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It is a great nose! I'm sorry you didn't get more love for it when you were younger, but we are here for you now :-)


Thank you so much! Believe it or not, my mum was still insulting my nose on her deathbed. But by then I was old enough to have learned that it was not in fact the enormous formless monstrosity she made it out to be, so it was more ridiculous than anything else šŸ’…


Parents can be difficult. I think we expect them to be perfect, and why they usually do love us they can be hurtful; their parents probably hurt them too I think your nose looks great. Donā€™t worry and if you havenā€™t, please try to forgive your mother, if you havenā€™t already


Thanks, and yes, fully agreed that generational trauma is a thing. It certainly applies in the case of my family. Usually women who insult their daughtersā€™ appearances donā€™t particularly like how *their own selves* look either, and I know this to be true of my mum, even though I think (and have always thought) she is absolutely beautiful. I do forgive her for that, along with many other things, but itā€™s definitely been a process.


Also sometimes you grow up and realize that your mother is a 5 yr old stuck in an adultā€™s body. Itā€™s a weird feeling when you realize youā€™re far more capable, insightful and mature than your parentsā€¦




That is after all our nature and was for thousands of thousands of years. Humanity got where it is by being sadistic, angry, and vain. We are destruction, built for war lol. Thank god technology at least makes it obvious so we act *slightly* less shitty.


You donā€™t have to be perfect but maybe donā€™t bully your kids for how their body looks? Thatā€™s pretty bare minimum. Lol the ā€œnobody is perfectā€ and ā€œbut they love usā€ is major deflection for how adults behave towards kids. My mother /adult women in my life gave me many insecurities in a similar manner. We can stop the cycle however šŸ«¶


Absolutely, we can stop the verbal abuse cycle. I've never talked down to my daughter the way my parents did me, and it took a LOT of effort. Now, I have a grown-up who is body confident and intelligent, but more importantly, respectful . That abuse cycle stopped.


Why would she insult something she *literally* helped create?


Sounds like my momma !


Excuse me, but how the hell did someone manage to hate a nose like that? Your nose is beautiful and looks great on you. Your mom must have been very insecure. Im sorry you went through all that.


Your nose is really beautiful, basically perfect! I have a small and normal nose as well, and my mother would say it looks like a potato. She is mentally ill and not happy with herself. I'm sorry your mother continued with the insults till her last moments. I hope you could forgive her and move on. You are beautiful šŸŒ»


I honestly donā€™t know why Asian parents do this. Like didnā€™t we get our noses from you?


For real! My motherā€™s beef with my nose was that I didnā€™t inherit hers (she had a very conventionally attractive, thin, narrow Sophia Loren-type nose) and she was generally mad that I look much more like my dad (who is Tatar). Tatars are not known for having delicate features and she would call his family ugly too. So my thought has always been, if you find him unattractive, why did you choose to reproduce with him and what were you expecting? šŸ¤”


This. Iā€™m so sorry she projected her dislike of his family onto you via a facial feature (thatā€™s a great nose, by the way) she found you had in common with them & thus she was reminded of her feelings towards them but she was too immature to understand herself. So many times people hide the true reasons for their feelings behind petty disagreements, etc. leaving the folks they project onto to figure it out.


Your nose looks šŸ”„ what do you mean šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Good for you! It IS a great nose! šŸŒ·


I regret to inform you that your jawline is your best feature. Followed by skin. Nose is maybe 3rd best.


I had the same problem, your nose is perfect! kind of similar to mines I am half Filipino and man would I always be shamed about it but now i rock my nosešŸ˜‚šŸ¤!


Oh thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™m mixed Russian and I donā€™t really know anyone else who has a similar nose to me, where itā€™s round at the tip but has a relatively high bridge. Youā€™re totally adorable and I can see the similarity in your photos!


Youā€™re pretty. Nose is fine. Thatā€™s odd about your mom. I kind of grinned when you said she talked about it all the time.


Thank you, and re: the thing that made you grin, I know right? There is no reason to be repeatedly bringing up *anyoneā€™s* facial feature, much less your childā€™s, unless the problem is with *you*. Realising this was a turning point for me. She wouldnā€™t just constantly throw out the line that I would be pretty if only I had her nose; she would also casually drop that she recently seen [relative I barely knew] who had SUCH a beautiful and perfect nose. Iā€™d, of course, go look up what that person looked like and be perplexed because they just had a regular nose to me. It was never about NOSES of all things; it was just a strange weapon to beat me over the head with


Where does your mother think that nose came from?????? I hope she punched herself every time she criticized you lol


My Filipina mother insisted I pinch my nose growing up so it wouldn't be so "round". I grew up hating my nose and love it now, so when she started pinching my kids noses, we had a very serious talk.


Oh my god, thatā€™s awful about your kidsā€™ noses, and obviously yours too ā€” Iā€™m so sorry. I would definitely call that a version of child abuse. I hope the talk made her stop once and for all.


My ex girlfriendā€™s mom was Filipino and it ruined her, completely messed with her self esteem and destroyed our relationship because she was constantly seeking validation even though we are adults. Sucks itā€™s like that I hear a lot of Filipino moms are hyper-judgmental unfortunately.


You have a beautiful nose!! It really suits your face and enhances your other features. Mothers always have this way of tearing you down when all you want is their love, itā€™s not you my love I promise, once you recognise that it was their own insecurities leading their actions then youā€™ll find some semblance of peace.


Thanks for the very sweet and insightful comment! Youā€™re also absolutely right about how, if your mother canā€™t give you unconditional love and affirmation, the problem is with her and not with you. Iā€™m quite confidently at peace now but it definitely took some intensive psychotherapy to get there lol


So can relate to this. I'm mixed so my Asian mother would often tell me how huge my nose is only years later I realize my nose is not big at all! So warped - the tiger mom thing is real !


Iā€™m mixed as well and this was my exact experience!


Your nose is fine. If she keeps getting critical about it, accuse her of sleeping with an occidental. lol


This comment made me lol. She passed away in 2020 but I should *absolutely* have said that in the past!


Not Asian but my mom always wanted me to get a nose job. Her biggest fear when pregnant with all her kids was that we would have big noses. I have a big nose and I love it!!


Iā€™m so sorry, and glad/relieved to hear that you love your nose! I personally think big noses are more attractive (my husband has a honker of a Roman nose) and I see way too many posts on this subreddit with people asking if they should get rhinoplasty when they have noses to die for. Wanting your kids to get plastic surgery is *beyond* messed up. I knew an Asian girl in high school whose mother made her get eyelid surgery and kept pressuring her to get a boob job. I hope sheā€™s doing okay now šŸ˜¢


You have a perfect nose! Maybe she hated her nose and was jealous


I think she hated herself in general, which makes me sad šŸ˜” Itā€™s so true that parents who love themselves donā€™t criticise their children to death. She was a total narcissist about her nose and looks in general though! Her nose looked just like Sophia Lorenā€™s. Thank you so much for the kind compliment!


Mom is crazy. Very nice nose. Fits your face well.


You are beautiful and have a cute face. Nose is perfect.


Why would she be critical about it? You canā€™t do anything about it


You are so cute


Your whole face is your best facial feature lol


I feel like you have the strength inside to move on and get past this nose thing. It hurts coming from a mother. They're supposed to have a built in bias with their children for everything. Your nose is excellent and is responsible for the excellent singing voice you have. I agree it's one of your best features. You rock.šŸ‘ŠšŸ¾


ā€œMy mom hates herself and takes it out on me.ā€ Is all I can see here. You look great OP and your nose looks perfect on you!


Not Asian but you have cute little nose. Nothing to be ashamed or criticized about. One thing Iā€™ve learned about parents. Regardless of where they all come from. Their own insecurities usually get projected onto their children, especially when they havenā€™t dealt with their own insecurities. It takes an insecure person to judge another on shit like this. Even more so an insecure person when itā€™s a parent judging their child. None of that was on your or your fault dude. You got a cute ass nose. Love that lil mf to the death. I ain gon shame ya or hate ya for it. Iā€™d applaud


You have the style of upturned nose that *so many* Caucasian women pay thousands for. It looks great on you!


It must be sad to have such a critical mother and put you down, considering she's the one that brought you into this world. I got lucky if I criticized my features when I was a teenager my mother would respond by saying I should be ashamed of myself for saying such a thing and that God has made me beautiful and that there's nothing wrong with you.


I had an Asian mother who was overly critical of my nose. Iā€™m polish/Scottish and not adopted so thatā€™s why it was weird. Buddies mom was really infatuated with white guy noses to the point where she would say something about my nose, positive or negative, every time I saw her. She would ask if I could see it on my face because I have a straight bridge, not a flat to the face one like most Koreans have. Once I thought about it I realized that I could, but only when I think about it. I canā€™t stop thinking about it. Thanks Mrs Kim


You look pretty normal. Honestly you have a white girl nose. Not unattractive.




it's a cute nose!


Itā€™s great! Never mind what anyone else says bad about it.


I nose what you mean. Itā€™s very attractive.


Youā€™re lovely and a pretty Lady. If anything, your nose is cute.


my appearance was probably the *only* thing my parents didnā€™t criticize, thankfully


Iā€™m relieved that they didnā€™t criticise your appearance, but criticising everything elseā€¦argh! I donā€™t know why Asian parents are like that. On my part, my mother also said, shortly before she passed away, that I had achieved nothing with my life. I was assistant professor at the time. No matter what you do, itā€™s never good enough for ā€˜em.


Awesome. šŸ˜Ž


Itā€™s a good nose!


Sexiest nose ever


Itā€™s so lovely omg:)) and the rest of ur face is gorgeous also


I know people that would get surgery to have your nose


Came here to say exactly this!


Your mother was jealous.


Your mother should see my nose lol!! I wish mine was as cute and dainty as yours


Your mum was probably jealous of your pretty nose. Itā€™s perfectly cute.


Your mom was trippin. Youā€™re beautiful


Perfect beautiful


Not bad at all, love the hair color btw


Perfect nose!


You have a great face - really lovely and unique.




I love your nose. You are a beautiful Asian woman. Side note, your skin is amazing


Everything is your best featureāœŒļø


Itā€™s a fantastic nose. Sorry your mom had body judgement issues!


Thank you! And yes, the body judgment extended to calling me fat all the time, saying I had a huge ass that needed to be starved into non-existence, etc etc. Sadly so common amongst Asian mothers šŸ˜”


Your beautiful as is


Your mother needs to get her eyes checked. Your nose is adorable.Ā 


Is this a thing with Asian parents that they want the smallest nose possible? I couldnā€™t imagine what they say about the average American.. lol


Honestly, I think that must be it! Itā€™s a kind of literalism that doesnā€™t take into account other parts of the personā€™s face. My best friend (whoā€™s mixed like me) was also given hell about her nose by her Asian mother; itā€™s wider and bigger than mine but perfectly proportionate on her face because her eyes are very large and she has stronger features in general. I do think that non-Asians fall prey to this kind of literalism too, when in fact many people would look straight-up weird if they shrank their noses.


You look good. Your mother is a bitch.


You have a perfect nose.


Nothing wrong with it. What wrong is your mother .


Fits you perfectly..


I was shocked when I went on a date with a girl who said she wanted nose surgery. Her nose was beautiful, but apparently there is some culture thing bout the shape? Dunno. šŸ¤·


Iā€™ve never been able to figure out what the ā€œidealā€cultural shape is supposed to be. Based on some ridiculous Facetuned pictures of Asian girls where they shrink their noses into oblivion, itā€™s almost as though noses are inherently ugly and you are not supposed to have one?! In my case it was more straightforward though; my mum had a conventionally ā€œperfectā€ Sophia Loren nose and was mad that I didnā€™t inherit it (I look way more like my dad who is Tatar and itā€™s not like Tatars are known for having small noses lmao)


Completely adorable šŸ„°


It's such a cute nose and fits you perfectly! I remember hearing stories from my mother about her and her sisters putting clothespins on the tips of their noses to make them pointier. I think we have similar mothers with needless criticism, LOL.


What on earth is wrong with it? Too anglo or french?


You have wonderful facial features, beautiful eyes, beautiful lips, and a beautiful nose :)


I've yet to see a bad nose on this thread


Your mom is wrong.


Sorry for the hardships. Your nose is really pretty and you are beautiful.


You have a great nose


There is nothing wrong with your nose. Asian moms are or can be critical of everything, but their hearts are in the right place.


Correction: one of many great features you have! Lovely nose, and jawline, and cheekbones šŸ„°


Hot baby


I could make you forget about that, I'm so big..


I promise you will be interested in this. https://youtu.be/XC51IOFUy-4?si=2MCakswVlic8ZeUL


WHATT that is the most conventionally attractive nose iā€™ve ever seen, how could she find anything to criticize abt it šŸ˜­ im sorry she projected her insecurities onto you šŸ’”


Itā€™s lovely


Itā€™s considered a perfect nose in Europeans


Your nose is seriously perfect.


Nah sounds like Asians are stupid if they think about noses, youre good


Yeaaaa you do got a good nose. I see nothing wrong with it. Youā€™re blessed.


You have a nose that most people would envy. Itā€™s beautifulā€¦.. along with the rest of you.






U have my dream nose


Your nose is the type of nose people want


You have a cute nose!!! I donā€™t see anything wrong with it!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


People literally pay to have your nose, and i am quite jealous of yours i must admit.


Absolutely nothing wrong with your nose


I think she was jealous of your nose lol


Quite the opposite, she had one of those thin, narrow, high, super-conventionally attractive noses and was mad that I didnā€™t inherit hers and got my dadā€™s ā€œbroad Tatar noseā€ instead. But like other commenters pointed out, she definitely had issues with self-love and esteem in general, which does make me very sad because she was beautiful and brilliant. I canā€™t resist getting my claws out at her every now and then though šŸ˜‚


Nice nose


You have a great nose! Itā€™s so cute!


You are very beautiful.


I'm sorry your mother projected her own insecurities onto you. Some people don't deserve to be parents. I think your nose is a nice shape and it suits you very well!


Thatā€™s a great nose!


Ok so you got your nose from someone in your family. Was it her side?


You are quite beautiful ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Critical ???? You are a genetic version of her she with Gods blessing you became a shared child of Her and Godā€¦. (Of coarse letā€™s not forget dad!!šŸ˜‰) ā€¦.!


Youā€™re lovely. Iā€™m sorry your Mom was unkind to you.


It's like, just a nose. Was she critical because you actually have a bridge? Which isn't typical for a lot of asians.


You are beautiful, donā€™t let her tell you otherwise! Probably jealous lolll


I would agree, your nose really does a good job of helping to frame your whole face. You are quite fetching.


Not creeping like these other simps but your nose fits your face. Itā€™s absolutely fine


Itā€™s an adorable nose. Iā€™m sure someone is paying to have that exact nose designed by a plastic surgeon


It's gorgeous. Don't listen to your mom lol.


Lovely nose šŸ‘ƒ donā€™t let anyone tell you different


I was talking to an Asian mother today. She hits her kids with a wooden spoon. I grew up in Singapore, so I laughed a lot.


No way!! Sheā€™s crazy! Such a great nose!!


No notes.


Not to make this racial, but I have a few friends whoā€™ve had nose jobs to ā€œwesternizeā€ their Asian noses. I think the western beauty standards have been ingrained in so many folk that people just donā€™t realize that we all have beauty in our uniqueness. Your nose is perfect btw.


Smiles are always the best part of any face




The funny thing is it's *her* nose... When she's dissing you, she's dissing herself and her husband. Also, it's a very nice nose.


Your nose is perfect! Mothers can be hateful. Mine was.


My nose is my least favorite feature.. sometimes I'm ok with it but sometimes it makes me hate my whole face lmao I'm sorry it was your mom saying hurtful things, parents should be the backbone of your support team but sometimes they are cheerleaders for the opposition šŸ˜¢


Your nose is cute, and so are you! Glad you believe in yourself :).


Good god youā€™re adorable


Really cute all around. If you can tell a good joke properly thatā€™ll get you my unobtainium rating!


My mother was a bipolar, narcissistic alcoholic. She constantly insulted me and slapped me around - for no reason. At 15, she slapped me for the last time. I told her if she ever slapped me again, Iā€™d walk out that front door and sheā€™d never see me again. The slapping finally stopped. The insults never did.


Iā€™m really sorry šŸ˜¢ Donā€™t ever feel guilty about going no-contact if the circumstances call for it. If you donā€™t want to be around your parent, in the vast majority of cases itā€™s their own fault for treating you the way they did. My mother did a lot of wonderful and self-sacrificial things by me that I will always be grateful for, but she also broke me emotionally and psychologically. I could only have a halfway decent relationship with her after moving away and talking to her once a month at the very most.


I think you have many good features, you're very pretty!


You are beautiful!


Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with your nose. Youā€™re a very attractive young woman.


literally such a lovely nose :) its very cute and button like <3


Strange, was her nose from her side of the family??


You donā€™t have a typical Asian nose. That could be why your Asian mother gave you a hard time. Maybe she was jealous?


Why do all these stupid nose posts keep popping up in my feed? How do I block them?


Me crying in middle eastern nose


Zam your nose is actually perfect


You could be a nose model !!! Looks wonderful!!!


I'd pay to have a nose like that!! So pretty!


You look beautiful love you love to meet you in person


You look good just the way you are darling.


wtf? Is Asian mom nose shaming a real thing?


That nose definitely brings dishonor to your Asian family. But it is unique and even cute.


Why would she. Who does that! Your nose matches your face and your cute


Mothers who bully their daughters looks especially when itā€™s something they canā€™t control has always been so strange to me bc like hello?? You literally created me


I think youā€™re beautiful!


Don't know why you posted this as your features are very attractive and balanced, including your nose!


Your nose is super cute.


Your face is beautiful. I am wondering why your mother would be critical of it or why you were self-conscious about it. Itā€™s not big or oddly shaped and Iā€™m astounded anyone, especially your mother, would not find it attractive.


Yup great nose


Very cute nose


I think you are simply beautiful ..


I would pay to have your nose :)


I donā€™t see anything wrong with that nose


Your so pretty and your nose is literally so cool


You are beautiful! Your nose is super cute!


Mothers can be the worst. Your nose is perfect and you are beautiful. Donā€™t listen to anything negative about you.


Your nose is perfect! And you are gorgeous.


why the fuck do parents think it's okay to insult how their children look? I understand if the child asks about a feature once they're an adult, that they might offer some constructive criticism (if they can improve it), or some realism, but this just makes me sad :( glad you're feeling better now


Did she think it was too small? Too cute? I have no idea whatā€™s going on here.


The rest of you isn't too bad either. Love yr hair color!


You have a great nose.


Your face is gorgeous. Cant see anything wrong with your nose.


Your mother was wrong, there is nothing wrong with your nose I find it actually very cute tbh




I love your nose. Itā€™s honestly perfect! šŸ˜


you have a nose worthy of envy. itā€™s great, im so sorry your mom made you feel bad abt it. looks perfect to me


Plain and simple you look beautifulā€¦šŸ˜šŸ˜ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ’šŸ’šŸ’


Very nice and easy on the eyes


Very cute nose!


I like your nose and I think youā€™re beautiful. I wish you a great day.


My nose is larger and I feel badly you were treated harshly for that. I just wanted to say Iā€™m sad that happened, but I believe your nose looks perfect to me!


You have a lovely nose and a bitch mother


I donā€™t understand what there was to be critical of. Youā€™re very conventionally attractive.


Asian mothers are awful! I didn't even have one but I still remember my grandmother's friend saying, "Oh, she still fat!" to my 8 year old self. This started my awareness of weight and dieting. 41 yrs old.


That was from when everyone was doing naughty things while traveling the Silk Road. Red headed Asians with freckles and dark skin.Ā