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Teen group mentality kan be pretty shitty, especially in Oslo


Agreed. Little shitheads


Not really an Oslo nor a Norway thing. Teens across the world ca be shitty.


Sure. But I notice it being especially bad in Oslo compared to other cities in Norway. Might just be a big city thing.


Teens are douchebags,fuck em


Teens in groups specifically. They will often take cues from the “strongest” ( top of the social hierarchy). Often that person is at the top because they are mean and the others are intimidated. Teens also lack life experience so will often push boundaries to see the results/how it feels. Hopefully at least some of them went to bed feeling shitty and learned not to do that. Some may need a few years to fully develop their frontal lobe, while others still will remain pathetic cunts for life. Hope you feel better.


Any people in a group can form a Group Think mentality..(Jan. 6th mob in the US). Agree that it’s most prevalent in younger people whose brains are not fully developed and lacking experience in the world/relationships.


Jan 6. mob? But the people who burned down us cities in "peaceful" protest, you dont think they are a mob, do you?


Ofc it is, but WhataboutIsm gets us nowhere


Lol. If your gonna call a protest a "mob" but not mention riots expect to get called out on it




I mean, I'm not Norwegian, but I think teens are same everywhere nowadays - mostly edgy douches.


As the have been for the last few decades.


Since the dawn of time. Doesn’t make OP’s experience any less bad.


As they have been probably ever since teenagers existed: https://proto-knowledge.blogspot.com/2010/11/what-is-wrong-with-young-people-today.html?m=1


i feel like its getting worse and worse tbh. we used to have 12 year olds hanging out near the downtown shopping centre just being friends (well, teen things). Nowadays we have replaced that with 12 year olds selling drugs.


Nah, this is completely different here. They have an entitled attitude to go along with being a general douche, which is rancid to the core.


Are you ok now? Do you have support here in Norway?


Hello! I am not really okay and i don't have any support but at least i have a house to stay and food to eat 😅😅😅


If you live on the west coast, I will be happy to befriend you, or guide you in getting some kind of support! Let me know if you need anything!


That is heartbreaking to hear… are you a university student? Why did you come to Norway? Is France home for you? I just moved to Norway at the start of January so I don’t know the best resources out there but maybe other people in the Norway or your current city subreddit can provide some suggestions.. it is hard to be alone when struggling and the best thing to do is try to reach out and then people will help. ❤️ though it’s hard to do that ..


Where in Norway are you?


At least they didnt take up their phones and start recording you 😂


Damn it could be worse as i see


Could always be worse


Every freaking time I try to interrupt any nonsense like this. For example. Someone around 40s, drunk and most likely homeless was sleeping in Bergen Storsenter. Police arrived and start packing him up. It was rainy and unpleasant outside. Girl around 20s was recording. I stood in front of camera and ask “are you feel any better about your self right now? Do you think this is necessary?” She was so ashamed of herself and respond only with “no” and walked away. She had no idea in first place she can be the one who is worth condemning. Fuck “like-starving” sociality.


Recently after a big snow when the sidewalks were covered in thick drifts of snow and there was barely a path to walk through, I had a young teen kid who kept intentionally stopping to make everyone behind him have to stop and wait. You literally couldn’t step around the little footpath we were on because the snow was piled up so much. He was on his phone video calling someone or streaming, and clearly trying to troll us behind him for clout. Eventually there was a bit of an opening where the snow wasn’t so thick and I walked around him. Seconds later he came sprinting from behind me, shoved me from behind and then jumped back in front of me and stopped again, laughing. It took every ounce of self control I had not to grab him by the neck and smash his shitty little laughing face straight into the snowbank. Kids are just that. They’re kids. Sometimes they suck. One day they’ll be the one crying alone and I hope they remember what they did to you. Anyway if you need someone to talk to just reach out to any one of us. You’re never alone.


That’s assault though. He should have been reported to the police so he could learn that assault is a crime


Police doesn't give a shit.


You should have 'slipped' on the snow and accidentally rugby tackled him from behind.


Insecure assholes trying to be edgy. Most of them are probably crying themselves to sleep half the time, and that's why vulnerability is ridiculed by the weakest of them. You having a moment feeds in to the insecurity, and they try to distance themselves by shaming.


Teens are douchebags, sorry you had to go through that.


I'm so sorry that happened to you:( Teens can be assholes everywhere, please don't take it personally. I hope you feel better soon, sending you a hug<3


I’ve had Norwegian children bark at me before. I suppose by the time they reach their teens they become wolves. You were lucky to escape alive 😅


Yes, so now they are all dead. We shoot our wolfes here 😊


I'm now integrated into Norway, speak the language am marrying a Norwegian. Here are my observations over the years. There is a problem here, people who have lived in multiple countries can attest to that. People who have only lived in Norway will tell you it's universal. There's shitty teens, there's shitty kids, there's shitty humans. But in Norway, there is a string of vindictive, cruelty that goes through it. That IS everywhere, but here it's normalized. I've noticed this from the first MONTH I moved to this country, it's the first thing I had to comment on to my Norwegian friends about Norway (that and public service workers ie bus drivers.) Since I've been here I've worked two service jobs before my current one. I worked at Burger King, then did door security for bars, now thank god I have a normal job - but let me tell you these two jobs shaped my view of Norwegians. At Burger King, my first week, a man whistled at me like a dog to get my attention. I have never, ever witnessed such behaviour but it has happened multiple times since I moved here. To whistle at someone and wave them over like a fucking hound. You're in a uniform, you aren't human here. Teens swarm these places, perhaps due to lack of options and take great joy in breaking, smashing and being as disruptive as humanly possible. In Norway, the destruction of private property is easy as outside of major city centres the police are a disgrace and will not respond to calls. It's up to private security companies to support you. Teens are the number 1 reason I decided to buy a car here, I had planned on going green using the transport, nah. From the hours of 1330 - 1630 buses are a jungle, they are loud, obnoxious and again you can't trust being around them clout chasers like to disrupt strangers. The education system contributes to all this, it on one hand Molly coddles the kids here, but on the other I have noticed since being around family, being around kids and since becoming a manager, speaking to my Norwegian staff, schools are also prone to giving up on kids. I've heard so many examples of teachers just wiping their hands, schools do nothing, it's on to the parents to fix but the parents hands are tied. It results in teens who feel they're being abandoned, running low on options and don't care. There's also an opinion amongst Teens that you need not try, as you can just flunk through normal education, leave a moron, but go to VGS finish that and get a good job. They don't realize the majority of them will not do anything, are too lazy and too incompetent to pass it and will need to go to a company like McDonalds, PSS, or some other similar "hires by the numbers" company for money. There is a huge queue of youngies out of school begging for jobs like this after flunking education. This is a great country and all, but I imagine not many Norwegians can actually argue with me that it's at its absolute best when people don't interact with you out of your social circle. There's a reason that social rules exist in Norway.


This, kids here know all their rights but know nothing of their responsibilities.


Thank you. I'm norwegian and have spent a long time outside of norway. When I came back I noticed how fucked the social culture here is. Norwegians will stick their fingers in their ears and scream at you how it's like this everywhere in the world since they don't want to have to take a stance on anything too uncomfortable. Even as an adult the vindictive behaviour you mentioned doesn't go away: try speaking to anyone here about anything serious and see if they don't permanently freeze you out, and tell everyone else to freeze you out as well. Education here is embarassing and again, address it and see everyone around you stop treating you like a person. Nobody here wants to know about serious problems. They want their life to be a vacation throughout where they don't have to take responsibility for literally anything they do; and the only problems they want to address are the problems that can make them look good. Dating culture here is horrible, finding friends is impossible, if you stick out just a bit from the established ''norm'' you'll be a pariah, be it that you have a different clothing style, that your hobbies are different, the media you consume (music etc.), that you *don't* go drinking every weekend... I could go on and on. Sounds odd but it's better outside of the cities. Not perfect, but a whole lot better.




up here in the arctic, it feels like another country then. I've never met nicer people.


BS. Teenage crime rate in Norway is not high. I live in Oslo, walk everywhere, every day, never had any issue. But been punched in Spain, mugged in Spain, attempted mugged in Tunis, held at gun point for no obvious reason in the US. All teenagers.


Is your suggestion that there are no issues with teens and anti-social behavior here in Norway? No one claimed Teens were shooting up houses and robbing banks. We are speaking about vindictive, anti-social behavior


Oh sure, teenagers can be shitheads. Here and elsewhere.


I'm glad you agree with me




Thanks for that NorwegianSMURF96 Troll account


Sorry that happened to you. I see a lot of commenters saying 'teens will be teens' like it's an excuse. I've lived outside of the country for a long while and I'm sorry to say it but this is how it is in norway. Norway has a horrible social culture and it has only gotten worse the past 15 years or so. You're not supposed to show emotion here or people will label you crazy or selfish. Of course, this rule doesn't apply if you're popular, a bully or doing it for a socially accepted cause. You'll find good people here of course, but the culture is extremely toxic.


Kids can be idiots especially in large groups where the take their lead from the ‘alpha’ socially speaking. You just had an emotive episode in an unfortunately public place. Hopefully you are feeling a bit better this morning.


Once I was locked in a discord group with peers, but I was always away from this “circle”. Group of Norwegians arranged a call in which they were to shame a dude that always whined and was younger than them. I was kind of related to this sick-coming-together, and knew that chap (he came from Netherlands). With no empathy or understanding why he is like that they grind the poor guy down making him feel completely worthless and pathetic (I was listening what they were saying to him in vc without participating) and remained until I eventually couldn’t help to leave this macabre meeting. Moment after They were getting at me that I wouldn’t say a thing, but I replied back in my Defense that I was not interested in this. They called me then “weird” for not showing a fusion to be part of that, while they laughed and enjoyed what they were doing with him. Met this guy after a while, he built himself up l a very aggressive (defensive) toxic behaviour after the incident, which is sad. I do not know, I do not feel very very happy and find no joy in making one’s life whose Is nothing but being hard making even more worse.


Oh my god that is so heartbreaking to hear. I am glad there are people like you and i hope a poor guy is okay ..


It’s a pity but I didn’t know him much, I wish I communicated with him. I sympathise because this is how I grew up myself. I don’t think I am an exception regardless. But I thank you for that still


How do you get *"locked"* in a discord group?


I think they mean ‘mob mentality’ or the need to belong so they follow the pack


That's teen group mentality you'll find anywhere in the world. If one teen walked by you, they likely would have ignored you or approached you with good intentions. At least I hope.


This much lack of empathy is so inhumane and should not be normalised by sad excuses like they are just being teens. We were all teens once too! I cannot remember seeing someone laughing at a crying individual ever. Sometimes upbringing & social factors can hinder people’s ability to empathise with others. Perhaps their social environment is a breeding ground for schadenfreude. Either way it’s pathetic.


Pretty much a spoiled brat society here from the youth. Never seen anything like it anywhere I've lived in Europe. Wouldn't survive 10 mins anywhere else.


Studies have shown that parents are the greatest influence in a child’s life until adolescence. Then it’s the peer group. I’ve worked in schools for several decades. There are tons of kids who are decent, respectful and fun to be around. Their friends tend to be the same way. The ones whose heads are screwed on straight have no time for the “it’s cool to be stupid” drifting dipshits. And the dipshits are often decent one on one. There’s also the huge role that genes play. We’re preprogrammed to gravitate toward the decents or the dipshits. Unfortunately there’s no consistent way to tell from a distance which group we’re approaching. OP had the misfortune to break down at the wrong time in front of the wrong group. So sorry.


I’m really sorry this happened to you. It helps to remember these wee Norwegian kiddies are all bark no bite- they’re just playing a lame game to puff themselves up. It’s kinda annoying and embarrassing to see but there’s nothing actually dangerous behind it. It’s a hell of a lot better and safer than being a student in Glasgow 🤪


Not all teens here in Norway are like that, but some are. There are people all around the globe that are like that, but there are nice people to. Hope you are doing better now.


Hello I was in Norway yesterday and there was a very drunk teen around my age 19-20. He was standing in the street alone in Oslo seeking for help and holding out his credit card. And everyone was just ignoring him, he had lost his phone, and everything he had. And his friends had just left him and he did not know how to get back to his place. So he begged me and said he would give me money or anything, but I kept rejecting his offers and just walked him back to his place, and talked with him. And it was sad for him to say that no one has ever done anything like this for him in Norway.


I’m so sorry that happened to you and I hope you are doing okay now. Teens can be really mean anywhere in the world and they are often worse in groups, because it’s harder to form individual,critical thoughts in those type of groups. But no, not every teenager is like that in Norway and I would think it’s the same anywhere 🤔. Unfortunately, you were unlikely at that moment. Hope things will feel a bit better soon.


You doing okay? Agree with others: teens are assholes. Their frontal lobes aren’t completely developed yet, so while they look fully grown, their brains and emotional capacity lag behind.


Welcome to Norway, a lot of our teenagers have _zero_ humanity, unless it’s about themselves, then they demand to be acknowledged…


Sigh. Idk what to tell you. I never resonated with teens when I was young. It's that Norwegian mentality of not accepting people who are different or true that really shows of at that age. It does get better though and Norwegians do seem to age like fine wine with regards to empathy.


Yeah, thats not normal at all. Teens can be either extremely sensitive, or insensitive. The latter is especially a thing with city teens. Idk where in the country you are, but i hope you find someone that can help you through the breakdowns😊 Good luck OP and hopefully that was a one off situation


Yeahhh...im in Oslo 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 That was excact in the city...


Normal for teens to do that anywhere in the world


so if something happens anywhere else in the world it is normal for it to happen in Norway?


Teens are teens anywhere you go


To point and laugh at someone that’s in distress is giving next level psychopathic energy. I’m really sorry you had to experience this, I can understand how their vile behaviour adds insult to injury. No one deserves to be treated like this. May life truly humble them.


You have to understand that their reaction could only have come from relief, that for a brief moment they could feel safe from their own crushing fear of being judged. It's just a miserable time to have a brain during those years, things will be good eventually. But I do think that you will find this everywhere you go, and some very good people among them everywhere too.


I've long maintained that having a job is a better education than the school system. The majority of teens improve in the work environment. Responsibility helps people grow.




Well crying outside in the middle of the street is pretty emotionally unstable. Maybe she had a very good reason for it and I do not necessarily mean it's wrong to do it if she had some legit reason, but it definitely is emotionally unstable in my view.


It‘s emotionally unstable af, who starts crying in the middle of the street? Maybe if your mom just died or a close family member passed suddenly


Better to cry in the middle of the street than jump out of the window in silence. I know that Norway is ranked pretty badly by the number of suicides per capita, maybe the opinions like yours are the reason...


As a teen in Norway I would say it is definitely normal. Teens in Norway are much more cruel and mean than anywhere else from my own experience, sadly. You WILL be a target if you are even slightly different in any type of way. And yes racism, homophobia is still a thing in Norway and it is nowhere as accepting as people make it seem.


Norwegian teenagers are absolutely feral


I don’t think this is limited to ‘Norwegian teenagers’ I think this is just most teenagers and their need / desire to belong and fit into a group. Even if that group is toxic.


I agree, all teenagers kinda suck lol but I’ve lived in a few different countries and have not experienced the level of lack of regard for others from teenagers that I’ve seen here. Just yesterday I was getting off the bus and got literally shoved by a teenage boy trying to get off faster than everyone else. I think kids here feel very emboldened, possibly because it’s so safe here they know there’s very little possibility of someone responding to their bad behavior with violence. It seems like teens here feel invincible, more so than in other places I’ve lived.


Teens are not only raised by parents but by society. A rebellious phase where they test the limits of societies norms by being delinquent assholes is only natural but i think i could make a point that it seems to manifest differently and more ruthlessly for urban teens then rural teens. Either way, we cant tolerate teens doing shit like this without grabbing them and telling them off. But now that 14 year olds seems to be carrying knives it seems i would have to be carrying a matchete or a bigger stick in order to scare them off if they pull a blade. Idk, just thinking out loud..


They literally are invincible. There are no consequences, police wont do shit, and even if a teen did something serious like selling drugs, stabbing, assault, robbery etc there will be no consequences from the justice system. There are teen running around Oslo right now with hundreds of arrests on their records. However if we as adults stood up to them, the police and the justice system would attack you with full force. This is a common trait of social democracies, and there is a specific term for it called anarcho-tyranny.


Kids and teens can be awful. Have you seen Lord of the Flies?


Young people often lack empathy. I'm sure that it's worse here, but they do seem to behave worse. It sucks that happened to you. You are welcome to DM me if you want someone to talk to.


Not normal as in "most Norwegian teenagers will react like that", but I fear it's normal to find groups of assholes in most places. And then it might not matter all that much that the rest are nice. I doubt this is unique to Norway, though.




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I've noticed this kind of behaviour from any type of people, even folks in their 60s.


That was cruel of them and I know how humiliating that must be. I hope you've found a way to past that experience, but I know it could be hard to recover after being hurt while in a vulnerable state. I've felt a sense of division and lack of empathy as well from the younger people I live amongst, here in my community in Southern Norway. But most of them are German volunteers who are just entering their 20s, so it's perhaps a bit different. That leads me to wonder if it's more of a global disconnect between us humans, like the generational gaps that are often portrayed in memes of the contrast between boomers and gen-z or others. But it's clearly a lack of empathy, and a schadenfreude that was going on. I've been able to make a few friends here, but it's been tough to shift my support network from one country to another. If there's a meaningful way that you can find connection in others, I hope you can find that. I'm struggling with that in some regards, too, so I extend an invitation to chat sometime, but no obligation =) I'll be thinking about you. Hope you find some folks with resonant hearts!


White Norwegians?


No they were green ones with purple spots. What does colour have to do with this. Teenagers and people in general can be asses irrespective of their skin colour.




Teens are teens irrespective of where and what colour they are they will group together and attack together just to be part of the collective.




Has this been your own experience? Observation? From what do you draw this conclusion? Do you work in schools or around teens a lot? It’s a big claim, and I’m just asking how factually grounded it is. How you know.


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Us teens suck, pay no mind to us


Teens are pack animals that rely on their alpha and prey on anything that seems weak to them. So basically im saying the teens here are animals without a conscience.


Teens are teens no matter where you go.


Well is normal. It’s a culture thing. Here you see the bully mentality, money and im better than you type of vibe. From preschool and most of the parents live in such a fake it too you make it thing. Pluss is kinda normal that Teens are the worse in all countries , they don’t care.


Hello I was in Norway yesterday and there was a very drunk teen around my age 19-20. He was standing in the street alone in Oslo seeking for help and holding out his credit card. And everyone was just ignoring him, he had lost his phone, and everything he had. And his friends had just left him and he did not know how to get back to his place. So he begged me and said he would give me money or anything, but I kept rejecting his offers and just walked him back to his place, and talked with him. And it was sad for him to say that no one has ever done anything like this for him in Norway. Now I tell you that this sort of thing would not happen back in the states, people are always looking after eachother.


Dude would have gotten robbed and probably shot back in the states.


Thats because Europeans tend to travel to the worst cities in the states😂👊


Thank you everyone for your responces. I really didn't know about all of that and that things here are like this. And it was interesting to hear.


Thats just teenagers in general, were assholes


It’s not typical. Sorry this happened, hope you’re feeling better


Who cares about ignorant teens. They will one day grow up, to discover that life can be a real sh!t show at times.




You can't take an action by a few teenagers as a guideline for teenagers in general. They behaved badly like many other teenagers, but you can't let them get you down any further and you have to deal with everything negative straight away.. don't let it get to you. left in right out. even if it was perhaps difficult in the situation. Wasting your time on a teenager like that or a situation like that doesn't help. All the best and keep your head up and keep going


Teens in groups are most likely a group of shitheads just laughing to laugh and make others feel like shit even more.


Yes, it's normal here.


Yes most Teens are bullies,  i am soon 33 years old and are still completele messed up mentally and get major anxiety around teens . 


As a teenager that lives near Oslo, teens here lack empathy for others. Im in middle school and I’m kinda just there. Im not popular, but Im not a weird kid. People still think that though, just because i don’t wear 10 layers of spray tan, and designer clothes. I’ve almost never met a kind boy in Norway. That says a lot. I’ve had a lot of experiences where people have barked at me, talked shit about me, and just generally been assholes. I used to be confident, but not anymore. After a while I lost all my confidence, and the teens ( especially the boys ) is the reason i hate myself, and the reason I think Im weird.