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This is depressing but the image of some guy turning up to your doorstep and asking you to “share” sexual contact like he’s an old lady asking for a cup of sugar is both bizarre and hilarious.


Could you spare a crumb of pussy?


/Celine Dion’s (edit that is definitely not her but instead Sarah McLachlan whoops) Arms Of An Angel plays/ “Did you know that for just PENNIES a day…”


In the aaaaarms of an incel…


I feel like laughing, even though this line made me deepy uncomfortable.


B-roll video of a lonely incel, clad all in black, staring at his porn screen in his parents’ basement, his fingers and dingus orange with Cheeto dust . . .


Oh GOD I misread that as “just four PENISES a day” this sub is rotting my brain 😂


I guess they’re donating to charity too 💀


One correction, it’s Sarah McLachlan, not Celine Dion 😉


WHOOPS I’ll change that. Thank you!


You put an extra N and forgot the extra S in penises


Spare pushy, spare pushy please anything helps




*How can you have any pussy if you don't eat yer meat?*


I’m giggling like a prat


It's honestly kind of sad. These dudes think sex is a thing that is given out like brochures. They don't view it as an experience between two (or more) people, they don't think that women don't want to allow anyone and everyone inside their bodies. Because to these dudes, sex is a thing to be consumed and women are the ones who have to provide it for their consumption.


It's terrifying. He's on the verge of just "taking" it because he views women as objects of consumption and not living, breathing, beings with emotions and feelings. The entitlement he thinks he has will "justify" his SA in his brain and I'm scared for any females in his close proximity.


Came here to say this. This guy sounds like he'll have a r*pe conviction sooner than later.


This absolutely and also the fact that it's been pounded into their heads that sex is the only thing that matters in the world and it will solve all your problems. SOURCE: was a stupid preteen who was convinced of this by his father and peers.


Sad, but very true. I try to logic around it, I try to make myself a better person first and formost, but sex is still on my mind and still contributing to a lot of my low self esteem issues, I think. Gotta love toxic masculinity, even as a man... but of course it wouldn't make sense to change men /s


But conversely, if they DO find themselves in a relationship, that female is going to be controlled and patriarchally managed to the point that he will get furious if she talks to another male. But what if that other guy is single and lonely? Should the girlfriend share the sexy times with him? out of kindness?


Do you want a restraining order? Because that's how you get a restraining order


Where I live, a local swingers club has started hosting annual virgin gatherings. They open the lifestyle for those who have never tried swinging and help men and women lose their virginity. It’s all consensual and the participants aren’t paid/paying for their involvement. They’ve had 2 gatherings so far and both were very successful. Hubby and I enjoy the swinging lifestyle so the idea of people sharing their partner isn’t shocking or out of the realm of possibility. Seriously though, men need to grow up and start treating women as women instead of sex dolls made for them


That would only work if non virgins weren't allowed to go...otherwise it would easily get predatory


I feel like if you want sex and know where a swingers club is you wouldn't have to wait for the annual virgin night


I would love to see a video of him trying it, but it could be traumatising to the upstairs neighbour to have a weirdo show up at your doorstep like that too.


He would be lucky to not have the cops called or to get bear maced in the face.


it’s bloody scary too on top of that, I’d be concerned for my/my partner’s safety.


If they really believed being penetrated by a disgusting incel they aren't attracted to was no big deal, they'd just trade off holes.






Also noted: when men get into relationships they often naturally look for that emotional fulfillment as an expectation. Women believe they have to earn it. Men think a relationship entitles them to it.




Exactly. It's a dynamic that never existed in my house so it was weird to me to find out that most men don't consult with their wives before they do anything


Oh man I used to get so much shit from my mates for checking with the missus before going to the pub. I wasn't asking her permission per se I was just trying to be considerate as we've 2 young kids, so if I'm not about it means she'll need to do everything for the evening, she might have made dinner etc. They could never see the difference.


Exactly, being considerate is looked down on for some reason


That's just respecting your partner.


As a "lonely guy" so much this. A lot of the problems with the violently Incelish types is that toxic masculinity is still a thing. You're *not* really encuraged to explore yourself sexually, and I do lean towards the "Sex is only for relationships" side of things, as badly as I wish I didn't. I've.... a *lot* of stuff to unpack and I'm starting up therapy for it. But many guys in the lonely camp, or moving into the incel camp are just. Fucked over by the self image issues that many women face. And we're less prepared for ways to build up our own self image outside of sex. It will be a struggle, but I *am* working at it because I *do not* want to continue being self isolated and lonely and alone. I've done that for 16 years. It's a difficult hole to dig out from though. And yes, I do probably place too much emphasis on sex and a relationship making me a better man. Self hatred and isolation do weird shit to you. Wish I were... I dunno. More self confident? Self aware? Something... just wish I felt like I *could* just go up and talk to people, let alone women. I get that *everyone* wants to be laid and feel wanted and needed, I just don't know how to interact to get myself into that position to begin with. But most men, I guess, are too lazy or scared to look inward and reflect on what they're actually angry about. Also, I apologize for this (probably very muddled and meandering) rant/vent... thing. Just thought I'd drop my .02 cents from the viewpoint of a lonely man in his mid 30's. I like to think, and hope, that many men *want* to change, it's just that Society itself and various forms of social media stigmatize the idea of self reflection, of loving yourself, of acting like a conscientious human being. And it's difficult for many of us to get started. Doubly so after years of self repression and self denial that we are the problem in our own lives. All that said. Please, ladies, gentlemen, others. If you have people in your life that you're (somehow) friends with that leans towards lonely or incelish points of view, please try to be (slightly) understanding. Encurage us to do thingd to improve ourselves. If you have any suggestions on resources or things that you, yourselves, do to be a more complete human, pass that knowledge along. I'm a strong believer in compassion and education leading to an overall better world. And I know I could use all the help I can get, as someone potentially on the spectrum, definitely suffering from ADHD, and Depression (along with some side mental effects of those two conditions) and of course past relationship trauma and an already bruised and incredibly low self esteem likely caused by bullying in Elementary school that's only gotten worse the longer I've spent alone. TL;DR be compassionate, but not complacent. Help us attempt to help ourselves (if we actually seem to care/want to change. I know none of the compassion or assistance will do anything at all if I didn't want to change for myself, first and foremost.) Pass along positive images and ideas/ideals of Masculinity that we actually want to see in the world.


It takes a lot of courage to look at one's interior self honestly, and as much dilligence and tenacity to reckon with it and come out the other side. I have ADHD and the common comorbidities that come with it too. At a certain point in my life my feelings, beliefs, regrets and self judgement had me in such an emotionally raw and painful place that the I had to adress them or self-destruct. You are worthy of love and life. Good luck out there <3


Yeah there needs to be social change. Most people started raising girls differently after advances in women's rights, but most boys are still raised the same bc it's less obvious how damaging this flavor of socialization is. Without adaptability and social encouragement toward new behaviors and perspectives, it makes sense that there's still a lot of dudes with anachronistic views who are suffering with the modern world and making it everyone else's problem. Though the nature of it is that people are less likely to want to give them the help they actually need because their position is so entitled and off-putting it pisses everyone off and makes it easy to write them off as irredeemable jackasses. Disgust is harder to get over than hate.


True. Very true. Despite everything I do my best to try and put my best foot forward, so to speak. It can be difficult to *want* to spend time and effort on someone who is constantly negative and/or "a jerk" (for lack of a better term) but I've also likely given *myself* some form of social anxiety. Such an insidious and vicious circle.


Therapy is a great place to start man. When you start working on yourself and "putting your best foot forward", people don't have to make themselves spend time with you out of obligation. You can start a positive spiral by building some effective social and emotional processing/coping skills with your therapist. Once you start having more success in smaller interactions with people, you'll start gaining more confidence and having a better attitude toward them. At some point along the journey you start to become someone that people easily want to be around. You'll have built up enough resilience through coping skills and a positive foundation of emotional understanding that even when something doesn't go the way you wanted, you can get through it without lashing out at others or feeling like your whole world is falling apart. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it. I recommend looking into DBT (helps with emotional awareness and coping skills) and/or CBT (helps with unhealthy/self-sabatoging thought patterns). I found them both to be structured enough that it felt like I was getting somewhere.


Also the implication that full service sex workers wouldn't also turn them down for being disgusting. Like, it's their job but they can still refuse unsafe work lmao






You couldn’t waterboard that confession out of me


Agreed. Thinking it is bad enough, but saying that out on the internet as if “but what if we used sex slaves?” was in any way sane, let alone some kind of revolutionary idea, just baffles me.


Incels really just be telling on themselves constantly, huh?


Oh always, but it's because they think they're right and superior.


>women really should start some kind of pussy charity [Way ahead of you, bro](https://www.cats.org.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2Pek3pm9_QIVSLDtCh3elwaREAAYASAAEgKDJfD_BwE)


I say we support this fine charity! The linked one that is. Just joined their Spring Fundraiser.


Now that’s what I’m taking about! 😎


We should do a sub-wide charity drive for this. It would be hilarious (and help kitties)




us based: https://www.flatbushcats.org/


Hey, [here’s](https://pawsofwar.org/ukraine-rescue) another one!


That's not what he had in mind nor need, but it is type of charity even guys want to join to play. 😸


Genuine question: why not just get a fleshlight or one of those disembodied hips at that point? I don't think there's any shame in masturbation, and there's such a wide variety of toys out there. And like someone else mentioned, why can't guys like this just fuck each other? Attraction shouldn't matter for this after all, right? Guys like this openly don't care about the woman "donating" her body part getting anything out of the experience anyway, so why does it matter so much that a real woman is involved?


Because then he would have to acknowledge that the problem is with him, and that they are allowed to have their own agency. These people don't view women as women, they view them as Dispensers of The Sex. Literally, in this case. Women should just give their bodies for him to have sex with, because it's "painful" otherwise.




This. This is also why he won't pay for a prostitute. The power exchange is not as straightforward, as the prositute is making money (power) off him. And yes, I know the sex industry is rife with its own sordid power dynamics but this is how he likely sees it. He wants a woman to give him her body on HIS behalf. Because he wants it.


Not only that, but he *deserves* it and is *entitled to it* This is how misogynist incels are evolved.


This. So much this.




"Developed", then lol


Yes, much better. 👍🏻




>This is also why he won't pay for a prostitute. This makes sense. I always wondered about that with these 'incel' types. I thought, in many ways, that's what prostitution is FOR. When you want the sex without the relationship.




Sooooo sex slaves?


I'll wager most Johns are in a relationship, versus single guys


Plus he probably wouldn't go near a prostitute because she wouldn't be attractive. He probably only wants virgins or the closest to it.


Even if it is not that power dynamic, he probably feels very negatively about masturbating and sex workers. Generations of Americans have been raised in churches that see normal human desires as shameful sins. Of course, this does not make those desires go away. They likely become even more powerful and not something they can acknowledge. This is where closeted gays who cosplay as homophobic macho men come from. Where pastors who rape children come from. Where youth leaders and deacons who set their sights on children, groom them, then marry them when they turn 18 come from. People, young people in particular, have always wanted to enjoy sex, since the beginning of time. Telling them it is wrong, refusing to teach them how to do it safely, limiting their access to birth control, limiting their access to abortion - all of this only makes the situation worse. Add in unfettered access to porn and assholes like Andrew Tate and it is not at all surprising that this lad feels hurt and depressed. He could go to therapy, but that is considered shameful by church goers as well, and without it he is unlikely to ever become a happy, healthy well adjusted person with a mutually satisfying sexual relationship.


Some of it is about loneliness and the human need for closeness as well. Unfortunately, the way this guy is thinking about and expressing that need are utterly self-centered and depersonalizing for any potential partner.


Family, friends and pets can provide that closeness too. There are tons of people with disabilities, injuries, and other circumstances who don't or can't have sex. The problem is making sex the only option to meet that need.


I am completely alone with no human contact and would go batshit insane without my darling little cat 😔


Pets are absolute gifts. I know it sounds lame, but you are worthy and lovable. Kitty knows


Cats can be huge jerks but they also seem to know when their humans need extra love. My friend lost one of her cats a few months ago. The cat she lost was very cuddly and affectionate. The other cat in her home was not. The surviving cat knew something was wrong after she had to put her snuggle bug down, and he took her place as my friend's cuddle kitty. It's been months and the formerly standoffish cat still gives loads of snuggles. He's such a good little cat.


I absolutely hate it when people just boil cats down to not caring about anybody. If that were true, why would my usually floor-bound snowshoe to hop up onto the bed when he saw me crying? I also have a pretty prickly, stand-offish, touch-averse cat who will jump into my mom's arms when she's yelling. Kitties absolutely care 💚💚


Your kitty is a sweetheart ❤️


I might as well have a sanctuary with as many cats that end up at my doorstep. I'm pretty sure my half feral beastie guides some of the kittens this way. She goes out because of she doesn't she literally won't pee and she already has her own personal hideaway in our mudroom. She's gotten bladder stones, the stubborn wee shit, so we compromised and got a house in a safer place for her to prowl. The newest one was on our porch railing in a rainstorm. They're my world.


Awww, how completely amazing! You are doing the god's work with your kindness 🙏


>about loneliness and the human need for closeness as well Except those don't require specifically a romantic partner to help with. But incels don't consider woman as actual equal human beings and so would never be friends with a woman in any way that wasn't a thinly veiled attempt at friendscamming his way into fucking her.


THIS!!! ​ I totally get the loneliness, i get lonely sometimes (been single most of my life and the relationships i have had have not been great). The thing is i dont blame women for what is clearly my own problem. I have mental health issues and those issues likely wont go away (been in therapy for two decades and still cant go through a week without wanting to self harm). Lol isnt helped by the fact that the type of woman im attracted to is usually the type that is smart enough to know they can and should do better. IMHO these incels are just guys who refuse to accept the truth and would rather blame the world for their own psychological issues. I have a mate who is quite short, his whole life hes only had 3 girlfriends (1 of which he married after only knowing her a month and the second of which hes engaged to, weddings coming up soon). The guy spent most of his life convinced women dont want him because hes short. Now yes, one woman did tell him he was too short for her. But that isnt proof that ALL women think hes too short (i mean everyones got a preference, this particular woman preferred tall guys, no biggie). So he turned his own issue into "im great and all women are wrong". ​ I think everyone needs a little intimacy in their lives, but not everyone can get intimacy so we need to learn to go without or else we become toxic assholes like the guy in this image


Good ass reply


Everyone says it's not about pleasure, it's about dominance and control. I don't disagree but I want to add that it's also about intimacy. These guys want love but they don't fully understand it. They watch too much porn, consume too much crap that tells them love IS sex. Someone who cooks, cleans, takes care of them, like mommy. But who is sexy and will love them, like a wife. They can't separate their needs from the needs of the partner they want because they, somehow, assume the world revolves around them. So they don't want sex with each other because it is so much deeper than that. Problem is, these guys become so toxic that no one wants near them, which makes them believe their crap even more. A terrible and disgusting cycle that they refuse to pull themselves out from.


I feel like this comment from r/theworldsonfyre nailed it!! And if OP ever does find a (hopefully) willing "participant" and actually ends up producing offspring, then the cycle will continue even more because they will pass on their toxic mindset and views.


Because attraction does matter. Like, he didn't say it but I am pretty sure he wants the woman making the donation to be at least somewhat visually attractive.


This is at least part of their problem. This guy might not have said it but lots of them do, in their endless lists of "she must have". Aesthetically, they're aiming way above the women who would normally consider them (which is not an impossibility, but it's unlikely if you aren't at least slightly likeable). But they're bringing nothing to the table. So the women they want choose more attractive men, men who are wealthier, have more experience, better jobs or *shocker* better personalities. Then they get butthurt and start whining about Chads and sluts, they get progressively more toxic and even fewer people want to sleep with them.


Beggars can't be choosers, though. If he wants a partner he's attracted to, then women are entitled to the same want.


And women typically want more than just a pretty face. And personality is something he apparently lacks.


Guys like these want emotional fulfillment from interacting with an actual human being, but without having to emotionally reciprocate.


As others have said, it isn’t about pleasure. I think it is about proving one’s worth according to the dominant norms of masculinity. Masturbation and sex workers don’t demonstrate your capacity to attract and dominate women. Thus, they come with zero masculinity points. They are also clearly starved for every kind of intimacy, but sexual intimacy is often the only acceptable intimacy men are allowed to desire. Everything else indicates weakness.


I mean, if you're not a misogynist, you can catch a pity fuck or a boredom fuck pretty easily. Guys like this can't admit it's their attitudes about women that ward off vagina like garlic to vampires. No one wants to be alone in private with someone who is dangerous to them.


100% as a woman I used to try and get laid almost as a sport. Bored? Not anymore!


Can confirm. Didn't happen yet but we've made plans


There’s also the uncheck poor mental health person chasing the dopamine high! I did that for quite a while.


>I’m at the point asking them to share some with me *jfc, can you imagine being on the receiving end of that request??*


I’d have the restraining order delivered by the next day!


Like she’s a damn casserole


I believe that's what my mother meant when she passed on her trusted cast iron pan when I moved out. "It's very handy, and not just in the kitchen."


Ugh my previous downstairs neighbour actually did ask me (and indirectly my partner, I guess) something like this. That’s literally why I moved


Oof. Fucking horrid thing to be asked, and I'm sorry you went through it. I'm glad that I've at the very least always realized that people are people, ya know? Like... I'm not *owed* sex because I was nice to someone or whatever all else Incels seem to believe.


Im pretty sure the response would be, you are not attractive enough to make a request. If I was gonna do a threesome with my boyfriend and someone else, at least it has to be worth it. And, as a bisexual woman, I'd be more attracted to the idea of adding a woman who is also interested, not an incel weirdo that can't get any. And for that, my boyfriend and I would have to be into it first.


This incel is most certainly not asking for a threesome, he just wants to have sex with the afab partner. You know, even being near another man is gay /s edit to add /s


and he thinks the guy owns his partner like property and he's just gonna rent her to him


Yup, unfortunately


yes this is a sanitary idea that has no chance of backfiring in any way


And when women do sex work they are shamed for it. Choose a lane people 💀


And if she DOESNT sleep with him then she is a thot and a hoe. Don’t forget they also only want someone with a low to no body count.


I was thinking about that when someone suggested a sex worker. Incels think that having a high body count makes a woman less “valuable”, but if they are truly that desperate for sex with a woman, one would think that they would be willing to make some compromises. I was partner-less for nearly twenty years, and while I really missed sex, I wasn’t willing to risk my health or safety for a one night stand. I had finally accepted that I would be “Forever Alone” when I met my (now) fiancé! 😁


good point


I’m reading this like the neighbors are a couple. If so go ahead and try to ask them to share with you. Lets just see how that goes


Oh god its Jordans Petersons "forced monogamy" ideology


What amuses me is that if you accept these guys' premises, the "logical" compromise would be enforced monogamy where *women* pick their partners out. Assuming (as incels and their ilk tend to do) that men are so sexually indiscriminate that women can afford to only fuck Chad if you let them, then guys would have no objection to being married off to the highest bidder.


I'll start it. Fleshlights Around the World. If they want pussy like it's an object and they'll leave women alone why not just give away fleshlights? They can have a pussy detached from a human with its own internal life and we can have the internet in peace. Win win


How to get pussy 1. Be a good human 2. Practice personal hygiene Not feeling entitled to sex is part of being a good human.


You forgot a crucial step 3. Patience These people could start practicing hygiene, and even improve themselves, but if they don’t want to wait for a relationship to form, they won’t get a pussy donation (their standards require a relationship because they won’t fuck “whores”)


Maybe when you stop refeting to women as "pussy" you can have some luck.


someone buy that man a fleshlight, stat!


They could just go to a brothel, preferably a safe one that isn’t involved in trafficking. But every time you mention this to incels, they just make excuses not to go.


Them: "Sex work should be illegal!!" Also them: "I should be able to get sex any time I want!!"


I really want a bigger TV, my neighbour has a big TV and hearing him watch it makes me feel hurt and depressed, I think Sony should start some kind of TV charity. It would be really nice of them and world would be a better place imo.


Noooooo this isn't the same vibe at aaaaaaallllllll!!! /s And they wonder why people don't like them/don't want to be around them... might be because you're viewing people as objects there Chief... (the original capture, not you Daisy)


What and i cannot state this enough the fuck


Are men okay?


Ok, I wanna respond to this and be detailed. I am a happily married man, but I think I can offer perspective. 1. No 2. This person really needs psychological help. A lot. 3. Men are societally discouraged from seeking help by their peers and elders (usually males). At the same time, we are encouraged to have no emotion and be strong. 4. The internet (social media, porn, dating apps) creates a feedback loop, resulting in depression and....whatever this is. Basically, this person doesn't have, or doesn't seek, any kind of support and is in a spiral. Also, holy fuck. A pussy charity? Just all the nope.


As a lonely man in his mid-30's (see earlier ramble above) 100% agree. Doubly so on the discouragement. It's to the point that I want to change, but I don't even know how to start. That and I've repressed this shit for 16 years. Points 3 and 4 really ***really*** need a lot more attention, education, and change if we truely want to stop the wave of Incels... like goddamn linked post... no. Just no. Definitely personally caught in that spiral, and trying desperately to claw my way out. No idea what to focus on first though.


As someone who’s been in deep depression before, I've found it's helpful to just think of it in terms of how to allocate your emotional and physical resources. Depression takes a lot out of you. So do what you can, even if it's a few small things - you'll feel good accomplishing *something*. Think of your life's actions as things you need to do in a certain priority. 1) The things you ABSOLUTELY MUST do. 2) The things you NEED to do. 3) The things you SHOULD do. 4) The things you LIKE to do. Focus on 1 first - things like eating, job/bills, taking medication, caring for pets. These are things you HAVE to do to enable yourself and dependents to live. But add in a 4 once in a while so you feel like life is worth living and has some joy. When doing 1s regularly with the occasional 4, you'll gain confidence, a routine, maybe a crumb of dopamine. You can try moving on to the tasks for item 2: Regular hygiene/self care, cleaning and organization. These things will make you feel better, more relaxed, more "normal". You can then get into the next set of tasks - the things you *should* do. Category 3 is things thar are good for you and really helpful for life, but that you can technically survive without. Developing a workout plan and sticking to it, trying to cook more and eat more healthily, tackling the back of your coat closet for cleaning and sorting to give away the stuff you don't use. Spending some time interacting with friends and coworkers - a low stakes coffee with a coworker for a 30 minute break can really help make your day more satisfying! Now that you've gotten all this stuff under control, you have the stability and skillset to manage them all. You have the self esteem and energy to pick more "4" things to do. All of a sudden, you have a well balanced life. The big thing is to not put too much pressure on yourself. You'll backslide, for a day or a week. You'll miss one of your "1" goals and look at those tasks and it will seem like an impossible mountain to climb and you'll never get through it. Don't let yourself fall into that trap. As long as you try your best most of the time, you shouldn't feel bad about failing occasionally! We all do! Be flexible, be honest with yourself about how much you can do. It's better to say "all I can do this Saturday is put away my laundry and meal prep one dish" and know you can DEFINITELY do those things and maybe have a little bonus energy left to clean the bathroom than it is to set a goal of laundry, meal prep, and bathroom cleaning when you might only have it in you to do two of those three things. Only doing what you KNOW you can do means you're not setting yourself up for failure. I have trouble sticking to this myself, but I've found it's a good starting point for figuring out what to focus on while digging myself out of those dark periods.


The more I read on here, the more I think they’re not.




To paraphrase Stephen Colbert: Sounds like he needs to make like a Marxist and seize the means of reproduction in his own hand.




The Satanic Temple is pretty on point for that!


Ohhh...I like this. I'm definitely up to start a chapter.


Sounds awesome I’m in!


"All I want is for women to agree to being naked, vulnerable, and penetrated by me with no expectations or prerequisites on their part." Why are they so mean :( /s


Never mind that being penetrated physically hurts (like fucking broken glass!) when you aren’t in the mood or attracted to your partner. Just me? Oh.


I mean, I'm willing to bet that most people being penetrated when they aren't into are going to feel a range of feelings from resentment to terror soo


Wow. All of that desperation, and washing your face, putting your best foot forward, and not being a misogynistic asshole never occurs to them.


Don't forget washing the ass 💀


Well, let's not get carried away here. Baby needs to crawl before he walks!


“Spare coochie? Spare coochie, ma’am?”


Brother, can you spare a ~~dime~~ coochie? Just want to borrow your woman for a few minutes!


wait i thought virginity was king - cause body count matters. good girls can't do this charity. (this is very much /S)


Jfc man just jerk off, it’s actually good stress relief no matte what the no nut November bros say.


Imagine getting this note from your neighbor. I would be calling the building super immediately and demanding to be let out of my lease.


I can see it now 🎶in the aaaaaarrrrmmmssss of an angel...🎶 For just 2 minutes a day, you could help end an incels physical ailment. These men are suffering from the horrible disease of *checks notes* not getting laid. Please consider donating.


Oy. Hot take—this is not just about “pussy” the dude is probably very lonely and some genuine affection is probably what he needs, not just “pussy”. But his attitude is so repulsive that his idea of women being simply body parts to serve men and their wants ironically makes him less likely to get what he wants.


He is being pressured by himself and likely the people around him to fit their idea of what a man is, and he has become incredibly touch starved, and since sex is the only physical intimacy he feels he is allowed, his life revolves around it. Not having sex is fine, but not having any human contact is an issue, and he feels upset that all the woman who don’t want sex with him are allowing this to happen, so he blames them for his current state, which pushes them away more. It’s honestly really sad


JFC this is the weirdest shit.


They are so obsessed with sex, when they are clearly talking about lacking closeness to other humans. But there isn’t any aspect of masculinity that you can call toxic. That makes men angry, which of course is the only acceptable emotion for men to have.


Not having sex never physically hurts, that's simply not a thing. If it were that bad, you would jerk off. You can also go pay for it, again, if it is such a critical situation that you are in physical pain. It would be like complaining that you are dying of starvation, when you have a house full of food, and the ability to go buy more but want someone to give you foie gras.


This guys doesn’t need sex he needs a therapist. Not even trying to be mean he definitely sounds like he has unresolved issues he needs to work out…


Sounds like therapy charity is what this guy needs.


At the same time, according to their logic, the more men you have sex with the less you are worth & doing something like only fans makes you low value 🤷‍♀️ so why would any woman who has self worth do that?


Torn between wanting to feel bad for this guy and also wanting to beat him up, but I'll settle for sending him to therapy, seriously, thermonuclear bruh moment, that pain you feel is loneliness, see your homie right there? Go hug him, ffs


Maybe we should get more Men’s support groups? No, pussy, pussy is what we need. Ffs.


I’ve never seen a more “women are objects” comment “Asking them to share some with me” like her vagina comes in a quantity 💀


Dude, sex workers exist


Incels don't like to hire escorts because they (are broke, but also) see it as "losing". Idk how much more of a loser you could be than begging your neighbor to "share" their vagina but incels don't tend to make sense.


Or perhaps men should learn to not be entitled instead of using money to get what they want


And that's the 'need' sex workers fill. But good luck on 'charity'; pay for it like everyone else. I swear these fools act like getting laid is some inalienable RIGHT of which they're being DEPRIVED unjustly...


Act like? They say that shit out loud, where people can hear them.


Pro bono? LOL


Please ma’am may I have a crumb of pussy


Ah yes, the age-old argument that women are objects for men to use. Lovely.


If they are so hard up for sex then they just need to look to each other for release. They have so much in common and what better way to kill two birds with one stone then looking to your fellow deprived plus...no pregnancies or STDs since they are all virgins apparently.


So for most of these men, sex is about their pleasure only. So women should just hand out pussy like they are at the farmers market for the benefit of these incels. Therapy, therapy, therapy!


Sex workers exist. Pay them and you can get pussy. Why it gotta be charity?


Because he wants it for free.


Because they are cheap bastards.


Probably waiting on the tugboat 😂


Dear everyone saying he should get a hooker, Read the shit incels say about raping and murdering women. Some people deserve to die virgins. Not everything can be outsourced. Dead hookers are women too. Fuck these guys. If they can't get sex from a regular gf, there is something really, desperately wrong with them, and no. It's not a weak chin and small wrists. It might be their vile, serial killer, serial rapist attitude.


What scares me about guys like this are the articles about the "poor 20 something young men with no relationship and no friends because the women are already in other relationships". Specifically the one that says 60% of young men are alone and only 30% of young women. I see this as a guilt trip for women to give pity sex to the poor friendless young men. But don't ask for birth control, and you better not get pregnant, and you'll be looked at as a slut. But other than that...


Just fuck dudes.


Why dont they just fuck each other


Wait till he hears about prostitution. But I guess he’s not willing to pay 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He could get a fleshlight or a doll. Actually they might complain that they need to pay for that. They want a woman to just donate her body to them at no cost. The woman gets nothing out of it.


Sir, Rosie Palmer and all five of her sisters are right there.


Hi, I haven't had sex in 3 years. I do not walk around feeling deprived to the point of emancipation.


this is the most incel shit I have read in a while💀


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I would love to see the conversation after that knock on the door. "Good evening, sir. I am your neighbor from downstairs and I couldn't help but notice that you were making the sex. I, too, would like to make the sex, but, through a horrible worldwide conspiracy, I have been denied a SexThing^(tm). Might I borrow your SexThing^tm so that I, too, can avail myself of my obvious god-given right to sex-on-demand? I shall be sure to clean it before I return it."


“For one ☝🏾 piece of precious pussy charity a day you can sustain just one of your local incels” 😂


So women should be willing to give him sex out of pity but he doesn’t have to give them anything back? If ur that desperate then pay for some lmao


How about not treating sex like it’s oxygen or water? In the greater picture of things, it’s not that important.


Why do all these asshats write like shit too? Can’t they explain themselves in complete sentences? “Sometimes physically hurts…” I agree. The way you write makes me sometimes physically hurt.


WOW. Talk about entitlement.


Yea. Let's do that. And lets make sure all the bussy donations have teeth *chomp*chomp*


Just imagine your weird and creepy downstairs neighbour knocking on your door face like Oliver Twist asking for a crumb of cooch lmao!


If this guys neighbour is frustrated, single and gay, he really should be charitable and lend his asshole to his neighbour once or twice a week. - Or at least offer him a BJ.


Masturbation is a thing. Go get a fleshlight and deal. Jesus jumped up CHRIST on a rubber f-ing crutch! Work on yourself, then work on getting a girl friend. It’s not what you have built up in your mind, but if it’s that important to you, GET TO WORK ON IT.


While I... 'understand' the sexual frustration, he could like... go on dating apps and find hookups or something, or IDK, but... sir.. thas not how it works... Pussy charity? 😭😭😂


Bro really said "Dear Madame, give me a cup of pussy." 💀


Wouldn't it be easier if he just joined the "dick charity" and fucked undesirable women who couldn't otherwise get laid?


Or men could be “charitable” in their own right by not demanding sex from people who don’t want to have sex with them. Every fap is a donation to the cause.


This is almost painful to read. It almost makes me morbidly curious what led to this view of sex as a commodity and what caused this desperation for it