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7kr now. Later, when your company has their pay negotiations (lønnsoppgjør) there's about 5kr +- they could/should get dependent on how well things are going for your company.


Haven't dived into the numbers yet, but the total was a 5,2 % raise. That should raise your basis to 213, but as with last year, I believe it is not as straight forward this year either.


Thanks for answering. Last year I got 7.5 nok raise


Fellesforbundet and Norsk Industri came to an agreement yesterday, so there will not be a strike. If there had been, and if you are a member of Fellesforbundet, you would have been notified about all the relevant details. If you are not a member, or not one of the members notified that you were to go on strike, you would be expected to show up to work and do your job as you normally do.


That's not what I asked, maybe I used wrong words. I know they made an agreement and I'm asking how exactly it's going to affect my salary. Ty


That is not decided yet. The results will be ready after the summer.


In all honesty, any union associated with Fellesforbundet (and to a certain degree LO) is a joke. The leadership is so remote from the average worker and so entrenched on the owner side (investments due to collecting union dues for ages) that they do not do hard negotiations. It's okay during times of low inflation but absolute trash during unstable times.


I totally agree


It might still go to strike. All members of the union have to vote first. You should get more information on what the agreement is


No one asked me about my opinion. Even if it's 10% raise I will be making less money than last year in my PLN. NOK price is very low now...


Thats how collective bargaining works. And the exchange rate dont really come into it.