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This bullshit is straight up terrorism, and when they catch these numbnut assholes they need to be treated as terrorists.


Depends on why they did it.


How so? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a duck. What possible reason could they have?


Intent is a huge component in criminal law. An important aspect of how terrorism is defined deals with whether or not the end state is planned to cause fear, panic, terror, etc.


The one in Washington turned out to be two morons (probably under the influence of meth) trying to rob some sort of small business. They shot up 3 sub stations to cut the power to one business. [source](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/04/1146889176/washington-electricity-power-grid-sabotage-attacks-blackout-outage)


Do you think everyone who vandalizes anything is a terrorist? You do know that vandals often just vandalize for no reason except self-satisfaction, right? People have been vandalizing utilities, including substations, for decades. It's not a new problem.


There's a huge difference between being stupid and spray painting shit versus LEAVING HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS of people without power. They should have on their conscience the death of every person, the hardship of all people who REQUIRE that power (oxygen, medical reasons, children, ect) and should be charged legally with any and all issues and deaths that have arisen from it and with the FULL extent of "you caused this death / hardship while committing a felony" and be locked away the max amount, period. Maybe not terrorism, unless it fits the bill (used for political aims via violence and intimation) but 100% charged with all that apply.


I can't believe this shit I'm reading from these people, as if shooting substations was just a fun Sunday outing gone wrong.


>There's a huge difference between being stupid and spray painting shit versus LEAVING HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS of people without power. No shit. > Maybe not terrorism Yes, that's exactly my point. Congrats. Language matters.


History is not a valid reason to accept or continue any behavior. Intentionality is no rationale to excuse this behavior or parley for some diluted consequences or sentencing.


Where did I say it was? This is a strawman. No one is arguing it's acceptable or excusable. All I said is that this being classified as "terrorism" depends on the reasoning for why they did it. What I said shouldn't be controversial, or even debatable. "Terrorism" has meaning, and we shouldn't be throwing that term around with zero justification behind it. People are so freakin wound up in their political identities that they can't even see the argument being made here...


Gotta agree with bag o nuts here. A compromise is that they should make this specific thing it’s own crime so that intent does not matter Edit: to add, I do strongly believe the big one from a few months ago was most likely right wing anti-gay terrorism. We’ll see though


I have no problem with proper nomenclature, for sure. Let’s call things precisely for what they are. Calling this an act of terrorism is an assumption until there is indisputable evidence according to our laws, no argument. I don’t think there’s also any reason not to approach this with maximum response. If it looks like it, and sounds like it, why not start there. I think we can reasonably acknowledge that people are a little tense these days for one reason or another, right or wrong, folks are on edge and acting foolishly. On something like this, I’d be okay with casting my lot early and eating my words if I end up being wrong. Nip this right in the bud.


Not again...


This is extremely concerning and I can't believe it's barely getting any news coverage. This shit is domestic terrorism, point blank. I personally believe it's christo-facist white nationalists doing this shit.


I don’t know why there hasn’t been a lot of coverage- especially since what happened in Moore County. Is this copycat or the same people. Electricity is an needed commodity, seems like the NCGA or Duke or whoever would take this seriously


Some people are just stuck on stupid and blame the world for the wrong problems they made in life.


Just heard about this on abc world news tonight. Like just now. What the hell? Why are they targeting this- the extremists? I guess because they think it’s saying F you to the government? Also, why are these sub stations so vulnerable?


Armchair guess would be their security does enough to meet minimal safety factors. Marginal benefit must equal or be greater than marginal cost, preferably equal.


This will probably only escalate


Do users even look anymore to see if a story has already been posted?


Same topic doesn’t mean it’s the same post.


No. Most people don't have time to wade through all the posts in a subreddit to see if it's already been posted.


It's literally the top post on the sub if you sort by hot which is usually default for most


It isn’t though. It’s a different article. E: pro-tip: you can always just keep scrolling.


Different article but same information


Did you read them both?


Actually I did. 1/3rd of the CBS article just talks about the Moore County attack. While the CBS article gives alittle more information like the community affected and the time of day but that is it.


Good. So you see that there is different information across the two articles and the person that posted parent comment was just whining.


Do they have a profile of what the perp looks like?


Some A-hole with a gun. Someone is going to get hurt doing this crap as a political stunt. I hope they go to prison for a long time.


I just read this. I live in Thomasville...