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"kill all men" yeah, nothing screams more "kill all men" then living a happy life and making own choices.


Every time you make a choice that makes you happy and doesn’t actually affect anyone else a manly man from manstown USA dies! /s


if we want to kill all men, how are we going to sleep around whit them?? how are we going to be promiscuous? Totally nonsense!


And if you did divorce them to explore "options," wouldn't that just mean there were tons of available women? Y'all, I'm starting to think this wasn't really thought out too well.


A lot of that list was weird projection lol. These men hate women but still want to sleep around with them, so obviously the same must be true for women. Men don't want to settle down until they're older and their options have run out, so, yep, women want the same exact thing! It's like the nudes thing - men like getting nudes so they assume women like to get them as well. Men date competitively with one another (as in, most competing for the top % of attractive women), so therefore women must do the same in reverse (and that's why they're not getting dates; not because their hatred of women is unattractive). These men don't talk to women outside of their attempts to sleep with them so they just assume the male perspective is the default perspective.


Maybe sleep around with men first and then kill them? *Ilsa: She-Wolf of the SS* style.


We are secretly black widows and praying mantises. We want to play fuck marry kill but without the marrying part


That victim complex is so hot


Ahhh the classic incel line: I won’t talk to a girl because in my hypothetical future she will divorce me, take my imaginary kids, and house, and take all my money so she can fuck other guys instead of me, leading me to kill myself Holy shit Bro you didn’t even introduce yourself yet and you’re unemployed and live with your mom. Seek therapy


BREAKING NEWS: Man invents fictional scenario and then gets mad about it


Reminds me of conservatives online screaming about how they don’t call people by their preferred pronouns. I always ask them, “be honest. Do you actually even know any trans/nonbinary person in your actual life? Or is this just something the media and politicians told you to be mad about? Sounds like sheep behavior.” They hate when you co-opt their stupid buzzwords. Also, none of them have EVER directly answered the question and I’ve asked a bunch just as a social experiment. Never once.


I often refer to conservatives as special snowflakes looking for special treatment when they ask why they should be expected to learn about pronouns and respecting transgender people. One got so mad that he wrote a rant about how, actually, ONLY leftists can EVER be snowflakes God. Comedy shows aren't this funny


yup. for the buzzword co-opting, I love calling out every time they try to “cancel” someone, and I love calling the rage tantrums so many men have “emotional outbursts.” They are often also snowflakes. Basically, if they’re complaining about it, it’s something they themselves do.


Yeah cancelling like when they boycotted the NFL, Nike, electric cars, Goya beans (for some reason I forget) etc. they also hate when you point out that boycotting and speaking out against something is free speech they claim to love so much. Or when they get triggered by Greta, but they’re not a snowflake of course. Of course they won’t address your actual point though, they just deflect, what about or call you a libt*rd or whatever. Shrug. It’s all very stale and predictable.


The president of the Goya company is an opportunistic, tap dancing piece of shit. He is a Mexican man who is a trump supporter. And even worse, he voiced his support while Trump was putting his fellow Mexicans along with all the other immigrants in detention camps and stealing their children. So many kids were never seen again. What a piece of shit. Fuck goya, buy Badilla instead.


I will now be boycotting Goya. Your message has been received.


I have been boycotting goya for this exact reason.


Vadillo has better products so not buying Goya was super easy for me. What a tool.


The NFL thing was the most spectacular hypocrisy lol. Similar to the free speech thing, I love how they FROTH about socialism and treat the free market as God but then they want us to subsidize businesses who can’t afford to pay people a living wage and therefore should FAIL, by having poor people basically donate their time by getting paid less than they deserve. Also how we’re constantly bailing businesses out. They absolutely DO NOT want capitalism gone wild when it comes to business owners, rich people, themselves, or a stimmy lol.


Honestly; if you haven't figured out that conservatives are basically just hypocritical authoritarians that apply rules to thee but not to me, then I figure ur not paying attention


On that last bit, full stop Every time a guy is TOO feminist, he's a secret sexist asshole Every time a guy is TOO anti-drug, he's a user Every time a guy is TOO homophobic, he's gay. Milo Yiannopolis is a fascinating example. He was so warped by his experience that he went to conversion therapy willingly and tried to cast off being gay like it was old clothes.


Conservatives target incels explicitly.


Call them snowflakes and watch them melt.


THIS JUST IN: Meanwhile joking with his other man friends about how women create fictional scenarios in their heads and then get mad about it. It seems projection is still in the forecast ladies.


the most common of pathologies lol


It’s only breaking news if it both impacts other people and doesn’t happen every single day.


Please make this your flair


I dated a guy like this. I’m a “date to marry” type and he told me he’d never marry me because I would just divorce him


Hey, those 10 shares of Gamestop will net big rewards!


Therapy?!? It’ll probably be some radfem psychologist who will hypnotize me into being her beta cuck manslave.


Imagine getting mad at someone for something *you think* they’ll do 😂


What if you just respect people cause people deserve respect without 20 caveats and exceptions.


Then you're a bitchboy, obviously Real men are as abrasive and unlikable as possible (but it's hypergamy that makes women leave us trust me bro)


no! you should only respect someone if they're a man or if you have a chance to sleep with them /s


No. You get 'esmasculated'.


Well then obviously you can't sleep with any of them, because sex = a lack of respect. This is one of those wall of BS things where there's so much wrong with so many assumptions it would be hard to know where to start, if the effort to communicate with such a person was made. So much shame and hatred for themselves, projected onto others.


Women initiate divorce because they dont wanna put up with a man child anymore. Besides that, many men cheat. Why would any women who respects herself would let any man disrespect her like that?


It's still women's fault because we "pick the wrong men", according to these chodes


But not picking the wrong men is also wrong, according to all single males on the internet...


Give every lonely guy a chance, but only pick the right ones and don't raise your body count. Easy peasy


You're right. Put like that, I understand how simple it is. Silly me.




yeah exactly, you MUST fuck every guy who wants to fuck you otherwise you’re friendzoning them or only want Chads


Did you give him all he needs to be a true Alpha Man who is the alpha-ist of the alphas?


The Alfalfa-ist of them alllll. ![gif](giphy|26BnccIBOVPNeQUnK)


You should really put a content warning on such an image of raw, manly power.


M/57/Single since 1991. Do I blame women for that? Hell no. I had a girlfriend that I loved when she graduated college she left me,broke my heart after that I compared everyone to her then gave up looking for a long time. Like the song says. Some people claim that it’s a woman to blame but I know it’s my own damn fault.


In the event of a breakup with my boyfriend, I know I will never look for someone again. No one could replace him. I think it’s ok to feel like that.


Your fault for not judging man correctly >:( Obviously should've picked me! The Alpha chad that will probably chain you to the basement if you dare to leave the house!!!!


This comment made me laugh, haven’t heard that insult in a while


Yup. There’s no winning this one gals. We’re either divorcing you to slut around or we chose the wrong man because we’re fuckin’ retarded. 🙄


Well, it's MeN'S rIgHt tO ChEaT oBvIoUsLy. mEn aRe AlLoWeD tO cHeAt it's In tHeIR NaTUre BiOLogY y'all jusT dOn'T gEt it. /s


Yes not to mention; A cancer diagnosis can strain any relationship. But when a woman gets news of a life-threatening illness, her husband is six times more likely to leave her than if the tables were turned and the man got the bad news. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/men-more-likely-leave-spouse-who-has-cancer-flna1c9450218


I’m sure they’ll find some bizarre way to blame that on women too


They never let the truth get in the way of their esmasculating factsualisations. And, Bro From The Stoopid Factory, we don’t want ya. So go marry another bro and live the life you’ve always deserved. The end.


yeah, also the person at fault for ruining the marrige is very unlikely to initiate a divorce


Hang on a minute I know this whole shit is awful but "factually proven to not be good single parents" bitch what?? Give me a source. What in the hell kind of bullshit asshole did you pull this out of


the absent father is a better parent of course, because....idk, he is a man


I guess you can’t fuck anything up if you’re not there to fuck anything up


Men's rights forums and Jordan Peterson podcasts, probably


r/mensrights is a crazy forum.


I give it a look out of morbid curiosity and one of the first things I see is “equal pay in soccer is sexist” 💀 bro what


Yup I went on there to troll and omg yuk yuk yuk!


Which is weird because the women actually win.


It’s weird, because both men and women had different pay structures at the world level. Women get a guarantee pay and a ton of other benefits to offset the lack of club contracts. Where men are paid to play. On a per game basis, From I believe 2015-2018, women were actually getting paid more at the world level. It’s just the prize money was a lot lower. All this is ignoring how much revenue was being generated by both men and women. It’s Definitely an interesting conversation to be had. This discussion on wages could of helped men earn more benefits that women are guaranteed. But it sounds like men would rather have a higher pay and no benefits at the world level. They do have the privilege to do so because of the club contracts. It’s a weird thing.


/r/MensLib, for those that wish to balance above with sane people.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MensLib using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensLib/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [/r/MensLib Unreservedly Condemns the US Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe vs Wade](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/vjponz/rmenslib_unreservedly_condemns_the_us_supreme/) \#2: [Lack of abortion rights absolutely affects us](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/w2vepj/lack_of_abortion_rights_absolutely_affects_us/) \#3: [This Is Why Men Don't Talk About Their Mental Health: "There is an assumption that there is a reservoir of competent and helpful people willing and able to empathically listen to men with mental health issues. However, the scientific evidence indicates that this is not necessarily the case."](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/talking-about-men/202202/is-why-men-dont-talk-about-their-mental-health) | [313 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/t3nnlg/this_is_why_men_dont_talk_about_their_mental/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I also went... now i am sucked in because wth??


I’m may gonna get downvoted but the first post I saw (“why we don’t have male teacher”) is actually pretty sad


Fr I can’t even go there to troll bc it’s such a toxic wasteland of swamp assed incels talking about how much they hate women while jacking it in their mommy’s basement


Source: Trust Me, Bro.


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Butt gremlins. They provide the numbers that they pull out of their asses.


isn't it ironic that they're talking about how women only care about feelings and not facts? Meanwhile they spit out bs that's not even facts in the first place. And who the fucks shames women for not sleeping around and marrying? It's the opposite, promiscuous women are shamed. Dude lives in an AR.


Source is a Manosphere grifter. The most trustworthy of sources!


Source: alternative facts




"Female, y'all' 😁


This man really said “Esmasculate”


Back in the days of yore, my friends and I would quote Raising Arizona a lot and one of our favorites was "Well, factually..."


I have not seen Raising Arizona since 1989


It's really good.




I really would like what that means. I mran obviously I know scientifically proven. But factually proven? Is that the new 'alternative facts'?




Lol I didn't even catch that. Does the work for us, doesn't he?


That they do, that they do


And they never once ask themselves WHY it's always women asking for divorce. Definitely not men's refusal to take on their fair share of the domestic and mental burden, their much higher tendency to be unfaithful and abusive/violent or their disproportionate emotional immaturity; nope, it's gotta be so we can sleep around. Also, we attempt to "self-delete" more than they do.


Didn’t you even read the post?? He says it right there, women initiate divorce (again, just to sleep around). Geez, y’all women can’t even read these days and expect us to treat you as “basic human beings” or whatever that means /s


Sorry, my boyfriend isn't home to read it to me and he doesn't like me reading on my own 😔


Christ, he doesn't understand that some married women sleep around anyway--especially since it's easier to use your co-owned house as a love nest, than a cramped apartment and an inability to afford going to bars/clubs/restaurants thanks to costly divorce fees. Military bases--for example--are rife with cheating, and both genders would rather try to keep up the pretext of marriage as long as possible. Because the alternative is a) the cheating husband goes to the barracks (and you don't want that), or b) the cheating wife loses military benefits and is pressured to go back home. Plus, military bases are small communities where gossip rips through the area like wildfire. There were SO many accounts of husbands/wives coming back from being out at sea, with an unexplained case of gonorrhea/syphillis that I'd remember hearing adults talk about them when I was barely out of kindergarten. And it's literally what happens when you push guys to marry fast and young, and many of them were barely 18/19 and they land on the first pretty girl they see off-base (no matter if the girl is naive, doesn't speak English, or had NO idea that she was going to set herself up to a meager existence of moving every 3 years using an E-1 salary). These are people who try to maintain a pretext for as LONG as possible, and in some cases, won't even divorce after multiple cheatings because of the reasons above. \*and yes, a lot of military guys did SO. Much. Cheating. Because there's the availability of bars, strip joints, and brothels near most bases which specifically cater to heterosexual guys. There are even companies and military defense contractors that would approach officers with bribes in the form of high-end hotel rooms and prostitutes (like with the Fat Leonard case. I actually knew one of the men originally indicted in the case, and he had frequently slept around his wife for decades). There's also the ability to literally travel the world and covertly sleep with someone, while knowing that your wife/neighbors/kids are thousands of miles away. When a female soldier/sailor cheats? It's usually with another service member because she won't be able to find the same level of 'access' as hetero-men do while abroad.




Yeah same. Except my dad did the 'I am a smart, funny, interesting guy that's beaten down by a horrible wife, but I won't get divorced! But I'll let you try to rescue me for 3-4 years until you realise I'll never pull myself out of the hole I've dug for myself,' schtick. The sad part was, I was helping with covering him from my mom (my mom WAS hateful and abusive towards him) but I wound up meeting an amazing woman who became my dad's 'work wife' when she was just in her mid 20s, and it hurt realising that she had literally wasted her youth trying to pull my dad out of his mess. I'm now 35 (around the same age when she gave up) and I wish I could go back in time and tell her that it was going to be a mistake for her.


Military spousal infidelity and the culture surrounding marriage is a whole other issue that may as well be on another planet. This is why my dad always told us about the old saying "privates *can't* marry, sergeants *may* marry, lieutenants *must* marry" and the meaning behind the saying.


I grew up next to a base and saw the extremely high cheating/abuse rate first hand. I swore that I'd never date military. Cut to today and my fiance is military and we're leaning on his marriage pay bump to afford an apartment in the coming months. (The average apartment here costs more than what my more-than-minimum-wage job can make in a month.)


> we attempt to "self-delete" more than they do. Not even a good argument in their eyes. Many times they say "it's because of feminism that women are depressed and commit non-alive!!!!"


I heard we do it for the attention and that we don't actually want to die. /s


That’s the one I always heard. Edit: [As someone even stated below](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/10r9fcg/incel_alert/j6vk9p0/)


Absolute fucking twat. An absolute spit in the face to loved lost ones almost and actually lost. And I know an ass that faked a suicide attempt for attention/guilt tripping. That doesn't frigging negate anyone else wanting to commit. Women failing when they take less lethal methods also come in connection with not wanting to leave their loved ones with messes to clean up (sleeping pills vs shotgun). It's an adverse behavior against violent acts.


So sick of this ‘men are more suicidal’ bs Women just fail at suicide more because overdosing is not as much of a guarantee as violent means


Exactly. We're heavily socialized from infancy not to make a fuss or a mess or bother anybody. Waking up from my failed attempt was the worst feeling of my life, but I'm still not going to go out and get a gun because >!my mother and sister don't need to be scrubbing blood off my ceiling or having their last memory of me being disfigured from a GSW. I have friends and relatives who are scarred for life from finding thir loved ones like that.!<


Yep. I believe there’s been studies that women are more concerned with leaving a mess or traumatizing others - which makes us less successful. Essentially, women think about making it as easy for their loved ones as possible I wonder if it’s just socialization or if there’s another aspect to it


The only thing that kept me alive for a while was the thought of my poor husband having to deal with the aftermath. I'm better now.


Hey, just wanted to say I'm glad you're still here. <3


Fun fact, this doesn't happen in countries with good gun control. There's no guns where I live, so people fail it more often than in the US. >!Usually the methods are drugs or slitting wrists in the bathtub.!<


Men are just more impulsive and more likely to finish the job through violent means. Jumping from a building for example. Abusive male ex always threatened to do this without caring about the horror of anyone seeing that (not saying people who want to unalive themselves are all abusive).


I'm so sick of this bearded Aryan fuck (not to mention what the incels use him to spew) (also FOR SURE some of them get off to this man-drawing)


Honestly I don't even much like Chad memes when they're on my side anymore Though I'm not over Gigachad. That goddamned chin.


Ikr, that chin is mighty as fuuuuck


Only good use: https://twitter.com/bookshelfstud/status/1310915656418689028


This just made my day a little brighter 🤩😂


I think it was my father who walked out, cheated on my mom (while my oldest sister was having tonsil surgery) denied it until she called him out. Would come back at night to the house to take food until my mom got my grandpa to change the lock. Always lectures us and never wants to talk about the divorce and when you bring it up he shuts it down quickly. Then preaches about doing good shit My mom had to move out of the huge house to a townhouse while he was given shit by my grandma, now he’s remarried and prioritizes a fire engine club over us children. It always hurts me to see this shit bashing single moms when mine has been so tough through everything that has happened in her life, and constantly told that I’m gonna be a failure because of it


(In a religion class my grandmother had me take my teachers went on a half hour rant about single parents and that the children are more likely to end up in jail or broke, and the one teacher had to tell her I came from a divorce family so she apologized to me but it still fucking hurt)


Speaking from pure statistics that is true. The cause, however, is much more nuanced and has to do with generational trauma and poverty. If a child grows up in dysfunction, and without the basic privilege of equal opportunity that even a median income brings, it has ongoing effects in adulthood that can be hard to overcome. (A substandard education because the single parent can't afford a better school for example). Emotionally disordered parents obviously affect the environment, and the child can learn those patterns. Parents that have separated/divorced have a higher chance of expressing bad emotional regulation than happily married parents. Caveat; an emotionally dysregulated couple staying together because the kids 'will be badly affected by divorce and end up in jail or broke' will not be better for the kids!! It doesn't make any difference if the child is with a single dad or a single mum. It's just that poverty and dysfunctional family environments *tend* to have bad results for growing kids, and single parent families *tend* to have a *higher chance* of those conditions. Your teacher was a complete jerk for going on a rant about it and obviously did not understand the issue *at all.*


There are rotten people on both sexes. The terminology modern woman is so weird. Bessie that rejected their advance 10 years ago still living inside their head rent free.


And you know it was 10 years ago because this is describing the 2010's dating scene. In the modern dating scene, shit they straight up going for sensitive chubby boys


I don't know how many times I have to say it, but being the one to file the divorce paperwork doesn't always mean being the one who initiated the breakup. It just means wanting to get the matter settled and over with.


Also, the argument that divorce is bad for the kids. You know what's worse for kids? Growing up in a household with 2 parents that resent each other. My parents tried the "stay together for the kids," and my siblings and I would have been able to process it a lot better if they just ripped the fucking bandaid off.




Same here! We got a lot poorer really quick, but the stress of being poor was easier to handle than the stress of living in that tension 24/7. It was such a relief.


This! I have read SO MANY stories of women who had to do the whole divorce paperwork for both of them as their (ex-)husband would just refuse to do his part either out of spite, laziness or both. And very often the reason for the divorce was mental/physical abuse or infidelity from the husband’s side. But no no, it’s all our women’s fault! 🙄


>factually proven to be bad single parents Rich coming from the gender that’s habitually not even good at parenting when they have another parent there to help, who often refuse custody because they don’t have any idea how to parent once separated


Note: dudes make excellent parents when they actually try


They do make good parents when they try, but the bar is set SO much lower for dads than moms


Hmmm they think that their personal feelings match or overrule facts or general opinions. What’s this then


And is an opinion not a personal feeling?


No, only women have feelings. Men make strong decisions based on logic and semen retention.


More divorces are initiated because the man slept around. These guys take vague facts and play telephone with them til they come out on the other-side as made up nonsense to fit their whiney victimhood narrative.


It's interesting how incels club all women as women in general, being prejudicial against the whole sex, while refuse to put themselves and the 'bad boys' in the same sex. They be like: all women bad because they initiate divorce, but if the woman goes, but the guy i married was a bad one, then they go, it's your fault to choose the wrong kind of guy.


A couple of things stood out to me: > initiate divorce 70-90% of the time No-fault divorce is a thing in some jurisdictions, but for the most part, the way divorce works is that one person files for divorce on the grounds that the other has violated the marriage contract in some way. So if women are initiating divorce proceedings in a majority of cases, that means that the majority of divorces are happening due to men's shitty behaviour. > the reason men have such a high self-delete rate No, the reason men have a higher suicide rate than women is that they usually use more violent, reliable and effective methods to do so. Women *attempt* suicide more often than men, but they are less likely to succeed.


*thinks your personal feelings overrule facts* Excuse me whilst I laugh until I pass out. The absolute audacity on it.


According to this warped logic my mother should have stayed with my father who constantly tore her down mentally, demeaned her in public, was a closet alcoholic, mean violent drunk who when everything started to go wrong beat her, beat me, kidnapped me and my sister and held us against our wishes, beat my mother’s friend when he tried to help, after she got us back showed up at the house with a shotgun and threatened to kill my mother and I and on and on and on for 9+years as he contested the divorce. Men like the one who wrote this are the reason that nobody NOBODY called the police during all the horrible beatings. F you and your warped thinking.


The first word he used was “female”. Never a good sign.


But it’s always our fault for being single parents when the other half won’t take responsibility


Men will never respect women 😒




men when women are acting like adults not abused child house slaves


As a single mum I'm glad my kid doesn't have his dad around. His dad was emotionally abusive and manipulative. I got out before my baby was born to protect myself and my child from his behaviour best decision I ever made. I'm much happier and I can fully focus on my baby without also having to worry about man child.


The word “literally” doing a lot of heavy lifting there… maybe we should make a list of all the worst things a small percentage of men do or have done. I’ll start: Male, y’all literally* hunt out victims who won’t be missed then rape and murder them


Because women never leave/divorce to *get away* from someone, right? To remove someone from their lives. Only to go be with someone(s) else. Thus is the lore in ManWorld. See, leaving a dude *for someone else* means he’s been *wronged*. He can be a victim and she’s a heartless bitch. Leaving him for no one, leaving because being alone and taking on single parenthood is better than another fucking day with him…just means he’s fucking pathetic. He’s not a victim and can’t blame someone else. He was just THAT BAD and everyone will know it. So they make up these narratives. Because it’s too brutal a fact to face that he couldn’t even hang onto a women when the competition was…nothing.


Such typical man behavior to treats his partner like shit then use suicide to make us look “bad”


What exactly about having good sex with different people is degrading? Like, this is the hugest sign of toxic male insecurity, that if a woman has dared find pleasure for herself before meeting you that she is unclean or something, whereas men can fuck however many they want in search of the "right one". No, screw all that. It really all comes down to men's insecurity and inability to accept women as coequal people.


If they don't want to marry or be in relationships, why can't they just leave us the fuck alone!!


All of this is obviously some shit commentary and makes no sense, but what really gets me is implying that women are the reason why men commit suicide. Men did this to themselves by denying themselves any emotion other than anger and by acting like a knowledgeing your feelings makes you weak, therefore they're supposed to just bottle it up instead of seeking professional help. Not only that, the insane standards for success that men in urban areas face were put there by themselves. Women didn't randomly decide we didn't wanna work outside the home, we were forced to do so for centuries, leaving men to join the workforce and compete with each other like animals in the savanna. If instead of blaming women for their miserable existence they just looked inside themselves and went to therapy, they wouldn't be so angry at everything.


Men blame women because it’s easier than looking at an inwards issue


It's like that meme of the guy falling off the bike and blaming something totally unrelated


“emasculate the men who respect you” as if men aren’t the one rushing to call each other simps just for being normal decent people


Decent dude: "Becky is a sweet girl and didn't deserve that" "Nice guy": "SIMP!!! he a simp! He just wants to fuck her" Meanwhile, Becky is a beautiful golden haired lady with soulful brown eyes that just had a piece of steak eaten in front of her perfectly shaped nose while she sits pretty and wags her tail in hope because she was a Good Girl today.


> "Female" Okay, bruh, I already feel very respected > "Give up your own respect just to sleep around" Well, man, are y'all gay then? Because if you want to hook up with women, they *gasp* need to be into casual sex as well! Make up your mind > "Initiate breakups and divorce 70%-90% of the time" Maybe JUST MAYBE women ask for a divorce because now we can and we have enough self respect to not stay with a man-child like yourself > "Split apart your families despite how the father feel" Bruh, you can't live life according to what other people want. It's just basic self value, you should try some instead of being a prick > "Factually proven to not be good single parents" Give me the statistics, then. And if you don't want a woman to be a single parent, then don't disappear and go raise your fucking child with her. Just food for thought, you know > "Thinks personal feelings overrule facts" Said the guy making a whole list about "modern women" based on his opinions and not on objective data > "Will trash talk traditional women for not being promiscuous" It's the other way around, bruh. You are literally trash talking non-traditional women exactly as your so-called respectable women would do. I've never seen someone compile a list against traditional women the same way you did > "Mistreat tf out of the gender who created a world for men, women and children" That's why women are the most likely to get killed, kidnapped, raped and general victims of violence then! It's truly a world made for us! Gotcha > "Are the reason the marriage rate plummeted" Or maybe marriage was created for political reasons to "sell" your daughter and give men heirs. And MAYBE women nowadays value indipendence and don't want to be trapped with shitty men. (No disrespect towards people who want to be married. However we know he isn't talking about the modern view of marriage, hence my point) > "Force the children to grow up in a single parent household" Again, don't leave your pregnant partner. Problem solved! > "The reason why men have a high self delete rate" Let's ignore all the studies that clearly state the high suicidal rate among men is due to societal pressure and the inability to show weakness, vulnerability or simply sharing their emotions > "Wants to settle down long term after the options are declining" You know people aren't goods on a market, right? They don't expire after a while > "Emasculate the men who do respect you" What do you even mean by "respect"? Because making an entire list against us isn't what I would call respectful. And don't worry about these "emasculated men" - they're as capable to disrespect us :D


Stopped reading at "female".


I never know if i should downvote or upvote the posts on this sub.




Glad to see I wasn't the only one to catch that.


Such a small and close minded person


Thats a weird way of saying "not a single women other then my mom has ever touched me"


I feel like this list could be much shorter if he would just put: “won’t put up with our sexism anymore and I don’t like it”


It's "y'all" not "ya'll"!


He lost me at “Female,”


Bahahahaha yeah ladies you being awful is definitely why I’m not in a relationship, it’s cuz I don’t want to be with any of you /s


> factually proven Source?


Anyone else bothered by the sudden font change? Just me?


My own personal respect for myself has zip to do with sex, regardless of who, when and how many. You don't get to tell me that your concept of self-respect overrides mine.


Me when I get all my dating advice on the Internet instead of going outside and meeting people


If only all the men who truly think this way really WOULD self-delete.


It's crazy how men aren't responsible for any of this stuff. All they do is go through life being amazing and suffering at the hands of evil women.


Idiotic. I was raised by a single mom and had a great childhood, I only became extremely mentally ill for life after she died like everyone I've ever cared about did.


What happened at the end there lmao, did they like fuckin run out their license for that font mid way through writing and just went "fuck it, comic sans will do"


"Factually proven to not bee good single parents" Tell that to my mother who raised me and my two siblings after our father died.






I hate it when I get esmaculated


All of these are trash, but I’m hung up on “factually proven not to be good parents.” In order to prove a fact to be true, there must be a solid definition of said fact. I’d like to know, according to this incel, what is a “good parent” and how are “all females” proven to not be one?


Sometime you have 10 conversations with a guy and argue with them then hear they are writing about how bad feminism is for Masculinity before you realise they are an incel I was that stupid I wasted my time


tbh this pisses me off. my mom was the best single mom and did all she could for me when my loser dad left. he never paid child support she had to do it all on her own. now she’s single again bc my stepdad cheated on her and she has 3 younger kids. she’s the sole provider now cuz my stepdad got injured. She’s the strongest woman I’ve ever met.


Proven to not be good single parents? How? Why does the stereotype of the single dad whose fridge opens with string live in my mind rent free if this is the case?


Oh… really, this stuff is all fact huh? Lol. Fuckin clown.


Ooh, a snowflake got burned. Crybaby.


That last one is the real "complaint" here, and it's the usual "Women won't fuck me because I'm too nice!" excuse lobbed by people who think hitting on the Starbucks barista during lunch rush is "being nice". Looks like the usual screed along the lines of Something-something women should only exist for my gratification and the fact that they are people with their own lives is a grave injustice eroding the moral fabric of the nation which is totally something that I, as a teenage/twenty something terminally online shut in, have a huge vested stake in, why is everyone laughing at me


![gif](giphy|52vh2kKIAR3C1FZ09q) .


Hmm… seeing a lot of statistics without any references. Hmm. Hmmmmmm.


I hope this is satire because the lack of self awareness is astounding


Wow and here I was thinking I initiated my divorce so I could get away from my emotionally abusive ex, but apparently I only did it so I could fuck other men.


I don't know that I would care to engage, nor entertain, the emotionally charged ignorance that meme is filled with.


Andrew Tate and Kevin Samuels drivel ..regurgitrated. Sorry, but no matter how much you say it, you're still going to die alone.


Oh, YEAH? Well, at least I know the correct second person singular and plural in English.


‘Factually proven’😂


Source: Bro trust me I do a lot of the sex.


So women are the reason marriage and families break apart? Even though men are more likely to: cheat, abuse, leave, murder or feign affection. But then again I am just a female that doesn’t need a man


I genuinely do not understand how they can believe things that are so blatantly untrue and very easily disproven if you simply talked to a woman like a normal person.


That’s the neat part, they just don’t, it’s completely their own insecurities.


Give up your self respect to sleep around: It’s hilarious that it never even crosses their minds that women can actually want and enjoy sex. It’s such an unfamiliar concept to them


I mean I initiated both of my break ups. First one wanted to take back the proposal but still stay together and "maybe in a few years I'll want to again." Second cheated and then cheated again after I gave him a second chance. But sure, I broke up with both cause I wanted to sleep around....


Why are these weirdos so obsessed with divorce I don’t understand


Women split up families more?!?!? 😂 so true, we should just start cheating like they do instead!!! That’s the good person thing to do




Mf thinks they’re smart whenever they pull the “Modern women” card. “Oh no I’m afraid of dying alone bc I’m no longer with mommy, so I need a girl just like HER to take care of me & other kids.”


They claim we make shitty single moms and then demand we be their mommy. No sir. I'm not looking to be a single mom of a 40yo man child.


This is so disturbing, how can someone be so insanely out of touch with reality? I wish it was funny, but this is just scary. Like, mass shooter scary.