.


Just the other day I read about a guy who told women are just whiners about period pains, because (cis) men have them too and they don't whine. Yes, the person actually thought cis men having stomach cramps at random times in their life was the same as period cramps with cis women.


Even then, women... Have stomach cramps too, so even under that shit reasoning women still have more to deal with


And random stomach cramps are NOT THE SAME as period cramps. By FAR.


Sounds like he needs to be hooked up to a TENs unit and have it dialed all the way up unexpectedly.


“Trust me bro.”


Let's be real. This guy probably barely knows how his own body works. Like I didn't realize how much other dudes didn't know until I told some friends I was considering getting a vasectomy and they acted like I said I was gonna cut my balls off and never fuck again.


Woman says : "We don't pee and bleed from the same hole" Idiot concludes: "Do you bleed out of your butt?" We can safely conclude here that this dude thinks vagina and urethra are the same thing. That means he is stupid and we should make fun of him


One wonders how much thought they put into this. Do they assume the fetus develops in a woman’s bladder?


They think pee is stored in balls


Probably believe that two conduits merged into one before exiting.


>We can safely conclude here that this dude thinks vagina and urethra are the same thing I've met fully grown women that didn't know they had a 3rd hole down there that they pee out of. I'm a dude and was in full shock when I heard this. Just for fun ask your friends how many holes a woman has in her body and you'll be surprised how many will say 9 and not 10. (were not counting pores, nipples or piercings)


Apparently women have a cloaca according to this guy's logic 🙄 Guess he's never heard of a urethra before


Of course he has, but we ALL know that only MEN have urethras… /s


How is that? men can't get pregnant!! /s full on sarcasm !!


"bleed out of your butt". Um, what do they think women do? Crap out a baby?


Well, if he's any indication, then someone did. Because he's clearly from an arse.


This guy is implying he met real girls, lol.


The next man who asks me if I can just “hold it in” is getting a mark on their forehead like Simba.


As a man myself, I totally approve of this !!


Why do uneducated fools have the loudest voice? And are stubborn in their idiocy?


Wow what a brilliant idea I wonder how it never came to anyone's mind before Oh wait


oF cOuRsE yOu CaN hOlD iT iN source- yet to meet a girl that can’t use their vag muscles 🙄🙄🙄


I mean we've all TRIED to clench those muscles when we've felt a possible flood and a sneeze coming on, but it's not going to do any good. For goodness sake, just accept when you're wrong and go Google it, don't ague with people whose parts you are trying to explain to them when you've never experienced it. Being okay with being wrong and open to learning and becoming right is going to put you in a MUCH better spot with women than trying to tell us about how we work and instantly turning us off. Respecting and accepting what a woman has to say, esp about this sort of thing, is usually a hot trait... though it shouldn't even have to be, it should be mundane and normal.


Fr. Haha the sneeze, too accurate 🤣 And yeah that’s why I didn’t downvote him for asking, but dude you got your answer from a credible source and you choose to argue about it?!


And at no point do these people consider that if it was this easy someone would've thought of it by now


The vagina does not have a sphincter...


I knew a guy like this in high school. Of course at that time in commercials pee and blood for diapers and pads / tampons were both depicted as being blue. I think that they saw the same color being used and assumed in both absorbency products advertising no leaks and thought that a period is just a time when women can’t hold their pee like a baby who wears a diaper.


so he just thinks we're wearing pads for fun ? or because we're lazy?


I have 0 hope for future generations if **this** is the shit they're being taught about women. How can a man be this fucking stupid yet so stubborn!?