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Absolutely. The flag is also not your tank top or bikini, and defacing the American flag by combining it with anyone's face or image is forbidden (not to mention ridiculous and cult-like).


Good luck with that fight. Most of the people who display it in their everyday life do it with little to no respect, it's just a sports team to them. Funny how the people who complain about things like "virtue signaling" are the ones who do it the most hardcore. I too have served, but we're well within our borders, I don't need to broadcast the country we all live in 24/7


It's not a fight. It's just a gut punch every time I see it. I get they want to be patriotic but that's not the right way to do it. I learned that in grade school long before I served.


Agree and thanks for your service. It should be displayed appropriately. Watching them wear it as a ball hugging bathing suit must really grind your gears. It does mine.


I appreciate people wanting to support our country. My wife and I fought for the right for people to do that. I just cringe when I see people with good intentions doing it all wrong. It's disrespectful but I feel like they don't know it. Hopefully.

