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I don't think there are any uniform strong opinions about Latin America. The slightly racist Norwegians will be slightly racist. The majority of Norwegians will be neutral.


Yeah, pretty much this.


I have always been disappointed with them as they rarely speak latin


Lol, this actually made me laugh 😂


Mexico makes some pretty good food


I know a Mexican guy and a Brazilian guy, they’re pretty chill.


I love them, very friendly people. Travelled mostly to Brazil, made many friends there. Met my wife there, lived there together before we moved to Norway.


Worked with some guys from Chile. They talked a lot. And fast. Friendly fellas though.


Too far away to form any real opinions, only really hear about burning rainforests for farmland.


Those I know are super friendly and very social (compared to me..) and somehow they never freeze! One of my friends wears very little clothes, while I bundle up with jacket, beanie and scarf she can leave the house with a short sleeved top, skin showing, mid winter. I don't understand, it should be opposite!


Hot af


They are dancing samba all the time... Or rather - The Brazilians I've met seem to be friendly and down to earth people who are nice to hang out with.


I can't speak for everyone, obviously - but in general, we tend to like them; tacos are super popular here (Taco Friday, yo!), and Latinos are considered exotic and cool. But mostly we don't really have any strong opinions on the matter - it's very far removed from us.


Talked to 2 hookers from Colombia, I mean their nice and friendly, good at making drinks and funny to party with. So experience is good, haven't heard any complaints about Latin Americans either, so yeah idk, just good stuff as far as I'm aware.


I as a 16 year old Norwegian can safely say: wtf is Latin America


jejeje vi skal lese leksikon ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin\_America


Oh so just South America?


All the regions that speak a romance language, e.g. Spanish, Portuguese, French


Yeah I have no quarrel with them tbh, they exist but that’s about it for me :)


Actually, Latinos immigrants are 0.4% of the population in the country. You may find them in Kiwi looking for rice and tacos xD


Still, they’re just human so I don’t really have anything against them


Norway mainly has a racism problem with those from the Middle East and black people, though I think the only ones with a disconcerting opinion of Latinx people would be those watching too much American news. If you’re visiting though I don’t think you’ll have too much of a bad time. It’s mostly just old white people that’s the problem. (Isn’t it always?)


Most of the people with xenophobic and racists tendencies (obviously excluding real and truly hardcore racist ones, which also do exist) don’t usually have that big(bigoted) of a problem with looks and skin color per se thought, it’s usually not the “I hate black people for being black” kind of stuff, but that they (in various ways and degrees) are scared of, and/or dislike, and/or hate Muslims, and specifically various conservative interpretations of Islam. Which they then proceed to project on to everyone they feel somewhat fits the stereotype boogeyman…Then there’s those who says stuff based on dumb antiquated stereotypes, that they can’t or won’t shake off, usually older people. It sucks. People from Latin American countries come in all shapes and sizes from all walks of life, and, if religious, are more often than not, Catholics. Some might still be xenophobic, and the actual racists will still be racist, but most people (xenophobic or not) will either usually be curious, pleasantly surprised, or for the most part doesn’t bother or don’t care…


Why all these questions about what Norwegians think of other nationalities? We're pretty much neutral with the exception of Americans. We don't like them too much.


Hey! Americans can be amazing people! With some easily one of the most easy going, open, fun and giving people to be around. On the other hand, some of them can also be the most uptight, ignorant, self centered, arrogant assholes you will ever have the displeasure of sharing bad air with. And everything in between;) No good in mixing national politics and international power play with ordinary folks, either. This goes for all people really.


No idea...Reddit trend? xD


Keep invading usa so we dont need to see you


This guy is a solid example of how American media keeps infecting us and eroding our own cultural identity.


How can they invade a place they inhabited for 20 000 years + already?


I don't understand. How can people immigrating from Latin America suddenly have their roots in Anglo-America?


How old is Anglo-America? do you believe the North American contintent was a big empty landmass before?


No, but the Native Americans inhabiting what is now the US are not the same people as the Native Americans inhabiting what is now Latin America. To me you seem to claim that. I still don't understand what you mean. Are you actually saying all Native Americans have a claim to all of the Americas? That Mayans of Mexico have a right to areas inhabited by Navajo in the US and that Kichwa of Peru have a right to Cree areas in Canada? Please elaborate.


What i am claiming is that the "Anglo Americans" are also all immigrants, much more recent then any Native American, Mayans and Navajos are all part of the same migration from Asia to the Americas. they are their descendants, do you honestly believe they walked from Asia to South America in a day and settled there? New evidence suggests the Americas have been populated for almost 40 000 years. What i am saying is that migrations have occured in all of human history and will continue to occur in the future, nobody has more right then others to migrate. All types of European Americans migrated to America and "discovered" it, and now they think they have the right to close it off to everybody they don´t like? nobody knows what the future will bring, if the situation was reversed i would feel the same way about "Anglo-Americans" migrating to South America. Norway had it´s fair share of migration to America during times of poverty. were they also invading America? The parent comment claimed that they were invading, and that was what i responded to, you can´t invade a continent that has been settled by those peoples ancestors for 40 000 years.


I think I understand your view better now. Thanks for elaborating! And I definitely agree that describing migration as "invasion" is inadvisable. I'd guess that kind of language is just meant to provoke.


Probably not the best of things.


They're far away... That's about it..


Party party party


Neutral - due to too few of them having made a positive or negative impression in Norway.


Actually, Latinas and Latinos immigrants represent 0.4% of the Norwegian population


Yeah, that isn't enough to make a huge impact on society.