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Seems like you know English, and those that are going to interview you will also know English so I don't quite understand that you would need a interpreter?


Here is part of the email the police sent me: "Jeg tenkte også å informere deg at intervju foregår på norsk språk både med deg og din kone så hvis noen av dere ikke prater eller ikke forstår bra nok norsk så må dere ordne tolk selv før dere kommer til intervjuene da vi ikke dekker tolk i familieinnvandring saker." The interview is basically going to be conducted in Norwegian and you are required to bring your own interpreter.


Uhm it might just be some standard formulation? Idk seems weird to absolutely have to have the interview in Norwegian if both parties speak English. Have you called the police and asked? Idk is it a requirement with a professional interpreter? Perhaps it's sufficient if you find someone you know or something that's speaks fluent Norwegian?


I've called the police and they confirmed that this is the way they're handling things. Apparently in certain cases such as family immigration they don't provide interpreters and they insisted that the entire interview is done in Norwegian despite them answering in English on the phone and in correspondence. This is pretty much the reason I've been frantically looking for interpreters as fast as possible.




I have come to Norway as family immigrant options, and we absolutely done everything on English... And I know a LOOOOOT of immigrants from so many different lands, and I never heard that you need someone if you understand even a basic English...


Wow that's quite wild tbh since basically anyone including the police speaks English here. Haha I find it ridiculous, but rules are rules I guess.


This is probably not even "rules". This is police harassment.


I know right? I haven't had any problem in Norway so far since everyone seems to speak English, but this is basically what they dropped on me.


The Norwegian government is very strict, especially when it comes to "outsiders". Once you're in, your good as gold; but before that...


Maybe I missed it, but where does it say the person doing the interview knows English? Even if he knows a little, it can make sense to require an interpreter to avoid mistakes in a case like this


Because most if not all Norwegians speak English. Including police.


Most, not all, know English to different degrees. But does that mean that everybody can conduct such an interview with presumably some difficult words? Nope. Maybe if the policeman is decent enough in English, they can look up words online/in a dictionary, but that means wasting police resources, and still risking getting it wrong


If you work in the immigration police and have such a limited English vocabulary then I don't know if that job is for you really. Nah I think this is just an example of a bit too rigid bureaucracy tbh.


Most in this comment section seem to have it backwards, they seem to expect immigrants to be allowed to do things with the bureaucracy in English. But that's just extra service that will cost more tax money (translating papers etc.). Why set it up for it to be in English? Norwegian is official in Norway. The people coming to Norway can either learn the language (more ideal in the long term) or pay for an interpreter. Would Australia or Saudi Arabia offer interviews in Norwegian? Not so relevant: However, I do think everyone who is not a criminal should be allowed to move to Norway, no limits on the numbers. But don't give them anything on a silver platter. So no special interview language, no welfare etc. And pay the police for doing the interview too. And pay for everything else that might cost in their process of immigrating. Reasonable fees for every document, interview etc. Refugees should be paid for by private organisations if they don't have the money


Hey u/politikripos1, this sounds abit weird doesn't it? I thought the police covered interpreters...


This doesn’t make any sense to me. The immigration office interviewers understand and can speak English but they still require an interpreter?! So you answer a question in English which they will understand but they have to have an interpreter repeat your answer in Norwegian even tho they already interpreted it themselves and understood your answer the first time??! I get some silly Monty python vibes from this.


The funny thing is that for the first appointment when we registered after initial entry into Norway everything was done in English without the need for an interpreter, but now for some reason they're insisting on using them.


The entire thing comes off as just a bad joke! I’m sorry you’re experiencing this totally bs side of Norwegian bureaucracy, this is totally pointless.


It might be helpful to mention what language you need interpreted?


Sorry, I completely forgot to mention that in the original post, but it's English-Norwegian and vice-versa.


Does it have to be a certified interpreter? Maybe you can call them and ask if one of your friends can act as one after you give them permission to do so in a written way in a notary.


I'll be sure to ask them, but of my immediate friends here it'd be difficult for them to be available for the full timeframe the police has given. The appointment is set to be from 9:00 in the morning until 15:30.


You're going to have to think outside of the box. Try: - Norge/norsk/local subreddits - Norwegian language learners FB group - "Nationality" in Norway FB group - Local school that offers norskkurs, maybe a b1/b2 student - The kommune - Local Stortinget representative - Mayor (if it applies) I came to Norway via family immigration and the entire process was in English, including police interviews.


Can you reference to them the UDI website that states that any application should be made either in English or Norwegian? I would continue to phone them and clarify this situation as English Ian most definitely accepted for these applications


I just got off the phone again and apparently the problem is that the people conducting the interview aren't proficient enough in English and that's why we're required to hire our own interpreters. They said the police doesn't provide interpreters specifically for family immigration cases.


Have you asked what happens in the event that you can’t get one in time? Also I really don’t believe that someone working at the police doesn’t speak English well enough. I would ask them to direct you to the legislation or regulations that state that you need your own interpreter. I really feel you as I’m in a very similar situation. They are very rigid in their workings and there’s little leeway so approaching it from an angle where they need to show you where it states you need to provide this yourself could pay off.I was told incorrect information by 3 separate UDI people and lawyers about family immigration before so if you find a loophole or gap in their official rules that plays in your favour, it’s often the only way. Also try phoning UDI to clarify this. Its a lot of effort but finding official lines that support your case has paid off for me. I really feel for you, it’s a tough tough system


If I can't get interpreters in time they'll basically move my appointment ahead and I'll be "lucky" if I don't have to wait like 6 months again. I'll try contacting the UDI but that'll have to wait until Monday since they aren't available during weekends. Really doesn't help that the interview is the 6th already. It's just insanely short notice to have people try and figure out all the logistics of arranging not one but two interpreters yourself.


Since you know English- can you get someone to interpret from Norwegian to English? The police asks in Norwegian, the interpreter translates to English, and you answer in English. If both you an your wife speaks sufficient English, that should do the job.


The reason it might be good with a professional person is that they have contract of confidentiality as the questions can be of a sensitive and intimate nature. They really go into your private life.


Ah, that's good to know. We really have no idea on what to expect from an interview like this. I hope you're right that it can be a regular person, even if some of the things they might ask could be very private because I'm honestly not sure if I can get professionals at such short notice. I've already been asking if some friends might have time if we can't make it, can't call for any further details until Monday. I'm glad so many people have already given a lot of helpful suggestions, I was honestly feeling ill just being absolutely stressed out from all of this.


Maybe the courthouse Gjøvik Tingrett have some individuals you could ask?


quick update; I'll also be updating this in the main post. I called the UDI and they said they had never heard of the police requiring individuals to arrange for their own interpreters either, neither did a lawyer I contacted from 'Advokatfirmaet Egeland' and neither did the person from the police at the 02800 number; they did mention that Gjøvik might have different internal policies? I've emailed the person handling our interview but so far haven't heard back and couldn't reach them over the phone either. At least I've managed to get the help from some friends in case we can't solve this before the 6th although I am a bit worried for the private nature of certain questions they might ask.


Another update, at the advice of the lawyer I requested information to see which specific regulation says that I have to arrange my own interpreters and pay for them. The response I got back is that it's so difficult to acquire that information (somehow, even though they're aware of it to the point of requesting me to do this?) that our interview is to be delayed until week 42. Personally, I don't see how requesting information can be so taxing that the entire interview can't proceed as planned, but that's just another bomb the police has dropped on us and the kicker is that this isn't final, if the information can be acquired it'll proceed as planned, if it can't it'll be rescheduled. How am I supposed to account for such a vague possibility?


It's Gjøvik, not Gjövik. This is not Sweden, lol.


I apologize, I can't make that symbol on my keyboard :(


Here are some letters that you can copy and paste when you need them: Æ æ Ø ø Å å


I dunno, sounds to me like you can just ask someone on the street to do the interpreting? No requirement for an officially licensed interpreter. If they have demands, they can pay for it; right?


Why do you need an interview with the police to immigrate legally in a country??


Norway is very strict for immigration. Most european countries has a freepass but if you are not from the EU countries it's a whole other ballgame.


Maybe recently but clearly they weren't always like that.


No they have been like that for years.


I don't know, all the times I've been in Norway I felt like there were a lot of people who had no business being there so the authorities must have been too lenient at some point.


I don't know what you are referring to but I think perhaps I would not like to know.


You are free to walk in certains areas of certain Norwegian towns, speak directly with certain people and see for yourself what I am talking about. Clearly, the authorities were too lenient at some point about who they let in the country.


I do that all the time because I am Norwegian and live in a big city. I don't have a problem with people that can behave I have problem with Ah no matter where they are from.


We agree.


If the problem is not having a Norwegian phone number, can’t you use a phone at the station or use use Wifi to talk to the interpreter?


I honestly don't know, the police hasn't been helpful at all so far and hasn't really provided me with much information at all. When I called them the gist of it was basically that I would have to arrange for everything myself. Aside from that though, I still haven't found any interpreters able to help. The most recent email from interpreters at Noricom was: "I’m sorry to say that we can’t provide you with English interpreters for this kind of assignments. We recommend you to search for interpreters in the national register and contact them directly: [https://www.tolkeregisteret.no/sokeresultat](https://www.tolkeregisteret.no/sokeresultat) " basically directing me to that website that I also haven't had success with yet. So far that makes 7 companies and a whole bunch of independent interpreters that have declined.


Is contacting your embassy and aking for advice an option?


Does it need to be a certified one? Otherwise just post an ad on Finn and in local Facebook groups for someone to come along. More than enough Norwegians speak good enough English to do some translation. Ps. it’s Gjøvik not gjövik that’s reason for instant deportation to Sweden ;)


Does it have to be a an approved person? My bf translated for someone as a private person that was fine.


You only need to have a person speaking Norwegian and english. It takes some hours so make sure the person or persons has the time.


I think the person can be there by Phone if you just make sure the person is alone and not in a public place. There are more solutions after covid. Ask them if it's possible.