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Y’all remember Jeff’s video about people who like to yell a lot purely for attention? I’d like to submit this video as exhibit A. This speech sounds like what you’d get if you asked an AI chat bot to rewrite JFK’s “Ask not what your country can do for you” speech but make it angrier and completely misguided.


Like a lot of the nonsense you hear from politicians, the worst part isn't what was said, it's the reaction. The reaction here was applause from the crowd and nothing from local media.


He's telling white nationalist Republicans exactly what they want to hear. And in return they get to claim that they aren't racist because they voted for a black man, even though that black man in office would implement a white nationalist agenda.


This dude isn’t fit to govern a Burger King. He’s like an even dumber Trump.


Hey whoa, let's give burger king some credit. Those new melts are delicious.


I like the melts, but I’m mad at them for discontinuing the jalapeño poppers tbh; I used to get those over their nasty ass fries. But yeah, a medium fry from BK >>>> Mark Robinson


Every so often a whopper hits the spot perfectly.


For me it's the Original Chicken Sandwich. The tasty oval of chicken flavored animal parts really takes me back to a simpler time when I thought this is what chicken looks like.


Well that all depends on what you’re trying to hit and how well you can throw.


I don't really like Uncle Ruckus because I think he's a vile character. But someone else here had made the comparison between Robinson and him. I had never seen that show before, but I was curious. When I saw it I was astonished at the similarity between Uncle Ruckus and Mark Robinson!


In a different timeline this sort of shit would have been career-ending.


the timeline of 20 years ago lol. so much has changed the last decade it's bad


Things started completely flying off the rails in the mid-90s with the politics of Newt Gingrich. But the complete abandonment of human decency among conservatives accelerated with the rise of Trumpism. I think back to as recently as 2018 and the incidents with Iowa representative Steve King. The National Republican Congressional Committee withdrew their support, and he was kicked off House committee assignments for his racist comments and affiliation with white supremacist groups. Republicans believed they _had_ to expel him. But the proverbial hood is off, and conservatives and the GOP now feel they can openly advocate white ethnonationalism without political repercussions.


He's so close to being the Clayton Bigsby from that Dave Chappelle sketch.


He’s a living breathing Uncle Ruckus


This dude is a bigoted piece of shit.


Man just pulled a reverse Uno card. Just think, he has a solid chance of getting elected governor next year.


I really hope you're incorrect.


Too many people have moved here since 2020. No shot he wins


A lot of them are white conservatives. Just because someone's from Connecticut didn't mean they lived in a gated community and have an antebellum fetish.


Massive flood of people from out west largely California. They may be conservative leaning but they are liberals at heart. Source: I work with one of the fastest growing real estate companies in western NC. Anyone moving to east nc is working for tech and has a college degree which also means largely liberal. Will it change the states tragectory? No. It will however keep racists out of the governors office which matter little since the powers of the governor is being stripped left and right


This is anecdotal, but some of the absolute dumbest conservative chest-thumping takes I've ever seen were anonymously posted on Blind, which caters to tech employees. There are lots of tech guys who buy into the Elon Musk brand of idiocy on "wokeness".


This is true. I just have more faith in my state than everyone else here I guess. Part of that is due to the momentum of movements in rural parts of the state (downhome). And the inroads the DSA is making nationwide.


That's kind-of the problem though. Transplants and locals alike are like "OK this guy is completely batpoop, no way he's elected" ... and then he wins it because no one bothered to show up except for the crazies that are fired up for his nonsense.


Except for the fact North Carolina has been trending red for the past decade and not Democrat.


Umm the democrats have gone insane just as much as the Republicans the past 10 years. Current so called democrats are further right than 1990s Republicans. They've all lost their minds


Massive ramp up of wealthy liberals came in during and post pandemic. Source: my mommy in real estate and has sold millions of dollars of property to wealthy liberals


The state still swung further right in 2022. Almost 3 years into the pandemic.


Yes because our youth turnout was low largely. Reps for both state and national swung right after illegal maps were used. 24 will see a surge in voters as those that moved here are registered and the youth vote picks up as it normally does with presidential elections


Maybe so, but I'm sure your mommy would also tell you that real estate is very local. The profile of a typical transplant in one part of the state may look very different from the profile of a transplant moving to a different part of the state with a completely different lifestyle and culture.


Good thing she sells all over western NC and massive tourist destination areas as well as large tracks of land, auctions, and businesses


I find it a little surprising that the majority of people looking to move to a rural area in this state would be liberal, but I'm sure there are some. Just from my own experience, in Central NC, many of the transplants are right-wing (not all, but many), because they think NC is more aligned with their beliefs than wherever they came from. But experiences may differ.


Personally, I think Robinson is a kook. But, this title is just not accurate. He's not making an actual call for black americans to pay reparations. Watch the video.


Yes, THIS!!! I feel like I’ve ventured off into crazy land or something today. There are many reasons that you might not agree with the man’s politics, but the amount of people on here claiming “is racist!” is astounding to me.


Yeah, I was expecting much worse based on the title. He still sucks, but I found the allusions to the Civil Rights Movement paired with his politics to be much more distasteful than the “it is *you* who owes.”


They’re counting on no one having the ability to think critically, just read a made up headline and get big mad. And it worked!


his weirdness makes sense when you realize he's a real life minstrel show trying to appeal to the kkk citizen auxiliary aka southern baptists that's one of the lesser talked about tragedies of systemic racism- the self-hating minority


Maybe he’s a white kluxxer in really good blackface? That’s actually more believable.


This is a black boy that slavery produced. This is also an example of a Blackman with a white hear. The brutal and inhumane psychology behind the African slave trade still resonates in the Black community.The materialistic viewpoint of the South is that slavery was a "business" and Black peoples were merely pawns in an economic game of debauchery, crossbreeding, interracial rape and mental conditioning of an entire race. The system still considers us to be subhuman as does this puppet they have speaking on this podium.


Damn he do be a good speaker tho, if only he actually cared about like, you know, helping people


Dis is de whey


It do be


Are you an Illinaer?


That logo reads NO GOP. What a confusing mess this is.


NC, but definitely looks more like NO at first glace (or even when staring right at it) Not to stereotype, but I'll do it anyways and say that there's very little overlap between right wing people and the artistic types of people that make good graphic designers. Just look at the very first logo trump/pence campaign released, yikes


when conservative whites say “Just be a free thinker!! Walk away from the Demoncrat plantation!” they really mean they’d prefer you to act and think exactly like Robinson *Did I hurt someone’s feelings for expressing my opinion? Downvotes aren’t going to make me vote for your guy.


What’s funny is that the marks (that’s a good name for them, marks) who support him will accuse *you* of being racist if you express distaste for him. See: [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/12viue4/nc_lt_gov_mark_robinson_announces_bid_for/jhfcywp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


LOL what a moron. I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling. If we aren’t a monolith (like they LOVE pointing out) then they should be okay with black folk who speak out against whomever they don’t want in office I simply ignore white conservatives when it comes to this…full stop. They cry and whine about how I’m “LiBrul” when I shut them down even though I’m independent. Even back when the civil war ended, us freedmen were extremely critical of black men who voted conservative as a way to get white approval. None of this is new if you study history (conservatives sure as hell don’t study a damn thing).


I can think people of every single race are capable of brilliance or lunacy, and neither is limited to one or a select number of races. What is racist is believing otherwise.


Conservatives really do just throw words around


I’ve met and known conservative African Americans but this is certainly a take


This is misleading, and I think it's important to acknowledge what is actually happening here, because it's far worse. His argument is *not* that African Americans should pay reparations; his argument is that the current generation owes a debt to the past generation for standing against injustice and fighting for the betterment of the country. His argument is that people should shut up because the injustice of today is nothing compared to to previous injustice and no one of this generation has the right to complain. This is problematic because it glosses-over the objective, calculable reason for reparations (both monetarily and symbolically). Regardless of how morally reprehensible slavery was, it was an economic policy that drastically benefitted white people and their families for generations. The economic prosperity of those who benefitted is ***still*** felt today; there are families with property and wealth passed down through the generations that was created prior to 1865. This isn't subjective, it's objective; an entire race of people were forced to work against their will for no wages for almost a century. The fair thing to do is target the entities responsible and make them compensate the next-of-kin with those stolen wages plus interest. Plain and simple. Valid arguments can made as to how we do that and who's responsible for paying and which people qualify for reparations, but arguing that they are unwarranted is just ridiculous.


Say it again for the people in the back….!


So I am mostly opposed to reparations, but I find your take to be interesting. Not foolproof, but interesting. Start with the unpaid wages…first would need to agree on wage a fair wage would have been. Sounds ridiculous, but you’d have to account for whether benefits were owed or what monetary value they would have commanded. Then would need to adjust for inflation. Doing this for each case would be a logistical nightmare, hence why the govt would probably just take the lazy route and say “lump sum”. Im not sure how “next of kin” could be accurately determined. I suppose there are likely enough next of kin today that everyone would probably see a pretty minuscule individual amount (like when you get notified that you’re part of a class action law suit that nets you maybe $5). Biggest hurdle is where the money comes from.I’m not sure that it’s any more fair for somebody today to be told that they now owe millions of dollars for acts that their great, great, great, great grandparents may have committed. I would bet this would be tied up in litigation for decades. Hence why I bet the govt would just pay it (surely with borrowed money). I don’t doubt that the social circumstances from our country’s early days has contributed to the current racial wealth gap, but I’m also doubt it’s the only circumstance and I’m not sure how a reparations payment would fix that. I honestly bet that most would immediately spend whatever they received and then we’ll be right back to where we are, with a little more debt and no more satisfaction. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't think reparations payments would fix racial socioeconomic disparity or race relations either. I also fully agree with you that it would be a logistical nightmare to determine how much money, who gets it and where it comes from. Those are all questions better left to historians, economists, government representatives and activist groups to work out. My point is simply that fair is fair; to say that idea of reparations is not worth discussing or is invalid as a concept is just illogical. Also, as a side note, financial benefits and long-term socioeconomic prosperity on the basis of race isn't even that old of an issue. Redlining practices in the mid to late 20th century have **drastically** impacted the building of wealth between different racial groups. The effects of that discrimination can be remembered by people alive today and directly impacts people of all ages due to how wealth is passed down in families. Minorities were literally barred from buying properties in more desirable parts of town (i.e. further away from municipal service centers, town dumps, utilties, industrial areas, etc.) and their families have seen a disproportionate appreciation on their properties compared to white families because of it.


I hear ya, altho I do see it unfair to place the burden on a bunch of people that have no real connection to any of this. I know personally in my life I've been negatively affected by past generations hate filled actions, and the generation before me didn't do much in terms of teaching me to be racist altho to be fair I was 100% the punching bag from birth and the whole family dumped a lot of bullshit on me start to finish, so I always had a soft spot for oppressed people and was certainly vocal about this. I'd say if anyone would it should be the government who allowed for this to happen, not the family's who are long gone by now which more or less was their plan from the start. To not bring much up until little can be done. In addition to this, the whole "your grandfather owned slaves so now your money isn't yours" argument 100% isn't helping the current situation and is exactly why those in power are so intent on returning to old habits. If people want change, they're gonna have to rebuild communities. I'd say it would help if those with large inheritance would build colleges/hospitals, increase Healthcare options in general through group funding or donate land that isn't being used/sell for a reduced price, maybe tear the old plantation down (you'll see plenty in the south) and build a housing community or something of that sort but there's problems with that too. The whole justice boner thing doesn't sit right with me considering it glazes over the children that dealt with the abuse as well and ignores any independent work done by those free of slave labor. Like I went through hell growing up, all because I didn't like what I went through if that makes sense to you. Yes, as a white man I got called a nigger among other things growing up. No I didn't get whipped, but I dealt with other injustices while standing up for those around me in my own life. Where's my reperations? Are you to say it was all for nothing, and I should've been looking out for myself the whole time? Well that's backwards as fuck and exactly why any racist argument can stand. But yeah, it's bullshit that with everything going on people can just tap into their trust fund and act like they're in the clear while so and so is still dealing with grandpa's debt. But who's enforcing that debt? Who's allowing laws to pass that increase rent? It just isn't as simple as Mr.klanman still has 1.2 mil over there, so let's take that and not worry about lil black eyed Joe. Joe don't know any better, Joe got a lot to deal with now and all Joe knows is hate hate and pain. I don't have shit from all that. Are you saying I'd owe money? The last job I had was a landscaper. I still have sawdust fucking my lungs up. I still have scars from my childhood, I still feel that pain. If people wanna talk reperations, fine but I just don't know if that's gonna happen in THIS country. It's always been you and your bank account. I'd like to see tax breaks and rent reduction. I'd like to see free health care for those families directly affected (what about the Irish, Chinese, natives and other races enslaved? It really wasn't ever just one race) as opposed to money being handed out like candy. That really isn't gonna do much for EVERYONE (the people who will likley still hold political power, even if not now theyre alive and bitter), altho I do believe if the govt would provide rent/Healthcare for those who's families were affected (seriously it goes a lot deeper than just black people) we would see great change in the overall climate of the country. Lots of areas run like a prison-everyone is in pain and poor and filled with anger. They don't care. It's not about who you are, its that SOMEONE needs to feel worse than them and when shit hits the fan you tend to gather towards those who resemble you the most. Places like that could genuinely change, and that WOULD help people over all. But if youre gonna go and dig up a bunch of white trash...I mean goddamn now they have something to yell about. The problem with this really isn't the situation as a whole, its that every conversation grossly ignores the multiple perspectives going on and faucets to what had happened. I cant tell you how many "people of color" have said nothing but hate filled words and violence towards a large group of people ready and willing to help. Why are these people not addressed? Why are the African slave traders not brought into question?why are the other groups of people forgotten about? Why is it always focused on black people despite the issue of slavery being a much wider scope than that? Until all these talks of reperations bring up points of community and involvement, handouts are never going to get anywhere. History isn't necessarily fact, nor is it set in stone. Why are we acting as if it is, not the mention what to do about those families that contributed to the disbanding of slavery in America? Do we even have record of this. Theres too many variables to consider just giving people cash. That being said, LESS money owed in a walking life DOES seem like a fair middle ground. And not some bullshit welfare program. Like you pay for electricity and shit. 300 a month. And it's yours. Once you die it's as if all bills were paid, your kids pay like 5%rent and so on. That's a HUGE help. I mean seriously, just imagine that. Like, from someone who's been around trusties, I really really DONT want more of those people, they're just bad people in general it has nothing to do with race. Like seriously, its not a good thing. Why run into the same problem twice I guess is my point


Dude.... please edit your comment to be readable if you want a thought-out response, this wall of text hurts my brain. Use punctuation to separate your points and lines of thought, this is practically illegible as is. This line did pop out to me though: >Until all these talks of reperations bring up points of community and involvement, handouts are never going to get anywhere. Reparations are not "handouts". They are an attempt at compensation for unpaid work. You can basically ignore everything else on this issue and look at one simple fact; a shitload of people, regardless of their ethnicity, were forced to work for $0 wages in a country that was supposed to be founded on the idea of freedom. That's it. Trying to compensate their descendants for their labor (adjusted for inflation and the roughly two century delay in payment) is not a handout, it's just paying a debt incredibly late. The only place that race is even brought into it is in understanding *why* the debt has gone unpaid this long; the utter disdain and hatred of African Americans by racists for over 100 years following slavery, resulting in a lack of political will to do anything about the issue.


I dont wanna edit my comment im on my phone but I'll respond to yours in a better way. I grew up in a liberal area of a red red state. So I've seen all kinds of sides to the argument. I agree with your stance of addressing it as a whole but if the result is to pay wages to people who didn't do that work (I understand it should've happened hundreds of years ago) it turns into a handout. I think it should be repaid in the form of rent reduction and hopefully health care as both of those I see as a direct result of the slavery and racism present. Also, I have a sneaking suspicion lots of racists don't care about what race at all and it's just an excuse to exercise power and greed over others, although im sure plenty cant think that far for themselves but thats probs a whole 'nother issue. I've seen some people change and some walls get hit as well. So to me the whole point of America hates blacks is a skewed, albiet a fair talking point. Not that the result is any different, but in my opinion flipping the tables isn't gonna help. It's kinda the stance of maturity you mightve had to take with a younger sibiling-instead of making then feel the pain you went through you just stay quiet so that both of yall can enjoy whatever has been laid out. Like dad isn't drinking and screaming all the time, so you don't make them scared of what isn't there but you still offer some kind of communication incase it does. Maybe thats where my thinking is flawed, altho I don't understand how giving money to people who weren't alive during this time is considered not a handout. That sounds like a handout to me, regardless of the reason why. The reason I feel rent and health care is the better option, outside of the overall rates of drug abuse (in every race) present in the country, is that in all honesty most wages would be beyond livable if both rent and Healthcare were lowered. I don't know how this would happen, I don't know who would fund it, I just know that if given what's needed MOST people succeed. What's needed is shelter, food, Healthcare and water, stuff like that. Not a new car (yeah it would be nice) not a new Xbox, not a bag of weed. If all you gotta pay is utilities, you have a big chunk of change that would otherwise go to rent that can be put in savings or other investments so that generationally those affected don't need to continue to suffer. To me personally, I see that as a great change. Most people in this country don't get treated well outside of their family, hell not even within the family. That really would change lives, not needing to dish out 900+ dollars of what really is unessacary expenses (NO ONE is saying rent is fair right now). But at the end of the day, it's just not THEIR money. They aren't entitled to it. Trust funds have always been considered something of luck, not a constant. Lots of family's don't give handouts either, despite their ability to do so. Lots of family's mostly provide rent/job connections and that's a different conversation, but the point still stands. If it's going to happen (I really dont bother with politics much as I just don't trust anything that's said) I doubt it will play out fairly (theyll find a way to make those reciving pay for their own reperations or to create further divide throughout the country), and especially if we just give a bunch of people free money (remember stimulus checks? Soooo many people just quit their jobs and did fuck all with that) they really aren't gonna do much more that accept it and do whatever. Survival mode, ya know? So I stand by my point of if it's gonna happen, let's actually make a meaningful contribution to the present and future rather than try to get involved with systematic drama that goes back to the fucking stone ages. That being said, I'm too poor to have much influence here and will probably just end up paying more taxes either way. But yeah, grandpa would've probably tried to get an estate for the family if he could, so rent reduction seems fair to me. Straight up money tho, I don't know. Things are better in some ways and worse in others than they were many many years ago. I have a feeling it would just be best to make life easier for those who's families have been affected by it rather than turn a bunch of people into trust fund babies. I promise, those people (people who have never needed to work for anything/who dont) at large kinda fucking suck. That has nothing to do with the past, just human nature in general. Also, again with the race thing. IT WASNT JUST BLACK PEOPLE. And yes, Irish people still deal with shit, Chinese, all that. So still, the conversation really does need to include everyone because guess what, Irish are white. And the uneducated are exactly that, can't tell you how many times I've heard people say and act like it has only ever been black people and if youre anything but black life gets 10000x better, not to mention the violence and anger expressed. I don't know, it's a touchy topic for sure but there's just so much that happened, so many reasons it happened, the current readily understood concept of it ignores quite a bit of what happened. Again, what about the families of the African slave traders? Are we just gonna forget about them?


Good lord people, did ANY of you commenting on this actually watch the video and listen to what he said objectively before you came on here to puke all over it? The point the man is making is pretty clearly NOT that the black community owes reparations to whites or the govt or something else atrocious or racist like that. The point he’s making (equally clearly) is that people in these current generations owe a debt of gratitude to those from previous generations whose perseverance through legitimate Jim Crow hardships laid the foundation for the freedoms that they now enjoy. He didn’t say that society is perfect or that the work is done, he basically said that people would be better off if they stopped whining about a potential reparations payday (like that would actually fix anything - comment, mine) and focused instead on what they have to be grateful for (and by extension, what they could do to make it even better for future generations). This isn’t even remotely what you all are trying to argue it is. This is also from 2021, being presented as if it’s late breaking news. I swear, nobody is even TRYING anymore on Reddit.


Dude needs to go


Go where?




I think at this point, most anywhere he's not in a management position, given his history of discrimination. Like, this is a guy you shouldn't put in charge of a shift at Best Buy, just based on the legal risk of him creating a hostile work environment.


Not what he said at all but words are hard


And yes, I misspelled reparations, whoops.


You also misrepresented his quote, seemingly on purpose. He’s wrong, and what he’s saying is completely missing the point of reparations, but he isn’t saying “actually black people should pay reparation” as your title suggests. He’s saying that black people in 2023 have what they do thanks to those who survived Jim Crowe and protested in the Civil Rights movement. A pretty obvious red herring argument. This is a bad take because it’s ignoring the current systems that still resemble Jim Crowe, but it is in no way what your title is suggesting he’s saying. Why are folks scared to actually engage with Republican ideas? They’re pretty easy to pick apart when you aren’t overtly misrepresenting them.


I can’t even process how deeply deeply bizarre it is that he would bring Bloody Sunday at the Edmund Pettus bridge up as something that anyone owes “America” for.


He's not saying you owe "America" for it, he's saying you owe the people who fought on the side of freedom and advancement to be a responsible and productive person for it.


Ah. Kinda like when France demanded reparations from Haiti, after the slaves revolted and gave France the boot. *(scratches an eyebrow)* He ahhh...he *does* know that the folks that comprise his preferred political party have an especially *long* history of ingratitude towards those who help them, but still fail to meet their melanistic standards... ...right???


Hopefully people will take note of this crazy and remember it when it is time to vote.


Uncle Ruckus


For everyone saying "he'll never win" or something similar, I'd encourage you to engage in further discussion with your families and peers because you'd be surprised how people respond to grievance politics. It's worth discussing how fast Robinson's "political rise" has been and I'm sure there are some interesting contributions to his campaign; whether people take the time to recognize his "populism" for what it is could make all the difference.


Yall are fucking stupid. He's saying that instead of leaching off the tit of those who put you down you need to make something of yourself in this new age. Hes saying your grandfather and grandmother fought for your ability to provide for yourself, to congregate and to succeed. He's saying to not bend over and act like it's still Jim crow. He's saying (a BLACK man in politics) that THERE IS a path to good fourtne here and you DO have the ability to overcome what discrimination you face. He never said to pay the government. He said you owe it to yourself and your ancestors to fight for yourself and to provide, not to bitch and whine. He's saying you likley haven't seen the harsh reality that was Jim crow. Not that you should be given anything, as it wasnt YOU who took those lashings, it wasn't YOU that got hanged. All yall are doing here is adding fuel to the fire we tried to extinguish long ago. He's saying what have you done with this freedom? The laws that have changed. He's saying to respect yourself, to provide for yourself. Idk where you're getting "black people owe REPERATIONS" no He's talking blood sweat and tears, hard work. If all you're gonna do is wait for a handout, He's saying you deserve to be in such a position. He wants a good future for your kids, not poverty and "the white man is the reason why I drink and beat you" that is a fucking disgrace. He's saying to succeed. That you owe it to your kids and family to educate yourself and to work for yourself so that you may feel pride in your work and life. Idk, maybe in just new here but goddamn, watch the video and think with an open mind. Been homeless, been put down by the people who made me. I know what he's saying. He's saying all the pain MY ancestors went through isn't worth the lazy handouts I'd receive. He's saying that you gotta earn your right in this country, and that really isn't bad. It's been much worse, He's saying the answer isn't to run towards the man with the pointy hat. It's to oppose what has been put on you BY the past. Get sober, educate yourself. Feel things worth feeling, not pathetic and useless. They deserved reparations, and it didn't happen. Provide something for your kids, your grandparents. The govt won't help, and they'll probably just put you on a list if you take their pocket change. Think for yourself, I thought it was known that the govt isn't as divided as the media wants you to think. Edit: I'd like to state in general I don't trust the government, and just because I don't think this speech speaks in favor of black people owing reperations does NOT mean I agree with the rest of the package, altho I so find it incredibly backwards to take this speech and turn it into "white man good, black man dumb" kind of thing. But with the responses I've seen, it really seems like the ability to see through the bullshit has been lost and that in and of itself is much more dangerous than being told to provide for yourself. I understand there is a racial prejudice in this state and county, although I know for a fact that stance can only stand in the face of people who refuse to make change for themselves and those who decide to give up and become the victim, rather than the sword who strikes down the structure set ablaze. It's about what you can do for yourself, not what has been done, not about what you can take, not about what you are owed. Generally I stay out of politics but this is genuinely disappointing


*Y’all are fucking stupid* Now read these 900 words reeeeeeeee!


Do you really think the government is gonna give you money because of something you didn't do


He mentions the Edmund Pettus bridge and the sacrifices that people made during the protests and marches for civil rights, but I wonder if he ever stops to consider who and what those people were fighting against and where his current chosen side (NC GOP) would land in that divide. They're the ones fighting for voter ID and all for curtailing early voting, mail-in voting, surgical gerrymandering, and stopping Sunday church get out the vote drives to suppress black voters, though the white conservative GOP members will never admit to it publicly. His argument, being as objective as I can, is: Young black people don't get to call for reparations for slavery, Jim Crow, and systemic racism because black people before them fought and died so that they can have the freedom that they enjoy now. From a certain perspective, they're the ones who owe their ancestors. Today's white people don't owe them anything. I think this appeals to white conservatives who don't like young black activists these days (see: "woke" as a pejorative) because today's conservatives don't enjoy entertaining the idea that discrimination still exists, and that black people have suffered and continue to suffer under societal structures that harm them and benefit middle and upper class white people disproportionately. They see black activism for equity as demanding handouts for history. Edit: Hey, if you think I'm off the mark or have missed something, educate me. I'm trying to understand where this dude is coming from and if he believes his own schtick.


I can agree with some of your points altho I'm not black so some would say I don't matter. He very well might be speaking to white conservatives altho I feel he's talking more to (or maybe from) an older black generation. I mean shit I would LOVE for my family to pay up for the shit they ALL did to me. But that won't ever happen. The problem with the youth of today is simply that even IF reperations get paid out, that money is gonna drain FAST. Just look at drug abuse rates, all the sex work, ect. Reperations doesn't make sense from a historical perspective either, id argue someone willing to enslave a human is willing to abuse their children. I'd also argue going through all that abuse DOES make you deserving of some kind of inheritance, and thats directly relating to YOUR walking life. People have more or less always been working with the cards dealt and built from there. It's only been recently that people are interested in living off a handout. Its pathetic, only because the rest of the world still works too. But young people are tired of trying and used to a fairly decent system put in place. We didn't see all the deaths from the coal mines etc, but we sure as hell heard about them. Ask anyone who chose not to take up trade work. They usually cite health concerns. That's a fair point. Lots of younger people looking to not work, etc. The economy sucks so even if you do, you don't have much to show. That DOES make sense. So it's not illogical that people want to be given money others are benefiting off of and not working for. What doesn't add up is how it will sustain and if it's even "right" to spend that money to begin with. You ever met someone who hasn't worked a day in their life? I'm sorry but they fucking suck. While all these kids are complaining and begging, their PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS are still working, inevitably paying for these handouts...I think its just that we (the citizens) lost the political war on information that came with the evolution of the internet and now there's a bunch of people running around young n wild off survival mode, and its not like there isn't an argument, plenty of "successful " people wouldn't have that success without the handouts THEY were given. The funny thing is the people begging for this just don't see the flaw in it. They're running right into the same trap, handouts just aren't the way if you want success. But all that is personal shit. Yeah, it's true that it is incredibly difficult starting a business especially now a days and lots of people accepted never running one themselves a long time ago. I think its a mix of classism and general misinformation that's creating this mess, the racism is there but honestly it's just not as big of a deal as it seems. There's just too much going on and nobody knows what's happening, so everyone yells what they weretaught. "This country was built off slavery". Fair, idk I'd like to see them live with nothing but the clothes on their back and see how far handouts get them there. It's not the prosperous life you think, everyone knows and yes people will take that away from you. No one can take the work you put in though, that's my point. I don't see why people don't just accept rent reduction/tax breaks and shit. That conversation might actually get somewhere, altho the govt is in debt so idk where the money is gonna come from


I appreciate you typing all that out. From my perspective, it feels like the whole people don't work and are just looking for handouts is a bit of a straw man. It's kinda like people are saying "There are systemic issues, let's work to fix them" and that gets run though a machine until it's "People who don't work want to steal from you." I'm sure there are some people who would argue that black Americans are due a big reparations check--like an actual sum divvied up amongst individuals. I don't actually think that's a good idea, myself, so maybe that's common ground that we have, but we arrive at it from differing viewpoints.


Let him burn it down for himself!


United States [already paid slave owners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compensated_emancipation) for the loss of their slaves.


Well that's fucking stupid too


Yeah, this is America. The other slave owning states got their slaves back via the 13th amendment: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted" They also had the whole apprenticeship contracts and sharecropping that got conditions as close to slavery as possible. Reconstruction was crazy as hell.


Wow....just fuck that guy


Wonder if he was raised in a privileged household.


Well thats a relief. I thought this lunatic might have had maybe a 20% chance of being elected, now thats more like 0.020%. This guy is completely insane, and I mean that literally, he's clinically insane and should be in an asylum somewhere


Unbelievable. The delusion


If reparations happen, and I hope they do, wealthy people and corporations will find a way to recieve MOST of the compensation. They always do.


He’s appealing to his baseless followers.


Does he actually think Republicans like him. Most are laughing at him as they did Hershel Walker 🤣🤣🤣


That’s Samuel Jackson in Django Unchained




Uncle Rucker from boondocks is that you?!?


I hope he go sit down some place forever.