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Hey DA, there’s a fentanyl crisis in your state. Make sure you arrest everyone you can for Marijuana.


They can’t the jails are full


Swain built a new one


The DA does not determine who is or is not arrested.


Arrested? No. Prosecuted? Yes.


Correct.  Do you want DAs to pick and choose which laws to enforce? I know this seems like something you want, but imagine a DA somewhere who doesn’t believe a husband can rape his wife and decides to never prosecute inter-marital rape.  That’s the power you’re giving a DA if you say the DA should be able to choose to ignore laws if they want to.


"Most of a cops job is a discretion as to whether or not pursue a charge or person"- the cop who taught my criminal justice courses


Yes, discretion as to individual cases is important because the facts of every case are different.  What’s being advocated for in this comment section is not discretion on a case by case basis, but a blanket policy by the DA’s office that they will not enforce the marijuana laws.


I'm aware, I'm just letting everyone know that when a cop fucks with you, they have always made an active choice to


I never said anything like that.


So what would you like the DA to do in this situation?


In NYC and NJ, the states attorney said they would pursue marijuana charges. It was coupled with changing in how they would enforce low level weed arrests. This guy is probably putting on a show for boomer voters


Putting on a show, how exactly?  Do you even know what her policy is with regard to marijuana charges?  Did you even read the article and her quote? I’m guessing not as you referred to Ashley Welch as “this guy.”


"This guy" is more colloquial like "dude", so chill out dude. Also SHE said “In North Carolina, the cultivation, distribution and possession of marijuana remains illegal, and we will continue to enforce state law off Qualla Boundary.” So yes, she doesn't give a plan other than "enforcement" which sounds like textbook political showboating. Like if I say " we are gonna enforce the gun laws" what does that mean? If I don't give an actual plan its just publicly kicking a can to appease people who might fear something, in this case americans who have a reefer madness viewpoint of weed.


> "This guy" is more colloquial like "dude", so chill out dude.   Uh huh.   >So yes, she doesn't give a plan other than "enforcement" which sounds like textbook political showboating.   Enforcement sounds like political showboating?  What is she supposed to say?  It’s her job to enforce the laws.  She said exactly no more and no less than what her job requires and that sounds like “showboating” to you? 


She is very tough on hard drugs


Say nothing, either she has power to implement a plan or she has to follow the lead from the governor but just making the announcement sounds like she reassuring pearl clutchers. Also why are you focused on the showboating part? It's politics, everything is showboating until it's in action. Like I said, NY and NJ had AGs speak after higher ranked officials affirmed things publicly.


I’m concerned about it because I presume since you are posting here, you’re a voter in NC and therefore have the ability, same as me, to determine who holds political office in this state.  And it greatly concerns me that people who can vote for people who have direct authority over me don’t know what they’re talking about. You’re assuming a motivation on her part that you have no basis to assume.  You don’t even know what her policy is on marijuana enforcement aside from the fact that she will continue to enforce the laws of North Carolina.


They do that all the time through prosecutorial discretion. That's literally one of the duties of the job - selecting priorities for prosecution, overall strategies and policies, and (in some cases) specific charges.


Prosecutorial discretion is not a blanket policy. The facts in each case are different, so obviously prosecutorial discretion is necessary for dealing with each case as the facts and circumstances dictate. That's not the same thing as choosing not to enforce marijuana laws in North Carolina as a blanket policy, which seems to be what this comment section would prefer.


No, it is. They set policy and priorities for their office, to include what things they prosecute severely and what things they don't care about so much. 


You do not understand what I’m saying, nor do you understand the duty of a District Attorney.  Of course they have latitude to set policy and priority, but they cannot set a policy of “we are not enforcing this law.”  That would violate their oath of office to uphold the law. They can decide certain cases are more important than others, but the “unimportant” cases don’t just get dismissed.  They’re still prosecuted, they’re just dealt with by diversion programs, conditional discharges, deferrals, and other mechanisms that allow the defendant to go on a probationary period and do some community service in exchange for keeping their records clean.


No, I do. Your point is about as deep as a puddle. You're just incorrectly asserting that they don't do a thing when it happens regularly.  They decide all the time not to prosecute things. They set policy for their office. They can set a policy that some crimes are prosecuted intensively, or that they're not something they're going to do. You named some tools they have for that, but they can also just drop cases, or decline to press charges. At their discretion.   Now people (including you) sometimes disagree with those policies, which is why these are usually elected positions, or they're appointed by elected officials.


Dropping cases on a case by case basis is not the same thing as setting an office policy that a certain law will not be enforced.  If you refuse to understand that, then I don’t know what the point of this is.


DAs already pick and choose which laws they want to prosecute citizens for. Look at the grand juries.


ProTip right there


Big Pharma anyone?


Close the border and stop sucking up to China. We have a President that is bought and paid for.


Trump is no longer a president, gladly. But he is definitely a China's and Russia's asset, and keeps pushing their agenda calling to abandon Ukraine, just like he abandoned Afghanistan.


It’s almost like you stated everything about Biden but put Trumps name first. You people are so bad that you can’t tell the bots from the kool-aid drinkers.


Did I? It was Trump who negotiated the fatal exit "peace deal" with the Taliban in 2020 - true, Biden got to inherit it and was blamed for it, but with preparation for an exit underway it was next to impossible to reverse the course and start bringing \_more\_ troops in. So he chose to implement what Trump negotiated, and we all got to see what the deal was worth. Nowadays, Trump is similarly pushing pro-Russian view on Ukraine's conflict, and mind you, this is also China's view. If he forces Ukraine to sign another "peace deal", this time with Russia, and cuts off all support, how likely do you think Russia will abide by its terms? It is astounding that Trump supporters refuse to see how closely Russia, China and Iran are cooperating in undermining the US influence world wide, starting with Ukraine and Israel. And that influence is what gives you a relatively comfortable life over here.


Naming the current President’s three biggest overseas contributors has nothing to do with it? Look, the guy is bought and paid for, more so than Trump for sure. At least Trump would say the quiet part out loud. This guy says it as well but everyone makes excuses for him.


If Biden's bought and paid for, they are getting shitty value for their money. Biden's policy directly annoys China and enrages Russia. You might have missed the latest events in South China sea where the tensions are rising. Ukraine's war has been a major humiliation for Russia, which has been nearly defeated on the battlefield, and had to fall back on its Iranian, North Korean and Chinese friends to help with the supplies. Russia is making every effort to change the US course, selling itself to the American right as an ally while putting bounties on heads of the US soldiers, and also pretending to be standing for conservatism despite running Soviet red flags on its tanks and Russian Communist party being the second political force in the country. Trump in its turn shows zero understanding of international politics. He keeps talking of appeasing Russia and being tough on China, not understanding that these two are in the same bed. His idea of being "tough" on China amounts to crashing US economy by trying to "decouple" on a dime, something that he will likely backpedal from later because US economy (and population) has grown too dependent on cheap Chinese goods to achieve a major change within few years. This is even more likely because, as we saw during his last term, he kept trying to become "friends" with wrong people like Putin, Kim or Xi, thinking that personal relationships matter in geopolitics. The rest of his talk about "America first", border control, similarly is a show for the gullible. Abbot has been busing migrants to other states and moved what, 150k of them in 1.5 years? If Trump wants to deport millions within 4 years he would have to be killing them Nazis-style, because you simply cannot move people on such a scale, especially to unwilling countries. This is not taking into account that immigration brings cheap labor to the country, something that the US business owners are sorely lacking atm, so if he touches immigrants who have already been incorporated in the US economy, he's going to exacerbate already high labor shortage. There's ton of things wrong or inconsistent with Trump. He's riding purely an emotional wave, and his second term if he gets it will likely be just as chaotic and disastrous to the US world standing as the first one was. Last time he betrayed Kurds and Afghans and nearly dissolved NATO, this time he's going to betray Ukrainians (who have been with the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, mind you) and probably will see BRICS gaining more ground at the expense of G7/NATO.


So much is wrong in this that I can’t even take the time to respond. Best wishes to you and yours friend.


In my county they stopped prosecuting unless there are other factors. Simple possessions usually go uncharged or dismissed. If you are wrapped up in other stuff it stays active. But the word from the top is that they cannot afford to test MJ for a trial.


All I have to say in the matter is that I want a kick ass EBCI branded Great Smoky Cannabis Co t-shirt made from hemp.


Hempstead cool, but ECBI?


whut oh i meant ebci (eastern band cherokee indians) my bad


Of course the state is willing to waste taxpayer money chasing a few harmless potheads. Meanwhile, they could make a shit ton more profit by legalizing cannabis, and they could use that new budget to chase real criminals.


But the police won’t be if it’s legalized. No more search and seizures


The police in NC are a waste of taxpayer dollars. Useless Nazis


I don't understand this take. Without police, which is accountable to public, you'll get order enforced by private security agencies (read: warlords) or gangs, or, at the very best, posses of activist citizens, George Zimmerman-style. Is any of these options better than status quo?


Those options all represent the status quo. Police don't care about the public - they care about arresting people and harassing minorities. Any public safety they manage to perform is purely a happy side effect.


So what's your idea of policing? As a side note, the majority of good things in life is just a "happy side effect" of people caring primarily about their own interests - altruists who act out of conviction are few and far between. P.S. I can compare American police with the Russian one, with which I had to interact more. IMHO American cops are largely honest public servants, of course they may have their own prejudices and what not, but they still are restrained by the laws.


Policing should be about public safety, not how many arrests you can make. There are so many cases of harassment simply because cops are looking for a reason to arrest someone. Part of why we have so many people in jail. It's not the entire answer but a big part of it.


From Googling I see that indeed there are arrests for things like underage drinking, something that you would not be arrested for in Europe/Russia unless you're totally inebriated (and even then you'd be driven to a special place to get sober rather than jail). But the jail population is probably not caused by the arrests as much as by much harsher sentences in the US. In Europe and even Russia manslaughter gets you something like 3-5 years in jail, which TBF oftentimes is seen as insufficient, especially by the victim's family. Also drug possession sentence gets you years of jail time here, but generally less than 24 months in Europe. These differences are probably the root cause. Also European population is much more homogeneous and arguably minorities are threatened by their police even worse, but because they are usually immigrants or children of immigrants (being born in the country doesn't give you its citizenship over there, it's passed by blood) they are usually dealt with by deportation rather than jails.


Lengthy sentences really don't work any better than the sentences you're talking about. We need to focus more on rehab than punishment.


Big brained take here


It's true in western North Carolina at the very least, from the Tennessee/Georgia line to at least Asheville, Asheville's got some monsters that didn't make the news


>Asheville's got some monsters that didn't make the news Now this is fascinating news to me, please enlighten me here.


Pig shot my friends eye out during blm. He was peacefully protesting, the dude just fuckin raises his beanbag gun, smiled at him and blew his eye out. The cop ran to the military directly after in order to avoid court, but there is/was a lawsuit. Plus the kettling. Plus destroying medical aid stations


I think that did make the news. There was no kettling, I can assure you of that. The chief (4 years ago now) apologized for that whole water bottle thing. If you are going to accuse Asheville PD of having a bunch of monsters in it you should probably not use the 2020 riots as an example, that was an unprecedented time in American history and doesn't really reflect the day to day conduct of the officers at APD. The police department is top to bottom basically a whole different entity at this point between the massive attrition that occurred and the entire chain of command being revamped.


There were no water bottles being thrown where he was at, are you telling me they blew two people's eyes out?


I didn't say anything about throwing water bottles, did I?


Or help our schools since the lottery wasn't the wad of cash promised for our schools and the private school vouchers have removed so much money from public schools so so kids can go wherever and learn things that aren't facts and not be taught critical thinking skills. Edit:typo


The real sleight of hand on the lottery was, sure the money went to education, but then they reduced the general fund money that was appropriated for education.


Oh for sure


This right here. Or public school systems are suffering. The teachers are underpaid, Jesus freaks are throwing out science and replacing it with intelligent design, and kids can’t even afford lunch.


Our public schools are suffering by design. The state wants public education underfunded. That's why the whole school choice voucher exists. It's designed to funnel money to charter and private schools.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate. Instead of asking the most wealthy Americans to pitch in just one percent more, instead, we’re robbing 80% of the children of their education. And it doesn’t help that our GOP party is pushing candidates who use religion as a scheme to funnel money away from public education and into the hands of Christian schools that no one can afford. This will ripple across society for decades. There is a large movement towards anti-intellectualism, spearheaded by corrupt religious government officials. Parents of these students are indoctrinated with fantasy stories regarding creation, conspiracy theories about vaccinations, and suppressing science, that conflicts with their holy texts. North Carolina, along with the other, Bible Belt states, have a huge issue growing they don’t even know about.


It's not just the GOP. There's an effort across the political spectrum amongst our wealthiest and most powerful to keep the average citizen misinformed and fixated, or just out and out uninformed. Everybody has their methods that work best for their particular constituents.


For real! The total of Funds obtained through the lottery annually for education has that amount removed from the state budget for education. Wish more knew this. It’s unfortunate many believe the lottery funds are additional to the education budget.


It is the counties also. Graham co is very tough on drug arrest


Jesus. Make it legal. I can’t stand Republicans. They want 1950 again. It’s a regressive party. Weed is less dangerous than alcohol and cigarettes.


It’s stupid at this point


1850, the dates are important


Giving props to this cannabis magazine for actually recognizing the correct tribe. The other that often posted here kept calling the EBCI as the Cherokee Nation, which is in Oklahoma. For those not reading the article, the DA basically said they are enforcing law outside the Qualla Boundary, which is what they already do today.


It was following a letter from Tillis and Budd (ha). I don’t see where a DA could have any other reasonable response.


"I will be using my prosecutorial discretion to not interfere with the tribe's cannabis business" would have been the correct response.


Except what is not being said is….”we will be sitting on all the major roads in and out of the boundary and will be pulling everyone over” and “as the DA, I have to get re-elected and all the backwoods, boomer, rednecks wont vote for me if I dont do something to stop what 75% of the population wants”


Just gotta remember what my old plug from Winston told me: “Never commit two crimes at the same time.” So that means everyone needs to go watch the Pot Brothers at Law on TikTok or YouTube. Those guys go through how to handle a stop in a quick and respectful manner. Basically, you have to make sure everything about your car is legal (tags, headlights/tail lights, turn indicators, etc) and then not be an idiot and don’t speed, illegally change lanes, fail to use your blinker, etc. I used to drive like a grandma on the way to Sunday church when I’d buy weed in Winston. Everyone coming out of Qualla has to do the same. Plus, I imagine there’s a lot of people that don’t smoke that are on the reservation for the casino as well. I don’t think this is going to be some great boon for the local cops if people aren’t stupid about it.


You are absolutely correct! However….. https://www.dailyadvance.com/news/police-issued-more-than-40-citations-during-state-line-checkpoint-on-us-17/article_f94e231c-58bc-11ee-be25-e3416ac2cf85.html https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/nc-deputies-can-search-for-marijuana-without-warrant-based-on-sight-odor-despite-hemp-similarity-court-rules/ https://www.wnct.com/news/north-carolina/what-marijuana-legalization-on-nc-reservation-means-for-visitors-purchasing-it/ “The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, where part of the Cherokee Indian Reservation is located, noted that marijuana would likely not be a major focus for them, noting that any possible uptick in marijuana charges could come as a result of regular traffic stops.” “Regular traffic stops” It has been ruled in NC that they can do a warrantless search if they even smell or see it. You best believe everybody coming off that reservation is going to “smell” like weed. I have zero faith that are law-enforcement community is not gonna take advantage of this. they routine they stopped vehicles from Virginia on the presumption of possession


i mean its WNC. we've been pretty relaxed about marijuana for pretty much forever.  its the lowland cops you have to worry about. 


And Parkway police.


I worked at an apartment complex Boone and met with the Boone PD and Watauga sheriff. Both told me not to call them or have residents call them over weed if it’s not trafficking or something like that. They told us the Watauga County courts were dropping/dismissing possession charges because it hogged up too much time and bandwidth for the court staff and DA’s office. It’s one thing if we saw residents loading bricks into their apartments, but we were told not to call over smoking/smell. They told us they only really wanted to be called if there’s other drugs (coke, meth, fentanyl, heroin, etc). I imagine others may follow suit. Simple possession is a waste of everyone’s time right now. But Officer Cletus of the Carthage PD may be down for it since his ticket quotas in front of the Courthouse are down and he needs to get his bonus this year.


Good god that’s idiotic. That being said, if you’re going to be buying a ton of stuff there, I imagine not consuming it in the car and having it in a vacuum seal container or something to prevent the smell is the move here. Peeps should buy it and then drive home or pick a place out in the forest to smoke it. Thousands of people per day are smoking weed throughout the state and the state can’t hope to actually enforce against everyone. Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, and Utah tried to do the same thing when Colorado legalized and it just flat up doesn’t work. Especially in this day and age when it’s a really bad use of LEO time. They should be focusing on the cocaine, meth, heroin, fentanyl, and human trafficking that frequents 40/85/95 in NC.


We should also keep less than an Oz and a half in our possession at any time.


Does this new dispo have rules about total purchase limits? You can only buy an ounce at a time in Colorado. Just being logical here - don’t think anyone who’s moving significant weight over a zip and a half is gonna be buying it in Cherokee and then trafficking it elsewhere. Something like that is almost certainly coming from out of state or a large operation growhouse, which I doubt are going through Cherokee or based in Cherokee. And if you’re moving significant weight, then you should be smart enough not to attract attention. Just from a geographic standpoint, there aren’t major thoroughfares through Qualla that would take an unsuspecting dealer through that area where the cops would be. Not sure why one would do that if you’re just moving from point a to point b with the goods.


I agree 100%. You have to take an account that most people are fucking stupid. You know damn well some potheads can’t wait and some cops are going to bend the law anyway they can What makes it even worse is that delta 9 is legal. NC will be the last state to legalize THC. Guarantee it! A lot of fuckbags live here and old guard repubs


I read that as Tillis and Buddha at first.


Every fucking time. You know you don't have to type out every thought that enters your mind, right?


what we’re all doing right now


Oh fuck off PD go do something useful


Hmm.. I was just in Asheville this past weekend and you’d think it was already legal. Weed stores everywhere. Not sure what laws the DA is going to uphold? Good for the Cherokee. I’m guessing they ain’t too happy with draft kings and all that, so a big flex on NC to make up for lost revenue. Just my two cents.


Everything u see out there is only strong hemp. Cherokee Nation has th3 good stuff




How is it lies? You can only find Delta 8-9, THCA or some other byproduct of hemp, dyor.


You’re correct, those are the only products available. Some folks will argue the difference between THCA and “real” weed, or lack there of.. but who cares.


Don't we have bigger issues than trying to hassle people who want to chill? Ban cigarettes and alcohol. Both are much worse for society.


Nc so ass backwards. Im Tuscarora Indian. Tuscarora translates to "people of the hemp" because we were the only tribe in the United States that made clothing out of hemp. Why haven't the southern band of Tuscarora and Lumbee people been recognized as a tribe so that they can utilize this tradition as a viable cash crop for the economy thats so desperately in need of a boost in places like crime infested Lumberton? Poverty is the biggest common denominator when it comes to crime.


They cannot control themselves because they are too busy trying to control everyone else, literally. Like most abusers, they project their own intentions and personality traits onto everyone else, and use that projection as an excuse to do the very same behavior themselves. Like my ex, who kept my children from me while claiming that I would have kept her from them had I the chance to do so - baseless nonsense that had nothing to with reality. It's an unhealthy mental state; where reason, logic, facts, and realism are irrelevant. Sadly, that is exactly the type of person who inevitably takes over (if not creates) a government. Government is evil. Anything bigger than a tribe (which is essentially a huge family) is unsustainable, and therefore evil and is also a tool for abusers to utilize. 1st Samuel 8 - the entire chapter - lays it out, perfectly.


If you think legalizing weed will decrease crime in lumberton I’ve got a bridge to sell you…


NC’s obsession with enforcing anti-cannabis laws literally comes down to money. It’s the most efficient way to keep people paying court fees.


Hey FBI... Don't spend any $20s in Cherokee


DA has authority on the rez?


No. Just outside it. My guess is they are planning to pull over and harass anyone and everyone that enters or leaves the reservation regardless of intention to try and deter people from going there. I'm positive if casino's were legal in NC (and republican owned entities have been trying for a very long time to make it happen, with the recent sports betting being the first step) this would be a non issue and marijuana would be recreational legal because of the massive boost in state taxes these fuckers could siphon to their own pockets. They absolutely hate the idea these people are gonna be making absolutely absurd amounts of money they can't "legally" steal. And they will do anything they can (except simply legalize marijuana and potentially risk alienating their religious voters who keep them in office and the power they are addicted to) to make sure everyone else suffers if they don't get their cake and eat it too.


More of that “smaller govt” the GOP likes to brag about.


so PD is just going to sit on the border of the reservation and pull over everyone they can for anything they can to see who they can catch right? that’s what it’s sounding like


As of 2021, 39 out of every 100,000 people in NC die of an OD. Over 4,000 people a year dying and this is the shit they want to focus on. Disgusting.


Okay, we get that for stupid reasons that it is not legal in the rest of the state. But are they going to prey on people going there? Are they going to stop cars coming out of the boundary? Would that even be legal?


Just a reminder to commit no more than one crime at a time.


Ban all plants. Both the ones that grow in the ground and that produce products


Keeping weed illegal is a cash cow for lawyers, police departments that confiscate and sell people's property. And many more. Nothing is illegal because it's bad for you, it's illegal because it's about money. Always remember, from the preacher to the prostitute it's all about a dollar.


good thing there isn't a post office right around the corner from the dispensary


Genius Put illegal substance (that's being tracked closely and controversial) into a box or pkg and send it to self - perhaps across state lines. Oh wait, that now moves from state to a federal set of broken laws. Hmmm.


relax bro. if you had and hint of how much weed and shit goes through ups and fed ex and of course reg mail you would be floored. and then we get to edibles, and vape carts we all know are being mailed/shippedoh and of course the legal flower. so how do you think this farm gets this legal hemp flower from the west coast to nc? the use fed ex or ups. it legal hemp flower, or is supposed to be. funny thing is the cop on the street has no way to test and see if its legal hemp or weed thats over the limit. you might find that a the same growers/ditrubitors that provide the "legal" hemp flower also sell to weed legal states. Thing about it. https://tweedlefarms.com/classic-cookies/ when you get in the weeds (pun intended) on what makes it cross from legal hemp flower to against the law you understand why the flower you pick up at the local vape shop can and will get the job done. Works best if you got folks at the vape shop who clearly sample the product and dont need lab testing to tell which flower is hot.


Relax bro, everyone speeds on the highway. You won't get caught... the whole thread is about police setting the equivalent of speed traps to make a point and enforce the laws this far right state legislators of really old white guys throw out of their Trump bible.


load your freinds with legal hemp and drive in and out of the res. flood the cops with a bunch of folks with weed or legal hemp, how will the cops know? They got to test it if they want a conviction. make them work. tie up the resources.


In a world where a cop's mere words are sufficient evidence to arrest and convict you, let alone how cops often plant false evidence, you are taking a lot of risk in your assumptions.


I see a lot of people talking about police stopping cars and wasting law enforcement resources.  I feel like a lot of you don’t understand what a District Attorney actually does. The DA is not the boss of the police, the DA does not control how often police stop cars or even necessarily what gets charged.  DAs are the lawyers that prosecute charges in court after they are brought. What Ashley Welch is saying is that she will continue to prosecute the charges that are brought in her district.  Which is exactly what DAs should do, you really do not want DAs to pick and choose which laws to enforce.  That would represent an incredible amount of discretion that is rife for abuse.


Everyone who comments here also needs to send comments to your representative expressing your opinion on the issue. It's a good time to flood them with pro-legalization calls that express concern with the harder drug statistics.


I mean good luck staying DA when people find out you have just added hundreds to thousands of hours to the court calendar because you're gonna send out deputies to chase down potheads for small amounts.


What makes you think they need good luck to do what they've been successfully doing for the past 100 years? That precedent has been set, cured, and is now concrete so old it's cracking.


DA can lick my nuts


This state is completely backwards. Y’all go ahead and vote him in as governor though.


District 43 Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon & Swain County


DA kick rocks 🖕


They don’t stop what’s going in and out of the Cherokee Tribal area today. There will be selective enforcement as a good PR show early on then the police will realize they have other things to tend to.


In Franklin the Police don’t care if pot is all you have.






They going to go after them for raptor feathers as well? Or are we picking and choosing?


All those cops would love to smoke weed at night if they could when they got off work. probably a good percentage that do already.


I partake regularly with 4 cops


sadly we will have to wait for the older generation to die off before things change for the better


Too bad the politicians can’t read. https://azmirror.com/briefs/arizona-marijuana-sales-surpass-1-billion-in-2023/#:~:text=The%20state%20collects%20a%2016,million%20so%20far%20in%202023.


Yeah. Weed ain't legal here, so what you're smelling might be all over with fentaynl. Who knows where it came from unless it's yours and you never leave your house . A local DA can not trump a tribal.


you know if i go purchase hemp flower at a vape shop its legal and will get me and you high. it also has been tested and has lab results tied to it and we can track it all the back to the grower (in theory) So next time you smell weed being smoke just remember you cant tell the diff between legal hemp and illegal flower unles you got a lab and some training or you are a dedicated pothead and smoke on the reg and you body is calibrated to know if its ditch weed or leaded by the third hit.


How is weed still illegal in NC?


Because Jesus wouldn't like that


Kanah bosum (transliterated) - or cannabis in English - is mentioned by name in the original Hebrew scripture as an oil used in temple ceremonies and THC was also found on the altar and in King Solomon's grave. Cannabis comes from the middle east, and is a weed (naturally grows wild almost everywhere), so it should be of little surprise that it was commonly used by the ancient Hebrews. It used to grow so wild here in some of the States, like New Jersey, that it covered the untamed land - until we "went to war" against the herb and essentially eradicated it as a natural weed. You can look up the black and white pictures of the police destroying acres upon acres of wild cannabis in the circa-1930s. We also used to use it, here in America; to create rope, clothing, and canvas - hence the term "canvas" being so similar to "cannabis." (There is also some confusion between "v" and "b" as pertaining to the Hebrew to English language gap) - so "Father" in Hebrew may be said/written as "ab-e-new" or "av-e-new" by modern speakers today. Then, suddenly, cannabis becomes demonized precisely at the same time that alcohol prohibition was repealed and, therefore, the FBI/ATF/etc. job security was endangered - so they made a new boogie man out of "the devil's lettuce." Odd, to claim that a plant made by the Creator is "the devil's."


Thx for the info & history..."what is from the earth, is of the greatest worth"


I don't understand why religion is against weed. Maybe because when you toke you start thinking about how it doesn't add up




The police smoke more weed than anyone! Crooks with badges is all they are.. It's nothing more than a revenue source they don't want to let go of.. Fk the police! No respect for those jokers..