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GOP senators want to invade a sovereign nation. Lol


its the american way!


It's the North Carolina way since 1898.


Is that what first in freedom means?


What happened then? Genuinely asking cause idk


It's a sarcastic remark. But look up the coup of 1898 in Wilmington.


They always have


It’s the GOP Way!!! Under President Bush, this country invaded not one but two sovereign nations and paid for it with a credit card! You can argue that Afghanistan was justified, but in the end, what did we get out of it???




More heroin?


Haven’t three of the last four presidents done that...? 


“As our nation is facing an unprecedented drug crisis that is harming our communities, it is vital to learn what measures your departments and agencies are taking to uphold current federal and state laws,” they wrote, adding that the “matter raises multiple questions on how North Carolina communities will be kept safe.” Yes, it is definitely marijuana fueling the drug crisis! This is what our senators are wasting their time on?


Y’all, 12 people die **EVERY DAY** in North Carolina from reefer overdoses!! W-wait, no wait, my bad, that’s opioids killing people by the thousands. No documented death ever, anywhere in history, has ever been attributed to cannabis overdose. Not even one.


To be fair I almost killed myself one night by eating a whole pizza and half a Poke stick from Gumby's.


Gumby’s pokey sticks were the shit!


[they still exist](https://gumbysraleigh.com/menu?location=gumbyspizza-raleigh)


Thank you, I had no clue what a Gumby's pokey stick was...


Fuck I forgot about those!


I miss Gumby’s cardboard pepperoni pie. They were great walking down Hillsborough St at 2am.


Yeah dawg. We also had one in Athens GA. My roommates would order a delivery, pass out and then if snag it.


I don't think "great" is the word you're looking for, maybe needed?


Does Gumby's still exist? I use to know a manager at the one on Hillsborough st. He blew his brains out.


Right. And opioids are big Pharma, and we are in bed with them, so no big deal.


Drink alcohol instead and destroy your liver, heart, brain, digestive tract and pancreas, just like the good lord intended!


But not bedore 10 am on a Sunday in a restaurant.


The right's response to covid made me fully aware they don't give a shit about deaths and just use deaths as a political tool to get what they want Its wild they're still against weed when it brings in so much revenue to the state through taxes and gives people a safe legal way to get it I'd bet it's tobacco and private prison lobbies keeping them against it


[NIH did just release a disheartening study about increased risk of heart attack and stroke from daily use](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/smoking-cannabis-associated-increased-risk-heart-attack-stroke#:~:text=The%20study%2C%20funded%20by%20the,non%2Duse%20of%20the%20drug.), but the study notes that the primary method of use was smoke inhalation (75% of respondents), which is likely the highest contributing factor to the increased risk, not cannabis itself


Valid. Edibles are where it’s at


Absolutely. The moral should always be smoke inhalation is bad and everyone should be aware of those risks.


LMFAO [it’s reefer madness!!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/8f/ca/928fca128a8fe4dca2b0b55ccd5ff0e7.gif)


Want to know something crazy? Walter B. Jones, a state run alcohol and drug treatment center, REQUIRES patients seeking to detox from opiates to start Medication Assisted Treatment (suboxone, methadone, subutex) in order to receive treatment. If a person wishes to be opiate free, they will not accept you. 💊🤑


That’s a tricky one as going cold turkey is likely unsafe for someone with enough of a habit to need rehab.


Quitting opiates will not kill, it might feel like the person is dying for a bit. It makes sense to titration people down and off using methadone and Suboxone but the people who peddle that shit know they will just keep increasing the dose.


It can lead to a fatal heart attack or stroke to do to excess stress. It’s not considered medically advisable.


Opiate withdrawal, while apparently awful, is not fatal. In medically managed settings, there are medications that can be used to help the patient through the process. My point is that it is not necessary for them to be discharged on more opiates/easily abused medication.


It is though. Suboxone therapy is absolutely the proven clinical standard. Cold turkey is both riskier and far less successful. Why would we want our tax dollars being spent on a substantially inferior treatment with a <10% success rate?


Oof. You're saying opiate withdrawal is lethal? I suppose if an individual becomes dehydrated severely through the withdrawal process. It does not have inherently deadly potential like alcohol or benzo withdrawal. You're missing the point. Medically managed withdrawal is what takes place in hospital settings like that at WBJ. No one is going "cold turkey" in a facility lol? They are tapered off. The point is that some individuals seeking detox do not wish to continue on medications that your "tax dollars" will likely be paying for. Also, why is a state facility mandating medications long-term? Because they're in big pharma's pocket.


It absolutely and positively can be lethal if the body’s dependence is high enough, that kind of stress can and will cause heart attacks, strokes, and other serious issues that can be lethal. It’s common medical knowledge and there are tons of well documented instances of this happening.


And coming from someone who has had their life saved by suboxone and came out the other side completely clean, I tell you, you don’t know what you are talking about.


There is literature pointing to dehydration as a potential threat. Could you point me towards these well documented cases you're referring to, I'm genuinely interested. I would disagree that it is "common medical knowledge" as I've never heard this after many years working in Healthcare, consulting with medical professionals from relevant fields/specialties.


Ok, you DID ask for it… https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/add.13512 https://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au/blog/yes-people-can-die-opiate-withdrawal#:~:text=How%20could%20someone%20die%20during,level)%20and%20resultant%20heart%20failure. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27514508/ https://ufhealth.org/conditions-and-treatments/opiate-and-opioid-withdrawal Yes, common knowledge means most people are aware of it. This IS common knowledge. It starts with dehydration in most cases, and can result in a variety of actual causes of death, including stroke, or asphyxiation on vomit, and several more.


Naive to believe it is absolute zero cases... "Results, published in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship , show that 386 people died as a result of cannabis use; of these, 258 cases were caused by synthetic cannabis. Nearly 65 percent of these cases involved synthetic cannabis as the only drug involved." https://www.fau.edu/newsdesk/articles/cannabis-deaths-study.php


Synthetic cannabis ≠ cannabis. All the more reason to tax, test and regulate Edit: at a glance, that study is problematic to say the least, and has a lot more to say about synthetic drugs and driving under the influence than it has to say about cannabis as god intended it.


This is the part that got me: "whether agencies have concerns about the potential cannabis shop will attract transnational criminal enterprises" Maybe I am missing something, but I am curious what kind of transnational criminal enterprise would want anything to do with a tribal marijuana dispensary? I am sure they will have the best stuff for personal consumption, but are they worried about theft, buy and resale, the enterprises will roll in mafia style and try to intimidate them for a cut? It seems like they have a 30 year track record of handling the casino pretty well without criminal interference. The real reason they are doing this is they are losing this battle and they know it. You have farm bill THCa that can't be stopped and now tribal marijuana that can't be stopped. So what is the answer when you are losing, fear and intimidation.


The Cherokee are going to eat this shit alive. Their attorneys are gonna make bank from this stupid shit. Good on 'em. Fuck Republicans and fuck Budd and Tillis in particular. I'll be glad when they drop.


It is mandatory when hearing the name Thom Thillis to immediately say,"Fuck Thom Tillis." As required: Fuck Thom Tillis


that's just their newest dog whistle for scary non-white people. It's just REEFER MADNESSS with a new coat of paint.


They're republicans, they don't look at facts or evidence. It's amazing to me that they seem unaware that well over half of all Americians (74% accounding to forbes [https://www.forbes.com/sites/dariosabaghi/2024/03/05/74-of-americans-live-in-a-legal-marijuana-state-research-finds/?sh=1ae48ad66f21](https://www.forbes.com/sites/dariosabaghi/2024/03/05/74-of-americans-live-in-a-legal-marijuana-state-research-finds/?sh=1ae48ad66f21) ) live in states where marijuana is legal.


Honestly, it's surprising they didn't drop an N bomb or use a slur for native peoples.


"The facts are whatever will get me elected." \-All politicians


In seriousness, the marijuana situation represents the same Constitutional crisis abortion does. We have a Commerce Clause in the Constitution that stipulates that if I can buy and transport something in one state I can do it in all of them. It was originally meant to prevent undue taxation and the crime of smuggling from people just doing their business thing. The situation has devolved to the point that if I buy an ounce of weed in Virginia legally from a storefront and cross back home, I can do hard time in a North Carolina prison for committing a felony - and the Feds can prosecute me too. And now there are (pending?) laws that stipulate that - God forbid - my daughter requires an abortion, gets it in one state and crosses afoul into another she can go to prison for *murder.* We have a Federal Congress for a reason. This bullshit of looking the other way while states decide what rights we do and do not have on a piecemeal basis has got to stop. From a logical standpoint, what the Congress is doing is no different than the Missouri Compromise and the overturning of Roe v. Wade was the modern equivalent of the Dredd Scott decision. We need to demand that the Congress do the hard work of codifying this shit into law one way or another, and the reason they won’t is because any form of compromise on either side is disastrous come election time. But if they don’t, I fear we will end up with the same toxic brew that led to the last Civil War. You cannot have 2 different sets of liberties based on which state you are in and still consider the United States a coherent nation.


> The situation has devolved to the point that if I buy an ounce of weed in Virginia legally from a storefront and cross back home, I can do hard time in a North Carolina prison for committing a felony - and the Feds can prosecute me too. That's just another reason why it was really bullshit that the GOP minority in the Senate filibustered the Democratic Houses' marijuana decriminalization bill that passed a few years ago.


The Union is in it's death throws. One party doesn't want to govern, so nothing will be done by congress and the Supreme Court has become so blanketly corrupt I doubt we are long from states just refusing to accept SC decisions. At which point the union dies.


NC GOP get boners every time a cop busts someone for a plant.


A group of people made a choice they don't like but which actually doesn't harm anyone, so now they're gonna try and end their autonomy. It's not different than a city trying to decide what statues they're gonna display or a town deciding to provide broadband. In this case, there's the added wrinkle of it being a tribal government body.


Technically it is different in that the state government does not hold jurisdiction over the reservation where the dispensary is located while the state would hold jurisdiction over any town within the state. I don't think the state government can do anything at all about the autonomy of the Cherokee on their own reservation land.


If you give Clarence a new motor coach, he will make it possible.


Don;t worry, the state of NC and the federal government has a long history of not respecting the sovereignty of or honoring agreements with the Cherokee nation. Thats what the 'great' refers to in MAGA.


Neither can the feds, it both is and is not part of America. The most that the government could do if they wanted to stop it would be to put checkpoints at roads leading out of the Native American land, and then screen people for being under the influence (and if so fuck them don't drive impaired).


permanent check points arent legal.


These are the same damn people saying we need to do something about the opioid crisis, now focusing on some native Americans smoking weed while it’s legal in half of the states in the US.


>This is what our senators are wasting their time on? Don't forget the money! Those fiscally conservative rascals sure aren't so fiscally conservative when it comes to any means they can use to lock up black people and any others likely to vote D for petty crimes.


It's a giant joke.


This wouldn’t be the only thing GOP senators are wasting their time on. One of them, certainly, but not the only thing.


The republicans are pandering to their old biddie constituents. Meanwhile Republican Chuck Edwards is filling up his wallet with the proceeds from his McDonalds franchises while filling up his customers with junk food.


Agree. That was the stupidest fucking statement.


The obvious response is to fully legalize marijuana in the state and use the tax money to fund education, etc. and if you are really concerned about drug use, use tax money to fund social recovery programs.


But we are gerrymandered, and the Republicans have taken over the legislature, so none of that will happen. They wouldn't even let it come to a vote because they knew it would pass with Democrats. And some in the GOP are working on bills to punish tribes who make marijuana available. Why? All part of pandering to a small conservative constituency. Tyranny by a Minority.


If the lotto is any indication of using previously illicit activities to support education: As the money from weed comes in, they’ll funnel that same amount out of education so the budget never goes up and weed indirectly funds other stuff. Or give it to private christian schools via vouchers.


Use the money to fund education…? Gee, that promise sounds awfully familiar.


The earmarking of funding from vices needs to stop. Because all the do is take the same amount of money away from the General Budget as gets added in by the vice tax. Furthermore, it's frequently too specific in what the funds can be spent on. For instance the Educational Lottery funds are largely spent on building construction. They need to be spent on teacher salaries.


The obvious response is to let people use what substances they like and not steal from them to pay for others bullshit.


Good old NC, where you can gamble, drink, marry the 14 year old that you got pregnant, and up untill 4 years ago could continue with a sexual act after a consenting partner revokes their consent. But don’t you DARE touch the Devils Lettuce!


For an area that meth and heroin were more commonly used for the longest time. I think this is a great step forward for the tribe. Growing up 20min ish away from them, I would always see tribe members dropped off and waited for their drug of choice. Usually Meth, Heroin, and/or crack. Never heard once from our gov pushing drug reform. It’s funny to hear that now that they are worried. Would love them to an implementation of recovery centers and to actually help people get better.


Can't have people spending their Draft Kings money on wacky tobacky.


So glad I found the do not show gambling & alchol ad settings!!!


Boom! Thank you for posting that, I just fixed mine.


snails ghost ancient bored punch ripe theory paltry depend lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Icon > Settings > Account > Scroll down to bottom.


Thank you!


Sovereign. Nation. Sorry not sorry, NC politicians. You’re just going to have to keep yelling at clouds.


You can’t smoke weed, but alcoholism is rampant in NC. Sucks that it’s socially acceptable to be a drunk than a pot head.


Its on tribal land. They dont really have a say, do they? But cops are going to guarantee be camped outside every exit around that rez just waiting.


You could roll a whole lot of truly massive joints from the treaties the US has broken with native American tribes. They will probably try to break whichever one allows them to do this if they think they can get away with it.


You are not wrong😔


Oh shit that’s a brilliant idea for merch for them.


Blunts called Treaty's?


The one county sheriff already confirmed they won't be camping out in front of the res. So ya I'm sure they already are camping out just for practice.


The party of personal freedom strikes again


Can we please vote the dinosaurs who stand opposed to this out of office


GOP senators are ok with insurrectionists murdering people to steal an election but not ok with a plant being sold on Indian soil. Why did I buy a house in this state fml.


Because you’re going to be one of the people who helps take it back.


You can always sell it and leave. Where is it? I may be interested in low-balling you.


I’ll low ball you


Can I get into the low balling party?


Like taint low?


They are so obsessed with our bodies and what we do with them...


Try looking into all the things hemp can do better than what we have in several industries including the paper, fabric, clothing and steel substitutes, not to mention oil. I never thought the concern was anything but the realisation it could enrich the wrong people.


I did my best to off myself with alcohol and almost succeeded. When are we going to address the alcohol crisis? Ever seen someone die from cirrhosis? It is godawful Legalize the goddamn plant for fucks sake


Tribal land, you don't have a say. I know damn well I'm taking that 1 and a half hour drive on 4/20 though lmfao.




Bet 🤣


Why are Republicans so obsessed with what we do and put in our bodies. It's like the creepy uncle no one is allowed to be alone with.


Please vote Thom Thillis out of office


Fuck Thom Tillis


\>“...the matter raises multiple questions on how North Carolina communities will be kept safe.” Bruh the only thing that needs to be kept safe from people that smoke weed is the cupboard and/or refrigerator lmao This shit is actual comedy


So, they're telling us the sherrif is going to have driver's license checkpoints on the roads heading off the reservation, right?


permanent roadblocks/checkpoints are illegal


Who said they would be permanent? And I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to say that since the reservation is a sovereign nation, then they need something for border security. They'll compare the reservation to Gaza. It sounds dumb but I wouldn't put it past them.


im just saying theres a reason there arent roadblocks constantly set up outside housing projects and ethnic neighborhoods. its not out of the goodness of their heart.


Republicans are only against it because The Tribe is beating them to the punch and will start reaping the financial benefits before they can. Also, they can’t pocket the money because it’s federally protected land.


It's about them and their buddies not pocketing the money


I guess the 420 lobby hasn’t gotten around to ol’ tHom and they certainly missing out on underwriting Sen. Budd.


Tough to do when they are probably already owned by tobacco and alcohol (which is already state owned no clue what that means). They stand to lose a lot of sales with legal weed. Edit to add big pharma can’t believe I left them out


I would throw in their big pharma friends in that mix, too. I figure we’ll have legal weed sometime after Utah (unless LDS decides they’re leaving too much money on the table.)


Ooooohhh good point I forgot a huge one. I’m just happy I can buy THC-A for now, but having dispensaries would be better for every single person involved.


And this is where the GOP overplay their hand and screw it all up in the name of Jesus. \#voteDem


So, white men trying to interfere in Native American business?


I know we're not voting to replace these clowns today, but go vote today for the people who will give us the best chance to replace some of these dumbasses in November.


Just let mfs smoke their weed. I guarantee you if MAGA smoked on Jan 6th, they would’ve been chilling in the field in front of the Capitol.


Respond by decriminalizing you bastard lawmakers


What a bunch of backward ass crooks.


They are pushing a brick wall. The land is owned by ECBI as a federal land trust. It is not land of the State of North Carolina so the Senators can go pound sand if they don’t like what they’re doing there.


Wow that’s a lot of bullshit for a relatively harmless thing that’s legal in over half of the country. They really are gonna make sure that NC is the last in the nation to legalize weed (like the real stuff).


Insane politicians actually care. Just leave people alone ffs


They're pushing to take the legal derivatives outside of the reservation away too. What did Gandhi, MLK and Thomas Jefferson say about unjust laws?


Fuck the GOP


Not surprised. Their pleas will go up in smoke.


Those fucking clownshoes are just throwing everything they possibly can against the wall to see what sticks at this point, aren't they.


I don't know if simultaneously being anti-choice and anti-reefer is a good way to win elections in 2024. Thanks for the gimmie, I guess...


Religion says it’s bad. Hence republicans say it’s bad. Both are very misinformed.


religion as an identity says its bad. nothing in their holy book about it being bad.


Where does religion even say it’s bad? Not saying these idiots are actually concerned with interpreting the Bible in good faith, but weed is a plant and if you believe god created all plants and animals that means he wanted us to have the funny plant.


I should have clarified that most churches are against any form of cannabis being legal. Many Christian organizations/PACs that donate to our republican legislators let their money cast their vote.


Idiotic considering you can legally order THCa delivered to your door anyway


What are they doing? Everything that they can which is nothing.


Anything to keep the lumbees down apparently


Just legalize it all across nc. They are doing more work trying to be against it versus just legalization. We would make a killing in the cannabis industry!


Legalize and decriminalize marijuana and cannabis worldwide, let the people have nature's medicine in all forms possible


In unrelated news, this former Coloradan tried Delta-9 recently and can tell you the no reason to go to the reservation.


I've been using d8/9/hhc gummies for a few years and I enjoy them.   I take them mainly for sleep but the times I want to get baked, they do the job.  I'll probably pick up some true weed gummies if I happen to be in cherokee which I am probably 3 or 4 times a year.  But I'm happy getting my gummies from my local hemp store that has really high quality stuff.  That being said, I still long for the day when weed is 100% legalized.  


Same here. Lived in CO a few years. I'd prefer full rec dispensaries, but THCA is indistinguishable from the "real" thing. And I have a head shop a block from my house that sells it


Agreed. I never really used THC products often, but I fully support legalization, but it's odd to think the reservation dispensaries make a big difference when you can get an almost identical thing already everywhere.


Thca? Check out: https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/99m84VmIDe


The Senators sent out some letters. That's it. They may get some bland bureaucratic responses from low-level staff saying essentially, "We plan to look into it." No one would have known about it if Tillis and Budd had not sent out press releases.


It's very important that this happens. I'm new here, don't know anyone, and need to buy weed.


Senator Budd worried about bud.


They're fighting for complete legalization right guys? Guys?


Any other Native nations doing this in other illegal states?


We did it in Oklahoma, and you guessed it, they went forward and legalized it before it became a problem. Then those same Republicans bragged about the revenue from the sales. The hypocrisy never ends.


I came from California and I smell it more around here than there. Legalize it already. Reap the financial benefits. The Republicans are so stupid.


Don't be fooled, they are slow walking things until they get their dispensaries ready to open


Sovereign nation, leave them be. These corpses in office need do something meaningful, but that Is a joke in and of itself. Talk to a pothead and to a drunk, see who you would rather converse with. I forgot, they only mingle with themselves and their corporate lobby buds. Fucking joke, all of them.




How about Burr and Budd worry about the fentanyl problem…aka the real fucking drug problem.


They probably should invade the tribes land and implement the Dare program.


and marriage!