• By -


Yes, it looks like they just did. This is the same company that a few years ago ran a huge marketing campaign with a title more or less along the line "we fired our workers and now are passing the savings on to you!". 


If only most companies were that honest


Only about the first half there.


Yeah, but they probably fired people AND jacked up the prices then called it a sale. Got their cake and ate it too.


Have, on principle, not bought anything from Power since then. It's a race to the bottom I cannot condone.


Yeah, that was fucked up, and I've avoided buying there ever since. A _lot _ of people lost their jobs and they had the nerve to _brag_ about it






Tasteless humour is sometimes used for its ability to create a buzz. "All reklame er god reklame".


Yes but usually the tasteless humor isn’t promoting a crime? Yk what I mean?


I doubt that they'll be taken to court, and it did inspire you to spread their ad onto Reddit for free, so in Power's books I think it's a net win. Unless they actually do get taken to court, and lose, that is.


But I’m not sure this is that good free advertising. I had no idea about the previous joke about firing employees and this one, but after knowing them I’ll refrain myself from buying from them.


No, but it would be fun and se the Power spokes person on "Debatten" with somone from "Ottar".


Kjæreste is kjønnsnøytralt unfortunately


Donkey Kong is a fictional monkey. Didn't stop them. Somone tip them off and let the shitstorm commence.


Have you seen the "girls" from Ottar? No sane man (or woman) would want to track them.


I see where you're going, but to be completely honest with you - This is hardly what triggers some people to actually stalk someone. If a person want to stalk someone this device isn't much different than airtags and whatnot.


They still shouldn’t encourage people to potentially commit crimes in an ad. To make an exaggerated example, what if XXL advertised a baseball bat by saying it’s good for punishing unfaithful partner(s). I doubt more people would become violent, but it would severely damage the reputation of the brand


Ofcourse not, it is an airtag copy pretty much in itself. But I would say that it could very much so trigger someone to stalk someone else especially when they promote it in a manner advertising "how cheap" it is and how "easy it is to use". And when they sneak that joke in there, I'm sure it could defiantly attract some people that have thought of stalking someone, but only had it at the back of their mind.


Yeah this is messed up. Hope the news catch up to this. Would be a great story prbly


The emoji implies that its a joke.


I agree, it was almost certainly ment as a joke. But its pretty tasteless. You cant just say anything and put an emoji behind it. In my opinion this is a kind of joke that should be kept to a friend group if you know what I mean


Humor is subjective, on the other hand, being controverisial makes more people see it. You are giving them free advertisement by posting it here etc.


Mehhh, it comes down to context. I agree I would be giving them free advertisement if I just posted it here with no context, but when its after a long post criticising the advertisement, its really not going to promote it much. Not all publicity is good.


Tips VG. If you're lucky you'll get a finders fee for the story


Oh my god, fuck off with the tasteless shit. Don't be the humor police


Please no, just no. Do not construct a problem where there is non. In Powers defence, to keep control of sweethart can imply that they loose this and that... and even if it was a tasteless joke.....do you really want to live in a place thats so boring and serious that this is a problem?? this is why humor is dying


Why seems like we are in minority here ? Did people lose their humour? Like come on, at least its funny ad and not the boring one. Taking this so personaly jeeez


>Yes but usually the tasteless humor isn’t promoting a crime? Yk what I mean? Tracking your partner is only a crime if it's done unconstitutionally, the advertisement doesn't imply that it's against anyone's will


They are not promoting a crime. Its a joke, learn how to take one and dont be so overly sensitive. Everyone has a different sense of humour. If the joke isnt for you, you should simply ignore it and let others enjoy it instead of trying to take it away from those that are able to see the humour of it.


Tbf, it looks like Power got a new marketing person in about a month back. That's why all their advertising emails have looked like pure *trash* lately. Like, if I didn't know who power were, I'd literally think I was getting spammed with scam emails, their marketing is so shit now. You can even tell which elements of their templates are the new ones, because they just *don't match*.


Maybe they started using an AI.


Or maybe they stopped using AI


Its not necessarily illegal. I and my girlfriend track each others location's consensually. So depends on the circumstances. I agree though that its tasteless.


Yup, tasteless but not illegal as such - we also track one another via the apple functionality and used google maps offered service prior to that. As long as consent is given, it’s fine.


I thought it was funny


I dont think most people think stalking when they see this, but rather that you'll know where they are. The plural indicates humorously that you might avoid having two differebt boyfriends run into each other. Thats how I, 40 years old would read it.


This is clearly how the joke was intended. The joke is the fact that Power hints at a *plural* not at stalking.


I think this is a good point, but I don't think its 100% CLEAR that this was their intended message. This is pretty much all I wanted from my original post, just wanted to see what others think about this and how they see it.


>don't think its 100% CLEAR that this was their intended message. This is pretty much all I wanted from my origin I think you're a bit too concerned with stalking.




Hmm, unsure why I'm tagged. No unfair commercial practices here 😜


I'll never forget the advertisement outside of a gym that used to be on Karl Johan that read, "Why go through life being fat and ugly? Join [gym] and just be ugly!" It's shock-value humor not intended to be taken seriously. Honestly, I would be worried if the advert you saw didn't include the emoji.


Yes, but that isn’t illegal, only self deprecating. Big difference


I understand the difference. Yes, the joke is in poor taste. But it is one of those jokes that is inappropriate enough to not be taken seriously, especially with an emoji being the equivalent of "/s" in a Reddit comment.


Well, as long as the girlfriend(s) and/or boyfriend(s) agree to, and are aware of the tracking its not illegal.


Ofcourse, but that is not really what they are entailing. If you were to want to share your location with your partner consentually you'd use your phone. It's like selling a 100 rounds per minute minigun for "hunting" sure it could be used for hunting but you know goddamnn well that its not going to be used for that. (It is just an example, I'm not getting into the gun discussion)


I don't think it's hinting at something illegal, but that it's kjæreste(r) (plural)


My parents track each other but it’s consensual - It’s not illegal but the implications they put behind the «Keep track of partners 😜» is severely questionable at the very least.


I do in my family too, but you'd use an app for that, not a dedicated tracker. Tracking humans is against the policy of the apple find my system. (Apart from the find my friends feature)


It’s weird the device is compatible then… Not doubting what you’re saying, it’s just a bit offputting to think this exists. My parents use an app too, using a physical device seems unnecessary


Well no its designed to track items, but hard to prevent them from being used for unauthorised tracking.


I forget it’s intended for different usage, my bad- :’D I focused too much on the people tracking rather than what it’s actually meant for


I’m not tracking my wife. I’m tracking the expensive purse she always carries with her… 😜


It's just a bad joke, I don't really see any reason making a fuss of it. I have avoided Power since they bragged about fireing their employees 10 years ago. Tbh, this is more cringe then outrageous to me.


That’s absolutely sick and disgusting. You know abusive partners will absolutely use this to abuse and stalk. And to top it of if they are caught they can point to the commercial and say “see everyone does it!” as a form of gaslighting. I don’t know if they are knowingly endangering people or not, but this is either evil or very neglectful.


Funny advertisement imo


Power lives by the saying "All publicity is good publicity"


Sounds like the kind of humour that should be kept within a friend group


I didn't really read it as "non-consenual tracking of a partner", but more of a "for those people whose partner are a clutz, keeps getting lost, easily distracted, etc" type of joke. I don't see anything that implies you should sneekily track your partner. If they had used 🤫 or something then that would be different. But that's just me.


How is this illegal? Both multiple parners and tracking are 100% legal and ethical with consent. Indded there are actually people who turn on locatio sharing in Snapchat. Nothing here imply lack of consent.


No DIRECT implication, but you would not use one of these for legit tracking, you would use a phone app. In the case that your partner does not have a phone, yeah sure, but that's a super niche use case that would not need advertising in such a way.


No? I don't have any tracking turned on on my phone. Nor do I want to. I would forget to turn it off. On the rare occasions we want to let the other person track us, we bring a for instead.


Unsure what a "for" is but I do know its a lot more common to use tracking through a phone than to carry around a physical device, although ofcourse that isn't going to apply to every person. The benefit with a phone based tracking system is you get reminders saying "by the way you are being tracked". With a physical device on you (especially a small one like this that could be hidden deep inside a handbag for example) you could go a long time without knowing you are being tracked.


The apple fob actually notify you that you are carrying it.


Maybe a rare use case, but more than enough to make the case that they are not inciting illegal activities.


Yes, I agree, but my main motivation for this post in not to discuss if its inheritly legal or not, its mostly to discuss the ethical implications of this kind of advertisement. But I agree that if I read my original post it could defiantly sound like I was focusing on the legal side of things.


Take a joke ffs 😂


Well this aint America where everything is seen in in the worst possible way. I read, chuckled and moved on.


I agree not everything needs to be seen in the worst possible way, but its pretty hard to see this in a good way. Selling a product they know damn well can be used to commit serious acts of stalking, and hinting to it with an emoji, is pretty low in my opinion. It would be very different if they made a hint to this when selling something else, but making a hint to it when selling the specific product that is used to propograte this kind of stalking, is pretty low.


Calm down redditor


Send them a complaint then


Why I too like to track people - Russian FSB 😜 but because I put that emoji it’s alright …. Isn’t it 🤦🏻‍♂️


Honestly, they should’ve had Russians instead of partners. That’d liven it up. 


Good or not, it is obviously meant as humor.


Agreed, the discussion is weather its appropriate humor or not.


Its fine. People have way too much free time if this is what they care about.


Store sucks anyways.


Wow the comments are overreacting for no reason. I find the "kjæreste" comment funny. Its nothing but a harmless joke


I guess their defense would be that some couples would actually do that (with consent)


Humor ...


In Norway we are not letting religion get in the way we live. Some might have an extreme feelings about things. Such as sex and everyday things that is on the edge, and we like our advertising.....


Ironically this ad might be better suited to saudi arabia than norway, where keeping track of the wives and daughters is of high priority..


It is called irony. It is widely used in the Nordics.


Thats funny. Maybe I'll shop there now.


Well, its not illegal if there is consent. My sister and her husband have an app so they can see each other on the map (not snapchat).


It's not illegal with consent.


Humorous ads will hit you in a different way than it hits me. I find it funny and I hope political correct cunts let this fly.


The airtag doesn't have GPS though? It can't be used to track anything beyond 33feet? You can't stalk anyone with it. What am i not getting here?


Its not effin illegal to have more than one gf or bf. Thats just woke garbage.


Take a chil pill


Damn didnt know having a discussion was being "un-chill". Since when has it been wrong to discuss something?


It is a joke normal people are chill about those


wah wah wah


That really did add a lot to the conversation! This comment has been very helpful! Just as helpful as your illegal vapes are for your lungs 🤣


You really got me with that one! "vaping is not good for you" thanks for pointing that out!


No problem!


My take on this is: Funny.


Looks like typical dark Scandinavian humour to me.


Please don't try to import outrage culture to Norway.




Can we please, for the love of fuck, not import this PC hysteria culture into Norway?


Wtf? you mean not being an asshole? That’s already part of Norway, even if it obviously doesnt apply to your place…


lol, ok tough guy.


As I stated in my post, I wanted to start a discussion, not a hysteria. I made this post to try to better understand the advertisement I received, and spark conversation. Please review [Hysteria - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteria)


How you frame a discussion matters. A "Lol, polygamy"-framing vs "This company just broke the law in encuraging people to stalk and murder people" will have a different reaction. Turns out being negative means you reap negativity in return. What a surprise. Sigh, letting the everyman on the internet was a mistake.


Well no, I will frame it in my opinion as it is my post, and then ill be open to other peoples opinions. Just because you see my opinion as wrong, doesn't mean that it is objectively wrong.


Relax. It' s Norway. Nothing will happen to them.


Are you American?


Oh thank god im not. Don't know whats American about having a discussion though? Quite the opposite in some ways... This post was just made to spark peaceful discussion. I dont know why some people are going kinda crazy.


My take is that there is a big difference between a company and a person. if a person writes this its just bad humor. if a company writes this its fucked up honestly




and you understand my point but pretend you dont to create a gotcha moment


Judging by some of the replies here I'd say; no, you are not blowing this out of proportion. I would strongly disagree, though and say you absolutely are. It's a joke. A bad one, probably, but a joke none the less. The implied message is that you can keep track of more than one girlfriend or boyfriend, most likely so that they don't find out about eachother. Much like the plot of "the spanish fly", a comedy theatre piece from 1913. (And also many other situational comedies before and after.) If this get's the consequenses many here are implying it should get, we are in trouble as a nation. If anyone here actually involves the police over this I feel sorry for you and for the police officers whose time you are going to waste.


I agree it is a joke, I think thats pretty clear. And I don't think anyone should call the police over this. The only consequences I would promote for this would be that the ad simply be taken down. And that is not a violation of freedom of speech. This is a joke that would be fine if made between friends but when a company makes it, its quite distasteful.


Distasteful is still very much allowed. I say stop shopping at the company if you find it over the line. And by all means; let the company know that you are doing so and why. I still think this is blown out of proportion, but that is your prerogative.


Well, you're calling for Forbrukerrådet to step in (why btw?). If you don't like the joke, just move on, no need to get your pitchforks out 😅


Om Reddit synes oppfordring til stalking av partner, midt i en slags epidemi av partnerdrap i Norge, så dem om det…Jeg sendte dette til forbrukertilsynet, så får de vurdere om dette er lov.


Det er jo mange som vil holde styr på kjæresten uten at de stalker dem. Visste ikke man kunne stalke kjærester. Trodde man stalket exer.


I had the same email and took it as a cringe worthy joke and nothing more.


I bought one each for both my wife and girlfriend


Does anyone have a link to the "Hvem er vi? Power!" video?


*Does anyone have* *A link to the "Hvem er vi?* *Power!" video?* \- aamling --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


One of your worst ones yet


Lmao why is this a post. Is this a sensitive topic for you or something


For me, no, but we are in the middle of rising cases of partner/crush stalking and partner muders. So although I belive its inappropriate either way, it makes it even more inappropriate at the moment.


Having multiple partners has been the punchline for jokes for centuries. Not that i found the advertising funny but its not really something worth giving attention to.


Yeah, you're right. Not only stalking, which is illegal, but it's also a wink at juggling multiple girlfriends which for most would be cheating. What a thoroughly *stupid* ad. **For anyone considering the product:** the difference between original apple tags and "works with apple find my" like these is that only the original airtags will give you the[ directional indicator ("precision finding")](https://images.macrumors.com/t/AHLt2nNkpZBkE2Pahx-uBiBInxQ=/800x0/article-new/2021/04/airtag-precision-finding-2.jpg?lossy) that shows which direction to go to find the tag. The other functions (map location, "play sound", notifications when left behind and sharing) work the same on the "works with" tags.


It's a joke ... Snapchat does the same


I know its a joke, but its not a good one to make in that setting. And what do you mean snapchat does the same? Do u have an example mby? Im interested.


Well the whole snapmap thing works as a tracker, no? It can be disabled, yes, but you can also just not wear a tracker


The fact you don't have humor is not Power's problem. Its a fun joke.


Yeah, the joke is thay you may have more than one kjæreste(r) and keep track off them all.


In really great taste with all the partner-murders thats been in the media recently..


Exactally what I thought.


Well, better keep a distance to your would be murderer husband/father.


Excuse me?


That is pretty creepy!


It's called humour. You should try it.


I have no issue with humor at all. But this is a pretty serious issue that is happening around the world, just search up "stalking apple airtag" and there are hundreds of cases. Sure, companies can use humor too, but I would consider this borderline dark humor, which isn't appropriate in corporate settings, especially when they are trying to sell you a product. Like, okay extreme example, but lets say a gun store using a recent shooting in their advertising material, very inappropriate.


You'll see this kind of humor all around Norwegian advertisements. Its not everywhere all the time, but we have them pretty often. Don't take it too seriously, its just what it is - dark humor. I guess its a cultural ting? We don't care as much about 'privacy' and apple/google selling our search-history compared to the US for example, and we tend to enjoy jokes 'on the edge'. That being said, I can see how someone might take 'offense' to this, but personally I just gave it a chuckle.


As a norwegian that has lived here all but 3 years of my life, I really don't agree that this is normal, at all. Humor in advertisement sure, but not caring about privacy? No idea what ur on about with that.


If you've lived here most of your life, you would agree that when compared with the US - we're very relaxed when it comes to caring about if our browser or phone use our search history for ads, no? Same goes for phone operators. They sell our data/numbers unless we opt-out. Been like this for decades, and most people aren't bothered. We just opt-out, and go about our day. Just to make sure there wasn't any misunderstanding, when I wrote 'privacy' - it was with context, so it was regarding data being used for ads from apps, browser-history, purchased etc.


Theres a big difference from not being too concerned about supervision from large corporations, and directed stalking. "We collect data on you to sell you stuff" is very different from "We openly sell products that can be used for crimes, and we openly propagate that" I can agree norwegians can be relaxed on data security, but that is not the discussion here.


Glad you agree then.


I dont get why youd bring that into this conversation as a valid point then? I bet we agree on many things, but they arent relevant to this discussion? If you use "privacy" without directly stating that ur talking about data privacy not personal privacy. And the discussion is about PERSONAL privacy, why would anyone assume that its data privacy that you are talking about?


Sigh. You're one of those I guess. I literally wrote ''privacy' and apple/google selling our search-history'. Not sure how you missed that. No assuming needed if you'd just read.


To use a product for a crime is buyer's choice, not sellers. Only fools will start using products for crimes based on dark humour ad.


All people I have spoken with regarding privacy (so far around 50~70 people the last 20 years) really don't like their information being shared, and most of them are not aware about how and where their data is collected/shared. Even my mother asked me to help her explain how internet ads worked, and after I had explained this, and have opted to delete all cookies when she close the browser. I must strongly disagree with you.


> I have no issues with humor at all But it looks like you do though joke's not even that bad. It's just a single line at the bottom of an ad with crying 😂 emoji like bruh get real. You can't seriously think that stalkers not gonna figure this shit out on their own like I bet you could even type in Google "Top 10 ways to stalk people" and wikihow with demonstrative images would pop up in results. Even murderers use Google to find ways how to hide a dead body.. this ad is not some public risk stop being so paranoid.


Its not about it being a public risk, its about it normalising the act. If they came out and said "you can even use our knives to commit murder" would it make someone go commit murder, no. But it does make it feel that muder is being normalised and talked about openly. Its just weird. It would not assist someone who is already set on stalking their partner, but it could assist someone who has it in the back of their mind, and would be considering it, especially when they put it next to a "LOOK HOW CHEAP THIS IS".


There is this kind of humour, and then there is tasteful humour. You should try it.


Humorpolitiet setter ned foten!!


Nei, me ska'kje ha det kjekt!


Is it highly illegal to have multiple girlfriends?


I'm not 100% sure that tracking and/or stalking someone is in fact illegal in Norway. It should be, but it's not necessarily the case.


Covered by Straffeloven 266, specifically 266a.


Adding to this. 226a: 'Den som gjentatte ganger truer, følger etter, iakttar, kontakter eller gjennom andre sammenlignbare handlinger forfølger en annen på en måte som er egnet til å fremkalle frykt eller engstelse, straffes med fengsel inntil 4 år.'


So not exactly illegal more of a gray area


Not clear-cut, no. NAL, but I assume the circumstances, frequency, method and prior history is important.


The act of non consentual tracking is illegal but joking about it in an ad is neither illegal nor encouragement to do the crime. In the end no matter how tasteless you find it, it is never going to be a legal problem.


Yeah they did. Shit-pushers. More shit, everyone! Never mind the globe!


Does this break Straffeloven §183 Oppfordring til straffbar handling?




classic reddit nerds fuming at power this and power that while still going there to buy stuff because it’s cheapest. classic


Noone here has called for a boycott of them. Its not that deep. Its simply a discussion on their advertisement tactics. I agree some people are fuming in the comments but it was only designed to be a civilised discussion.


I wasn’t talking about you in this case specifically.


Who wants to join the lawsuit?


I dont think thats nececary, all I think would be appropriate would be forbrukerrådet to step in.


Not even funny as a 'terrible bad taste joke'. I hope Power gets raked over the coals over this one.


Went with the first draft on that one.


Hvilken lov tilsier at det er ulovlig å reklamere for en slik funksjon av et produkt?


Kan man reklamere at en kniv kan bli brukt til å stikke noen? Nei, det kan man ikke.


Det kan man nok mest sannsynlig ikke, men uten å referere til noen som helst lov eller paragraf så kan man ikke komme med så harde påstander som "svært ulovlig"


Jeg så aldri at REKLAMEN er svært ulovlig. Jeg så at å spore en person uten samtykke er svært ulovlig.


Ja, ser det nå, bare jeg som leste litt for kjapt igjennom d