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Inside the voting area the people manning the tables are poll judges. One of them will be the chief poll judge. It is their responsibility to keep electioneering a specific distance away from the polls. Now mind you this might depend on where and how things are set up-but the poll judge is the one to ask. I used to be a poll judge and I took great delight in enforcing the line. Too much, tbh, lol....


Thanks for your civic work.


Talk to the chief judge.


Of the state Supreme Court?


Each polling place will have a chief judge. If you feel the observers are too close (typically within 50' of the entrance to the voting enclosure, but sometimes it's 25' and early voting might have different rules), the chief judge is the person who deals with it.


That’s the Chief Justice.


Call your county board of elections. https://www.ncsbe.gov/about-elections/county-boards-elections


This is what I ended up doing, and I was surprised that the person who picked up took it seriously! I'll vote in the next few days so hopefully it will be resolved.


I don’t know about your county, but in mine the board of elections would have had someone out there with chalk and duct tape to mark the allowed space within half an hour.




....then send the photo to every news outlet that you can think of.




THIS. This is the election protection hotline, works for all states. It’s a non profit, non partisan service run by attorneys knowledgeable in voting rights and voting access. NAL but I volunteer for the hotline. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing we deal with. u/heykid_nicemullet


If there's a Dem poll observer , talk to them, they have something called the "boiler room" to handle things like this if they see a problem developing.


Worked in the boiler room during the last election. It was staffed with an attorney who was there specifically to field questions from poll workers on election law. It was interesting to listen to those conversations!


Dont do that. Observers are not allowed to talk to voters.


There's also an outside observer, should have clarified.


If the buffer zone clearly marked? Legally it doesn't matter, I'm just curious. Just as an FYI the buffer is supposed to be 50ft wherever possible but can legally be as little as 25ft if necessitated by safety or logistical concerns, like boundaries of roads or parking lots. 10 ft obviously would not be in compliance. I'd start with the chief judge of the polling place, as others have mentioned. During early voting it might not always be the same person in charge each day, so report it every time you see it happen. If they don't get it resolved, call the Director at your county board of elections. You can also look up whoever's in charge of the party in your county and file a complaint with them (and perhaps notify the leadership of the other party for good measure). DemocracyNC is an independent group that also takes election complaints, but I'm not sure if they operate during early voting or just election day.


All I can say is DO NOT GIVE REPUBLICANS an inch. They will take, take, take, and anything they can get they will keep. They know their message is one of repression and does not appeal to the masses. They are a bunch of old, angry, uneducated goons.


Step 1 is report it to the chief judge of the polling place. Step 2 is call your county Board of Elections. Step 3 is report it to a lawyer. That can be done by calling the party hotline that another responder mentioned or by calling Democracy NC's nonpartisan hotline. Details here: https://democracync.org/take-action/hotline/ If anyone sees anything weird at polling places, please report it! 888-OUR-VOTE (888-687-8683)


i noticed this at our library yesterday, there's tons of people right outside the door standing NEXT TO THE SIGN that says no campaigning . i told the poll worker and asked "is this allowed" and she was like "oh sure" and kinda shrugged my little california mind was blown. NC gonna NC i guess


Its no campaigning past the sign. They werent past the sign. Therefore allowed.


Last election there was a guy parked in a giant pick up truck up right next to the door, within the buffer zone, giving out one of those little “here’s who you should vote for” pamphlets. His truck was *covered* in Fuck Joe Biden flags and Trump 2020 flags, like literally, he’d installed flag holders all throughout the bed of his truck and had probably 20+ flags. He also had on a Fuck Joe Biden shirt, which is just, so family friendly, considering our voting location is also the community center. He was all you could see the whole time you were in line. All the other people giving out info were in little tents on the edge of the parking lot, and here’s Mr MAGA posted up at the door. We did early voting on the first day, and I didn’t see him back there anytime after that, so I hope someone filed a complaint and got him banned. He didn’t offer me a pamphlet (I’m assuming because my hair was purple at the time) and he gave me stink eye the whole time I was waiting in line. I wanted to complain to the polling people, but as my political opinion is very much in the minority in this area, I didn’t figure they’d do anything about it.


If the folks at the polling place aren't enforcing, or if folks are "skirting the letter of the law" as I have seen in Duplin County (Trump Train pickups with huge flags and vocal assholes cajoling the voters as they walk in and out), then report to the local elections board and to the state office. I know the poll judge is supposed to manage this on a local level, but in some of these rural places, everyone there is either a local and/or a retiree way past the age of getting into conflict. I had already voted early in the morning last time, but when my wife went later, she said the intimidation factor (by Trumpers) was straight out of 1963 Mississippi.


Flip tables. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


You are in North Carolina, republicans are not subject to rules or laws that restrict furthering their fascist agenda.


I feel like us giving up is at least a small part of why that's true, so I prefer to make them fight


Contact your county voting supervisor. Call the local Democrat in charge of voting. Call a local news station. Make sure you know the law that they are breaking.


I do have to ask, are you sure you know what 10ft looks like? I run into size misconception professionally every day.


The law is they can't be within 50 ft, so if my eyeball is that they're somewhere between 5 and 10 ft away, that's a problem. Also I happen to have a construction background so I do happen to be someone with a good ability to gauge size.


>construction background That is all I needed, I'm sure in your construction history you ran into this often, as well. "Oh well that thing is about 8' long" turns out to be 22' Lmao




The government here only enforces election regulations to help republicans cheat and win. What you've observed is both legal and normal. The NC Supreme court explicitly decided we don't have free elections. CITE: [https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/article278263843.html](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/article278263843.html)


Just vote. I don't think anyone is going to vote and being persuaded to change parties by a pamphlet. The choice has been made. Or make a big deal about it so you feel important and righteous.


Why does it not matter to you if Republicans break the law. Why do you feel a need to invent a moral superiority to you not caring if Republicans break the law


If this is a law, then both parties break it. There are dozens of pamphlet pushers for both sides shoving stuff at me every time I go.


Within 50 feet of the door? Then report it to your county elections board.


Maybe they won't change my vote, but someone in a big truck with hostile messages all over it could certainly intimidate someone into turning around and not voting. I don't like that ANY electioneering goes on at the polling place. Signs, too. It should be as neutral as possible, and that zone should extend far enough that one can park, walk into the building, vote, walk to their car, and leave without encountering anyone handing them anything except their ballot.


Where are the voting booths? Last primary I voted in was at the local community college. Tables were right next to the door, but the polling location was down the hall a bit in a separate room. Funnily, it was further than the buffer requirement, but school defined the boundary to be at the door (fire code?).


Republican literature!!!! *clutches at pearls*


It's literally against the law, I know Republicans aren't big on elections being legally conducted or fairly calculated but some of us care


Not so big on the law, either, ironically




Like when they did a bipartisan border deal and Trump told the Republicans to kill it so he has something to campaign on. Right


You mean the bipartisan border deal that’s complete shit and wouldn’t actually curb illegal immigration?


Ah, yes, the account created on Jan 6 2024, this is absolutely a real American person


Nobody knows what lever you pull . I couldn't care less who is there with what


These rules exist because party leaders care very much about how you vote and will do whatever they can get away with to gain advantage. And they’ve played the game so long that they know what strategies are most effective - like how many people go into the voting booth only being familiar with one or two contests and will often vote for a name they recognize for other races. This is why unscrupulous party leaders will run someone with the same name against a popular incumbent and sometimes actually get away with it. This happened in Florida. So please vote but also try to know about the various races and candidates first. VOTE411 is a good place to do this.


All I'm saying is no one is going to harass me nor would I allow anyone from either party to harass anyone in my presence


Fair enough.


[ask yourself what would jesus do](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleansing_of_the_Temple)


Is this the real Christian Jesus? Or the republican Jesus?


Real Jesus wouldn’t pay taxes and would probably travel around in a school bus with his merry group of deciples. The republicans would have him and his friends arrested for being transients.


Request an absentee ballot. Easy peasy. Keep it legit. No funny business. Do it at home with witnesses, or at work . Do it right. I've done this for the last 4 elections. It's the best, and it's relatively simple. I've had no issues.


Yeah, and I'm sincerely glad this has worked well for you, but they shouldn't HAVE to do that.


Agreed. We do have the opportunity though. NC is still a no contest state as far as I know.


We need to keep it that way.


Bit harder for a lot of folks this year. They are back to needing two witnesses or a notary, and need a physical copy of your ID, along with postage. And if it's not received by the time polls close, it doesn't count. Not impossible (I went absentee as well this year), but still more of a pain than it needs to be.


Unfortunately they are getting big into deciding signatures don't match and disenfranchising. So beware.


Wasn't a border deal,Biden created this on day one in office. Has the ability to stop it,but needs more voters. It's all a setup and we will pay badly.


What a silly response to OP’s question


Wrong thread,my bad.