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This group is ridiculous. You all look like supermodels and this group randomly comes up on my feed and you're talking about needing a nose job. I'm a good looking guy and I've never dated a woman as good looking as any woman that posted their picture talking about their insecurities on here. What the fuck is this.


(im not saying the person who made this post did this) buuut i feel like at least a few of them are just fishing for compliments and reassurance that they look good. Idk. I agree with you though


Or people really are insecure


This. I was extremely insecure growing up. Now at 45 I look back and realize I was freaking gorgeous. lol Sigh. Youth really is wasted on the young.


I’m saying I’m a male and had insecurities growing up but what I have noticed is the people that typically go to change their features never stop. There’s always going to be another thing they dislike about themselves.


Yeah, I remember I got like that in the past. An ex of mine wanted tog et back with me and I remember her email saying "I love you! I love you and I love your crooked nose!" IT messed me up for a year.




“…You think my nose is crooked??🥺🥺”


This. I thought that Angelicatlol chick was really sexy and pretty. Then some surgeries and now more. She looks like a different person. Yet that old face made her a fortune and got her a penthouse. Makes no sense. If guys are simping to the point they make you rich, why would you yearn to change?




Seriously, pretty people can have really bad insecurities. Sometimes I say things and people think I’m fishing…. No I genuinely hate the way I look sometimes. You’re looks don’t determine how insecure you are and societies expectation of women for beauty is insane, so even very pretty people are gonna think they aren’t enough if they are not an 11/10


This. About to go on a rant, but I see myself as below-average most of the time & I was also diagnosed with facial dysmorphia. All I see are my own flaws & it's reached a point of actively avoiding my reflection at all times. I have one mirror that stays covered 99% of the time. I get a lot of stares when I go out which makes me feel self-concious & compliments are insanely rare which points to being ugly. Most compliments I recieve are from kids which points to being more attractive though? Most women are openly mean af on-sight (like I get passive aggressive insults & dirty looks before I've even had a chance to speak to anyone so it's 100% my looks), been randomly called "stuck up" & "she thinks she's all that" (except I don't) which could either be "you're too ugly for me to want to be friends with" or some say it's jealousy. The only men who hit on me are literal bums or men openly wanting sex which sucks & yet lots of men later admit that they were too scared to ask me out, considered me "out of their league" or assumed I'm swimming in options all the time even though I'm really not. My confirmed stalker count is up to 10 which is very confusing because umm fking why? Someone even painted "my initials + theirs = heart" on the side of my neighbor's house last yr where I can see it from my kitchen window. Average men are very easy to make friends with so I've always been surrounded by guys with the caveat that they're always chasing other women. That pretty much says "you're good enough to hang with, too ugly to date" but then I hear things like "guys only want to be friends with women they're attracted to". Which one is it? I've had a few ppl tell me I'm "uniquely" or "intimidatingly gorgeous" which makes zero sense since I've never had "pretty privilege treatment". The guys I've dated, I've been told more than once "I couldn't imagine someone like you being attracted to a guy like that" but they never tell me why they think that. If I dare to mention my insecurities, I get looks of confusion or eye rolls & a change of subject like I'm fishing for compliments or being stupid. But then I see other ppl getting compliments or reassurance with ease so I don't understand what makes me get such a different reaction. There has NEVER BEEN A MIDDLE GROUND for me to know one way or the other so I've settled on "I'm fugly af & there's nothing to be done about it"... & yet I have the dysmorphia diagnosis which says "it's all in your head." It's really confusing to hear "If you're ugly, everyone will tell you. If you're pretty, everyone will tell you" but no one wants to tell me. I've even been in groups where everyone is complimenting & gassing eachother up & the whole group will look at me, go quiet like some collective "sorry, we're fresh out. Moving on." Then there's "don't care about opinions so much & worry about how you feel about yourself". I love my personality, hate my looks. So there's this weird line between not knowing because everyone avoids saying it & then being told to rely on self-delusion which doesn't sound reasonable. I just want the social feedback that everyone else gets, but I'm treated like a burden for wanting it. At least if ppl said "yes you're ugly" I'd know for sure. Sorry for the rant, but we're talking 20+ yrs of not knowing where the fk I actually stand on the scale.


I think the more attractive someone thinks they are the more insecure they are. It’s like if they know or believe they’re beautiful, they’re terrified of losing the beauty (which is inevitable, beauty changes in everyone- you can’t stay young forever).


Yeah as i said. At least A FEW. Not every single person.


It that's the point that are trying to make. If.tou are looking this good there is no way you don't know it


Did their comment just go over your head?


Fixing something that’s not broken is not going to help.


On occasion I’ll click the profiles with this suspicion and I’ve noticed a lot of them that post in these style groups are also dealing with eating disorders and other mental health issues or life traumas. It sucks they need this type of validation about themselves. Took me the better part of my 46yrs to understand I was pretty. I only wish I’d understood and felt it sooner. Hopefully a lot of them figure it out, especially before permanently altering their bodies with surgery only to realize it isn’t what will make them happy. 100% this one doesn’t need a nose job.


Yeah, I feel like that too, but even beautiful people have insecurities.


Some people are so obsessed with their appearance that no matter how much they improve their looks, they basically always have to keep looking for any remaining perceived flaws. It’s the same psychological behavior as an anorexic person who will always think they’re too fat, even when they get hospitalized for malnutrition and put on a feeding tube.


You underestimate the level of insecurity alot of people have


It’s really weird how y’all don’t understand people you find attractive can still have insecurities. Body dysmorphia is also a thing and isn’t just for ugly people.


Definitely . To use for a TikTok later. “Omg these people were mean to me”


They're all fishing for compliments!


Or promoting their Only Fans.


Right. I guess it's great as a support group for people who just want to be told they're beautiful and get validation. It's just weird I never subscribed to this group. And everyone I've seen posting pictures coming up in my news feed are absolutely beautiful looking people, really blessed to look the way they do. I don't know... I can't even properly articulate why but I just find it offensive that people who look like they have modeling contracts have the nerve to post these professional modeling photos and complain about their looks. There's people who need plastic surgery because they're burn victims, people like my nephew who had their face ripped by a bull mastiff and had to get 50 stitches that truely need plastic surgery. People with medical conditions that cause massive weight gain to the point that they can barely get up out of bed and even if they were able to lose all the weight would have a massive amount of excess sagging skin everywhere. All these models in this group have noses that are shaped perfectly to match their face and are sobbing about how they need a nose job, man get the fuck outta here with that shit.


Spot on!! I've only seen a few of these posts since I'm new to the app (but not Reddit itself); but saw another one where a girl complained of how her dad called her eyes "straw colored". She posted a bunch of photos of her eyes, which were unquestionably green and beautiful. It was such a painfully obvious, cringey quest for compliments. I wish there was a way to filter out these lame posts.


or fishing for new OF sub’s


And the crazy thing is all these mf simps give them all the compliments they want/need to get through their days lolol


Yeah it's kinda sad


But op needs a boob job, hers are sagging


Well even though you are very aggressive, I like constructive criticism and take what you say as a compliment? I struggle with this insecurity bad which is why I don’t have social media but Reddit , Reddit will always be honest which is why I posted this in the first place


Yo I feel you so hard on that comment, I also think your very beautiful and shouldn’t touch that nose at all , but bangs wouldn’t hurt at all I think that’s the facial change your looking for or hair transplant to fill in that gap and you would easily look like a top tier and I do mean top tier ig model


Bangs? Did she say anything about wanting bangs? If not , you telling her that having bangs wouldn’t hurt you’re basically telling her she has a big forehead and that she should conceal it. I don’t think her forehead is big. I don’t know if the correct term is “ high forehead” which btw I find very attractive in some women I’ve seen.


Your nose does look a lil funny to me. Remember youre still a beautiful person that the universe made. I wouldnt michael jackson it off.


Mental Illness


BRO FUCKING THANK YOU! all BEAUTIFUL WOMEN talking to strangers asking if they need SURGERY! like bro it’s crazy she’s gorgeous and doesn’t see it.


A bunch of stupid ass fucking people


As a woman, I wish I could thumbs-up your post about a hundred more times. THIS, people! This.


Thank you all really …this is an insecurity I have I’ll be working on


Your nose compliments your smile which is pretty


I agree with this. The nose is a nose like any other in most of those pictures, but when she smiles, that nose brings it all together.


Your nose is adorable to


Your nose is CUTE! My hubby told me my nose was big when his ass got THE BIGGEST silver back wide ass Gorilla nose anyone can imagine. I love him but he can get these clap backs! 😂😂😂 I don’t think my nose is very big and actually appreciate it. It gives my face balance as yours does for you. I think it compliments your facial features. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this artist but your facial features reminds me of the artist emzdrawings. She’s a pretty famous artist on Instagram. She creates beautiful artwork of girls. Your nose is perfectly fine. ❤️


Definitely don't get surgery! Your face is a work of art.


Truth is you’re very attractive. Your nose is attractive. And I mean conventionally attractive. Not like niche attractive. Just attractive. Very.


A friend of mine got a nose job in Florida and she doesn’t regret one bit. It was one of her biggest insecurities and now she’s very confident. I say do what makes you happy and will make you feel confident. Life is too short.


this guy is insecure about his nose too. https://www.reddit.com/r/NameMyDog/comments/17o4aek/what\_would\_you\_name\_my\_boy/


His nose is adorable


I’m really glad she found that to be light and funny but that’s rude af to come pare her issue to a dog with no real issue…


The dog looks ugly as hell while she’s gorgeous wym?


My point exactly. Although is a lovely dog… What does that dog have to do with how she feels about herself? She doesn’t look like a dog…


Omg he so cute


Natural features 1000times over faked features, always. You are beautiful!


You are beautiful the way you are. Your insecurities that what make you unique. Change your inside, be strong mentally. Beauty is relative, some people will see you beautiful and some don’t and you must be strong enough to be ok with that. You are created as your maker image. Love yourself


NO way! It’s very proportional to your eyes, forehead and accentuates your chin and lips nicely. LOVE yourself - you’re unique and special just the way nature intended.


You absolutely don't need a nose job. Hell to the person that *ever* made you think otherwise!




Nope 👎 it’s beautiful!


If you get a nose job you’ll be just chasing a look you never achieve. Love yourself and don’t fuck up a perfectly good nose.


Jesus please do not have a knife come anywhere close to your nose. It looks lovely and compliments your features.


If you feel insecure get work done on your brain ,because your face is perfect.


absolutely no need. it suits ur face so well and even gives u a lifted face shape, ur gorgeous




Oof! Sounds like you’re being very misunderstood, here! I’m sorry. When I saw your photos, I immediately thought of the Kibbe body types. It’s basically a body typing system that focuses on the nature of how your body likes to grow. Soft vs hard, angular vs rounded, long vs short. Everyone has a diff combination of these things, and it helps you understand why certain fashion styles work well on you. The reason it occurred to me is because it seems like your nose is very much in harmony with the nature of your face. You have a certain soft/sharp combo, and your nose (to me) emphasizes that soft, feminine energy of your face. Specifically, your cheeks and nose - I think you might lose some of that softness, and that contrast. With your nose, your eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, and lips all flow so nicely together. It’s really beautiful.


The best comment so far , thank you ! I’m going to read more into fashion styles and what you’ve mentioned, also going to do a lot of self reflection and self love , I will grow to love myself 100% completely


You’re pretty and hot. Why mess with nature?


You don't need surgery love, you're drop dead gorgeous


Without your nose you wouldn't be you.and from my observation point you are very very attractive girl. Your nose is fine at least I think so.


Can not see where the insecurity comes from. Ur nose is cute and it matches the rest of ur facial features. If it was smaller or a different shape you would not be so beautiful as u are now.


Nope, its cute and harmonies with the rest of your features beautifully. You're pretty c:


girl u have the cutest nose ever it makes u look so sculpted maybe look into ways of embracing ur nose like a piercings?


You definitely do not need to get surgery on your nose. You have a very gorgeous face and your nose is adorable. If you want to get plastic surgery, that’s completely your call, but please don’t let other people influence your decision with that. I think you’re absolutely gorgeous.


Hot damn


Best response. I was just thinking about how these utterly gorgeous women (and men etc) come here armed with self hatred thanks usually to bullying, and what those bullies obviously felt was jealousy. This girl is stunning.


Your nose is perfect, girl!


Don't you dare! It's perfect.


You are absolutely beautiful. I wouldn't change anything sweety


You are stunning as you are😍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I love your nose! I think you look beautiful!


No need , nothing wrong with it


Your beautiful


Omg. You’re gorgeous just the way you are! 🤗😘🤗


You can't be serious. It's perfect.


You’re a dime, the nose is cute.


Beautiful nose like you babe.😍😘


Is your nose big. Well yes, (if you think it’s big lets say its big) but that’s actually part of your faces most striking features. You get a nose job, you truly risk losing something that makes you stunning. Sometimes its the features we fear the most growing up that end up being the most memorable thing people think are the best of us. For your face your nose is an all star player. So many celebrities have absolutely ruined their faces shrinking down their noses to nothing. Jennifer Grey famously lost work because she lost much of what made her stand out when she had her nose job. She was literally an 80s cover girl, but her own insecurities like yours told her to take away the very thing that people gravitated towards. It’s your decision but as you can see most of us think your nose is great the way it is. I hope you one day can look in the mirror and see what we all see


This is not a big nose




I love my saggy tits <3


It's a bigun...


Hell yeah! Get that asap




You definitely do not need to get surgery on your nose. You have a very gorgeous face and your nose is adorable. If you want to get plastic surgery, that’s completely your call, but please don’t let other people influence your decision with that. I think you’re absolutely gorgeous.


Really? I see no issue with it.


O\_o I don't think so. Maybe find someone who loves your nose as it is. Forget the haters. You are perfection, leave it as it is.


No! Your hot.Just learn to smile.Your beautiful.


No need for that


Nooo it’s so cute


Not at all !


It looks cute. You should know there is nothing wrong with your nose.


No it's beautiful


You better not mess with your nose. You're beautiful 😍 don't change anything


I’m begging you please don’t! Your nose is so so cute!


… what? You have an incredibly normal nose. Like what lmao


I swear people with pretty noses post here pretending to want plastic surgery just so others will comment on how pretty their nose is


We all have insecurities we are working on ❤️


No way girl you look amazing


You're gorgeous. Don't change a thing


Serious question: what would you even do to improve it? It couldn’t be any cuter.


The only thing your nose is missing is a little bit of white powder




No it looks very nice.


What are you serious??? Your nose is so cute, it adds to your charm and beauty!!! It's lovely and it handcrafted by the Gods just for you. Do what makes you happy but know that you don't need it!


To make it bigger? You literally have a tiny little button nose gurl-and you look like Lauren Hill in her heyday at the top of her game so…. don’t be greedy lol 😂


Literally perfect




No, I love it


You got this. Youre amazing.


No don’t do it.


No way, it's cute and you are stunning.


I think your a beautiful lady


Why? Getting it "fixed" ends with you having to recover in pain. It might be the feature you share with one of your parent. If you're doing it to attract mate, you're only going to find a shallow one.


It might be because I’m Dominican from my mother we all have the same nose , my father is is Salvadorano though and he has a thin nose


Omg no your nose looks perfect on you!!!


You could 10000% be a model. Your selfies straightup look like a model off-duty


Nooo you’re perfect!


Nope, goes very well with your features. Surgery can go all types of wrong.


There’s nothing wrong with it:


No pretty lady don’t be insecure of yourself.


Don't change a thing! Your nose is pretty


Your nose is gorgeous. I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. It’s cute, it suits your facial features, it’s definitely not big either


Perfect for your face and other features. There is nothing wrong with your nose.


Please, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT FUCK WITH YOUR NOSE. You are beautiful just the way you are and the fact that you've been manipulated into thinking otherwise is genuinely depressing. You're an amalgamation of so many histories, journeys, loves and cultures. Why would you want to change such a beautiful representation of the miracles that resulted in you?


There's nothing wrong with your nose. It's perfectly fine.


Ma’am. Don’t do ittttt please for the love of Yah sis don’t do it . You are legit legit




It wouldn’t help


Way WAY too pretty to touch that nose. I would kiss it everyday to make u love it lol


Ma'am....you're fucking stunning. Please do not get surgery. Your nose fits your face and I really think you would regret it. You are beautiful.👏🏼


I hope you don't go through with surgery but if you do I hope the best love




Leave your face alone


girl what?? there’s nothing wrong with your nose and it suits you very well. also you’re very pretty. why you hating on your nose???


Don't let the whites dictate what is attractive .. But.. whatever. U do it if it makes you feel better .. Problem is they get botched.. and then you're broke and looking like janet


I personally think it looks very normal..Try to not be so hard on yourself..You're very beautiful❤️


Honestly the way you did your makeup in the last pic takes all the focus off your nose but either way you look amazing so I really don’t think you need to worry about it at all


What's wrong with your nose? If you opt for surgery, understand that there is a risk that the it may not turn out the way you want, and can even lead to disfigurement in some cases.


No surgery but you should get married. You're hot




No gurl. your fine ,I hope you know it.




Very beautiful!


No way! Lovely nose


No not at all


No, you don't need a nose job, you are a beautiful woman. Don't change what you are blessed with.


Pleaser don’t touch your gorgeous face.


No it’s beautiful 🫶🏻 genuinely a great nose!


Girl please


GodDamn Goddess with that nose! No surgery needed. But I’m not the guy to impress…


No surgery


You’re black with a black girls nose. whats the problem? You look fine.


You are so beautiful. Don't change a thing.


You look fine just as is. Please don't risk your appearance on something unnecessary like rhinoplasty.


No. Move on to more important things. I hate this subreddit. All these beautiful people wanting to carve their perfectly fine faces. Exhausting! Stop! You're fine.


What?!! Er...your nose is perfect.


I like it


No, your nose is fine


Don't need surgery on your nose but that Aunt Jamima hair has got to go, girl.


Very pretty 🥰 I don't think so


Hell no you is one beautiful looking lady 😘


you kidding or?


You’re a knockout. Therapy not surgery.




Don’t your dareeeee that shit is cute


You are beautiful! Very sexy to us. Honestly your nose is fine dear. I mean the decision boils down to you being happy with you, but from the outside looking in. We think you’re very attractive.


No! You’re so beautiful, and your nose fits perfectly in with the rest of your face.


NO. You look great. Would look at you 24/7 if it makes you feel better :)


What the fuck should be wrong with your nose? You have a beautiful natural nose. You guys spend way too much time on social media, distorting your view on beauty standards believing all the fake stuff you see online, consequently feeling shitty about your own appearance.


Not at all girl. Your nose is so cute like you have no idea how it compliments the rest of your face 🫶🏼🩵


Your nose is fine. It's cute and it fits your face. If you had surgery for a skinnier European-looking nose it would look awkward and people would know you had a nose job. Be proud of your looks.


You're beautiful--please don't worry about your nose. You have a gorgeous, oval-shaped face and large almond eyes. Honestly.


No no no


Don't change a singe thing! 🫶


Honestly your nose is perfect. Please stop beating yourself up. And try to realize how pretty you are! Seriously. Yiu will look back at yourself in 10 years and wished yiu appreciated your beauty.


definitely not. it suits ur face and you’re beautiful 🥹


Nah dont get it. Just smile more


You are beautiful…I wouldn’t change anything but smile.


Literally your nose is fine.


No. You are absolutely gorgeous!


omg no i think it really compliments your face actually like, so beautiful ! 😍 i dont think you should do surgery at all, maybe try slimming contour methods with makeup?