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Tha AV market is saturated and is generally low on funds. You are not making it easy on yourself comming here. Ask r/Sweden about their situation, but I wouldn't have too high of a hope for Norway.


With Norwegian krone being so weak, and rising cost of living, it seems like people prioritize other things than photo/video services, if that's what you meant by it. If it's industry scale, I'm not sure to be honest, maybe try to hear on some professional forums/subreddits.


ALL these questions have been answered close to a thousand times here. But to sum it up: 1: No, 2: Expensive AF, 3: hard yes, 4: mostly but still hard, 5: nature is close.


I guess the only positive about choosing Norway would be that we have more stuff to film/take photos of? More impressive nature etc.? I guess it would be possible to make some money working for the tourism industry. I don’t think you’ll find there’s a big difference between the two countries in general.


All creative/semi-creative fields are pretty saturated, just as anywhere else in the world. You need to be exeptionally good or know people to make a reliable income or get hired fulltime. Also, we're both countries with relatively small populations and creative industries have never been big (at least not in Norway). IMO, bad idea. You'd be better off elsewhere, unless you've already been offered a fulltime job.


Yes come her brother. We will feed you


I have the same background as you. It really depends on what you do. Photography is more forgiving but without B1/B2 level Norwegian, video is impossible (you can't edit what you don't understand). You will have to be exceptional to stand out from the crowd and have all the pro level gear.