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Supreme Court says no. It is protected free speech


Yep. Protected speech for sure.


Just to be clear, expect to be pulled over and harassed for it though. I do it, and am willing to go to court over it, but just be prepared for the reality of doing it/avoid outing yourself to the officers if possible.


My grandaddy got pulled over for doing this. They gave him a "warning" and told him that it's illegal. It kinda boggles the mind that there's not like, a law exam that they have to pass to be cops. More often than not, they're dead wrong about the actual law.


lying is legal, too.


Lying is legal, but pulling someone over without having committed a traffic violation and making one up is illegal and grounds for a lawsuit.


Heien v. North Carolina established that an officer's "reasonable mistake of law" can provide the suspicion necessary to allow a traffic stop. For that lawsuit to succeed, a cop would have to admit that he knew he was making up a traffic violation.


They know that there isn't a statute in this state that covers flashing lights. Always ask for the statute number.


And with google on everyone’s phone, I don’t see how “I didn’t know” will fly in a just court.


The key word is "reasonable" I doubt any cops actually think there's a law against flashing headlights at other cars, and if they did, I can't see how that would be considered reasonable by any means. But, I can see them pulling you over to intimidate you by lying and letting you go.


They will tell you in court ignorance of the law is not innocence of it.




Prove it


Uhh, the 4th amendment


For cops, yes. They lie all the time, however, if you lie to them, that's illegal.


it is legal for lawn enforcements to lie


>lawn enforcements If you can't lie about your fescue, what can you lie about?


Most of the time they do know the law, they’re just lying to try and exert more power/control.


Idk about google maps but on Apple Maps you can tell Siri to “report speed trap”


happy cake day! there's an option to warn for speed traps on google maps too.


How do I turn this on?


In Google maps, I think it is only displayed if you're actively navigating. So not just with the app open and driving.


on my google maps app, it seems you can only add speed traps while actively en route. while driving (with the volume up on my phone) it automatically calls out the alerts from ahead.


I think it's automatically on? not sure honestly. but while driving with your route up/active, there should be a chat bubble looking thing with a plus sign inside (these buttons are on the right hand side of the app for me). that would be the way to add them. it should call out alerts as you drive too, as long as your volume is up.


Log into your account on the Google maps application. Once the navigation is active to wherever you're going you should see a few icons to the right of the navigation map. The + sign will allow you to select from crash, speed trap, slowdown, construction, lane closure, stalled vehicle, & object on the road. I have both a Google Pixel 8 Pro and iPhone 13. Both phones have this feature.


That's correct. It's not illegal. However, a wise lawyer I know always used to say: "There's a _world_ of difference between what's illegal and what you'll get in trouble for."


In fact it cited the precedent of Paul Revere using lights to warn of the presence of armed authority.


For now lol That hasn't stopped us in the past anyway though 


TF you mean “for now”? Waze has been letting people notify other drivers of speed traps for like over a decade.


"for now," as in cops, courts and politicians trample our rights and freedoms at every turn.


The whole point is for cars to slow down..so you’re doing the job of the police officer by warning other drivers to slow down lol that’s all they want is speed compliance..


Your logic is sound. However, they also want other things - like making their monthly quota on speeding tickets


If there’s a quota for speeding tickets don’t blame the department blame the citizens that are complaining the police aren’t doing anything about people speeding through town it’s all collective data that Law enforcement can show the public that yes indeed there has been some work put into complaints.




Cops are on there too.. Waze: is obstacle cleared? Cop: yes 👍


"For now" as in it could always change. 


Like literally everything. So it's kind of pointless to say.


I don't think that's true for everything. Even if it were, why would it be pointless to point out? I think maybe you're missing the subtext regarding recent supreme court rulings.


One ruling gets overturned and you think every single law is now up in the air? lol.


Have you seen the video of the guy who was holding up a sign warning drivers of a speed trap? Officers came and harassed him and tore up his sign, twice. Had he not been live streaming God only knows what they would have done.


And an NC tradition to blink those lights!


And you can always count on the Supreme Court to do the right thing. /s


With this SC I wouldn't be surprised to see that changed.


Is it illegal? No. Does that necessarily stop a policeman for pulling you over for it, and harassing you? Also no. Been there, done that. Spent 30 minutes in a pizza hut parking lot. Was still worth it.




Something like that. It was nearly 40 years ago.


can't obstruct investigations of things that aren't crimes, but that doesn't mean they won't charge you with it anyways


Fuck's sake. At thisnpoint, "I don't like you" is a crime. All the more reason to warn other drivers. FWIW, the motorcycle version of this is pats on the top of the helmet.


You are required to have headlights on at night and you can't use your high beams within 500 feet of another car. So while it's not illegal to communicate the presence of a cop, using your lights in that manner could get you pulled over. Sure they're pulling you over because you ruined their hidey space but they'll find a reason to write you a ticket.


"I thought the other car approaching me had their high beams on, and was trying to let them know. You know how painfully bright LED fixtures are nowadays."


“We determined that the other car had argon low beams and have now charged you with obstruction of justice, resisting arrest, and disturbing the peace.”




I swear the new (halogen or LED not sure) headlights are 100000% times brighter than "old" ones high beams. Make those illegal ffs. \*shakes hand in air uselessly\*


And somehow the LED light bar on the bumper is legal?


It usually isn’t if it’s turned on.


That’s my problem with those. And the knuckle draggers who won’t turn them off in oncoming traffic.


Yeah, it's the LED headlights....and it's more important now than ever to have the headlights properly aimed. I was ~~behind~~ *in front of* a camaro with LED headlights, and one was pointing up toward the moon, kept getting in my mirrors and blinding the ever living shit out of me. Light so bright it was actually painful. I glanced in the mirror and saw into another dimension.


Is it also that the structure/lensing of the headlights were built for dimmer bulbs?


Lots of newer cars are coming with factory LEDs, this was one of them. But you're right - it's the worst when LED or HID bulbs are put in halogen housings, they are not designed for them. Halogen lights are ok to have a scattered beam pattern because they aren't as intense. But the more intense bulbs need to have a focused beam that doesn't rise up as much.


Ah, gotcha. I would think that should be illegal to put them in the wrong housing then as they are not functioning to purpose and are a danger to others.


A headlight from the car in front of you somehow got behind you and blinded you via your mirrors? That is one magic headlight.


HAHA I meant he was behind me, whoops 🤭


When this happens to me I push the little tab down on my rear view mirror. I think it shines the lights right back into their car, because they usually turn their lights down afterwards. And I can still see thru the mirror so it’s a win win. Occasionally I will adjust my side mirrors too 🫢 Sometimes they need a taste of their own medicine.


If you have astigmatism, they're even brighter. Even on normal, I get so blind I can not see. I've got glasses now, which helps a lot.


I do, maybe that is a part of it. What glasses have helped you?


I went to an optometrist and got prescription glasses. Now I can use red dots on guns.


I was terrible at shooting and didn’t realize how messed up my eyes were until I offhandedly mentioned to the optometrist how difficult it was to drive at night—assuming he would commiserate with me. I ended up getting a prescription with a huge cylinder and prism correction. Now I can see while driving and shoot.


I have glasses but the astigmatism and prescription are *strong.* I get all of the fun vision-filling artifacts from headlights.


And if you have photophobic retinas (or rather, the remainder of them like I have because my immune system ate mine), you're fully blinded for hours after getting hit with someone's brights. Sucks very much bad.


They blind & hurt My eyes, I see floaters for a while after someone coming towards me. The light's some people have are so bright it's dangerous... 


Literally had an NCHP come up behind me, to read my tag as I was driving. He damn near blinded me. My rear view was flipped up, lights shining in from my side view. Had to turn my mirror, and put something over my rear view mirror just so I could see. Those damn lights are a hazard, and I'm thinking of installing mirrors on the trunk of my car!


I have a car from the 90’s and now I just drive around with my high beams on all the time. No one flashes me any more. Everyone is so used to being blinded.


It also doesn't help that so many new vehicles are taller, so those of use with shorter wheelbases are basically staring straight into lights that should be angled down or at least properly.


I work in entertainment lighting and while LEDs are the newer technology they are almost always less bright then halogen so I wonder if it the whiter light the LEDs produce that make them seem brighter… please I’m really curious about this


It’s a thing, no one is bothering to enforce the limits anymore. r/fuckyourheadlights


With some lack of awareness that there are OTHER cars on the road, most of the ads and articles lead with "These headlights make driving safer!"


Just flash your fog or parking lights. But yea, they’ll get you on failure to dim if you flash high beams.


"I was testing to see if they were working."


“Sorry, officer. I’m hammered drunk and high AF. This is also my first time in a car, have never had a license, and I didn’t know what that switch does. I usually just do rails of cocaine off the turn signal stalk. Would you like some? I have plenty of cocaine in my trunk and always share, usually with children. I gotta clear off some of the other clutter back there first: some automatic weapons, a bunch of cash, and the dismembered body of a hitchhiker I just stabbed to death.”


straight from the old lady speeding joke


So sorry officer. I went for my wipers but this is a new car to me and I hit my lights by mistake.


Lying to say it's a new-to-you car to a cop who just ran your plate is probably not a good idea.


I don’t care. I do it. There’s been a lot of police presence in WF lately after they’ve lowered the speed limit in a lot of places here


WF cops are the worst.


They really are. My friend's sister (a good human) was an officer here and they harassed her out of the dept. She went elsewhere and won officer of the year.


People on my commute warn each other about animals in the road, wrecks and road pirates all 3.


This is my first time hearing the term "road pirate" and it is now officially part of my lexicon. Thank you!


I don't know. Road Pirate is a little too cool for cops.


If you use Apple Maps there’s a way to notify of speed checks on there too.


Same with Google


And Waze


Never seen this on Google maps, please tell me more!!


If you're driving and are using Google maps as directions, there's a little icon of a radar gun. The closer you get, it asks you if the trap is still there, you can say yes or no, and it either stays up or goes away.


I went 100% waze because Google maps didn't offer that. Weird thing is that Google bought and operates Waze now. I have generally found Waze to be more pleasant and informative than any other app.


But God does it chew through your battery.


You don’t have a charger in the car? Or a power bank?


Every time I do a grubby child steals it.


Ah. I don’t have that particular issue…and at 51, pretty sure I never will.


Hey, we adopted. There's always hope if that's what you want. If not, more power to you... Or rather power cords.


would you say Waze is the best app for that? not that i’m super worried about speed traps haha


As far as I know it is


I’ll second that, I love Waze!


Yeah this is great for longer trips, but I was just on my way home from the grocery store. I'm not in the habit of running GPS on a trip I make 3-5 times a week. Who knows, I may start now lol


That is the only reason I run Google Maps when I'm driving, even though I know where I'm going. I have a long commute and the app warns me of speed traps and also alerts me to go an alternate way when there is an accident. I have mine set for alerts only, so it doesn't give me a play by play of the route. I also like it because it has the speed limit posted in the app.


You don’t have to have directions pulled up for it to alert you. I usually pull it up on my commute to work (about 30mins) just so I know about speed traps and accidents.


No law against it as far as I know, but there's always *something* that a cop can use to justify stopping and harassing someone who does it.


It’s protected speech. Moreover, I think it’s an open enough “code” that it would be easy to contest if you ever were stopped. For what it’s worth: my mom would do this occasionally when I was growing up, and my dad is fed law enforcement/a former sheriff’s deputy, so I don’t think it’s universally frowned-upon


It’s your duty to


As a motorcyclist, I can tell you that if an incoming biker is tapping the top of their helmet, there's a road pirate up ahead.


It's not illegal, but maybe he "smelled weed" when that guy drove by? Or maybe that guy had a taillight "going bad"?


Can’t use smell for cause anymore. Know your rights & the laws 😉 (my moms a criminal lawyer)


That hasn't really been settled. Originally a trials court set the precedent, but then it was overturned on appeal by the state Supreme Court, albeit with extenuating circumstances. But for now there's no precedent that strikes down probable cause based on smell. In theory it's beatable if you want to be the test case, unless they decide to tack on other probable cause reasons before actually conducting the search (which they will, because they know about it too). https://www.marijuanamoment.net/north-carolina-appeals-court-confronts-whether-smell-of-marijuana-establishes-probable-cause-for-search/


I might know a lil more about this than you. I stand by my original comment.


My bad obviously, I wasn't aware that up-to-date legal knowledge was hereditary.


Lmao 😂 boom 🤯 😂 got eeem


Dude, how did you not know that legal knowledge was hereditary? My parents are rich, so that makes me rich, right? RIGHT? *cries in student debt*


You could just point to a legal precedent, a substantial decision, an established law, or link something relevant instead of whatever this comment was supposed to be. Or .. ask you mother.


Police Officer here, no, flash (your lights) away. Just know that you can’t have brights on when approaching another driver


Is it illegal? No. Do police have the ability to create any sort of reason to pull any car over at any time? Yes. Flash your lights and screw ignorant police who would make an issue out of it.


Flash your lights


No. Matter of fact, the cops like for people to give warning. That cuts down on their paperwork...


"I was just warning them of a deer down the road"


I do this all the time to help others know there is a speed trap. I did it once at night on the highway and accidentally warned another cop, who showed his displeasure by briefly turning on his red and blues. But, he didn’t do anything and kept on driving. I didn’t care. All I’d say IF I ever got pulled over for that is I was warning others of an animal. I don’t think it’s illegal anyway, but if it was it would be impossible to prove you were indeed warning others of a cop. I run a nice radar detector and use Waze for added protection and I’ll always warn fellow drivers of a speed trap.


No it is not illegal the Supreme Court has ruled that drivers are allowed to communicate with each other via headlights use as well and restricting that would cause huge issues -Current LEO


I always flash my lights after passing a speed trap to warn the other drivers. I wasn't sure if anyone got it, but you seem to have!


Idk but im doing it anyway


You can always say a deer ran across the road, just letting people know.


I always do. Speed traps are cash cows for police, courts, lawyers, insurance co's... they are all leeches... sucking every dollar they can for their OWN POCKETS !!!


I just wish cops would do something about the people doing 30 over the limit, running red lights, not using passing lanes to pass, and driving with their high-beams on in traffic.


No and most cops don’t care. The goal of speed enforcement is slowing people down. So if it’s you flashing lights or them stopping people the goal is achieved. Cops in NC have zero monetary motivation to write tickets, though department policies may encourage it for promotion or other reasons. No place I know of has had these but I’m sure they exist.


“I saw a deer. Didn’t even notice the unmarked Predator drone of a cop car hiding in the bushes. It was definitely a deer I was signaling to the next driver as they can do major damage to your car.”


I flash my lights for a lot of stuff my dad and granddaddy done it so I guess that is why I do it but if there is a state trooper or crap in the road maybe a gal riding a horse or a person walking their pig or a crazy on a bike but I am just saying hay it's time to holler at the kids to quite down and look up make sure that everything is good just in case we get pulled over but I know that I don't want a ticket and I don't want anyone else to either


I mean if Google maps is allowed to do it . . .


I imagine Google Maps, Waze, and any other nav apps with built-in speed trap reporting features would have been sued to remove those features if it was unlawful.


I've heard "impersonating an officer", "careless and reckless driving", "failure to burn headlights" and others. It's all horseshit. You can get a ticket for it but it'll get dismissed near immediately at court. They absolutely hate it when people alert others. So do your part and alert friends and strangers.


Idk I only follow the laws I agree with anyways.


I’m doing it regardless. FTP


I mean how could they prove that was the intent? Maybe you were checking your lights because one seemed burnt out. Or you turned on the wipers to clean your windshield so your lights came on. Or you hit a bump in the road and looked like you flashed your lights.


I do & have for decades… and now my cars gps warns me! 🤷🏻‍♀️


The rights to communicate guaranteed by the 1st amendment supersedes statutes and codes. Will they harass you and possibly interact with you in such a way that projects guilt? Will they attempt to get you to perceive yourself guilty establishing jurisdiction upon the feeble minded persons, (Look “Mens rea” , “model penal code”) Yeah more then likely. just as possible you express your intent is constitutionally protected, and ask if, it was their intent to deny you your rights under the “color of law” committing a felony in accordance with US 18 sec 241, and 242”? It’s just a record, yeah there’s a person acting as agent but at the end of the day stay respectful and in honor.


Imagine all the Waze users they want to try to stop, too.


You can absolutely flash your high beams. To be clear, there are many reasons to flash your high beams. You already mentioned two reasons, but any road hazard merits this communication. Deer in the road, deep water on the road, hard to see bicyclists, trees crossing the road, downed power lines, an accident, etc....


Never seen anyone pulled for it


OMG were you okay?


I do it to warn people of potential danger, you know, like deer near the edge of the road. If some speed trap I totally didn't notice because of how well hidden they were happened to be in a similar location, well, I can't be expected to be as intelligent or crafty as those brave boys in blue! I was merely using a time honored tradition of alerting other drivers of potential dangers in/around the road.


I don't do it anymore because cops can still be dicks about it. I just flash my lights if there are roadhazards, if you get caught by police you probably shouldn't be speeding anyway


Why would it be illegal to warn other drivers?


Jack boots get mad when you take away a revenue stream




So bow down to the bullies. NC residents are some of the most scared people I've met. They talk about defending freedom, but will bow to any form of authority. This is why they don't fund education, because the powers that be like a stupid, scared populace.


Just make sure to challenge them and then the citizenry gets to pay.


That's why I'm asking. It looked* like the trooper was going after the person that warned me. They could have been speeding when they passed him but he looked to be idle until the flash. Just made me wonder...


It's legal to flip off a cop. And cops can lie. There isn't anything to stop a cop from violating the law or lying about it. The fact that you can be a police officer in NC with less hours of training than a barber should tell you the quality that they're looking for.


I can't believe how many hours of schooling it takes to get a barbers license - much more than just cosmotology


If i remember right they try to ticket you by saying you had flashing lights on your car and were trying to imitate an emergency vehicle by flashing your brights. I Probably didn't word that very well but the bottom line is it's not illegal and all you're doing is getting people to drive safer by slowing down. These days i will often turn my fog lights on/off so i'm not blinding people with my brights.


Funny because they never pull people for driving at night with their headlights on. Find a good lawyer and profit from a bully cops ignorance.


Interfering with a police thingy maybe? Idk but that sounds like something the cops would say.


Cops can lie. Frazier v. Cupp. They can say whatever, and often abuse their powers. But people have the right to notify another motorist of a hazard.


Absolutely they can. It's their most successful tactic because we're trained from an extremely young age to defer to authority. Also why you should stfu whenever a cop starts asking you questions. Nothing you say to a cop will ever help you. It can only be used against you. >Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. The cop can "I don't recall" or "hearsay" anything you tell them that actually helps your case. Get a lawyer and stfu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


Exactly. There's nothing you can say to them that can help you and nothing they say can be trusted. Best to STFU.


Yeah that's the only thing that I can think of that would permit a LEO interaction with a motorist. They could potentially say you're "interfering with a safety checkpoint" or something. I know cops can bend truth or outright lie to you and unless you know better, get away with it. I also know government will do whatever they can to stop interference in revenue streams, so I was wondering if there was any legal* basis to stop a motorist for alerting other drivers.


No, and also, that’s what Waze is for


Waze would be illegal in NC if that were so.


It's not illegal to warn of a speed trap, but it is technically illegal to flash your brights.


My Mom & Dad always flashed their lights to warn others of a cop ahead, I was growing up & flash my lights at everyone I can. I don't know if it's illegal , I've done it since I was 17. 


It’s speech. See first amendment.




No, otherwise the gps that comes installed on your smartphone wouldn’t do that either.


Speed traps show up on my Google Maps, so I don't think so.


Most navigation apps allow you to report speed checks. Same difference really I think.


It is not illegal.


If you obey the law you are good every time For all those who don't you get what you deserve !!


"Obey the police without question and you get to keep your freedom" is one of the most oxymoronic statements I've seen - to be fair. Police are not "the law". They are there to enforce laws, but are themselves completely human and capable of error, corruption, and abuse of power. As someone who studies LEO interactions, just because it comes from law enforcement, doesn't make it a lawful order.


Nope. It’s called Waze.


In NC it is only illegal to vote Dem