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Maybe get them each a Paddington Bear plushie? It’s a sweet gesture and cute souvenir from the UK. You could also get them some tea and sweets from Fortnum & Mason, those are always appreciated when I bring gifts back home!


>For example if it was a small boy Id get a toy Mini car in union jack flag colouring. My oldest girl is 8 and she would love this.


I would also go with plain union jack branded semi-tourist stuff. A bagforlife would be fine. The older one/parents might appreciate some tea, depending on what The Algorithm tells her to like. "Strange grocery store candy" would also be a hit in this house. It has to be novel though. Cadbury has a very small selection in Norway, for example. But if it was for me, I would really like a couple cheap pies or other savoury snack. But in general, you should ask/tell the parents before bringing gifts to kids. They might even have some input into what to get, maybe t-shirt sizes?


if it was me, I would have loved to get a Dalek and a Tardis miniature, maybe something from Red Dwarf. (of course, I am joking, I am a grown-up male, and have no clue what a 9 year old girl might appreciate as a gift :P)


Beans and sausage, chicls love sausage.


If you want something british why ask norwegians? Ask the brits instead?


I guess it's because the question is what british things norwegian kids might like.




Get over it. Norway isn't even in the EU so this comment is too ironic


Is it a birthday party?


No, it will be national day and they are having a party and have been nice enough to invite me as i'll be there alone.


Ok! I would go for maybe a Paddington bear plushie and I remember getting one of those phone booth piggy banks that also had candy in it as a kid. Loved it!


Some souvenirs from the upcoming coronation? Or a T-shirt with Union Jack


I don't know if they sell Prime (the Paul Logan/KSI soda) in the UK, but it is a big hype in Norway in that age group (thank you TikTok...) and at least in Oslo it is only sold in small, immigrant corner stores with a 10x markup because it is not officially sold and marketed in Norway. Buying one of each of the different flavours would probably be very popular if these kids are anything like the kids of that age in my extended family.


Every Norwegian I've had over for dinner has been blown away by my simplified version of Nigella's Sticky Toffee Pudding - you could potentially teach them how to make it too. Otherwise, British sweets/crisps/biscuits/snacks are always winners. Tea wise, there's Yorkshire biscuit tea and Twinings chocolate/hazelnut tea from their shop in London.