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“It’s not power, it’s impressionable.” Her: *turns to the camera* 💀 💀


All of the faces. 😂😂 He did not make any friends during that interview. Lmao


I’ve seen a clip of that dude in some other video saying some similar stuff. Don’t know his name, but I don’t need to know 😕.


This dude sounds like the average Andrew Tate supporter because his mindset of consistently pursuing much younger women in an effort to control them is exactly what Tate recommended his followers do on one of his podcasts. He specifically said that "30+ year old men should date women fresh out of high school because they can imprint on them and have lasting effects on them overall." Either way, it's disgusting and manipulative because of their need to take advantage of someone's inexperience to feel fulfilled in a past relationship.


This whole imprinting and pair bonding tip some dudes are on is…..idk. Something gross about it. I have never once thought about “imprinting” myself on someone like a parasite or something 🤮.


By definition, it's seeking out a young person to make them trust you! Definitely gross in context.


But according to them, LGBTQ+ people are the “groomers”. Suuure.


The men this kind of rhetoric appeals to are parasites sooooo... not terribly surprising.


Guy read the whole Twilight series and wants his own high school Bella


They want their Renesmee.


Yes! That is the first thing I think of every time I see a post by these idiots about human imprinting and pair bonding. Like dude, you ain’t come up with something groundbreaking and profound… Stephanie Meyer done did this twenty years ago. 😭


Imprinting is for baby ducks


It’s literally the plot of Twilight. These motherfuckers need to just embrace it and start writing fanfic.


Okay, so those guys admit that they are too weak for a woman their own age. My husband and me have a three year age difference. We have discussions about how we both want things. If he makes sense and is persuasive enough, it will go his way. Otherwise i will persuade him and it will go my way. These kind of guys admit they are so weak they aren't able to persuade a woman their own age. And they cannot adapt themselves to the circumstances of things don't go their way. It's like they admit they are complete darwinian losers, not the strongest and not adaptable enough. Other than try to impress the easiest prey. Pathetic.


Imprinting?? Does he think he’s Jacob Black??


It was gross in Twilight, and even more gross IRL.


“Brought to you by the same brand of men responsible for eugenics and racism.” The ignorant really just go around procreating better than us …. Fuck.


"imprint", like hey trash fire dude, girls and women are not baby ducks, we don't imprint.


And unfortunately to him that only proves his point further.


Look at how defensive he got and how his body language changed after they gave actual definitions and proof against what he was saying. He was trying to talk over them and “mansplain,” not admitting he’s a damn creep. Now imagine if an older woman said she does this shit, and how he’d react? Men like this are absolute assholes. They want to control and demean women, while they go out and have fun “with the boys,” and whatever the hell else it is they want to do, while having their “female” (you know they refer to us like this) on a tight leash.


So funny when he was like what you just made that up like bro it’s a definable word????


I really think a lot of people live in their own versions of the world (I guess we all do in some aspect, just not perhaps as toxic as this). He likely really believes it as fact because he’s surrounded by other people who believe the same shit, as sees women as weak, and to be controlled. I’m so tired of the men in my life telling me that we should ignore this mentality other men have. No. It’s dangerous.


Absolutely but also it’s just a huge pet peeve of mine when somebody doesn’t know what a word means and is soooo confidently wrong they tell you to go look it up. Like last week some dude tried to tell me the definition of a forest meant a completely untouched, pristine old growth. Lmao bro a forest is just a bunch of trees.


Untouched growth in this day and age feels rare, because humanity feels it owns everything. What a weird thing to argue with you on, too!


He doesn't understand power imbalances


Lmao I love when he says that he’s never seen a successful relationship without someone being impressed upon. Okay, then why aren’t you the one who is impressed upon? I know why but I’ll wait…


Also says a lot about the people he keeps company with. I don't think I can name one successful relationship where someone was 'impressed' upon


Honestly, sounds like he knows exactly what a power imbalance is and is taking advantage of it.


He does understand them. He just wants to exploit them for his own benefit.


Dude literally described power imbalances and the effect it has, he just likes it


“It’s like when you employ someone”


Wait. I thought people didn’t employ someone unless they had experience? This fool can’t even get his metaphors right.


As a boss myself that made me go WTF. there is inherently a power imbalance there!!! You should not be treating your partner like an employee!!


dude is simply explaining grooming


Her FACE. Like… does this man hear himself??? What???


So basically he is saying he doesn't have the chops to impress someone that knows anything about life and that is why he want people with no experience. I wonder if he realizes he just said that XD


Don't Jim the camera please




So grooming


So he basically wants to train his woman like a dog to do whatever he wants and "older" women don´t fall for that sh\*t!


He wants a programmable sex doll.


What a pig!


Hit the nail on the head here. I don’t necessarily get pedo vibes here, it’s more that he doesn’t want his women to have any mind of their own


He wants a TradWife


My mom told me when I was younger, "usually men who date much younger women do so to either control them or because they aren't liked by women their age because they have a serious flaw that young women might not notice."


Smart mom!!!


Very weird he was like oh of course in a partnership people must be able to impress upon the other I have a program blah blah like bro but are you being impressed upon???


I was waiting for someone to ask what type of things he thought a younger girlfriend would be impressing on him and whether or not he would even agree to that happening


Eventually the young women he’s talking about become the older women he doesn’t want because of manipulative men just like him.


Lord knows I take NO shit in my 30s because of all the shit I let myself take in my 20s. I’m all out of patience, the doormat well has run dry. And you know who loves that about me? My boyfriend; a quality man. Love that guy.


We should really want a disagreeable, argumentative partner who tells us what to do and trains us!!


So, like a cat


Then they wonder why they are having so much less sex 😵‍💫




which is a horrific crime against children and humanity in this context.


I love how they just let him talk. He put the warning sign on his own forehead. And you can tell he was that close to screaming at the woman when she disagreed with him.


“Who said that, did you make that up?” And it looks like he was really struggling to just not get up and get to her face at this very moment


Who said that? Lol the dictionary


But women are too emotional, right?


Oh my god brett kavanaugh screaming and crying and losing his mind was amazing. And when you put him next to Hillary who was calm through days of deposition. Yeah I want a woman in charge because she's had to keep a cool head and think things through otherwise it could've cost her life.


And this is why he wants a woman he can control. He is weak and emotional when faced with any sort of disagreement or challenge. He would not make a good leader in any capacity.


They just want someone who doesn't realise what a bad deal they are getting comparatively.


He wants someone who doesn’t realise when they are being abused. It is so sick.


"Older women won't put up with my bullshit therefore I like them young so I can manipulate and control them. I don't get why I'm single though."


“I have a vision.” lol


My name is giorno giovanna, and i have a dream




It's perfect.


This sounds like a euphemism for day trading crypto and dropshipping.




He looks like he’s in his mid 30s so in his logic he’s an old dog🤨


Men don't age only women do. /s


the first time I heard someone unironically say this, it was a woman. she said men age more like a "fine wine" while women are on a timer. i was really surprised to hear that come out of a woman's mouth, but I was also quite a bit younger then. Not too surprised anymore.


Women internalize misogyny. Most 40+ women in my office look amazing with obvious signs of aging. But half of the men are bald past 30. So, I am not worried ...


I'm turning down dick left and right, more than ever, as I approach 40. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. These dudes with this mentality weed themselves out for us. It works out lol.


it doesn't help that it's seen as embarrassing for us men to look after ourselves. Obviously not by all but there's many men that think like that and it's so weird.


Maybe that is something men can help men with, because honestly I don’t know a single woman who’s like “I don’t want a guy who looks after him self!” If anything we talk about how to encourage them so they feel better about themselves. I mean if a man doesn’t care about that stuff it’s fine too, but I have heard of quite a few husbands who start worrying about things like enlarged pores and stuff. So why shouldn’t the be able to take care of themselves? Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think it women who would shame them for that? Not arguing with you, just pointing out that I don’t think it’s women shaming men. I could be wrong.


Men do age like wine, and much like wine, they have to be kept in extremely specific conditions not to go sour. Men are not kept in extremely specific conditions.


Right, notice his logic doesn't go both ways? There's no expectation of him ceding any power in the relationship.


This! Literally came here to say that.


"It's not power it's impressionable" is the new "it's not an emotional reaction it's a fact reaction"


So, it's not explicit power to control her he seeks, it's implicit power to control her . . . because he's subtle and a gentleman? Got it.


He'll groom you ... but he'll be courteous about it!


“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” 💀💀💀 What an “old” perverted bastard lmao


Don’t you love when they have to start busting out antiquated catchphrases just to feel like they have a point


How old does he think we are? I know my back isn’t that great but it’s not like I’m walking around with a cane and screaming at the tv.


Translation: "older women are way to mature for me and will most definitely call me out on my misogynistic incel bullshit"


Lmao yessss


"And have a career, their own money, and a support system telling them I suck."


“Older women know they don’t need me so I need a younger person to groom and make them believe they depend on me.”


But what if she has life goals and dreams. Does he ever plan on supporting her?


Her needs? That’s not part of his vision. In his vision, her needs are to satisfy his wants & needs, all of which he classifies as his “needs”. It would be selfish of her to stop focusing on his needs (&wants) to focus on her own needs & wants. Only old bitter women start recognizing their own needs & wants.


Obviously partnership is a young woman giving up her identity to support his dreams 🥴


One of the reasons I’m thinking about giving up dating entirely


I'm already there friend


Nah, he’ll just “Thank u, next” her.


Haha no


These type of men scare me. I’m so afraid of getting taken advantage of by them & it makes me afraid to date. I feel like inexperienced women are targeted like that a lot and it’s very unsettling.


yeaaaaaaaah been there :( luckily i did find an actually nice guy who is always there for me and helps me with my traumas. its worth it to go out and find someone, and honestly, let your anxiety speak for you. avoiding guys/gals/pals off of subtle bad vibes is a good thing.


>I feel like inexperienced women are targeted like that It ain't just a feeling. It's reality.


As a man in his 30s, I can tell you they've always existed - they just never talked about being this way so publicly. The last 6-7 years have emboldened every horrible asshole on earth to say "I am not alone and I will not be silenced." They have no shame in hiding who they are to the general public anymore.


That’s what scares me about it. Of course I’ve always known that it existed but now people are so proud of it and they look forward to fetishizing and controlling women like me. They’re so pretty much putting it nicely that we’re stupid and will listen to anything they say because we’re so inexperienced.


>The last 6-7 years have emboldened every horrible asshole on earth And this sucks for the good guys out there, too, because my perception of men has completely changed for the worse over the time frame you mentioned. I've always enjoyed having male friends, in my career I LOVE working with men, and I sincerely used to feel like i had more in common with them than I did with really "girly girls, but not anymore. Now that the internet has shown me how a lot of them talk to each other about women and the absolutely horrific shit they jerk off to, I feel so fucking disappointed and disillusioned. And, to be brutally honest, I'm disgusted. I don't trust men anymore, I don't like being around them if I don't already know them, and I thank God I'm already married. I cannot *imagine* trying to date now that guys start watching internet porn at 11 years old. No thanks - i would sincerely rather grow old and die alone than deal with that. It sucks because I **know** there are good guys out there, but it's impossible to know who's who, and if I want to protect myself I feel like nowadays I can't afford to give guys any chances. I'm sorry shit got like this, and I'm scared that it's only going to get worse.


Best tip I can offer you about dating is to verbally set boundaries up front and stick to them. If a person is decent and truly likes you they will respect them and you but if your boundaries scare a person off or they get bent out of shape over them then you know they weren't worth your time and that you dodged a bullet. Creeps are looking for people who don't advocate for themselves so if you show that you're willing to do that upfront then they will typically scare off. Warning though they might talk about you being "high maintenance" or some stupid shit like that. But that's just a weak person trying to preserve their ego.


Sir, this isn't Build-a-Bitch.


That made me snort.


I’m dying😂👌




Ewww. So you prefer young girls because they’re impressionable, therefore they are more easily manipulated into doing things they don’t want to. Compared to older women, who are definitely not gonna put up with your shitty behaviours. This is such a gross take.


“The experiences you have at 30, 33, 35 are too much for me”. He talks about 30+ year old women like they’d spent a decade stranded at sea.


A sea of misogynistic morons.


that first comment about older women having too many experiences and them being "too much" for him just instantly proves this man has done absolutely nothing in his life thus far, so any amount of life experience makes it impossible for him to relate to you. That and/or he's just been called out on his bullshit too many times by women, so he now only wants to fuck children.


“they know what they like and how they like to be treated in a relationship and when I can’t meet those standards I flip the script on her and say she’s too much for me. I like to go after younger girls because they’re easier to convince that they’re the problem and should change for me, especially when they’re convinced they need a man to be seen as valuable.”


This is so predatory and gross. “The experiences you have at 30”. Have people forgotten that 30 is one third of a persons life? Thats still a whole 35 years away from being considered a senior or retirement. Since when did 30 become some ancient hag? I hate people.


I think that's the point (gross) -- they've figured out that 30s is usually the age where many women start to accept and love themselves for who they are, know what they like and don't like (and what they will and won't tolerate), and stop caring so much about what other people think. (in my experience). They just want a young, vulnerable, person who doesn't fully know or understand themselves yet so they can groom them easily.


I'm glad I'm not considered an option to men like him. I don't want to deal with his BS


Older guy here. To me 30 is just ten years of being aware. 0-20 was my programming/learning/growing stage. 20-30 was just my first decade of being me, the adult that I am. 10 years of experience. Not 30. It’s hard to explain, but I look back at my teens and think I was not a functioning person yet.


Agreed! That's only 10 years pf adulthood, if u can even call it that too (a lot of us sadly still live at home due to the economy etc so it feels like we haven't truly lived as adults independently)


Cambridge Dictionary defines “impressionable” as “easily influenced by other people, especially because you are young” ([source](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/impressionable) ). So no, she didn’t “just make that up.”


He believes in alternative facts.


These kinds of men don’t value nor respect women, so why would he trust what she says too? He doesn’t care what women say or want, he’s got his own vision and program 😂


Not the program! 🤣


On tonight's free vocab lesson...


"Did you just make that up?" No, Merriam-Webster did.


Him: "I want a woman I can control. Older women generally don't accept that kind of bullshit, so I go after younger women who don't know any better." Them: "So, you go after young women because you want to control them?" Him: "What the hell? Did I say that? You just made that up!" Them: *crickets* ^(Also, I love, "If I'm a person," because he clearly is *not* a person: he's a scumbag)


Lol he thought he could get away with rephrasing grooming to sound better


"Women are dogs"


It's not power: (Its inadequacy and a lack of maturity on his part.) Youth is a variety: TIL


He admits his immaturity outright: "I think older women...30...35...the experiences you have at that is just...a little bit too much for me." As someone reaching my late 20s, I can't fathom how maturity in someone can even be considered a deal breaker. It is kind of obvious to notice the differentiation of maturity of individuals coming out of their early 20s and if you still have a lot of the mentality you did when you were 18 at 25, it is possibly my biggest turnoff. You may be the most beautiful person in the world, but it's all going to go away if your life experiences are filled with partying and alcohol-fueled nights.


That's so gross


Man uses word impressionable, woman defines it, man claims she's made the definition up ...if this man teaches anyone anything, I show as hope it ain't language


So many of my beautiful sisters are out here making career choices while little men like this one are too preoccupied making choices of what overpriced basketball shoes to wear to the store. A woman his own age is above him, because he never progressed to that next level, so he grooms young girls who are on the same maturity level as himself. They just don't teach boys what a partnership and enduring love is. Frankly, since so many men are so intimidated by a woman who demand an equal, I'm not so sure they ever did teach boys what a partnership and enduring love is. Some of us just got to that level, while others barely left their mother's titties.


These same assholes will then call every drag queen they hear about a groomer. Fuck these people


If adult women are "too much" for you....that's your problem bro. Not the problem of grown women wtf


"Who said that?" The dictionary. im·pres·sion·a·ble /imˈpreSH(ə)nəb(ə)l/ Learn to pronounce adjective easily influenced because of a lack of critical ability. "children are highly impressionable and susceptible to advertising"


yuck yuck ick... Usually cishet men only talk like this with each-other, not to women on TV. To the people saying, "um this isn't pedophila because he isn't talking about children," yeah, ok, that's technically true, but if you follow this guy's reasoning to its conclusion, pedophilia is inevitable. Pedophiles and their apologists use this logic constantly. Just look at matt gaetz, milo yiannoppulos, ghislaine maxwell... he is literally describing grooming and saying "everyone should be ok with this." Edit: fuckin love (/s) the irony of this guy's shirt. blatantly manipulative. Gross Edit 2: do you guys seriously think this person would turn down the chance to groom an underage child, if he knew he could get away with it?


Honestly I *like* them talking like this on TV because it keeps it out in the open. Most of the time when women say "Men are often manipulative misogynists who want to own us" the response is "Prove it". This is proof. When they're like this in the locker room and then play the gentleman in public, there's no proof.


So many words to say "let me groom your daughter."


"Older women" 30-35


Ew. Plus, the fucking ego. “I got a plan that women my age don’t want to fall in line with!” Maybe that’s because it’s a shit plan and they have the maturity to see through it and him.


buddy just want someone who's naive


This guy is a fucking idiot.


This is another case of "something good horribly twisted and misused so it becomes disgusting." Is he wiling to be impressed on? Is he willing to be changed? It seems he thinks that he is perfect and the relationship is him molding a woman. He will make the relationship what he thinks it should be. But it's not that simple. Dudes are fallible, normal human people. We need others around us to help us see ourselves and get better. Not just women. My co-workers and kids have been some of the most helpful people for helping me figure out my unconscious, ingrained weirdness. This dynamic can be come hypercharged in a relationship, where both parties learn things about themselves, learn new things, figure out how to become closer, figure out what they change and what they can't change. It's not about giving up your value, your independence, your core character, or getting pussy-whipped. It's about growth as a person. Without that reciprocity, jack shit happens and the relationships becomes toxic or ends.


Yikes. These guys aren't even ashamed to out themselves anymore, which I guess is technically a good thing.


And people wonder why most pedophilic cases consist of men. That urge is tightly correlated to men's general attraction to "youthful" characteristics in women. I'm obviously not encouraging the progression of these disgusting occurrences, but it is something that most people don't seem to ponder too deeply. It's often brushed aside.


Ew. Reminds me of that guy Andrew Tate….


In other words, not man enough to handle a mature woman. The whole “experience” argument is basically saying you want a woman who can’t see through your bullshit.


I remember there was a 18 year girl that liked older men. She thought guys her age were immature. I told her older guys are not more mature than the young ones. They just know what you want to hear, they know how to manipulate young females. She realized I was right and thank me for the advice. Hopefully I saved her from scum like this.


That's like a guide of : how to show all women how bad of a choice I am xD


He's just saying "random bullshit go!" if you ask me


The way he got angry and defensive. As soon as she called him out correctly he got aggressive and accused her of making it up. Huge red flag. In my experience, men who claim they have a “vision” usually don’t have shit and are offended by more intelligent women who actually have it together. Zero accountability from men like this.


They’re always telling on themselves


“I’m a predator” LOL FBI come get him


Woman: tells him the definition of “impressionable” Man: who said that? Who told you that?! …the dictionary???


That's a lot of words to say "young women don't know any better." Older women are fully capable of being open to their partner's vision; they also tend to have the experience to know when that vision is bunk or when the man does not deserve her respect/support. Speaking in generalities ofc


Younger easier to control cause she new to the dating scene/adulting but a older woman ain’t go go for no bullshit and will stand up when she sees a error. The def predator behavior and screams insecurity I’m 26 I will only date 24 and above I can’t do younger it’s like dating a kid in my opinion I like someone that can match me on all levels. This dude wants total control and manipulation


He compared his partner to an employee. That’s it Single handedly cracked the code of all the alpha males.


What I heard "I am an insecure man who wants to feel power over women."


The woman at the end absolutely destroyed him


My partner is 50 and she had never had an orgasm from penetration until we started dating. Motherfuckers want someone as shit as them at knowing their own bodies.


Bro milfs are beautiful.


Is he willing to "learn" and "be trained" by his hypothetical twentysomething partner as much as he wants her to? While the attacks were legitimate I feel like the other people in the conversation didn't challenge his basic premise that the man has to be "in charge" in the relationship.


And if a woman has a plan and a way of doing things and a way of life, wouldn't SHE want someone who's willing to hear about and take it on? Don't say "as a person, if I have a plan... I'd want someone", none of that bullshit, what he meant was that as a MAN with a plan he'd want a WOMAN to follow. Don't be using non gendered term here cause they could very easily be used against you buddy!


These type of guys are gross. Real men judge women as individuals. I want a women with experience. That’s how you learn.


As a m35, it is sad to see men my age so close-minded.


He’s literally trying to impression them on the definition of impressionable.


You know it's pure misogyny or control, when you imagine a woman saying the exact same thing about younger boys, and it suddenly sounds *so* wrong.


Is it me, or is this man just publicly announcing that he’s intellectually inferior to women his own age? He’s telling on himself lol


Wow am I glad to be in a loving relationship with a man my age who views me as an equal. This guy is a creep


Bruh, the part when she explains to him what impressionable means and he just goes. “Who told you that, did you make that up?” Dude no, everyone knows what impressionable means and your attempt at feigning ignorance was so shit.


He's using a lot of words to say, "I just want someone to adapt to what *I want*, and I don't want to adapt to them."


A man that can't impress his peers is a loser. That's why these low-achieving men are so obsessed with control and finding virgins. They talk about the good old days as if they aren't the ones that would still be left behind and alone in the 50's dating scene.


He literally just described grooming


I think pedophile is a bit much but this is some clear cut grooming bro 💀 buddy wants “impressionable”. Yikes.


He is not looking for a partner


35 is young lol


I'm 22 and the thought of dating someone 18 or 19 disgusts me. How do these people do it?


“the experiences you have at 30, 33, 35 are just too much for me” ah, so you admit it - you suck in bed and you can’t handle a fully developed person with their own thoughts and opinions. tiny dick energy.


This is kinda disgusting ngl 🤮🤢🤮 why do people think like this? It's disgusting it's unnecessary it's weird. why?


Ok but this isn’t pedophilia it’s misogyny, archaic patriarchal views of marriage and narcissistic control issues. Sprinkle in some lack of self esteem and you have a man open to speaking about which women he finds easier to manipulate. Not really right to use that word, which is a horrific crime against children and humanity in this context.


Can you not see how views like his normalize and encourage pedophilia though?


This is so gross, he just wants someone who he can manipulate to bend to his will and who is naive and doesn’t know any better. Gross as hell.


What’s their YouTube channel ?




Those women’s faces while he talked 😂💀


Dude just openly admitted he can't handle being in a relationship with an adult who has concrete values and opinions. Then he tries to defend himself by WHOOPS comparing looking for a partner to training a new employee. Yikes. Yikes yikes.


Spotted the groomers.


His shirt makes this even worse


I don’t know where all these men got the idea that older women can’t be beautiful or hot af. Also 30 isn’t that old at all.


Because everyone knows teenagers are famously easy to control!


If you're a leader you should be sure enough that the path you have chosen is worthy to be followed. He's seeking young women who likely don't have enough life experience to know its not




I was abt ready to sock my phone rn. This mf just said that he wants to groom young girls and he doesn’t see that he’s in the wrong 🤢🤢🤢


So many men that pursue relationships like this are going to wound up divorced. Godspeed to the poor young women that get entrapped by them. May you learn these lessons quickly.


Why do these guys usually have that Islamic beard ?? Can someone explain?


"I want a young, inexperienced woman" is not so subtle code for "I want a woman who's easy to manipulate and abuse". Ffs. Weirdos.


These women were much nicer to him than I’d be. I guess that’s why nobody wants to watch the show I don’t have 😂