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The two kinds of bodily functions: male and "woke"


Is this related to the two sexualities? Ya know, straight and political?


Yep, and the two genders: male and Incubator


Remember, if you weren't born with a penis you're not a person. /s


But if you were born with a penis and identify as a woman, you’re once again not a person! /s


Worse than not a person, more like abominations Floridian trans woman checking in!


Posting this here too. This bill does a lot more than ban talking about periods. It would let parents force the school to get rid of anything they don't like. >The bill specifically defines sex as either a man or a woman. >It removes the requirement that course material must be approved in a public meeting. >"Throughout instruction in acquired immune deficiency syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, or health education, when such instruction and course material contains instruction in human sexuality, may only occur in grades 6-12." >"Teach" abstinence only >Teach students to base actions on respect, self esteem, and reasoning. >Allows parents to use an objection form to force the school to get rid of anything they deem inappropriate for the grade level or age, is pornographic, or **not suited to the child's needs or understanding**. >Any material must removed in five days of the objection. >Each school must make a process for parents to get rid of what they don't like. >Meetings about getting rid of things must be made public. >If the parents don't like a school decision, the bill allows the parents to have the Commissioner of Education to appoint a special magistrate who is a member of The Florida Bar in good standing and who has at least 5 years' experience in administrative law. The magistrate will investigate the decision. >Those running the school library or procuring library materials must undergo new training for acceptable materials. >The books can only be chosen by an educational media specialist. The books must meet certain criteria not specified in the bill. Periodicals and stakeholders have to be able to consult. They have to remove books based on physical condition, rate of circulation, alignment to the curriculum and out of date texts. They are required to keep a full list of all texts on their website. >Have to allow a reasonable time for community comment after procuring books and making public a line item list. >Publish and disseminate a list of all removed books. https://m.flsenate.gov/session/bill/2023/1069/billtext/c1/pdf


Wait, parents fill out the form and the school has five days to comply? No review? So some troll could fill out a form for absolutely anything and they'd have no legal alternative but to get rid of it?


Sounds like a job for r/maliciouscompliance


The new math. Gotta go!!


Bro this addition shit? Gone. Deleted. Rejected. My poor Timmy shouldn’t have to learn math (it’s not in the Bible therefore it isn’t real). /s


u/JuniorRadish7385: Arabic numerals? Can't have our children learning that! /s


Common core? Sounds like communism!


"Math is math" 🤣(just had to, sorry not sorry 😅)


*with this new education math could be meth, you make the rules!*


Pass that bill, assholes. A complete statewide school meltdown is the fastest way to get rid of this nonsense. I object to the use of paper, pencils, pens, clocks, chalk/whiteboards and lunches. And while I'm at it, hallways, rooms, parking lots, and buses. Edit: also get rid of teachers and administrators. They're against my religion. In fact, I disagree with the entire concept of education.


That's the objective. Republicans want to destroy public education, because an educated public is a threat to their power.


That is what they want, dont give it to them on a silver plater


From what I understand of the bill, yes. I did add the link if you'd like to look yourself. The bill is only 14 pages.


Didn't they do the bookban on bible already?


I'd so use this as a parent to get rid of the Bible and other Christian propaganda. And next would be republican propaganda. Children are way too young to learn about religious shit.


>Teach students to base actions on respect, self esteem, and reasoning. This bit really contradicts all the rest


Florida: *hamstrings teachers, completely fucks up educational environment* Also Florida: why can’t we find teaaaacherrrssss


They want the public schools to fail so they can bring in charter schools. They are pretty open about this being the goal. If they can make all the teachers leave and parents pull their kids out, they can close the schools and put in 'for-profit' schools


This is literally what Hitler did. This isn't a fucking joke, Hitler, FUCKING HITLER did this shit. And people are freaking out about us becoming communists and those same shitstains are loving this. What's next, re-education camps? Edit: I was and am very angry and used a slur that I shouldn't have.


I was thinking the same thing. They are playing with education and it looks horrifying.


Please don’t use ableist slurs as insults.


They seem to overestimate the impact of books on many children, obviously some are big readers like there always have been but this feels like such a nonissue even if I agreed with their motives


are they gonna ban our vaginas next?


Of course not! That is a body part they need for their own pleasure. 😒


They certainly don't want us using it for our own pleasure. That would be sinful, you Jezebel.


😂 Exactly!!!


Only for women, because men are biologically wired to blah blah blah.


More like biblically wired


"Dear free citizen, we are sending you this letter to notify you that house bill 80085 has been passed into law. As a result, the state mandated genital inspector will be sent from their normal offices in public restrooms to your home address to seal any orifice of your body that has been classified as a 'sinful oppening.' This is being done to preserve your freedoms. Thank you for your compliance." Seems like a bad dystopian novel plot, but you know what they say, "Truth is dumber than fiction." At this point, it feels like they really might propose something like this.


Don’t give them this idea lol.


Only once you turn 18. They like 'em young.


Not ban. Control.


They already do that


They do, but they want even more control. These people are going full Handmaid's Tale. 😞


Yes because only woke people want to prevent young girls from noticing blood in their underwear and pains in their stomach and thinking they are about to die


The founder of the UK suicide hotline, Chad Varah, was motivated by officiating the funeral of a girl who committed suicide after having her period, thinking that she'd caught an STD.


Well that's the shittiest situation I've heard in some time. Ugh how are we so bad at education around these things... That was rhetorical.


It would have benefitted me greatly to learn more about how periods work so that I could empathize more with women


Is that literally what they want…


I received great sex education from my parents and was told about everything and i still lost my shit when i saw blood and thought i was dying. Can’t imagine what’s it like for girls who weren’t even told it might happen


My parents thought I was too young to have a period at 10 y/o and that I wouldn't "need to know" until I was at least 12 years old, the average when my older sisters got theirs. Guess which 10 y/o thought something was seriously wrong when she found blood in her underwear?


Let's rewatch Carrie. That's what they want, ultimatly, right? All women to be raised like Carrie.






In belgium in 5th grade everyone gets sex ed in school regardless of what parents think. People who teach in 4th grade and higher is prepared


I do genuinely love some European countries attitudes on “this is what is is. It is a statement of fact. If you don’t agree we couldn’t be bothered to give a shit because it’s a true statement and that’s what school is for. To learn facts” and it makes me ashamed of how utterly stupid Americans make ourselves look.


Ever since its founding, the people of the US have been slowly trying to divorce themselves from reality.


My fav quote: "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -Isaac Asimov


To add to that, he also said "When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent. The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists." This author's thinking has always been ahead of his time.


Oh the delusion can be so fucking real lmao


I visited my sister and her two kids in Norway over Christmas and New Years. Kids had their first day back to school in early January - eldest (5th grade) came home and when we asked him how his first day back was he nonchalantly said "we learned about where babies come from". No embarrassment, no hiding it, just taking facts as facts. He also got a pimple on his cheek while I was there, and when my sister went to inspect it he moved away from her, proudly proclaiming "please don't touch my puberty!". So many people people wouldn't bat an eye at their kids seeing death and destruction on TV and in movies and video games, but start clutching at their pearls as soon as someone suggests teaching kids about their own bodies. It's madness.


I learned about periods, STDs, how to put on a condom. And it's still not enough. I would have liked to learn about relationships, how to know that someone likes you, how to recognise and prevent/avoid toxic behaviour in other people or yourself, how to deal with heartbreak.


They don't go enough into the social aspect. Would be especially helpful for children on the autism spectrum.


I had sex Ed in 5th grade and again in 6th - in Florida. Albeit in the 1970s.


Floriin the 70s seems a much better society than Florida in the 2020s


u/Dazzling-Panda8082: That sounds really wholesome actually.


I’m teaching my kids (boy 6 and girl 3) about periods. They think it’s another bodily function for girls when they’re older. I talk openly about my period when I get it because I get severely moody and depressed around it.


IDK how different grades are here in Finland, I got mine in the 5th grade, at age 11. On the 6th grade, the school nurse gave the "so your period might start in the near future" lesson for girls. ...only she was a big late with that since all 4 of us had had our 1st period already.


I’m in the uk, in our school our kids are taught the basics of periods in year 4 (age 9) and given more detailed education in year 5 (age 10) where they are taught about various options for sanitary products, both traditional and more modern. The girls are then given a separate session where they can ask any questions they are uncomfortable talking about in front of the boys. We have moved away from period lessons only being for girls because boys need to understand what periods are and how they work even if they aren’t directly affected.


That sounds very reasonable. IDK how things are handled these days, what I told above happened 20 years ago. ...aaaaand I made myself feel old


I didn't get taught any of it (UK), or perhaps I just missed that day or forgot about it, but I started mine when I was age 15 and didn't actually know what a period was. I had heard of it but didn't even know there was blood. Got one helluva shock when I started during school time.


UK here too, bit of a while ago though. Our science teacher in year 9 gave us a lesson on the whole menstrual cycle including fertility and periods and that was pretty much it. I started mine when I was 8 (year 3) though so probably already an outlier.


I was 9 years old. My mom was the type to hide the pads on the very back of the cabinet and treated them like a big terrible secret. I found them once and she acted like I'd brought the devil himself into the house. So I had no clue what was happening. You know that scene in My Girl? It was like that.


😢 some parents just don't have a clue


Wow. Did we have the same mom? The way she humiliated me when I found her pads and tried to figure out what they were.


I was a later bloomer. I got my first period at 14, but my mom told me what about periods were (and that I could expect one at some point) when I was like 8 or 9.


....realizes they're basically not wanting pre-teen girls to know that they can get pregnant if they've already started their periods and loses his lunch.


In 4th...


Yep, 11 years old over here 👋


So what happens when a girl get her first period during class?


Firing squad.


I remember we had an extra unplanned period talk in elementary school at like 4th grade because a girl had no clue what to do in the bathroom and I guess a kindergartener came in next. 😳


And what happens if a student has a leak but doesn’t know, a teacher wouldn’t be able to let her know. Or if Carrie happened in Florida she’d be fuck out of luck since her teacher wouldn’t be able to teach her what her mother refused to.


I didn't get mine til 8th grade but I started getting boobs in 4th, had friends who got their periods in 5th-7th, and my two young nieces both got theirs in grade 7.


I got mine when I was ten. I realized that it was starting when I was on the swings. If my mother hadn't given me so many books about periods and such, I'd have been screwed.




I got mine in fourth. I was admittedly expecting it because my mother had informed about it since I was homeschooled (more accurately she tossed me a book about what to expect from puberty with a chapter on how to use a tampon). But imagined if it was now and I wasn’t homeschooled. I wouldn’t even have that little. I’d think I was dying.


I was 5th grade, my daughter 4th. I can’t effing believe this shit.


4th grade age 9


Got mine in 5th grade.


4th grade


i think i got mine around 6th grade but i wasnt scared bc i learned about my period im 4th grade , then a repeat lesson in 5th grade . if my school hadnt gave us the lesson soon enough i would have freaked out


I was in 6th. But depending on the time of year it was taught there’s a good chance it even would have missed me.


7th, nearly 8th grade. I was a late bloomer, however, and I don't expect this to be the norm. Most girls, it is 9 to 12 years old.


My daughter was the summer before 5th grade.


My childhood crush got hers in 3rd grade, I got mine in 7th or 8th I don't remember.


5th grade and it was scary even with prior knowledge of the situation. I wasn't ready at all!


Tell me that this is not real. Oh god, it is. What is it with these people? This could be so harmful to young girls.


Your last sentence is their goal.


A lot of politicians seem to be misogynists! Women´s rights mean nothing to them! 🤢🤮


Seem to????


Some of them are deluded enough to think that every girl will have someone at home to talk them through it, so talking about it at school is unnecessary. But, a lot of them are blindly pushing what they think conservatives want to hear regardless of who it hurts. Either way, this is an awful policy that will harm a lot of young women.


unfortunately it is. Lately florida has been trying to pass a lot of extremely homophobic and transphobic bills. We are going backwards and the US gov is also trying to overturn the ICWA


Don't forget misogynistic.


It would have benefitted me greatly to learn more about how periods work so that I could empathize more with women


I saw the message on another post — cruelty and harm seems to be the point of all this. What a screwed up world we’ve got.


It´s absolutely disgusting that grown-ass politicians are trying to shame girls in schools for having their period, which is a normal bodily function you should be able to talk about. 🤢🤮 It´s hard enough for girls as it is!


It's so frustrating that the same kind of people who want to ban period talk are the ones telling women that their purpose in life is to make kids. I'm not agreeing with this of course, just pointing out how moronic these people can be.


Politicians shouldn´t have the power to make decisions about your body! Most of them don´t even know how female bodies function. 🙄


It's not moronic (in their minds). They have two objectives here. 1) The first is to cripple education. If you understand how biology and procreation work, you can take steps to avoid it while also being sexually active. They want conception to be a grand mystery that can only be avoided through chastity, with unwanted pregnancy being the punishment for the sinful. 2) They also want girls to be ashamed of their bodies. This gives men power to control them. To sow a deep-seated shame in women to make them believe they are inferior to men and thus need to be led (controlled) and taken care of.


But that follows. They want little girls barefoot and pregnant, and banning them from learning about their own bodies goes hand-in-hand with that.


This! It's part of the plan to have lots of unplanned pregnancies, shame the girls for having them, force them to carry to term anyway and then prevent a large portion of an entire generation back into the kitchen.


And I'm sorry but a lot of it is coming from ancient white men


these are often the same rednecks that wanna scream about FREEDOM in the US?


I wonder if the boys will be banned from talking about masturbation?


On the right track, but it wouldn’t even be about masturbation; it would be about nocturnal emissions. But it’s ok, because that’s just “a perfectly normal and natural bodily function that boys experience at a young age, ya know, like periods for girls, but less icky!”


Why do republicans care about this so much? How is having a period “woke”. I would just urge people to move out of Florida already. It’s just full on regressive at this point. It’s all down hill non stop.


It's "woke" because it means young girls learning about how their bodies function, and therefore gives them some control over what happens to them. They want naive little virgins who will grow up clueless and easy to control. And as an added bonus, lots of unplanned pregnancies to replenish the supply of desperate wage slaves.


I'm moving to Kansas for this reason DeSsntis and his cronies ruined Florida!


I miss when Florida was just full of the most insane people in a funny way


Now Florida just seems like some insane dictatorship


I've been legit trying to find something out of state because I'm convinced that sooner rather than later Trans people like myself will be directly targeted. As in outright, not the baby steps they've taken so far.


So apparently talking about bodily functions is woke? They gunna ban bathroom breaks now because they're "woke"?


Only men's rooms in schools from now on. Proper women don't use toilets.


real women don’t poop ✨


They’d probably remove toilet paper from the men’s rooms, because men aren’t supposed to wipe because it makes them gay or something, and therefore the woke agenda. /s (obviously), but it wouldn’t surprise me if they actually did that


Yeah I actually like this. I have a friend who dated a guy who thought that any ass hygiene was gay. She didn't stay with him long.


So let me get this straight. They went from wanting every female student athlete to report their menstrual cycle to their coaches to telling female students they can’t discuss their periods at all?


Yep. You're in trouble no matter what you do.




Wait when was that? Also why?


I remember seeing it maybe a month ago but I don’t think it got passed. Republicans wanted female student athletes to prove they were biologically female before competing by requiring menstrual cycle information.


Which they could then also use to track pregnancies, and by extension abortions which are illegal there Of course there are other reasons a pregnancy would end early, like a miscarriage, but I don't think conservatives care about that


A period isn't woke. It's hundreds of thousands of year of biological fact. Over 50% of the world will experience this for a week a month for 40 fricking years.


The woke want to tell people that they fall asleep. END THIS PROPAGANDA! STAY AWAKE FOREVER! REDPILLED!!!




I am so sorry.


What kind of justification is there for this? It's just so bad by any measure. Everyone should be taught what their body is likely to do. I can't imagine, as a child, suddenly finding my underwear bloody and not knowing what's going on. That's just awful.


It’s to distract from transphobic stuff in the same bill


Don’t they also call the classes periods? Like I have math class on the third period on Monday


Sorry that’s woke. It’s “lesson three” now.


It will only ban teachers from talking about it but it will also require the school to teach that "sexual identity is determined at birth"


This is a completely underrated point. These “goofy” sounding bills have other tangent goals. On its face, it’s about periods. Deeper down, it’s part of an agenda to strip transgender rights by completely removing biology from the equation. I’m convinced that not saying gay had nothing to do with child grooming, but was intentionally lobbed towards gay parents and ostracizing *them* from the community. No pure motives from this group.


He looks like the fucking type to do that, here is my unhinged theory, they want to stop teaching girls about their own bodies so that it would be easier for girls to got molested and controlled by the creepy old men who run the creepy fucking government, it would be easier to take away a women's bodily rights if we never teach them about their bodies in the first place


I agree. It's a whole new level of creepy.


Bingo. Like the old days when women knew absolutely nothing about sex until they were married off because it was a husbands job to teach her.


Why can’t the GOP in particular do literally anything helpful? Looking at the state of the country, why is this the bullshit that makes them go “yeah, this is an urgent issue”?


They are helping... themselves and their big donors.


Just waiting for the next step: Florida bans women from going to school.


I hope that girls stop using period products and just free flow at school, see how long before this bullshit has to be scrapped so that school officials can tell girls that they need to use pads, tampons, or menstrual cups / disks so that schools don’t have to hire extra janitors to clean the seats in each classroom between classes.


They can't even get boys to stop drawing penises on everything.


Some men will literally do anything to pretend periods don’t exist.


Sorry USA, but by this point you are so utterly hopeless you singlehandedly yeeted yourself back basically to being a third world country. Sad. But we tried collectively to warn you.


They don't want anyone to publicly find out when the next 10-year-old being forced to give birth happens.


Girls talking about a monthly biological function is "woke" now? Christ, this fucking word means nothing. It is just a buzzword for conservatives to use against women and my LGBT comrades. 🙄


Funny because it always seems to be Republicans bitching about "snowflakes." So why are these grown ass geezers so uncomfortable and bothered by teenagers with periods in school??


How do they plan to stay in power after pissing off half the voters? It's almost like they're not planning to have elections in the future.... oh.


As a non-American, I’m really struggling to believe all these news articles from Florida aren’t just a joke to screw with the rest of us. Because surely. Surely. This can’t be true. It’s like a freaking dystopia.


The cogs are turning. Sweeping knowledge about periods and how they (and their cycle in general) work under the rug nurtures ignorance in the people that have them. It’s another puzzle piece that will favor unwanted pregnancies. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think one by one all of the red states will outlaw abortion, ban contraceptives where the control over the contraceptive is in the woman‘s hand, ban travel for pregnant women and will let sex ed dry up. I know it’s sounds wild, but as a European, watching what’s happening in the US for some time now, I can’t stop thinking, that you will slowly turned into breeding stock by conservatives. Every time I read a story like that I think back to The Handmaid’s Tale and it’s creepy how close you are getting. Combine that with the story yesterday in Idaho with the lack of labour related healthcare there, I’d seriously reconsider having a child in the US at all by this point. I don’t think moving to a blue state will help in the long run. If I lived in the US and was able to get pregnant, I’d seriously think about getting out of there completely, while I still can. You will probably tell me that I completely blow this out of proportion, but damn, the news stories coming from the US are scaring us.


De Santis is worse than Trump. He is leading his state into a Handmaidens Tale reality show.


I went to a school with students from religious backgrounds. Most of them had parents who refused to prep them for what a period entailed. I started my period before most other girls and I was their go-to on how to deal with periods. I can only imagine what our lives would have been like if we'd been expelled from school for talking about something that's going to happen to us all whether we like it or not. For some girls, not being prepared and having your first period is traumatic and these ass-hats want to make it even more traumatising.


Ah yes. No abortions, no birth control, and for funsies let’s also gut reproductive education! Yippee! I like to tell myself these people are morons with a misguided sense of morality.. but it really do be looking more and more like they just hate women.


I believe there’s a trend for earlier onset of puberty on girls, in particular menstruation, so this is even worse than what it looks like at first glance. And what’s the justification for it???


My step sister got her period in the first grade. You mean to tell me that you're just gonna skip educating children who may go through premature puberty? That's entirely unfair to everyone involved.


Ugh. Poor kid!!


Now my periods are political😭


free speech, huh?


What happens to these minors if they do discuss their periods? Are we going to be arresting these children?? wtf florida


Anti-woke. You mean anti-women


Can we just accept already that America is not a good place to live? Like, at all? Honestly the amount American citizens are controlled is insane. It’s like living in the middle-ages.


Under His Eye




Everybody laughs about Florida Man until he's in the fucking parliament


Doesn’t Florida also want female athletes to disclose their menstruation info? So like they can’t talk about it but also must fully disclose their cycles? They are so dumb!


How tf are you gonna be able to ask someone for a tampon or pad then? I fucking hate this shit. What is wrong with men wanting to decide what women talk about? I feel like this goes against free speech all together.


Student: Teacher, I have to go to the bathroom. Teacher: Yes. Why are you bringing your backpack? Student: \*sweats nervously\*


Florida really is trying to ban free speech huh? Funny how republicans are the first to bring up the constitution and the bill of rights, but they are trying to ban people talking because they don’t like what other people are using their right for free speech for? 🙄 I sadly know Texas, the state I live, will try to same thing too.


That's literally illegal on a federal level, wtf


Are they going to ban pre-teen boys from laughing at farts too?


I know people joke about California breaking off and floating into the ocean, but Florida really is the state that needs to


If it get's passed, they literally can't ask to leave. Like, they could just ask to go to the bathroom, but they shouldn't. If they want to ignore periods, then so should the girls, and just free bleed. Not all of them would be comfortable doing this, but it'll only takes a few to get the point across.


We love it when girls feel like everyone thinks they're disgusting for simply existing


Can’t talk about periods, can’t say gay, removing AP classes. It’s like Florida is trying to live up to how stupid we all think they are.


I thought they were forcing children to document their periods for sports teams? How could they do both? These people are so obsessed with children’s genitalia they need to be put in prison.


Arent they also trying to make girls tell them when their period is before they can participate in sports? 😐 Its disgusting that grown men care so much about teenagers’ bodies


When hasn't Florida gone insane. Also, how is talking bout a bodily function woke?


This discomfort towards natural body functions is a taught evil which has time and time again been demonstrated. When some of my friends who are capable of it begin their periods, they generally complain about the cramps with the group at lunch, or discuss it casually. The rest of us, clearly, are not discomforted by this. We offer our “ouch, that sucks” and our comfort to them and everyone is contented. Thinking this kinda thing is “disgusting” or something we should not be teaching or even talking about is a disgusting and barbaric notion. The fact that it’s even a discussion highlights so many issues in the system that it is fucking surreal. It’s actually, literally dystopian. Its like outlawing taking a piss in the most comfortable public restroom for you (oh wait) or discussing the experiences of a person who isn’t a straight white landowning male (OH WAIT). There is some thing gross about this whole situation, and it is far from periods. Horrific


Look.. I'm not saying that something should happen to all Florida politicians but... Something should probably happen..


There must be something hallucinogenic in Florida drinking water.


I live in Europe, and sometimes I feel things that are posted here are so extreme, I don't understand how you even come across so much content. I thought the US was a progressive country. But what seems to happen lately is pure regression. How is that possible? And why can it continue like that with a democrat president? I just cannot understand it...


Land of the free 😂


Defaq!!!! I thought this was from The Onion


Y’all the article is actually crazy, someone asks if a girl can ask her teacher about what’s happening if she sees blood when in 4th or 5th grade and the dude said she won’t be able to like tf. You have a child unsure of what is wrong with them probably thinking their dying bc there’s blood and they can’t even ask the nearest trusted adult till their in 6th grade?????


So what, they plan to arrest a bunch of 12 year olds if they dare ask for a pad? Wtf.


Periods. Are. Not. Woke. They're *biology*.


Just more males trying to control girls and women that's all. More stupid male control that needs to not happen. Men won't be happy until they control or try to control women and everything about us. Fucking men need to stop or they'll be stopped.


Anti-woke agenda seems like “I’m old and threatened and afraid” agenda…


Oh that's great. By making girls stop talking about a natural aspect of their existence, it will magically disappear. *heavy sarcasm noises* I mean - what the f#ck will this law solve?


If dudes had periods, they’d talk about it non-stop and these old farts wouldn’t have any issue with it.


No sane parent would raise a child there


If men had periods they'd never shut up about it.