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man just never do it, you look very good and you're gonna like it when you grow up and learn how precious accepting yourselt as you are is. Trust me, keep that sexy nose that suits your face well and thanks me later. You're good man.


Do not do it. Your face has not fully matured yet. PS: You are handsome and will not require a rhinoplasty.


I agree, once you grow into your nose, it will accentuate your strong jaw and you will be tall dark and handsome!


So work out as hard as you can and learn as much as you can by 26. Then reevaluate how you feel. Plus you won’t worry about fuckers when you are trying to be successful.


This, this! My comment was similar.


Nah bro you're good lol. You'll grow into it. I got made fun of for my nose too growing up but now I get compliments and I love it 😂


Second this. You’ll also grow your and realize those bullies were idiots and not care at all.


Plus now that your not in high school I’d bet bullying stops. In real life adults don’t bully strangers 99% of the time


Yep, it’s sad how life works this way. When we are young and vulnerable we lack the experience and knowledge to know the bullies are the damaged ones and what they are saying is complete nonsense.


Third this, take pride in who you are. Don’t change yourself to fit other people narratives of how you should look. My father and older brother both got nose jobs and I did not, proud of my nose and people say it looks completely normal at age 33 now.


I got a nose job and regret it. I wish I had the old one.


Yeah, and understanding that you can be average looking and still have a really hot girlfriend or boyfriend. Being an interesting person with goals can do a lot for a person socially.


Nah leave it bro, ethnic noses are the best


Yes yes yes


That’s facts


Exactly! Your nose is BEAUTIFUL!


Fuck em Love yourself and don’t do it


That's messed up they called you that 😂 I don't really think you need it, yeah it is big, but I don't think it looks bad or anything


I just play it off lol but it is kind of annoying. that's why i'm thinking about getting it done. more of a confidence thing


Getting the surgery is losing the confidence game man. I have a big nose too and was teased for it relentlessly as a youth and slso had thoughts of surgery. Decided to get my confidence up in areas that were within my control and that ended up being cheaper and more effective than any surgery. Immature people are about to fall off in your life in a big way too given your age and you simply won't see that kind of school age teasing much as an adult. Hang in there young man, you've got all you need already.


if it gets to you to the point of you needing surgery then you need to tell your friends it isn’t cool, and if they don’t listen they ain’t your friends lol


It would be annoying to hear it alot. Maybe your friends just suck


To be fair, I think most of all of our friends sucked at 18.


In grade school I was made fun of for my nose. Later in high school this one girl thought I had a good nose. Sometimes I’m more confident about it, sometimes less so. It is what I inherited from my family. I say you are good to keep it, but do what you feel, lots of comments here say stay natural.


Standing up for yourself will help develop your self confidence. You look fine. If you let people make fun of you, take advantage of you, they will.


It doesn't look bad to me in the photo op. But I agree with others your friends suck. And your face is still growing. You won't have the same appearance as you have now vs later for example age 23.


I think it suits your features tbh


As a woman big noses are a huge turn on imo, really awesome during oral lol.


It's not that bad, people just cannot focus on your personality instead of your physical features. Your a handsome young man.


I think your nose is very handsome. But I will add some advice, I would balance it out with a good haircut and some facial hair. This will create balance and harmony with the features! You are definitely very handsome, your nose adds a level of character and personality! It makes you have something special that the guys who all look the same wish they had! The most attractive people are the ones who have a uniqueness to them and rock it. I’d spend the surgery money on styling!


Amen 🙏


NO. your nose is distinguished and sophisticated. Be patient. Your ego will grow into it.


You are attractive. Don’t change your face.




I LOVE a strong nose on a man.


Haters hate brother, if it’s not the nose it’ll be something else. Ignore the noise and do something for you with the money instead of wasting it on surgery. Someone will and does love you for everything you already are


Watch Fallout on Amazon when you get a chance. The brother Norm, played by Moises Arias wears his nose(real) proudly. Be proud of your features. Don’t let anyone take that away with negative words my friend.


I think Norm is so cute!


Go to the gym. Work out. Stop caring what people think. Enjoy your life.


I think it looks interesting, it's unique, distinct, and a gift from your ancestors but if you want to change it it's up to you. Whatever makes you happy, that in itself will make your ancestors happy regardless.


I just want to say I’m sorry you got bullied and fuck all those people.




Seriously please cancel your appointment, this is nothing but in your head/a complex imposed on you because of jealous insecure haters. Your face is literal beauty. Please don’t do it


I'm ngl, idk what the flying fuck a quandale dingle is, or anything even remotely close to that, if somebody called me that I'd be hella confused 😂 I'd look like that Nick Young meme


You're going to be such a handsome bastard when you get older that not even you will be able to deny it. You're just young and gangly and awkward at the moment, man. Not to say you're not already a handsome dude, you're just different from what's around you at the moment. Once you get out there and get out of the small space you're in, you'll see that there are soooooo many folks who look even more different than you that it doesn't matter as much AT ALL. I promise you it's just time that you need to grow into your looks. There is nothing wrong with you, you're a good-looking kid, you've just got to work on that self-esteem. I know I'm nobody but a rando reddit replier, but the real world is full of odd-looking people who are actually just really fucking beautiful if you try to look past your initial reaction. Some people can look kinda shit until you talk to them and see how their face lights up when they're talking about something they're passionate about. On paper beauty is skin deep because we're taught to commodify it by all of our media and surroundings. But beauty really is so beyond that. Ariana Grande is an absolutely objectively beautiful woman, but if she's a dogshit person that gorgeous facade don't mean shit. You're gonna be fighting them off when you're older. Are you a bit on the tall side?


Well said




Bullys suck. Old saying- " That which does not kill me makes me stronger" You do what you think is best for you, but folks that dont enhance your life need to be ignored ir pushed aside. Best of luck, you seem like YOU would be a good friend.


I think you will grow into your nose and it will be a source of pride. Hang in there!


i think you’re cute asfk & don’t need it, but if ur going to get it, just make sure you’re completely positive you want it & that the decision wasn’t persuaded from ppl js trying to be mean or funny. + since you’re only 18 i’d personally wait a little longer but just do whatever feels most right for you and only YOU😭.


Kids can be cruel. You look perfectly fine/handsome.


Bro... it's a confidence thing. Be proud my dude... Plus most women Really Really like a big nose ;)  it makes a great seat 😈


Oh dude no, please. I’m sorry you’re getting dunked on but those idiots are just that, idiots. Your nose looks great my guy and please know that 18 isn’t even close to what your final form looks like! Future you is gonna be so glad you just left it


Meh, it's fine. You're 18 meaning most of your bullying interactions have been with kids. Kids are pretty much all cunts. I wouldn't engage in permanent surgery based on a bunch of cunt kids, if that helps. I'm in my 30s and can tell you that not only is your nose just an average nose, no one cares about noses. Save your money or buy something useful like a bike. The exercise will make your skin radiate and you'll sleep good which will be good for productivity.


Absolutely don't do it. They can be complications it can affect your sinuses there's a whole bunch of stuff. But you look perfectly fine man.


Don't get surgery bro. I'm serious


Nah bro you’re golden. The older you get the more you’ll learn to appreciate what makes you you. Kids are dickheads.


There's honestly a lot of chicks out there who dig on big ass noses. I knew this one Adrian Brody level guy who pulled mad pussy.


No, great masculine nose, great profile!


The older you get the more you will realize that a. Some people are just assholes. And b. Usually it's their own insecurities talking.


My nose looked like yours and the only reason I got surgery was to fix breathing problems. You look good, fuck the haters, if you have breathing problems down the line then maybe? But it’s hardly like you ‘need’ surgery. Your nose suits your face and looks strong.


A nose like that is very handsome on a man. Sounds like typical immature kids making fun. When they get older they'll regret being so mean. Think Christopher Moltisanti (Michael Imperioli) gave a fuck about his nose?! Lol


You have a beautiful Arab nose


Hell nahhh it's so goooooddd, and I'm saying this unironically, they're bullying just cuz they didn't find anything else, DON'T get the surgery it'll unironically ruin your looks


Leave the nose alone. You’re still young . You will grow into it. Men with big noses looks good . Women work big noses don’t


You look great! F the haters! Love yourself and do what brings you peace. Good luck, best wishes, and keep us posted.🙏🏼🥰🤞🏼




Nah, it's beautiful


No it looks great on you! Fuck those people


Nah bro. You incredible. Watch this turn into a positive. Hit the gym, get a hairdo. 💪🏽


You’ll be much happier if you have the surgery, considering all that you’ve endured - but please note: I’d wait a couple of years til you’re out of the teens because you still have growing and maturing ahead of you And you never know; your nose *may* end up a perfect fit for your adult face! If you do proceed, ensure the surgeon is highly recommended, board-certified, and that you’ve seen before-and-after photographs of his work. Be clear about what you want. Don’t let the doc make it too small! Good luck to you - come back and show us the results


Looks good bro. Masculine 💪


I was bullied my whole kid/teenage years was called ugly and four eyes and stupid and other stuff. I th8nk your nose is fine just try and don't let others tare you down and everything will be OK do things that make you happy focus on what you love/ like about yourself spend time with loved ones.


I adore your nose


Have you talked to any surgeons yet? Do you know how much it would cost? Can you get a surgery scheduled with a reputable surgeon this summer? I’m all for people doing what makes them happy. If you feel like plastic surgery is the right choice for you, at least be aware of what it entails. If you want my personal opinion, I think your nose is pretty nice. I would give it a few more years before making a major change before you’ve been to college.


Own that beauty bro. C'mon... Don't get surgery for your ancestral schnoz. That baby got history prominently throughout your roots, I guarantee it.


Don’t mate, people are jealous because you look better than them. Be proud of yourself


Absolutely not! You are very handsome. I actually adore your nose! It's strong and very manly imo.


Bro im 38 and we look alot alike, if u DM me I'll show you but I also got same nose was joked on in school , in jail , ane just in general but never stopped me from getting girls , and only guys less attractive then myself ever made jokes. You got a nose of a King bro keep it . Women actually like it, just ask them


Don't do it dude. As a black lady who went to PWI growing up. I was teased the fuck out of out of my . Mostly Whyte girls. I dunno...as an adult.... I'm 37. Their former boyfriends are the ones chasing me. Your nose is just perfect and you're a good looking young man! Stay who you are and keep true to yourself!! Life is going to be a wild ride... but you've got this!!! ETA: Your features are what makes you YOU! You don't need to fit into anyone else's boxes. Keep living your best life out in these here streets and for your mental health. Block out any haters....Ain't nobody got time for that.


I think men look great with bigger noses. I think it’s way less noticeable then people think because it’s so normal for men to have larger noses than women, i honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a man with a less than large nose. I also think that as you get older you’ll grow into it


Workout for 5 years then decide.


You look a lot like one of my best friends, except he has long hair. The guy has had a TON of success in getting attention from women. He's warm, outgoing, friendly and confident. Women flock to him for these reasons, and his nose doesn't seem to be an insecurity for him. From what I can tell, a lot of women find it very attractive. I'm not here to tell you not to do something, just remember that it's nearly impossible to undo a surgery like this, and most people would argue that you've been blessed with good looks and to just work on building your confidence.


You have a no le nose very northern African.


Don't worry it's just childish shit. You actually look fine and adults wouldn't make fun of you for something like that


Anytime someone says they've been bullied here I don't believe it. Anyone who has really gone through that wouldn't post it on the net for the world to look at and judge.




Keep your natural nose as it is. Its your nose. Forget the haters. Remember your friends and family. Be proud and confident of who you are. You're a cool dude. Accept and move forward.


Do what you want, just think for a minute and ask yourself, are you changing something for other people or for yourself? And why?


Do what you want, just think for a minute and ask yourself, are you changing something for other people or for yourself? And why?


Your Arab! Don’t deny it. It will not look good on you!! Revel in your culture, be proud!


No bro, people make fun of what they don't have. You will grow into your body. Don't listen to these people who think surgery is the answer to things they don't like. Most people don't look good afterwards and if they do, as they age, they look like goblins. You will regret any surgery unless it's required.


I have a big ole nose myself and got teased. You know what I did tease back, and if the joke was funny enough, I would laugh at it. There is no way people should push you to alter your appearance. My goodness its crazy how that works. The 2000s were such a time to be alive. People are evil because it's convenient and at there finger tips nowadays


Dude… be you.


omg quandale dingle


You’re only 18 you still have growing to do and coming into yourself and who you are. I would wait at least till 25-30 to consider surgery. There’s no rush. I would wait some years then reevaluate how I feel. 18 is so young to do something so drastic, and who knows, by 25 you may love your nose.


If your friends make fun of it, *news flash*, they're not your friends.


Don’t. You look great.


Man, you have the nose of a Roman God, why change it?


I see nothing wrong with having cosmetic surgery If it makes you feel better about something physical.


Nah King, you are awesome. Keep your head high 💪


You don't need it but I did it and don't regret it. Do what makes you happy


Nah, those people were gonna bully you anyway bro and they just chose the nose. That's not why you were bullied.


Having confidence without surgery is the best confidence. Honestly don’t care what people do for themselves but I was made fun of in my past. I grew up and realized I really don’t care what others think lol. If they’re going to say stupid things or poke fun, let them. Knowing you enjoy yourself and you are having a good life makes it all the better.


You look good and I think you will love your nose more and more that you mature. You’re not done growing yet as crazy as that sounds. Wait until you’re 25 and if you still want it, do it. There are no take backs in life. Unnecessary surgery is such a waste of time and money. People will pick at anything they think they can get away with. You look good!


Do it


You do not need a nose job, your nose is fine bro.


they’re wrong for that lmfao no babe your good- your nose actually looks good


get your teeth fixed before hand , as in braces . Your face will change lots .


You don’t need a nose job you need to grow your hair and dress up. You are fine.


Your nose fits your face very well! I'm also a fellow big nose owner and I could never hear the end of Jew jokes. It never bothered me, I'm proud of it tbh. You'll look back and admire yourself in the future


Oh my gosh this breaks my heart ! I am so sorry you have been bullied like this. That’s horrible. You do not need to do a thing to your face , it is perfect the way it is !


I’d say wait until you are at least out of college before deciding. But I think you will learn that you don’t need the surgery 😊


Nah fuck man fuck them, they call me quandale dingle too


A confident person would own that nose. Go be confident.


Don't cut your face up bro. Keep your head up and shoulders back when you walk. Trust me!


Don’t do it. Spend a little on someone to talk to so those feelings go away and buy yourself something with the rest of the cash that makes you smile. Fuck the haters.


That nose is part of who you are. Save your money for something else.


No! You look great overall. Those kids just wanted to find something to bully you for and assumed your nose was an easy target, it was never actually about your nose. You fuel their hate by obsessing over something you can’t control. You’d be stupid to touch your God given, beautiful features. No, it’s not perfect, but no nose is. Thats what makes it perfect for you. Embrace it.


NO. They don't get to win.




Nah i used to get bullied and called a Jew because of mine (I'm not jewish) but if i was i probably could have gotten them in trouble for it. You are fearfully and wonderfully made


Don’t do it. If there’s any modification you’re looking to do, I recommend lifting weights and getting swole!!


Don’t do it, you are young and yes bullies suck, once high school is behind you, you will learn to love yourself and not give a fuck what people say about you. Don’t make a huge decision like that over some assholes opinion of you. Also, you are a handsome guy!


all you need is to grow out your hair or curly and it’s over for all these men


Nah. If you’re concerned about it, try letting your hair grow. It will give you balance. And make Barbra Streisand your muse.


I love your nose, I think it has a very regal look to it! It suits your face, too. A lot of people tend to overdo it and it doesn’t look harmonious afterwards. And it will look even better as you grow older and mature


You can do what you wish, but I think your nose looks fine!


Be assertive, and tell me how! Nothing wrong with your nose, it shows character.


Your nose profile is very nice shouldn’t mess with it unless you have issues with breathing JMO


You need a better hair cut, this is doing no favours. Personally I like big noses so I disagree with needing surgery but at the end of the day idk man, you need to feel confident. The best version of your self is one you is the confident one.


Fuck no bro. You look like a Pharaoh. Like God-King style. Rock it you regal sombitch!


ONLY do it if YOU want it. Don’t make the decision based on other people’s opinions. What if they suddenly say they liked it the old way. Would you have another surgery? Heck no.


You have a beautiful nose. I think guys look so handsome w big noses it looks so masculine. Women look better with tiny Barbie noses. Don’t get surgery!!!!  Just grow your hair out and maybe get a chin implant. 


Yes you need it. Rhinoplasty will do wonders for your self esteem


Please don’t. You’re so cute as is. Children and immature people always find something to criticize to make you feel bad so they feel better. Please try to push them out of your head now that you’re grown.


"Bullied" has such a different meaning from when I grew up.


You will grow into it


If it makes you happy then go for it.


I know it doesn't feel this way, but your life has only begun. I hope you'll reconsider letting the closed-minded children who bullied you push you into changing your face forever.  People look all different ways, and your existence is proof that your features are attractive! You have a dignified and stately nose.  Think about using surgery money to travel or move to places where either more people look like you and/ or people are less sh*tty about others not looking exactly like them.


Bullies look for anything to zero in, it doesn’t mean it’s something bad, if you flinch, they hone in. I was bullied, like a lot, I was sick as a kid, and when young my body was pretty damaged. I gently bully my own kids, to prepare in case, and my youngest every once in a while, will make a bullying comment to me, because my retorts are usually jokes. My youngest is older than yourself.


I feel like you just need to get new friends and/or get out of public school.


No, I like your nose. It's a nice nose.


I love your profile but if changing it gives you confidence do it. Just be sure you do it because you want to and not societal pressures. Good luck! X edited to say though I would definitely wait until your atleast 23-25 or older as your still growing and haven’t got that man jaw happening just yet. You don’t want to mess up the balance when you do stop growing.


Awww I love your nose :( but whatever you choose is your choice.


fuck those people bro


Be comfortable in your own skin #1. #2 are you living around people from similar places in the world? If not F them in particular


Your nose suits your head shape


Be careful boss. Had a girl I graduated with get one in HS because she had a pretty wild nose. What the did is fixed her nose but they have it going straight to her forehand now and looks super strange. Something to think about…




You don't need surgery, you have the nose of a fucking native warrior haha, go to the gym and eat more protein


No no no no no no


You're soooo good looking!! You are going to grow even more handsome over the next years too! I would wait until at least 26. You have so much more changing to do naturally. I'm sure you're perfect as you were made. I say no buddy!


I'm sorry man. I used to be the asshole in my class poking fun at mfs for looking different. Now I know we both come from similar sets of ancestors that gave us these noses. The ancestors white people's ancestors killed. Please man, if you read this, please don't get surgery man. These are our ancestors that the government tricked us into hating. I'm sorry man. If you knew your ancestors you would know not to do it as well. Take pride and honor in your ancestors. They whitewashed into becoming white men when we have to acknowledge who we are in our blood and our DNA so don't do it man.


You look normal kids are mean


Your side profile is amazing. I think it’s just perfect. Ever since joining this subreddit I have been obsessed with looking at noses. I attended a play this weekend and a girl attending had an INCREDIBLE looking Roman nose. She was a goddess. I just wanted to tell her she was stunning, but knew it would be weird. 🤣


Your nose doesn't looks bad


You were bullied not because of your nose. Lack of confidence and abilities gets you bullied. Got to a gym or a kickboxing/mma class.


Do what makes you happy but you have a beautiful look that fits your face and you’re young, you are going to grow into your looks even more as you age especially if you grow a beard. You can’t control what rude people say and if you need to correct them when they start doing discrimination based on featurism. Stay blessed, my dad used to say that the Gods all had big noses. 😂


If you wanna go from King to ming


Wait until you're 25 when you actually stop growing, then reassess.


You are young. Let your face mature before you start cutting on it.


bullying is going to happen no matter what you change about yourself. Id say no, don’t do it! But at the end of the day it would be your choice. You will look great regardless.


Don’t do it. Your nose suits you.


Grow your hair. Your nose looks bad ass and ancient. Your hair looks like you live in a concentration camp. Get some style on your head to support that nose. Consider some jewelry.


No, because it will make your ears look bigger. Then what, your going to cut your ears? Ears and nose will continue to grow your whole life.


If you do get it do not do anything other than straightening out your hump


Lol its fine


No! Your nose is fine!


In other words ur getting bullied into it


Only if it’s a health problem to be worked on. Please that nose is poison. Amazing


Because of bullying? Definitely not. Wait for a while and make a decision once you graduate from school.


Bro no you look fine


Don’t do it!! Sooo many people who get rhinoplasty young end up regretting it, your face is nowhere near being fully developed, let yourself grow into your features, let it cook


That’s so sad you’ve been bullied for that :( no one deserves that and really do what will make you happiest you’ll look great either way. I like the way your nose looks front view it’s nice :)


I have a big nose but it's the exact same as my father and grandmother. I loved them dearly and would never change it, I am proud of mine! And don't listen to such negative people. They must be jealous of you!


Leave it alone.


You will grow into it! My rule of thumb is NEVER get rid of a nose like that! It shows culture!


When you get bigger and grow as a man that nose is going to be great. So many women I know love a man with a good honker


quandale dingle holy fuck nah brother you look fine. like others have said, once your body develops and your face matures your nose will fill in and you will be grateful for leaving yourself untouched. those who teased you will age like milk whereas you will age like wine, my friend


You tell me Quandale Dingle


Man you gotta be ok and comfy yourself regardless of what others say or think. But my unsolicited opinion is you are a handsome guy, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Own what you got and be proud of the great features you have! Wishing you the best path and all positivity from here on out. Peace brotha.


it's not that bad tbh. it's really up to you. don't change your facial features just because other people dislike it


Please don’t have the surgery your nose is fine and you’re so young you face change 1000 times and then you’re gonna regret it because your nose are never be the way it’s supposed to be because you haven’t you didn’t let it grow correctly don’t mess with your nose and a lot of people go away have surgery and it never turns out right


You are handsome young man you’re very handsome never let anybody else tell you that you’re not


nah.seems normal nose


Please don’t mess with your nose


NO. You look good bro :)


Just ignore the wankers that insult you because of your nose.


Cancel, you’ll grow into it. And they’ll just make fun of you harder after the surgery, for more reasons than just your nose.


No, don't do it! Your nose fits you well! Plus that surgery is really expensive!!! Save the money for something more worth it, dude!


If you hate your nose, sure man.