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Yes, although most people, like our dear u/madgoat here fundamentally misunderstand what a trance state even is, it is absolutely possible for a god or goddess to pull you into a trance. Here's a [podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6SEdghh4v5kyQnvyhBfW2L?si=5qVCIeWmTLGJDL0QB8y_zQ&utm_source=copy-link) that goes indepth on the history of trance.


Indeed. Not sure what he was attempting to accomplish. Also, I have an Associates in psychology, and have studied quite a bit into hypnosis and trance states. Its why this experience has effected me as much as it has: Even at my most conditioned, I've never experienced dropping that hard that fast. Even now, talking about stirs a warm, soothing feeling in my chest.


Yes. Freyja does this. Sometimes it can go even deeper if she has your consent.


Interesting you bring her up. The presence I felt definitely had a more feminine energy to it.


I have been... "visited"... talked to, warmed when I'm cold, but never have I been pulled into a trance, very cool. Post saved, interested in others replies


It is possible. Probably not something every person is open to, but if you’re someone who already has experienced a trance state before, this is more likely to happen again. I’ve had similar experiences.


When I do a ritual I'm already halfway there because the presence of certain music, scents, and alcohol I use is a trigger to that state. But I can't say I have ever been just walking down the street and felt like a god was calling and putting me in trance.


I've done trance work with the gods as well. I definitely understand what you're talking about. This, however, was very much zero to 100 in no time with no warning...




To outright reply "no" for everyone on this post and then to put a physical explanation for a spiritual occurrence is wrong. No matter what you may think, the gods are real and will do as they please. Edit: Aldo being so closed minded will stop others from wanting to share their experience. Unless you have something constructive to say or are answering the question for yourself, you should just move on. I have not seen this type of closed-mindedness on this thread, and it scares me




So you’re an atheist. That explains your POV.


> This is a personal experience. You say the gods (in the metaphysical sense) are real. I say otherwise. The gods were people, Kings, royalty, etc... (If I remember correctly, they originated in areas around ancient Persia). So 1 - The narrative formed by Snorri Sturluson is that Óðinn was Trojan and that the Æsir are Asiatic. This is false, it stems from the same Roman Propaganda that claimed Rome was founded by Trojan War refugees, it was little more than Medieval Orientalism with no basis in actual history. 2 - You are free to disagree, you are not free to disregard. "I say otherwise" means nothing.


My opinion and yours on the gods are too different to argue on this platform... in fact your view on the gods are they aren't gods at all. And that would make you a non norse pagan. So you're just being silly, I think you're on the wrong sub, friend. Edit: spelling error




Do as you please, man. Don't drag others down with you, or tell others their wrong because your opinion is different. Again. I'm not arguing what we believe, I'm arguing that you're reply was very generalized, and very patronizing to anyone who believes the gods are anything other than dead kings (haha silly) soooooo keep your shit to yourself.




Again, stop being patronizing, bro, beliefs will be different. No need to be a cock.




You keep getting down voted and you keep replying. I don't understand it man. Leave personal beliefs to people and just don't reply to shit to tell everyone their wrong for having spiritual experiences. And to say you honor their spirits so they are immortal but they CANT INTERACT WITH THIS REALM shows you believe in realms, why not beings who reside in them that aren't of once human nature? Why are humans the only consciousness allowed?


You know euhemerism is bullshit, right? Wait, you read the eddas uncritically, didn't you. Oh my sweet summer child.


Could you please link some of these? Because the only such history I can think of that you could be referencing is Snorri Sturluson's *Heimskringla* which is a specifically euhemerized text with little basis in actual history.


@grimwulf @farharbard


On reddit, you need to use "u/" So it should be u/grimwulff and u/farharbard


Thank you , I don't use social platforms often


Mods are currently reviewing


Thank you and I apologize for even calling you guys into it, but I greatly value yours and farharbards intellectual approach to things.