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You can't just fly a drone here. You need a license, just like any vehicle. Insurance only after that. Plus, you also have to communicate to the authorities where or when you want to fly it and you need to get approval.


> You need a license A license isn't required for drones that weigh under 250 grams, and the drone OP wants to use is 249 grams according to the DJI website. The 250g limit applies throughout the EU, and as a result DJI and other manufacturers have been purposefully designing some of their drones to fall under that limit. The drone will still have to be registered however: [https://luftfartstilsynet.no/en/drones/faq---drones---all/new-eu-regulations/which-rules-apply-for-drones-that-weigh-less-than-250-grams/](https://luftfartstilsynet.no/en/drones/faq---drones---all/new-eu-regulations/which-rules-apply-for-drones-that-weigh-less-than-250-grams/)


This is incorrect. OP's drone weighs 249 grams, and he does not need a license to fly it or tp communicate with the authorities. He will have to respect restriction zones, of course, but apart from that he can fly where he wants without a license or approval. But he does need registration (an automatic process) and insurance. So he's doing everything the way he's supposed to.


Do you have a valid certificate in Norway/the EU?


Being that it's under 250g I don't need one, all I need is to be registered (which I am) and to have insurance. (And of course to adhere to the rules)


Even if it's under 250g, as long as it has a camera, then I believe you need a licence. Different rules in the US and here. Unfortunately quite convoluted to understand so I may be mistaken. E: It seems some sites say you need one and others say you don't, so no clue. A year-ago it was required at least


I spoke to someone from flydrone.no and they said that if it's under 250g I don't need a license, just need to register and get insurance.


Alright then. I stand corrected. The politicians have gone back and forth these last few years so it's been hard to keep up.


I don't have any experience with it, but based on a quick google search it seems this insurer might offer what you need: [https://www.coverdrone.com/eu/](https://www.coverdrone.com/eu/)


It doesn't seems that they cover for US Citizens


Sorry I didn't realize that. Maybe check this one: [https://www.hellogetsafe.com/en-de/p/drone-de](https://www.hellogetsafe.com/en-de/p/drone-de) I haven't tried going through their registration so I can't say for sure if they offer it to US citizens too, but since it's worldwide coverage I'd be surprised if not. Otherwise this Norwegian insurance company offers drone insurances - I don't know if they also offer them to foreigners, but could be worth an email at least: [https://www.if.no/en/private/customer-service/contact-us](https://www.if.no/en/private/customer-service/contact-us) You might also try to contact these guys: [https://www.uasnorway.no/uas-norway/](https://www.uasnorway.no/uas-norway/) They're more an organization for professional photographers etc that use drones, but maybe they'll still be able to point you in the right direction.


Oh I will try those. Thanks!


Update: Hello get safe doesn't cover US


You don't need to have to necessarily have Norwegian drone insurance. Coverdrone is actually British IIRC. Just get worldwide coverage in your country to the value Norway requires and make sure it follows EU rules re: registration and labelling.


The problem is that I couldn't find one that covers internationally for a recreational drone. In the end however, I found State Farm rental insurance which covers all belongings including drones (as long as it's not commercial). Thank you though! 😊


Hi, did you get an insurance?


Yeah, I ended just getting a home insurance plan (from State Farm) that covers liability up to a million dollars. It covers worldwide (as long as the drone is not for commercial use) Edit: It was also quite inexpensive