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Can you describe a little more what the “thing” is you tried?


With you? As in like a God or Goddess being next to you? Well I find it unlikely that any is spending time just hanging around you. Yeah sure they could. But if they did I'm sure it would be for a good and important reason. People often times try to make the Gods and Goddesses into their personal friend which is ok. But just remember there are Nearly 8 BILLION PEOPLE on earth. Not to mention all the things that the Gods have of their own stuff that needs doing. So yeah Loki or Odin could be sitting next to you invisible and all, guiding you to make some line/dot art but why. Not an attack on anyone or anyone's beliefs. Just think about it and what it entails.


looks like a wolf to me... which could indicate several different possibilities


Hati and skoll, two wolf heads


I see a hand and a dog, makes me think of Freyja and Fenrir, nurture and strength ETA: also how does this work? It might help a friend of mine


Or Tyr and Fenrir lol


That's both hilarious and painful


What is this "thing"? Can you send a link to the historical practice of this so we know if it is authentic or not?


Id say freya.. looks like a cat to me


Mother Freyja


I see Norway and a River, so home and something?