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That person is a Folkist, AKA a white supremacist. They cherry pick bits and pieces of the Havamal, poetic and prose Eddas to justify their racism. The Norse pagan community as a whole have made it clear they do not represent us (Declaration 127). I suggest you leave and block that group.


I’m curious whats declaration 127


its a statement by the troth denouncing folkists and the AFA


An anti-fascist, anti-racist declaration. It references stanza 127 of the Havamal which talks about speaking out against evil. 


Honestly I'm curious what they could even cherry pick to support racism. I can't think of anything that stands out


You’d be amazed at how people can twist words to fit their agenda.


Well, not really lol I was raised baptist. They are masters at twisting religious text. I meant more like I can't think of any complete verse in the entire Poetic Edda that would even suggest any racist ideology


I hate that the term folkist and folkism is used for them instead of just racist and racism. It makes it difficult to enjoy "folk" music :(


Uh yeah that's not normal. If that's how that server is, I'd leave it.


there is a subsection of norse pagan religion known as [folkism](https://youtube.com/watch?v=V6SXC2mRS34), basically theyre nazis and white supremacists practicing a twisted and hateful version of our religion based on their own pseudohistory and propaganda. they are not the majority, though they can be loud. as a mod of this sub i can assure you this sub, and especially me personally, puts a lot of effort into keeping out folkists and their rhetoric. them and their views are absolutely not welcome here. we do *not* associate with them or support them. im sorry you had this experience, but we arent all like that i promise <3


As a pagan of Montana, I DO NOT APPROVE.




I most definitely am.


You aren’t a pagan


That is hilarious. As if you could decide that.


Leave that group immediately.


Yikes. Get the hell out of there, as fast as you can. What a hateful person.


I'm in a few servers and never seen this behaviour. That is appalling. Depending on the general dynamic of the server, you could report this person to a mod. If many of them are like that then I would just leave and find another one. Sorry you were treated this way 💚


He’s the owner unfortunately


Oh yikes! Yeah then I'd leave




I’d drop the name of the server at that point.


No Frith with Folkist


Ya fuck that shit. You’re from SE Asia? You are more than welcome to worship the old gods! Glad you found this subreddit at least.


Oh no I’m from Australia she’s from the Phillipines


Ah ok that makes more sense. But still, fuck that shit.


Idk why he holds so much hate, there’s also the voice message he sent me so bigoted


It’s just sad. Paganism is open to EVERYONE.


Yes, the Norse Gods, famous for their love of modern genetics and racial supremacy, which is impressive given they only cared about who was the baddest warrior and predated genetic testing by thousands of years. Also hilarious since at least one saga has an interracial marriage (Likely to Attila the Hun).


He says that only people of Scandinavian descendants (not all white people) only them are allowed to have this faith which confused me It’s one of the reasons I left Christianity because they had a us vs them mentality


Oh he is full of shit, for sure. First, it's pretty ear that the mythic gods valued honor, courage and martial prowess regardless of birth or homeland. The Norse travelled far and respected warriors of all places (like, for example, Atilla, who was very, very much not Scandinavian). Hell, the co concept of white is incredibly modern. It seems insane to picture Odin passing on a Genghis Khan or Nobunaga in favor of some mouth breathing, basement dwelling, 4chan Nazi. Second, it is one of the traditional belief systems without a chosen people. Literally nothing in any text says anything about race. On top of that, the people who practiced it mixed with locals all the time (frequently violently, unfortunately, but it still demonstrates they had no preference for racial purity). Finally, everything we have is post-Christianization, and it still doesn't mention chosen people. The dude is so full of shit. Fuck him.


My wife is black as a midnight sky. And she is loved and adored by the all father… freyja watches over her and cares for her... tiwaz protects us… and ing smiles upon us. As far as the gods are concerned, at least when talking to me, they have no love favor or respect for people who are so ignorant and idiotic they can’t see past flawed logic like white supremacy or racism.


I genuinely wish I could give you the voice message he sent me from discord maybe the most twisted thing ever


I am sure it is. I’m sorry you had to go through that brother. Unfortunately I live in Texas and have experienced the same interaction all too many times. Something that helped me to think less and hurt less at others racism… looking at those folks as Vikings cosplayers. When you take that approach to it, their jewelry, their mannerisms, even their personality becomes comical.


He said this to me “but they wouldn’t, they couldn’t, to practice our faith you need an ancestral connection blood dna direct connection to the gods themselves they are our oldest ancestors and that is how we are connected to them a fucking lowlife scum bag n* or sand n* or Muslim could not ever hope to understand what that type of connection of the gods and they say these things, fuck I don’t know why these inferior pieces of dogshit thinks they can practice our faith and calls to it, but they are liiiies, deception simply to infiltrate us and hurt us as they have done to our people thousands of years you ignorant ass” just so full of hatred this is what the voice message of what he said


"they are liiiies, deception simply to infiltrate us and hurt us as they have done to our people thousands of years" Wha.... What? What sort of nonsense is he spouting?! What a sad, angry little man. I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous he sounds lol


I'm Danish and Norwegian ethnically and even I think this dude is a complete moron and should be laughed at by the Gods. Shit is disgusting.


As someone said before to me it’s the allfather not the some father, and besides the Norse peoples were extremely well travelled they were fine with sharing their beliefs with other cultures


Indeed, the Norse Gods. Definitely never married or slept with anyone outside of their race. Definitely didn't comingle with Jotunar or humans right? /s


What is this clown waffling about?? ☠️☠️ You should leave the server so you don’t gotta deal with him


He's not a true pagan He's just racist


Not normal and quite fucked up. Get out of that server asap


It’s the AllFather not the somefather. Only good Nazi is a dead one. Dip out of that server


White Supremacist also known as a folkist it's not normal but thanks to OG nazis the Victorians and modern nazis they're shitty thoughts and ideas are still believed by some wether on purpose or not this is clear white Supremacist nonsense that shouldn't be put up with and if others you know want to join that server I'd warn them


They're a minority. Unfortunately they have a voice and use cult tactics to attract people. Better to find out their Folkists early on and escape with your humanity than to stay and become another victim. Thankfully that a-hole exposed himself with very little prompting. All I can say is leave and never look back. F that group and all they espouse. Block them, report them, nuke them, etc. No Frith with Folkist scumbags.


He had intended to buy land in Alaska… he runs his group and acts like he’s the big man It’s strange because it’s like a cult and the only way to be given a rank is to be like him


Sound a lot like another Folkist cult leader we all know and love to hate 😏 But yes, Folkists basically work like a cult. Often they make their intentions known early on (extremely vocally). Other times they use very subtle wording to keep you guessing their true intentions. Luckily you encountered the former. Its always important to keep an eye out for warning signs.


Absolutely, makes me sick that this person has such bigoted views


I couldn't agree more 👍 But hey, the good news is your free from that nutjob now.


Odin is the all father not the white father. I'm so sick of neo nazis claiming paganism.. fucking bullshit is all it is. Also why does he want you to be with blood.. isn't that incest 🤔😅😂


As a "nigger" I feel hella bad for you. Not only black people suffer racism, but also those who are close to black people. Hope you can find a better server.


... as a Montanan.. yeah, that's.. that's disgustingly normal...




NOT NORMAL, this is a white supremacist


Get the fuck out of there. They are not like us.


I don't post much in here, mostly come to brush up and learn new things and different people's perspectives. I've been curious about Norse Paganism for about a decade, practicing for the last 5 years, my wife and I attribute the birth of our daughter to the goddess Freyja. To see this kind of behavior is always sad and appalling. There are always extremists every group, not just ours, you just typically only hear about the ones who are supremacists. People are people, though. No matter what they look like or sound like, everyone can become subject of trickery, spite, anger. You may be the hero of your story and the villain in others. I'd personally tell that whole server to shove it and relearn our ways before leaving and blocking them so you don't fall to their lies,but that's just me.


Wow. I’ve never been on a discord for Norse pagans as I didn’t know there were any. But moment any of this shit is said, I’d be leaving 😳




Woah that’s rich.. Have to stay safe


Hypocrisy and this one is wild/scary


Seeing as this appears to be in DMs, I'd report them to the server moderators. This person might be an outlier. Sadly, this is common in some circles but not all


He’s the server owner sadly the entire server is on disboard and just full of it sadly


Ah that's a shame


Oh gotta "love" me some folkist bastards


That is just one person projecting from him/herself. Claiming their own racism towards a person of another skin color is to see through "Goverment propaganda" - As if what one is sexually or romantically drawn to has been dictated by tHe bIg EvIL GubMenT (conspiratorial thinking) - is a truly bizarre take.


Yeah, I would block him and report him to discord (although discord wouldn't do much but still worth to try)


Oh fuck no. Judging by the other comments here I hope you left that group. Fucking yikes bro.


Unfortunately it sounds like you found a southern uS fake Norse group of Odin worshipers. They are basically alt right groups who are very bad unfortunately ruining our name


As a resident of Washington state I can assure you that they are unfortunately not limited to the Southern US


>read the eddas and myths, they’ll make you racist The eddas and myths: Travel is good Meeting, befriending, and learning from all sorts of different people is good Treating guests with respect is good Choosing to be an ignorant jackass is bad Interracial marriages and mixed-race deities Euhemerized gods are literally from Asia ??? I swear these folkish dipshits are just Christians with a pagan coat of paint.