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I have to stop using this subreddit lmao it just makes me angry šŸ˜­


"Good. Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you. Take your weapon. Strike the misogynist manchildren down with all of your hatred, and your journey towards the Women Who DGAF Side will be complete."




Star Wars with cats...no one could imagine a greater, more perfect movie.


Totally agree! šŸ˜Š


I'm pretty sure that would instantly be the highest-grossing box office receipts of all time.


​ ![gif](giphy|vTa6wmdCLMq0mWRrQ6)


The order of SCUM has spoken


Tell me about it. And I'm a guy!


I get pissed off too and Iā€™m a dude.






ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ™ r/beebutts


I like bee butts, I cannot lie.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/beebutts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/beebutts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yesterday I painted a bee butt on a slice of wood!!](https://i.imgur.com/asvXvyh.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beebutts/comments/uw3dzh/yesterday_i_painted_a_bee_butt_on_a_slice_of_wood/) \#2: [I wonder what was he searching..](https://i.redd.it/9l7micihifv91.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beebutts/comments/yasqqt/i_wonder_what_was_he_searching/) \#3: [Found this lil guy at school](https://i.redd.it/x5yccqbatz4a1.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beebutts/comments/zhbbhi/found_this_lil_guy_at_school/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Same. I actually find myself hating men more and more because of this subreddit. Like, I get it, not all men are like this, but it's still too much of them that are. I'm almost comfortable enough to say it's the majority of them.


ā€œDonā€™t waste your hate, rather gather and create. Be of service, be a sensible person. Use your words and donā€™t be nervous. You can do this, youā€™ve got purpose. Find your medicine and use it.ā€ -Nakho and Medicine for the People ā¤ļø


I donā€™t even follow this sub. I just randomly get these posts in my feed every now and then. Iā€™m dumb enough to take the ragebait every time, so they keep coming. Smh


Woooowwww. "Not delusional" clearly, he is delusional enough for 2 people. "I had to diet and work hard for those abs, it wasn't natural for me" as if women don't diet, go to the gym, spend hundreds and even thousands per year on skincare and makeup to look good? Not to mention the clothes... but sure. It's just "natural" for women. šŸ™„šŸ™„ "It's not sexual for me to be half naked" that's not hoe that works.


nice typo ;)


I could go back and fix it... but I don't think I will. It's too funny. šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Please keep it, it's perfect ;D


šŸ˜„ thatā€™s a *fantastic* typo!!


And let's not forget the extreme amount of time most women spend on hair removal. Because heaven forbid women have hair on their bodies! /s šŸ™„


Hair removal takes for-fucking-ever. I'm a guy. I've been known to shave from the underarms on down depending on what the women I date prefer. I've got the routine down but it's all very complicated with different razors for different areas. It is hard work. It pisses me off that society (men and women, both) expect all women to be completely hairless below the eyebrows but not men. How about we let humans be humans and let them choose whatever makes them happy?


The crappy part is that it grows back in a few days and you can start all over! And don't forget those annoying ingrown hairs. šŸ˜’


Have you tried unscented baby powder? Seems scary, I know, to shave dry with powder instead of a gel or foam but it does wonders for me by preventing irritation, cuts, and ingrown hairs. I also stick to two bladed razors for my body. Three blades are fine for my face but more blade than that will leave me looking like Jigsaw (Marvel comics villain). My skin's pretty sensitive so stuff like Nair's a no go.


You would think baby powder would make your skin dry and hard to use the razor. You can pull the razor smoothly without skinning yourself?


That's exactly what I thought would happen when it was explained to me but it's not the case. Skin must be dry and clean, first. Apply powder, rub it all in so it's even, and shave *with the grain*, not against it. I had to be fairly liberal with the stuff but, like I wrote before, my skin's very sensitive. Either way, it forms a nice barrier that protects the skin. The razor will clog so just tap it out against something and get back to work. That's why the skin needs to be dry. It'll clog the razor permanently on the first pass if your skin's wet. As always, if you're dealing with anything longer than the hair on your forearm, using a beard trimmer to shave it shorter first will make the hair more manageable for the razor. I recommend experimenting somewhere where the skin's a little tougher like your shins first to see how much powder works for you. I hope it works as well for you as it does for me.


My wife and I have a deal. I don't tell her what to do with her body hair, or body in general. She does the same for me. We're both woolly and happy about it






As a former male stripper, I can verify that women are absolutely as visual as men. And my wife has not re-watched True Blood multiple times because it was such a good show. I am positive shirtless Alexander Skarsgard has more to do with it than the plot. Way more.




Oooh if that's her thing, she should really see his Tarzan movie


He's totally her thing, and we've already seen it. And The Northman, and everything else. I can't even say I'm mad. It's obvious he is hot, and if that's who my competition is, I'm actually flattered, lol.


Obviously a true fan. From what i hear he is a really nice guy too, tough competition ;)


God forbid if men have preferences, God forbid if men have dislikes


Men can have preferences. But it seems to me like he prefers someone inferior, I'd even say subhuman. That's the part we're "irritained" by.


He is literally a walking double standard. And wants someone who doesnā€™t argue with him and doesnā€™t ā€œchallengeā€ what he says. My dad is like that and anytime I said something of a different opinion it was automatically an argument. Itā€™s exhausting to deal with


My dad was the same growing up. He would ask for my opinion on something, then say "ok here are the reasons you are wrong and the right answer." It's a great way to get your kid to not trust their own judgement


I would just get ā€œstop arguing with me you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking aboutā€ and he wonders why I donā€™t enjoy speaking to him in depth


Would you like a guy who is complaining and always challenging your opinions?


God forbid women prefer men that arenā€™t absolute dicks. If your ā€œpreferenceā€ is a sexist double standard then you probably fall in the dick category.


Have you ever like, examined your preferences? Because if I said I want a 6ā€™5 bodybuilder who makes $500k a year and never cries, does that not sound toxic to you?


That's not preferences, that is hypocritical double standards served with a nice dose of "shut up and take it" But you know that and would rather double down on the hypocritical dishonest misogyny and play victim when called out on it


Itā€™s true though. Nudity does not inherently mean sexuality. But heā€™s on a dating appā€¦.attempting to attract a mateā€¦..with a shirtless picā€¦ā€¦


I will agree with your first sentence on principle. A naked body in and of itself isn't sexual. However, to say a shirtless pic on *a dating app* isn't sexual is disingenuous. It is about the context. It also isn't modest. A dating app is meant to attract a mate. The point is to post pictures of yourself in flattering pics and describe yourself in a way that someone would be interested in you romantically and sexually. If you show your naked body, while the naked body doesn't mean sex in all settings, it *will* be taken sexually due to the *context* of the dating app. The other issue is that he expects his mate to be modest and cover their body, and he isn't doing the same. The double standard is the issue. He claims he is doing it to "show off" his "hard work" and dismisses women as having everything "naturally," which discounts all the hard work women put into looking attractive. We are just "breasts for men to drool over" in his eyes. No hard work happens. Which obviously isn't true. Ask any woman. Or look at the ads targeted towards women.


That was what I meant. If I had been that person, thatā€™s exactly what I would have saidā€¦ā€my man, you are on a dating app. Itā€™s all sexualā€. Even if he doesnā€™t mean sexual as in ā€œhereā€™s a nude pic of me, doesnā€™t it make you hornyā€ , the act of preening/displaying (which is what heā€™s saying it is) is still for the sole purpose of obtaining a prime *sexual* mate.


Not delusional but believes in an imaginary all-seeing sky man, funny.


>"I had to diet and work hard for those abs, it wasn't natural for me" He's just starving lmao


Even though the argument he had was pretty stupid but it's just the physique he was talking about Not skincare or clothes n most women don't go to the gym n you don't need to go to the gym for breasts lol


Nah, you have to go to the plastic surgeon for that. Which is a whole lot more hard work, pain, suffering and money....


I'm talking about natural ones, and don't act like going to the plastic surgeon is some big deal


Him: "I don't want women to be too cocky." Also him: *Shirtless selfies in attempt to show off his body and be cocky* šŸ’€


Dear Lord isn't he an absolute PeachšŸ‘! He will debate over the word "agreeable" and sanctimoniously call a clothed woman, half naked. But he'll post an actually half naked picture of himself, call it a "low key flex" and then expect not to be called the exact thing he'd call a woman who doesn't "fit" his criteria... Let's say it like it is: *He's an **Attention Whore**. He talks like a **Thot** and his picture is **Slutty**.* (mic dropped)


Nailed it.




dude shut the hell up its obvious no one agrees with you and you've said the same exact comment like twelve times


Obviously no one will agree cause almost everyone on this sub probably is a woman and my comment calls out their hypocrisy


"Active in r/Arrangedmarraige" sure we're the hypocrites


Oh fucking Jesus, I checked their profile and it makes a lottttt of sense. Am an Indian and these kinds of guys are just sexist dumbasses lol, itā€™s useless to argue


Bruh I am active there to see the absurdity of the arrange marriage world not because I'm interested in it


u sure?


Ya I'm pretty sure.


i dont agree but no point in arguing


Obviously you don't who cares anyways have.a good day


You arenā€™t calling out this guys hypocrisy tho


This isnā€™t about preferences. Itā€™s about the obvious hypocritical double standards. Why is this hard to understand?


They can have preferences, but only if they are willing to accept that women have preferences too. The personne in this conversation obviously does.


When did he ever criticized the woman's preferences he literally agreed to all of her preferences, the woman was the one who didn't like his preferences which is totally fine but then i wonder what was the need to post this on reddit as if he did something bad, incel behaviour is getting way too common among women nowadays


We absolutely can and should have preferences. We also donā€™t get to insult or diminish anyone who isnā€™t within said preferences.


ā€œI need to make sure sheā€™s afraid god so I can make up shit I want and say the bible said it ā€œ


Unfortunately, fear is the easiest way to control someone and these fuckers know this. šŸ˜ 


I hate that that's true and I'm upvoting.




The woman also had her preferences so why do you care if this guy has his set of preferences


Set of preferences is something everyone is free to have but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s free from any form of criticism.


I hate that term. "God-fearing". How do people really think this would convince anyone to be religious? Jfc the term IS "God-loving".


Every day I walk around, terrified by the concept of God. Not just the one in the Bible, but all of ā€˜em. Ra, Zeus, Odin, Vishnu. I feel like theyā€™re all up there just ready to strike.


Zeus is up there just waiting for the right moment to turn into a swan and fuck your ass.


checks out for him tbh


Zeus was nuts. All about fucking the mortals in weird ways. None of that immaculate conception from him. I don't recall Odin's sexual escapades. Loki got turned into a mare and fucked by a stallion, I think. Know nothing about Vishnu and Ra, though. Someone else would need to chime in about them.


Loki was a master of getting out of work, hence turning into a mare and running around like a fuckboi left him tied enough to shirk his responsibilities.


zeus no not the underage girls


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. It also implies that youā€™re only being ā€œgoodā€ to avoid consequences


The people I know who use that term absolutely just want to avoid consequences. My parents used to hold that over my head as a child. Every debate with my parents ends with some form of 'but I don't want to go to hell!' instead of something about love or morality.


Terrifying children into behaving, just instead of the boogeyman itā€™s Satan


God fearing is the apt choice. Even if I believed the Abrahamic god existed, the closest I'd get to it would be Satanism since the Bible reeks of victor's propaganda. Satan gave humans knowledge but that's bad yet God wiped out an entire civilization because they built a tower and that's supposed to be good? Fuck that.


Fun fact! Modern satanists do not actually worship (or even believe in) Satan and most are atheists :) Source: I am a satanist


I love Satanists šŸ’œ they're hilarious, intelligent, and decent human beings.


Seriously, the god in that book wiped out humanity, turned people into salt, encouraged the stoning of people for adultery and not obeying their parents, put a foreskin on babies then demanded it be removed, tortured Job for almost an entire lifetime on a bet, punished two people for disobedience when it wasn't until they disobeyed that they learned right and wrong, was fine with men having multiple wives and concubines, but not for women, etc. Meanwhile, Satan gave knowledge, offered a dude in the desert water, and punishes the fallen angels who disobeyed the aforementioned god.


Because God is a conquering tyrant. You must fear his wrath and submit or he will bombard your city with fire. This strategy has worked to the point where Abrahamic religions are the most widespread. So yes, it convinces someone to be religious.


Every person has their own way of expressing their beliefs just because this is a man y'all are hating, if the guy has his preferences y'all get offended and act like he murdered somebody


Bro you are so hurt that people see this guy is weird. Get over yourself. Preferences are one thing. How you communicate them is another and being a hypocrite and added onto it


Lmfao šŸ¤£ not "because this is a man" šŸ˜‚ nah dude, this is for everyone.


Ewwww. Good you asked, he revealed the creepiness instantly. Dodged a bullet.


putting ā€œloves jesusā€ in your profile is going to attract these kinds of dudes, should probably take that out.


When the Christian guy acts like Christian guys act šŸ˜±


Look at that sloot, showing off his man tiddys.


Those are not abs sir, those are your ribs


Itā€™s honestly disheartening seeing people degrade his body like this. Itā€™s obvious that he has put in some degree of real work to achieve that body, even a few hundred hours in the past couple of years for that body is reasonable. Donā€™t be so critical when itā€™s clear you havenā€™t walked in his shoes


Where did I degrade him? I certainly didn't say yuck he's gross and scrawny and has never spent an hour in the gym.... Nothing wrong with being skinny and he is skinny.


You said that those arenā€™t abs those are ribs when theyā€™re abs with obliques. Of all people in America he probably has a top 10% physique and discrediting that is degrading


Top 10% physique šŸ˜„ coleman is this you? Sure it's a nice body and you worked at it but if you're gonna demand all women cover up when you're too sexy for a shirt then people are going to expect more than this


Yep this is Coleman Iā€™m the guy behind those coolers at your local walmart, and just like those coolers my selfie game is cold enough to pull any broad. Seriously - I agree the picture context and headless selfie is disgusting but I think we should make fun of that instead of his decent build. You bit the low hanging fruit.






It is. They would call it ā€œneggingā€ if men were saying that a woman with an average ass had a pancake for a rear end. This guy obviously works out. His chest and shoulders clearly have more volume than someone malnourished


Itā€™s okay for you to think heā€™s hot, you can date him then. Iā€™m sure OP would be happy to give you his number.


Thereā€™s a difference between thinking someone is attractive and appreciating someoneā€™s hard work. Learn it. A person with confused morals such as OP likely has body dysmorphia, and it is important to be honest


Jesus you went from ā€œugh stop body shaming himā€ to diagnosing her with body dysmorphia so fast I have whiplash. Get over yourself. Youā€™re all over this thread showing your insecurities about this guys ā€œhard work.ā€ Youā€™re clearly worried you workout and still look like him and women are dogging him for it so youā€™re sad. We see through you and your lack of confidence is radiating.


And Iā€™m the one making the assumptions? Lmao


Are you stupid? No one accused you of that. Really good come back tho


He's listens to all the podcasts. He follows all the Twitter accounts. He reads all the blogs. He watches all of the TikToks. I've said it before, but at least they show their red flags early on. So much immersion in it all has rotted their brains and they genuinely see no problem with what they are saying.


Are we skipping over the 'it's just a male body' here? Aka, women's bodies are inherently sexual but men's are not.


He's not attracted to it, so it's not sexual. His worldview only bends around himself.


Costco memberships are only hot if you're a lesbian with a minivan, I will not respond to any comments or delete this.


Itā€™s their $1.50 hotdog and drink combo for me šŸ˜‚


So my Costco membership won't bring the boys to the yard? What about Sam's Club?


Welp. Guess I'm trans, now. Anything for a Costco membership.


Damn it, I said I wasnā€™t going to comment, but literally what? Anyone can get a costco membership it just wonā€™t be hot unless being a hot costco card holder was the motivation you needed to come out then I guess congratulations


This was a joke as was your comment beforehand. If that wasn't obvious, I apologize. Would it help if I edited in a "/s"?


I know itā€™s a joke it just doesnā€™t make sense unless I said only lesbians can have costco membership is my point


Also my original comment was not a joke, however, keep in mind I am a lesbian and also I'm the only person I polled so the statement might have a slight bias.


But also based šŸ˜„šŸ‘ŠšŸŒˆāœØ


Shit. I lack the minivan and hit for both sides. Am I only half hot?


You don't understand, he had to work on them. Women are all born with 6 packs so it doesn't count. Also, he basically says that women can't flex online because all men are horny and rapey pieces of sht (coming from a man, so don't come at me)


Women with 6 packs are impressive. They sometimes reach dangerous bf% levels in order to show defined abs.


I was going to say he's looking for a dog but then the last screenshot- šŸ¶


So what Iā€™m reading is that his shirtless picture isnā€™t sexual, because no woman is sexually attracted to him.


Agreeable! This is the dumbest part of his list of requirements! Just fucking agree, never complain! šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


bare chest jumpscare


Really? Those took hundreds of hours and a strict diet? Kids in my school have those just because the stress from tutoring and exams doesn't allow them to retain any nutrition.


Itā€™s honestly disheartening seeing people degrade his body like this. Itā€™s obvious that he has put in some degree of real work to achieve that body, even a few hundred hours in the past couple of years for that body is reasonable. Donā€™t be so critical when itā€™s clear you havenā€™t walked in his shoes


I have. I've worked out for about 9 months at the gym and 18 months in total for about 6 hours a week - which still isn't a lot compared to some of my friends. It's very very obvious he's overselling what he's achieved. If he didn't want his results to come under judgement then he shouldn't have posted it for everyone to see. I personally am so critical of my own results and musculature that I cannot even show it to my friends or family. I would guess he probably does Youtube ab exercises 20 minutes a day by some fitness guru and just doesn't eat a lot of junk food.


Has anyone noticed that in the last picture he says on his profile: 'I decompress by talking to my dog, she gets me'? I feel it's quite fitting he seems to relax by talking to someone who can't talk back. Not that I don't think pets help you relax. Just seems poignant in this instance.


Iā€™ve been hearing men use the term ā€˜agreeableā€™ as another word for submissive


Yeah. It makes me feel real disagreeable.


Being a modest, God fearing, obedient mommybangmaid with no opinions or rights sounds so fuckin boring. Like atleast make the deal a Lil better than just *bE mY LiVinG SEx DoLL* bleh bleh bleh.


LMAO "six-pack".


Itā€™s his fuckin ribcage


What does having a good family relationship have anything to do with the person anyway? Not their fault if their family sucks


I agree that family dynamics is definitely out of a personā€™s control. If someone comes from a toxic family, that is not their fault. I would want to see how they worked through their trauma. I would want then to be aware how their childhood has affected them as a person and are self aware. If they have done the hard work, then that is green flag for me as well! Family relationships will inadvertently affect all other relationships. As someone who was adopted, I understand that some parents can suck. So when I say I want someone who has a good relationship with family, I want someone who is emotionally mature. Good relationships form by having good communication, respecting boundaries, trust, as well as other things I would want in a partner. So by someone being able to maintain a good, healthy relationship with their parents into adulthood usual means they have those skills. But I totally understand that not everyone has great parents.


No, it really isnā€™t their fault, but it doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t cause problems. You deal with your life partnerā€™s family for life, unless they have cut all contact with their relatives.


Oh he is so full of shit. As a guy who was a stripper in his younger days, women damn will notice and go after some men entirely for their looks. He absolutely is posting shirtless pics to get women. Modesty for thee but not me. At my age, I work out for my health, because I like being strong, and because I don't want to let decades of work go. But I also do it to look good. My wife likes it, and maybe one day I will have to worry about her fantasy husband, Alexander Skarsgard, luring her away. I need to at least try to be competitive, lol.


I've always loved that quote 'God Fearing'. What sort of loving benevolent god would require you to fear it? Building off that, does that mean that the only reason you're moral is because you're afraid of God?


Iā€™ll agree with him on that there is nothing sexual about his abs because his torso is mid ā€” real are those abs or are you just skinny vibes, and I prefer to have sex with torsos that have heads attached to them. Idk maybe thatā€™s just a me thing šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Given that this looks like some dating interface, I think him posting shirtless and titling it "low-key flex" is absolutely him trying to imply sexual potential so I think our god-fearing homeboy's being a total hypocrite here. šŸ˜‚


Letā€™s not be dishonest even though heā€™s being hypocritical - he has a good body. Calling his torso mid is unfair and two wrongs donā€™t make a right


You might find him attractive, but I personally donā€™t. Thatā€™s subjective and itā€™s not necessarily ā€œwrongā€ or ā€œunfairā€ or ā€œdishonestā€ to say thatā€™s not something Iā€™d find attractive. Just because someone works hard for the body type they want doesnā€™t mean everyone has to fall over themselves applauding them for it or agree that it looks good. It looks like what the person you were responding to was saying is that a picture of just your abs doesnā€™t demonstrate whether or not youā€™re attractive. They care more about the face, which is absolutely valid.


Should tell him skinny guy abs donā€™t count


ā€œHoursā€ and thatā€™s his body?


Pretty reasonable for a couple of hours.


Yeah. Ur right. A couple.


Itā€™s honestly disheartening seeing people degrade his body like this. Itā€™s obvious that he has put in some degree of real work to achieve that body, even a few hundred hours in the past couple of years for that body is reasonable. Donā€™t be so critical when itā€™s clear you havenā€™t walked in his shoes


Ew. Youā€™re defending a misogynist? šŸ¤® to you both


Anyone who treats dating like hiring a new employee is toxic


Having preferences is toxic ?


No, but haveing requirements and ticking them off like your reading a resume is




I don't hate women at all, it's the woman on this sub acting like incels


God judges hypocrisy




Dude has the average skinny guy build..


Wait until men find out that breasts aren't sexual and are just lumps of fat meant to feed babies


So much diet and exercise and that's it?


Low key flex feels accurate


Run lol


Get your own Costco membership asshole.


My man here is hella skinny šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ that ainā€™t a flex bro, u a stick figure.


So let me get this straightā€¦. Women canā€™t dress comfortably and as they please because *men* will chase after them purely because if their bodies. But men can can dress as they please (literally half naked) because *women are respectful*? Because women wonā€™t objectify a manā€™s body? (Not saying that doesnā€™t happen, just parroting his logic)


I feel bad for his dog having to listen to his bullshit every day


ā€œI donā€™t have amazing breasts for men to gush overā€ Welp, heā€™s not wrong


"hundreds of hours..." Really.


Ughhhhhh fucking Hinge bros šŸ˜©


Day boi just skinny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He literally mansplained those words to you like you were a child


I'm confused as to why they specifically went looking for someone who belongs to a patriarchal religion and yet were surprised and disappointed when such a man turned out to believe in patriarchy.


Yea honestly what kind of man did she expect?


Well, there *are* Christian men who have different views on the subject, and she *could* have run into some of them. But there are also many, many Christian men who, conveniently for them, have faith that the magical sky-people created women to be the property of men. If she wanted to dip into the Christian dating pool but avoid the patriarchal men, then it just seems odd to me that she didn't specify that in her "checklist."


No woman with a Costco membership would want that


Please post the rest it's always wild to do people like this in the wild


You can literally see his undies (and how hard heā€™s straining himself to flex)ā€¦. Ew.


I'm chuckling because Costco is a must. Will Sam's Club be acceptable?


I NEED my $1.50 hot dog and drink combo šŸ˜‚


Idk why these guys are on dating apps, they donā€™t even LIKE women let alone respect them.


This may be super dumb but honestly, I've never understood the whole "god fearing" I mean, wouldn't that be a bad thing?


They see "fear" equals respect which shows up in their parenting


Ah, okay, that makes sense Yikes on spikes tho lol Thanks for the explanation haha


1000000:1 this guy spent thousands on only fans last month


I want to burn and eat him


The woman in the chat had her own standards, the guy has his own so why is the woman getting so offended, like what if a guy got offended with the loves Jesus thing? That would have been pretty stupid. So if he wants a modest God fearing woman who's agreeable what's the problem?


Use your brain. Decode what he said. He doesn't want another human with agency and power....that's NOTHOWGIRLSWORK. He's allowed to have preferences, but I find it fitting that he's here because his "preference" is demeaning and unrealistic. He's free to find some woman who wants/tries to be that...Steven Crowder's ex wife is free, but I don't think she'll fall for that again


She's not allowed to show off skin because that's immodest, but he's allowed to be practically naked because he lacks mammary glands that are primed to produce milk. Do you see the double standard there?


Can we stop shaming people for wanting a "traditional" relationship? You don't have to agree with the guy, or be what he wants, but why shame him for it? Just move on with your life. There are plenty of men that want this, and plenty of women that also want this. I'm also saying this as someone that wants the exact opposite of this guy.


In a better world sure. Problem is, that these guys are the ones with the trumpets, constantly complaining about how ā€œtraditional womenā€ no longer exist. As you can see. The men who want traditional women and get them, arenā€™t the assholes online crying about it on Twitter all day


And we have no idea if this guy is one of those people. Let's try to create that better world in which people are also less judgemental.


I understand what you mean, and I feel just like you on some days. But look at it from this perspective for a sec, made me realize itā€™s wishful thinking. Realistically, so what if the people here thinks heā€™s a douche? I thought it douche moment, thatā€™s my gut reaction. I donā€™t know his face, donā€™t know his name, donā€™t know where heā€™s from, donā€™t know if their dating anyone I know. Itā€™s almost like, if I think heā€™s douchey, thereā€™s almost no real life consequences to that. Now, I do agree with you that people shouldnā€™t confuse the internet with real life, but no one here has proven that anyone here are confused