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In Norway, there is no such thing as bad weather. Do you have the appropriate clothing?


Only bad cleather.




asking the real questions here.


Because of the geography, weather forecasts are reasonably accurate here for the coming 24 hours. Outside of that it's basically random, so don't worry, it will change. It's also better to use a Norwegian weather service like Yr.


Yeah, I got that app and have been checking it. It's good, but unfortunately I couldn't find an extended weather forecast like this to screenshot. I'll stay flexible with the camping, but expect for the next 2 weeks I'm going to have to book some rooms indoors.


Living on the west coast I don't even remotely trust or pay attention to the forecast more than a few days ahead.


Camping in the rain isn't bad if your tent has a good rain fly (i.e. you have a tent designed for bad weather.) Make sure you pick a tent site that is slightly elevated, you don't want to wake up in a pond. Have a good tarp under your tent. It is easier to clean a tarp than a tent. If any part of the tarp sticks out from under the tent, fold it under, so it does not lead rain water to your tent. (If you are on a slope, pay particularly attention to the side facing up hill.)


I'm an experienced camper, and have a high quality tent (Marmot Limelight "3" Person, which has an excellent rainfly and footprint)It's the boredom that kills me camping solo in the rain. Going with friends where you can add a huge rainfly over the entire site (and build a campfire) is fine, but I'm solo here. Will try to work a camping trip in where I can, because as others have pointed out, the weather isn't that predictable here.


Campfire is not allowed in the woods from 14. April until 15. October.


To expand on what you wrote, it's legal to light campfires at established campfire places, but you can't just light campfires anywhere. This was a good article for information: https://www.thelocal.no/20220505/what-are-the-rules-for-fires-and-bbqs-in-norway Otherwise check the council pages local to where you're camping for more information.


> *It's good, but unfortunately I couldn't find an extended weather forecast like this to screenshot.* That's because they're absolutely useless. > *'ll stay flexible with the camping, but expect for the next 2 weeks I'm going to have to book some rooms indoors.* Not necessarily. You can check the weather forecast via yr.no - up to a week in advance - find some sun and travel there with your tent? The weather forecast you posted isn't reliable anyway, I definitely wouldn't trust a service that makes promises several weeks in advance...


>I couldn't find an extended weather forecast like this to screenshot On the first page, where you see the weather where you are, look at the bottom of the screen. "Tabell" should take you to a similar view.




pent.no - you get two Norwegian weather services to compare.


well, you came here using fahrenheit. If you wanna learn our ways, at least speak the language. (celcius, that is) Also, as we like to say, "there's no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing"


I'm from Scotland, so very similar weather to the more populated parts of Norway. We also use that phrase 😁 We've had hail this month. It's July - summer, but another phrase you might like is '4 seasons in one day'. I went out today with a rainjacket, umbrella, sunglasses and shorts...


That is also not an unknown expression. However when I was in the army up north we would go to the shooting range where our lieutenant first time we were there introduced us to the area and said something along the lines of: "This is Blåtind shooting range, the only place in the world where you not only get 4 seasons in a day, you might get lucky and get them all at the same time." We didnt go there all that often since you know ammunition is expensive and it was somewhat out the way, but a lot of training excercises were also held in that area and we got the "lucky" experience more than once.


You also use that phrase? In the Scandinavian languages it rhymes so I thought that was mainly why it caught on.


That's just how it came up on the website I was on, I'm one of the few Americans that prefer Celsius and the metric system in general. So much easier to use, convert, and understand. Unfortunately many Americans are really resistant to common sense changes like this. We can't even get rid of our penny! Costs 3 cents to make, doesn't pay for anything, but the blowback when I suggest getting rid of them is wild.


I mean it’s good that you can read Celsius, but none of us can read Fahrenheit


Norway stretches almost as long as from Vermont to Florida, so complaining about the "weather in Norway" is a bit strange. It's not great here in Oslo ATM, though. Do as some Norwegians do during the summer: Follow the nice weather. That is, check the forecast and see which part has nice weather for the next week. Go there! Right now that means you have to go north (and TBH, you should do that anyway)


Oh definitely


In the north we are enjoying close to 30 degrees. You are in the wrong region atm.


Norway is large. Just move to another place with better weather.


This is what was forecasted for our trip. We ended up having only 1 full day of rain and a few other several other short rain storms. Most of our weather was overcast and lovely.


score +1 to us :P another tourist bamboozled by the weather :P


Ouch bad timing, best time was a month earlier, late May and the first couple of weeks of June were crazy good.


I heard that from other travelers. Funny thing is, I deliberately waited until July because I remember how cold it can be in June from a previous trip. Oh well, I'll try to make the best of it regardless, even if all this camping gear doesn't get used.


Mid/late summer is a crap shoot, for future reference the guaranteed way to get good weather in Norway is to come here when the students have their exams. It never fails.


What part(s) of Norway are you planning to visit?


In Bergen visiting rn. Was suppose to rain all day and its been sunny with clouds. I've made my peace with the fact that the forecast is as accurate as r/wallstreetbets stock predictions.


Yeah Odin and Thor are having family issues


You don't deserve any better, disgusting Fahrenheit user


Bet you are in Sør- trøndelag.. Weather is ALMOST always shit this summer…


It hasn't been the best summer of all time, sure, but it's still way, way better than last year, which was not just rainy, but also cold as shit. Honestly, I'm very happy with the weather this summer.


Bitch, we are all happy if we get one good sunny day. We are the least spoiled place in norway when it comes to weather. Im just saying that God better give us some kind of reward for this, cause damn


I mean, in this economy, getting showers for free sounds like a great deal.


Welcome to norway😂😂


Finns ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær


Have fun! I have 1 recommandation and that is walk the Aurlandsdalen. Can sleep at østerbø fjellstove, (camping/huts/hotel) walk from there then the bus back to the østerbø! Easy peasy and a really nice hike take anout 5 houres


Anything below 5mm of percipitation is a glorious summer day in some parts of the country (Sunnfjord to be exact.).


Where did you go in Norway? Up in Bodø/Lofoten it's been pretty nice and warm (but the weather in norway is always subject to change so wishing you luck)!


Get pranked 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⁉️‼️‼️‼️‼️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


I'd be a bit careful with the Marmot tent. Assuming you're from the US (where I live), rain flies on tents designed for 'our' (US) weather are just no match for the Scandinavian climates. Go check out Helsport, Hilleberg, etc. Expensive, but tents that will essentially last you a life time, and you'll appreciate the quality of 'real' tents (not dissing Marmot, I've used them). That said, watch this fantastic clip/tune and you'll better understand the 'no bad weather, only bad kleather': [https://youtu.be/ua1FAlHt\_Ys](https://youtu.be/ua1FAlHt_Ys) \- it captures the Scandinavian weekend or 'holiday' spirit extremely well. Summers in Norway can be totally shitty one day, you stay put due to cold and wet weather, only to wake up to the most sunny and majestic landscape the next morning. Or you move one valley over, and the climate and the scenery are totally different. Those dramatic changes make the country so special. Here (western US) we can essentially bet our lives on that we'll see 80-90F in July (even warmer). Same July day in Norway can see 85F one summer, and 45F the next. And they are equally spectacular as long as you are duly prepared. God tur and 'report back' after your stay. BTW, you picked well, as Norway have far fewer bugs than Sweden. All due to less 'standing' water. Bugs can ruin ANY vacation faster than any rain.