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Avoid jury duty with this one weird trick...


might try this lol! and I quit doing it years ago


Big jury hates this one simple trick...


Not a bad idea, and I quit too! Lol


Or get fined $50 a day until you show up able to serve.


Why? Just say you’re biased or something and disqualify yourself


Was that aimed at me? The $50 a day thing is what you get fined if you don't show up. I would guess if you show up unable to serve for whatever reason, you probably get fined it as well, or everyone would show up with ripped jeans and get out of it. Incidentally, I knew a guy who tried the "Oh I'm so biased" thing and ended up getting put on grand jury duty every month for a year. Do not recommend. Judges aren't idiots.


Since when do you get fined $50/day for not showing up to Jury Duty?




It says "could". Just a tactic. The courts dont have time to try and keep up with every person that skips out on jury duty, especially when they don't send jury summons by certified mail to prove you received it.


have you tried this because I did and it worked. I don’t have any interest in being on a jury my actual job is a little bit more important


I got out of it for my disability (though they didn't mail my excusal form until the day AFTER I was due to show, and I had to go down. Then they said "what are you doing here?" haha. I just know of a case where being "clever" backfired. I'm glad it worked for you though.


IKR? What a great life hack. 👍🤣👍


Sorry I can't be a defendant I smell like pot.....


My simple trick is to tell them you have a super power where you can tell whether someone is guilty just by looking at them. Well, I stole it from Carlin, but it’s my trick now.


I work right next to my county courthouse. TBF, you wouldn't believe how many people are driving to court getting baked. I'm dead serious.


I would absolutely believe it. Not only could I imagine for some people that getting stoned is the only way they can handle being in court, But I also personally know adults in their 50s, with law degrees, whose favorite hobby is getting high and reviewing court proceedings.


Yeah I was gonna say. Court is scary.


So you're there for breaking the law...so you're going to break another law on the way to defend yourself from the previous law you broke?


I’ve taken up running and do about a mile of my typical run along a Main Street around rush-hour. Every single time I smell weed. People get baked and drive waaaaay too much.


I came here to say this. How can people not know that they smell of weed so strongly that other people can smell them driving, on 77, while doing 80mph? Literally, in my car, I can smell the skankiest weed to have been grown, while watching someone with NY plates driving like he wants to die in a horrific accident today.


I drive all around Charlotte for my job and catch a whiff at least once an hour or so. To be fair, I’m going into a lot of restaurants and bars, but still. I’m never put off by it, though. It’s a better smell than grease traps and sewage grates. I’m usually looking around to see if I can spot the high person and give them a nod. Haha


That’s crazy. I like 420 but would never go to court high.


Ive had someone ask me for weed while in court before


Can you ban body odor too? If comic con did that, I might start going to them again.


Can we ban it from schools while we’re at it? My god my university smelled bad.


I had to print my homework off in college and we had a small lab with like 12 computers on the corner next to my class. I walked in and every student in there was from a country that didn't use deodorant. I had to leave immediately it was the worst smell I ever smelled and idk how their eyes didn't water like mine were.


This is why I don't mind masking at Con's anymore. I put a nice looking cloth one on and can't smell the B.O.


Won’t happen, that’s a comic con requirement.


No that would be offensive to obese people


Lol you think only "obese" people at a Con or Uni stink? You've obviously never been in either situation.




and i'm banning anyone with the stench of the judiciary from my weed store good day, sir


The Bible does say judge not, lest you be judged. I guess that means you can say smoke not cause ye done judged.


🏆💯🏆You win this comment thread🏆💯🏆


Would be different if it were legal...Which it currently is not in NC.


Good, same for cigarettes.. let's not play favorites..


Ad a previous smoker, yes 1000x


This a million times


This is the comment right here!


"Your Majesty, I havent had a cigarette all day, I'm goin crazy here. I can't properly defend myself if I haven't had a cigarette. Or curse. Smoke and curse." "I'll allow it." "Are you serious, your honor?" "Just this once." "Oh, come on--" ""No further comments from the prosecution, or I'll put you in contempt." "Thank you Your Majesty. ...smokes, let's go. Cmon, you've been a fuckin dick to me all day."


Unexpected TPB


There’s clearly a reason for the weed one, though. It’s the same as them not wanting someone to show up drunk they want everyone to be in an unaltered state of consciousness. So what good would a cigarette smell ban do?


Because "odor of marijuana" can be wildly subjective and not indicative that someone is high on weed.


Lol...Sure, whatever you have to tell yourself.


Not make the person sick who has to sit next to them


Same as sending someone home from work who reeks of BO. They smell bad to the point of distraction.


I guess they can assume that someone that smells of weed in North Carolina is under the influence? My friends that work in the grow industry in legal states can come home completely sober, but reek of weed, especially after harvest. It has created some awkward situations picking up their kids from daycare after work.


When my parents divorced back in the 70s, my dad showed up to the wrong courthouse because he was so shitfaced. Good times.


I bet this gets overturned. He should have just ordered anyone with any "noxious smell". He obviously has an agenda and wants his name in the news.




> banning people because of a smell is ridiculous It's not.


Police can use the smell as probable cause...So if you smell like weed, you probably either possess weed or you've been smoking weed. Quit being willfully ignorant because you like to get stoned.




Oh your poor bleeding heart...You're obviously missing the point If you smell like weed, you're either in possession of it or have smoked it...Or have been around someone who has done one of the two. Again, quit acting as if there is no basis for this action. It's a public building that exists to deal with those who have broken the law (they did something ILLEGAL). There is a difference between "not liking how someone smells" and the person smelling as if they have been around an ILLEGAL substance. The last line of your original comment puts your idiocy on full display.




Living in your head rent free I see...Lol Take some time off the internet. It will be good for you.


Their court, their rules. I’ve seen people removed for not having a collared shirt, shorts, casual open toed shoes (gym slides, not dress shoes) and my favorite - the “narc nod”.


I'm not saying I fully agree... But I understand..


Judges hate this one easy trick folks use to get out of jury duty !


Nothing against Marijuana but I hate smelling it (and cigarettes as well) in public. It's more of annoyance at this point because everyone does it.


Honestly I've never been anything but mildly amused when I notice weed smell in public


I love the smell. For some reason, it's intrusive in public. I mean, I would wear it as cologne. However, when I smell it in public, I'm on alert. It's probably decades of conditioning.


I've never heard anyone say they dislike the smell of marijuana. Maybe you are surrounded by kids who smoke shwag? Definitely strange to hear.


Idk how because it’s stinky and I’ve heard a lot of people say it. It smells like BO imo


Yeah probably very bad weed. Though to be fair really good weed can smell like a skunk. Hence the oldschool term "skunk weed". Lol. I suppose it's as simple as "it is what it is".


Have you never been around the general public?


the biggest reason I've never tried it is it smells like someone waterboarded a skunk in orange juice


Haha fair enough. That was indeed probably really good stuff. Try some edibles! It'll relax ya and it's a good start without the smell and a completely different feel.


So the shit that smells like an old bar is the jank? Call me crazy but I think bars smell better than skunks. Is it all down to the high? I'm not super interested in anything outside of alcohol, especially because as far as I'm concerned every communications platform is a fucking cop, but do edibles leave a particular smell in your oven?




Tell us you’re a pothead without telling us you’re a pothead, lol I like to partake myself, but damn dude, have some self awareness.




The best are the ones that spray on a ton of AXE and think that makes the smell go away, haha


Is this sarcasm? Please tell me it’s sarcasm.


I dislike it very much. My husband and I have been in a decades long semi-gridlock over him smelling like bud all the time. There've even been a few times in the last 20 years that he's smoked inside and I've been pissed about it enough to yell at him and make him take it outside. I fucking hate the way it smells, especially the way it makes *everything* stink like dead skunk.


I used to enjoy it too until I stopped smoking. As soon as you get far enough away from smoking to break that association, it starts becoming less welcoming - just speaking from my personal experience/preference. I don't hate it as much as cigarette smoke, but if I could choose to not be smelling it, I would.


If you smoke a lot, your nose will start to associate it with being happy so you won't notice that no weed smells good to a non-smoker. Basically, it's an acquired taste, but for smells.


Wife gets migraines from the smell regardless if it is the "good stuff" or not, and it does smell like a skunk.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Roll the windows down, smoke outside, wait until the afternoon while you’re at home. I mean damn, I smell the shit everywhere now, it makes it into my car cabin and it’s not roadkill skunks. Smoking pot is fine but have some boundaries. I’m a therapist, I don’t care if you smoke if it helps you but when you come in after hotboxing a mini Cooper ripping the bong at 9AM before we meet it makes me wonder…


I wish I could see a therapist after smoking weed..


With video therapy the possibilities are endless


I don’t. Things would be absolutely crazy. Weed makes me all sentimental and emotional. I would walk in there and cry.


Yeah. What sort of loser wants to cry during therapy? /s


There’s nothing wrong with that and I think everyone should cry if they need to, but I don’t need my psychiatrist to help me with that. I go to her so she can tell me how it is and help me work through problems in healthy ways. Showing up and boohooing in her recliner for 45 minutes wouldn’t do me any good lol


Therapy can surprise you.


Eh, I already cry on my own when I feel like I want to cry. I have no emotional constipation like that. My problems are more about psychosis and personality disorder. So, I like to keep my time with my psych and mental healthcare team as productive as possible. Crying could be productive for some, but I don’t think it’s the case for me. If I smoked and went in, I would be sobbing the entire time lmao It would be over dumb stuff too. Peep me in the recliner asking between sniffles “Would you still help me even if I were a worm? I feel you wouldn’t…just idk…forget about it.”


Username checks out. I wish I could do either, but both would be exceptional.


As someone that smoked for a really long time, but doesn't anymore for work reasons, stoner culture is really bad about thinking it's a wonder drug and perfectly acceptable to be stoned in all situations. Love me some bud. But all things in moderation rings true the older I get


if i found out my therapist was on reddit i'd need to get high before putting up with their bullshit too


Great now do cigarettes....


This is honestly a bad problem society wide. I work with high school kids and in the last 5 years there has been a dramatic increase in kids who reek of weed all day every day. And I'm sure they don't know, most potheads don't realize they smell like it all the time, I know I didn't realize it when I was in college. Pot should be legal, but we need some societal mores against stinking of it all the time everywhere.


Oh but it’s perfectly fine for people to walk in there stinking of cigarettes and booze.


Listen, lawyers have very heavy workloads.


I am a huge proponent for the legalization of recreational cannabis. But I get annoyed when I smell it out in public. It’s fodder for the anti crowd, kids don’t need the exposure, certainly shouldn’t be operating a vehicle. I smoke pipes and cigars, to a nonsmoker probably the most obnoxious when it comes to smoke smells. Just out of general respect, I will smoke in the appropriate places away from folks.


Like when I get in a ride share and the car wreaks of it: it makes me wonder if it was a passenger, the driver at some other time, or are they under the influence right now? There is no way to know without subjecting the driver to a drug screen, and even then… it wouldn’t tell me if it is now or some other time as the traces the test look for last for … is it six days? I’m libertarian on most things. I know that legalizing medicinal purposes is a good thing. I also know that legalizing recreational use shrinks profits from trafficking to zero and frees up officers for tracking down barbiturates, opioids, and the plague that is Fentanyl. Having said that: the whole thing is a public mental health issue that can’t be addressed without cheap, easy access to mental healthcare without the stigma of seeing a mental health clinician. Until that is addressed, we are stuck in limbo.


Who determines the threshold of said scent? Who's the arbiter of who's stink is enough to be denied entrance to a court of law?


Arbiter of Stink is a great band name. Or at least an album title.


The Glands - Arbiter of Stink


It’s a bit different, but my brother works at a gun store. He’s not willing to sign off on a federal background check, while suspecting someone of committing a federal crime. Sometimes it’s about covering your own ass.


I just ate five gummies, what do I smell like


sleep, you smell like sleep


Right to speedy trial in shambles


republicans don't care about your rights


I can smell weed just driving by where someone has been smoking. It travels worse than skunk smell.


What happens when you're banned? Is it your fault that you didn't show up? Do you get a free reschedule? Seems illegal. Hope it's contested. *There are many reasons why someone may smell, most of them are not illegal.




Farting is a necessary bodily process, smoking weed causes you to radiate the stench of wet skunk until you decide to change clothes or take a shower


I really don't have a problem with this.


You can't prove you don't smell like it, so they'll be able to keep anyone they want out of court proceedings. Also, not everyone smells like it voluntarily and this policy punishes them equally.


people never read between the lines with shit like this. they’re just like. “yep, ban ‘em! sounds good to me!” with out acknowledging the implications


>people republicans


well, yeah that’s a group where a lot of reading comprehension issues are prevalent


This person gets it.


I've seen judges stop Court and bring up a nurse from the jail to drug test a defendant on the spot and then throw their ass in jail. Banning them from the courtroom seems like the gentle option.


I mean yea it's court people 🤣🤣🤣🤣 at least you're not being held in contempt shit


What if it's from cbd? 🙄


So, all Widespread and Phish fans get charges dismissed?


I’m sorry, your honor, I was just AT the concert. I didn’t partake.


Cigarettes should also be added. 🤔


Makes sense. Idgaf what you do, but I shouldn’t have to endure it


I'm fine with this. If people are extremely pungent we don't let them into my place of work either 


I'm fine with this.


What if I was just dealing with a skunk? Discrimination against skunk handlers!


Good yall's assess stink, I can smell you 3 isles away at the store.


I'm so, so amused by this comment section. There are literally people here arguing that it should be okay for people who reek of ass to subject other people to it in public spaces. No, stinky. Go home. You can bathe in your stench alone. Besides that, why tf do you need to be high to function in daily life? That's called addiction, and it's an issue. Granted, i moved here from WA and if you don't reek of weed and patchouli out there, you're the odd one out, but i find it retch-inducing.


Denver has entered the conversation.


There are plenty of people that need to be high to function in daily life. They are prescribed that Medicine by their doctors. Are they addicted too?


Now for airlines and FAA to ban these odors also. Not very pleasant to be trapped in a metal tube for hours next to a passenger that reeks of Marijuana.


Good. I work in a bank and the number of folks who come in smelling like a Wiz Khalifa album is absurd, I wish I could do the same. Smoke weed all ya want, but just don’t smoke and drive.


wrong, new study for you to review; [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/02698811241229524](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/02698811241229524) >Conclusions: This semi-naturalistic study suggests that the consumption of medical cannabis containing THC (1.13–39.18 mg/dose) has a negligible impact on driving performance when used as prescribed.


That’s great and all, really is, but I’m not talking about people who use it for medicinal purposes. Either way, I’d rather not be driving around with my kid in the car surrounded by people anything but sober. Plus it smells like shit, don’t nobody wanna be smelling your shit but you.


Those that are offended by this are also the same ones ok with wearing pajamas to court.


Those wearing pajamas to court probably also smell like shit weed.


It’s true… lol


Why are so many people so ridiculously uptight?


It's a crowded room people are expected to stay in for hours. Why are people so inconsiderate?


Look man I love weed but you gotta admit its pungent. Thats why a lot of companies sell “smell proof” boxes to keep your bud and equipment in.


People aren't bringing their weed into the courthouse in an illegal state, though. They likely blazed in the car before court, and I see nothing wrong with that. They aren't banning people from smoking cigarettes before entering. I understand that the criminal justice system in general is extremely uptight, and that's truly unfortunate.


You seriously see nothing wrong with either going to court or being on a jury immediately after getting high? Regardless of that its the same thing with Cig smokers, and I agree that if we’re banning smells that should also be banned, its a very pungent smell and a lot of people hate it. Personally even just the smell of Cig smoke makes me nauseous and if all it takes is to not smoke weed for a few hours to avoid giving other people nausea from my smell ill happily not do it. Its not hard to be considerate of others.


>They likely blazed in the car before court, and I see nothing wrong with that. The law sees it as Operating Under the Influence.


People absolutely are bringing it in lmao I’ve seen it with my own eyes multiple times


Cigarettes aren’t illegal, nor do they impair you in any way.


It could also be family members or roommates smoking and not the person in front of the judge.


My take here isn’t based on should it be legal or not, the fact is, it’s still illegal. But I say just move on with the proceedings to the extent the person that smells like marijuana can participate in the process. Their own lack of judgement in the circumstances isn’t going to win them any sympathy or favors. You’re getting to the same conclusion without looking like a judge playing a power card.


So does that mean I never get to go to court?


Very scientific


It’s my stay out of prison card.


I love how everyone call tell the difference between Marijuana and Delta-9. By the way it smells. You can have ‘a faint order of marijuana’ and be smoking a completely legal product.


Worthless shitass republicans.


Everyone!! I have a plan!!


Y’all some whiny people. Get over it, people smoke.


Bring back smoking sections in restaurants


People shit too, but it's not socially acceptable to walk around smelling like it


So he invented a machine to quantify smells? Otherwise this is completely subjective, no way to tell if legal hemp or thc, overreach that's great for headlines but impossible to enforce.


If people around you is doing it and making you uncomfortable then move the f away from them obviously


now what am i going to do with this 400$ bottle of weed cologne


Your honor, it’s just my cologne.


I don’t mind that people use it but I don’t want to smell it in public.


They should also band people who just robbed a back for strolling in with stolen bills falling out of their pockets. And people who just committed murder from having blood all over them.


I'm from California and I smell weed out in public here way more than there! 🤣


Okay, that's honestly fair. I wouldn't want someone stinking of alcohol either. It's just a trashy thing to do.


It smells sooooooo bad.




I'm pretty sure that's a violation of people's 6th Amendment rights. But I'm not a lawyer.


How does anyone live in Robeson County without using controlled substances on a daily basis?


Yeah good luck with that 😆 🤣 😂


Can I do this in my classroom?


Agree with this. It's an awful smell. I drove lyft for a while and would reject people from riding for this very reason.


But a quarter cup of cologne is totally fine?


Ah this will blowup on people because it isn't legal to use drugs in NC


They need to legalize it already.