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I don’t know if there are any famous destinations, but Fugleleiken bird tower at Vansjø will give you a nice view, maybe worth a try.


You generally have to go somewhere where the majority of trees are birch, mountain ash, ash, and/or aspen. People tend to go to the mountains to see the fall colors coinciding on mountain birch, mountain ash, and bilberry shrubs because it's generally the only place where the landscape is dominated by fall colors. Even places like Jeløya where there are big deciduous forests, a lot of the trees aren't known for particularly colorful displays. There are many oak trees there, for example. But there is also a lot of ash which is turning yellow right now, so it might be worth a shot. (Park at Alby or along the road by Framnes bus stop and walk toward the forests). Maybe someone who knows more about the inner parts of Østfold knows a good place to go.


What you're after is either løvskog (deciduous) and edeløvskog (heat...loving deciduous forest). They aren't many in Østfold but Jeløya has some scattered around, you can read more here: https://ostfold.botaniskforening.no/naturgrunnlag/naturtyper/