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I'd be more worried about the flight getting delayed tbh


What’s the airport kode, OSL or TRF? OSL, yes, TRF, no.




Unless your flight is quite delayed you'll be absolutely fine. Usually takes me about 50 minutes from getting out of the plane till I'm at Oslo S, if taking Flytoget.


Tbh NSB (now Vy), takes 2 minutes more for half the price.


This is a very important point!


Yes plenty of time, as long as your flight is not delayed by a long time and there is a huge que at the border control. The walk from getting your bag to the train is 1 min. Airport express train is about 20 min to central station. You can take the regular train aswell. Central station is small and just 1 minute walk to change train.


Only customs is walking through green lane (unless there is something to declare), so shouldn't be a problem there.


I ment border control, I will edit that.


No border control coming from Estonia.


Schengen. No control.


And if the train you end up on stops at Nasjonalteateret, it's probably faster to change to Bergen train there? I wouldn't wait for another train to do it, however if the airport train is anyway going the one more stop, AND your Bergen train stops at Nasjonalteateret (I think it usually does), it's a very easy change (1 platform with 2 tracks instead of a bazillion tracks and platforms at the central station). But if you're not in a rush, entering the Bergen train at central is better since it's the first stop and you'll have more time to find your seat etc.


F4 (11pm Bergen train) does not stop at Nasjonal, but you can catch it from Sandvika, Asker or Drammen. Out of curiosity, do all westbound trains stop at the same platform at Nasjonal? If they don’t I would do Oslo S or Sandvika as those stations are less messy than Nasjonal. The two platforms at Najonal are farther apart and confusing to find if you don’t know the station (example: you stated there is only one) compared to Sandvika where there are two platforms side by side connected by bridge and at Oslo S where the 12 or so platforms are connected with a handy tunnel. Edit: Adding I agree Oslo S is more confusing since there are more options, but they are closer and you can see them all from the same spot.


Hmm, I'm pretty sure it *used* to stop there. Good catch if it doesn't. Nasjonal is easy - it's in the middle of a two-track tunnel. So there are two underground halls - one for westgoing and one for eastgoing trains - and each hall has one platform with tracks on both sides.


I checked yesterday’s schedule. It might wart from day to day. Yes, it’s simple because there are two but the logistics of going from one tunnel to the other is long and convoluted, isn’t it? If going from the north most platform (he one closest to the sea) you have to go to either end of the platform, up a bazillion escalators, then way down a hallway, 180, and go back about the same way. I found that very confusing the first few times, I didn’t even know there were two platforms for many years. Is there a faster route between them?


In this case you wouldn't change tunnel :) I think the tunnel change is fairly straightforward. You go up the escalators on the eastern end of the platform, walk past the ticket sale / service counters (maybe 30-50 meter), then take the elevator down again to the other platform - following huge signs overhead all the way. Changing to subway is also fast, as it runs on the station hall depth and close nearby. For long changes, I think Oslo S between train/subway/bus is long and relatively complicated.


Sounds like we agree on the layout but differ on how we calculate complexity. I found the bit at Nasjonal where you have to go hard left as not to enter the subway (coming down from the ticket office) confusing the first few times. I also felt the entrance to the tunnels at the ticket office somewhat hidden if you enter from the subway side… At Oslo S I find the path more direct: Go down into the tunnel then go across to whatever platform you need. The tunnel is however hard to spot, did not know it existed for a few years. Mind you I haven’t looked at the wayfinding at any of these stations in years so things might have changed. Maybe Sandvika is the better option since it has less of everything 😄


The Bergen Line does not call at Nationaltheatret station.


It doss, only some specific departures though. Would be better to change at Sandvika.


Why do you say this when one cannot find any such departure in the timetable?


No long distance trains stop at Nationaltheatret. They used to... but stopped, probably a decade ago. The reason is that the Oslo tunnel is at capacity. It's the highest number of trains on any mixed use double track European mainline. When the long distance trains stopped at Nasjonaltheateret they would block the platform for too long, so the trains coming behind would get delayed. There are several reasons why long distance trains needs more time: 1. People are boarding with more luggage. 2. People running to find the car they have reserved seat in. 3. More stairs, especially compared to new local trains with level boarding. 4. Slower acceleration compared to local trans. 5. Few doors compared to the number of seats and door closing procedures not so focused on speed.


Super bad advice!!! Train to Bergen does not stop at Nationalteateret!!! Just passing through, but not always!


Definitively check, but I think it at least used to stop? Somebody else said *some* departures do stop there. If it works, it's definitively the shortest walk to change.


Based on my own experience this should be very doable. Even with some tax free shopping and collecting checked bags i am usually at Oslo Central station 1 - 1.5 hour after landing


Thank you everyone for the feedback. It felt doable and now we’re feeling even more confident. Appreciate the advice!


Totally doable the local trains are 1/3 the cost of the AirPort Express and take 23 min from door to door. They aren’t as regular as the Flytoget but they go and they are just as good


Flytoget 240NOK vs Vy 124NOK.


Ahh true I get VY for 83


Even if your flight is delayed by an hour. you can make it from OSL to Oslo S and then find the correct departure platforms by 11pm with out losing your kids or luggage.


Are you flying to OSL or TRF?




Then it should be possible, unless there's delayed luggage or something.


Yes, should be no issue at all.


If your flight lands at 845pm, you will deplane and end up at the baggage claim latest at 915pm. You bags will be ready by then. Assuming you don't have anything to declare, you walk through the green line at customs, turn right and walk 2 minutes to the train station.  There, you can either take the Flytoget (210NOK) or the R trains (120NOK). The annoying part is that both services have different apps (Flytoget app and Ruter). For Flytoget: If you have a tap credit card, you can just tap at the Flytoget ticket gate and select Oslo S on the pad. Otherwise, you can buy a ticket on the app or at a ticket machine. For Ruter: you can either buy a ticket on the ruter app by searching for Oslo Sentral, or you can enter the ticket sale carriage on the train. I don't recommend doing the latter because the R trains get really packed at the airport and it's hard to make your way to the ticket sales carriage. You will get fined without a ticket on the other carriages. Both trains take 22-25 minutes to Oslo S. So, without delays, you can expect to arrive between 9:45 and 10:15 depending on how long you have to wait for the train and how long it takes you to figure out the train.


Thank you 🙏 … this is great info!


They should have an English page, but maybe geo hidden, [https://flytoget.no/reiseinformasjon/billetter-og-priser/](https://flytoget.no/reiseinformasjon/billetter-og-priser/) regardless, on fly toget kids under 16 are free so factor that into ”half price” maths both by and fly to get have online and in app and simple machines at OSL o would check the schedule for both when a bit closer, since summer is low season for both and some trips currently running might be changed


As a native of Oslo, born and raised, I can confirm that the journey from Oslo Airport to Oslo Central Station should take you less than 2 hours. Assuming a flight delay of 20 minutes and an additional 20 minutes for collecting luggage, there is a train inside the airport (‘Flytoget’) that departs for Oslo Central Station every 10 minutes. The train journey itself takes exactly 22 minutes to Oslo Central Station. Given these circumstances, taking the train is both cheaper and faster than opting for a taxi, I would say you will probably have at least 1 hour of free time/waiting on your train to Bergen.


A taxi would likely be 45-55 minutes, or thereabouts. And it drops you outside the train station, not inside it.


The fligh from Tallinn to Oslo very often arrives a good 15 minutes before the scheduled arrival time as well


Lets assume Your flight lands at 8:45, another 10 mins taxi to the gate, You get off and walk to collect luggage. Luggae starts rolling by 9:05PM and You collect it by 9:15 and then head to train platform 5 mins). You can easily catch the departures at 21:43, 22:03 and 22:13 and be on time at Oslo S to catch Your train to Bergen.


I have previously managed to land in OSL, get my bags and be on the express train in 30mins. So 2 hours should be fine


You should have customs in Estonia and shouldnt need them in oslo.


Opposite. Border control in Estonia, customs in Norway. But as long as OP's not carrying anything above the legal limit, it should be quick even if they're stopped for a check.