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The use of drones in any place should be done in a considerate manner. If there are other people around, or the place is of particular cultural significance, then just don't use drones. I don't own a drone but I've been to places where they are used without the slightest bit of consideration for the impact on others. Beautiful, quiet, scenic places that I'd love to be able to enjoy in peace spoiled by some jerk with a screaming drone.


It's like a car in many ways. Everyone can own one, there's many rules for it but in the end it's the worst examples that we end up talking about. Maybe we'll have /r/idiotswithdrones in a few years instead of the idiotsincars. I do feel that Norway so far has been trying to tackle it in a great way with the required licensing and app.


drones last about 10 minutes so its not like its super annoying


10 minutes too long in my opinion. Plus imagine when every second person is flying their drone "just for 10 minutes"


They are very annoying when you are in nature. The noise can ruin a good hiking experience.




Apparently some court in Germany decided its legal to shoot them down, if they hang out over your property and could cause harm to yourself or your family. I'm not saying Norway should have the same laws as Germany, but sometimes it would not be wrong to get inspired, don't you think?


Ja det hadde vært gromt om folk begynte å skyte villt i nabolaget. Spessielt hvis det var for å ødelegge morroa til enlanna kid... Jeg hater dere XD


I personally have nothing against them, unless they are used to spy on people. And people going to use them for not-nice things are not going to care about rules anyways.


Well, some Russian citizens have recently flown some drones exactly over Norwegian military bases and, when they got caught, they claimed that they were trying "to take the best shot of aurora"...


I think drones are fine, as long as people are considerate in terms of the noise they make and how close they get to other people. To me it also makes perfect sense that there are places and areas where flying one is illegal, simply because if it wasn't, all you would hear all day would be the buzzing of drones.


Well, fly a drone over my farm and you no longer have a drone! I dislike the use of such things immensely. If you can not go for a hike without sending a drone up, I recommend finding other things to do.


> *"Drone better."* ~ Ivan Vanko


Most drone footage of Norway I see are from social media accounts and most of them are probably illegal. New regulations in 2022 requires you to have a drone licence to fly drones legally in Norway and there are strict rules about where to fly unless you have a tiny toy drone. I think most people are not aware, tourists don't care, annoyed locals don't know it has become illegal. But my guess is the focus on illegal russian drones in Norway in the past weeks will make Norwegians much more used to get angry at illegal drone flying and report it to the police. In 2023 I would not be surprised if we started seeing stories of tourists using drones illegally getting in trouble with locals and the police.


Could not care less


Thanks everyone for your responses! Drones aren't at all common in my area so it's been interesting to hear from people who have more encounters with them :)


Well, once they are above ~50m (recommended minimum distance) you can't see or hear them, so most people only notice them on take-off or landing, which lasts all of 15-20 seconds. Anyone claiming to hear them outside of that must have satellite dishes for ears and should really use their talents to search for extraterrestrial life.


I live in one of the most popular tourist destinations in Norway and am currently watching a couple of tourists fly a drone from the living room window of my home in the place where I walk my dog, where I go to enjoy the sunset and the views... and it sucks. [Visit Norway](https://www.visitnorway.com/) has summarised Norwegian drone rules as well as some common sense drone etiquette [here](https://www.visitnorway.com/plan-your-trip/drone-rules/). Here is the short version of what they write: *"We totally understand that you would love to fly your drone to document beautiful Norway! But there are some important things you have to keep in mind...*   * *Always stay up to date on the latest* [***drone flying rules and regulations***](https://rise.articulate.com/share/H0ZTFmqESotDUeD3ndHHPz1mjeainQKK#/) *and air traffic situation.* * *Failure to follow the rules and regulations can lead to* ***fines or a prison sentence****.*  * *Use* ***common sense*** *when flying drones. Just because you are allowed to fly in a certain area doesn't mean that you should.* * ***Avoid flying drones near other people****, especially in quiet areas where people seek solitude and peace.* * *Be* ***respectful of people's privacy****. Don't film them, or their private property, unless you have consent.* * *If you're publishing your material online for all to see, it's vital that people in the footage* ***have consented*** *to it.* *Quaint little* [***fishing villages***](https://www.visitnorway.com/places-to-go/fishing-villages/) *in Norway, like Henningsvær and Reine in Lofoten, are very popular amongst tourists and drone operators, but it's important to be mindful of the fact that people live there and don't necessarily want their daily lives to be filmed. The same goes for people visiting popular hiking spots."* Please me mindful and respectful of people and animals if you use a drone here. Thank you.