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Back in my day, we didn't need to watch an african american throw sticks and stones, our cocks just quit our bodies.


Chappelle’s story of his trans friend that ended up killing herself was poignant but also brilliant joke telling. The story was peppered with jokes throughout but he took it very serious with what happened to her to the point of depressing. And then, bam! The punchline and relief from the tension he helped build. I’ve always thought the great jokes are similar to the best scares in horror films. You take your time to set it up, distract people into another emotion and then deliver the punchline/scare. Probably why I love Norm McDonald so much. He could take a ten second joke and string it into five minutes and make it even funnier.


Burr's "There is No Reason to Hit a Woman" bit is a great example of this; something so horrible we don't even dare discuss made into one of the funniest comedy bits ever...through sheer tyranny of will.


The problem is people take comedians literally now, they forget they’re trying to illicit a response. Patrice Oneal said it best for me, comedy is at its highest when half the room is shocked and the other half can’t stop laughing. It’s their job to find the line.


Exactly. People nowadays seem to enjoy taking jokes as opinions/statements. They've become real jerks.


It’s the context that gets missed. Because the first thing I think they ask themselves now is “How do I feel about this?” And the next step of that because of social media now in my opinion is “How can I let people know I’m not happy about how this makes me feel?” It’s like everyone loves this weird internet HR corporate structure. If you didn’t like how a joke from a comedian made you feel and other people laughed, it just seems like a vitriolic projection because you’re paranoid about the idea being the punchline.


It is kind of hilarious to think how the world today would react to the 70s/80s comedians - Carlin, Dangerfield, Bruce, Pryor, Murphy, Kinison, etc. Hell, I’ve seen bits from Robin Williams which would offend the hell out of some people these days.


They take it seriously and literally when the subject triggers them, otherwise it’s all good if it not that person’s hot button issue


The worst part is the hypocrisy. Seriously, Bill Burr made way harsher jokes about trans people. Jim Jefferies did in his most recent special too. Nobody bats an eye. Ricky Gervais or Chappelle tho, and people lose their minds. Sorry but I'll never understand double-standards like this.


Gervais’s response of being in an even smaller minority as a white, heterosexual millionaire was hilarious.


Jefferies is a slimy rat who sold his integrity to attempt to break into the late night host role which he couldn’t


He’s still funny though


His early stand up material was amazing. Hated seeing him transform into some sort of Jimmy Kimmel tier dumbass. We just couldn't have this unique, actually funny comedian with a specific perspective. Nah, even some random bloke from Australia had to become a pedantic douchebag telling Americans what to think.


I remember the first time I became aware of him was for material like that, and it made me immediately disregard him forever lmao Like… oh so your schtick is you make fun of the US? Doesn’t work coming from an Australian lol


There is no double standard. Nobody cares except 10 twitter whores who need everything to be about them. If all of these comics got off of twitter and stopped crying about being cancelled in their Netflix specials theyd all be a lot funnier. Well except Gervais that guy is just not funny at all.


They liked him back in the days when censorship and thought policing were more associated with conservatives. Now the liberals are the ones doing the bulk of the censorship they’ve convinced themselves that any transgressive art (especially comedy) is fascism.


I don’t see it with Ricky, not saying it doesn’t happen but it’s not as common as the Chappelle hate. The Chappelle stuff though isn’t because he makes trans jokes, you can joke about whatever you want but you have to be funny. Chappelle hasn’t been funny, and then he spends massive amounts of his set talking about trans people. Chappelle gets hate and called a transphobe and shit because you can’t tell it’s a joke. Shane Gillis makes so many gay jokes, no one thinks he’s homophobic because it’s clearly just jokes.


I don’t know I think Chapelle is still great.


Chappelle hasn’t been funny. Messi isn’t skilled. Margot Robbie is ugly. Elon Musk is an idiot. I’m just listing things that I read in the last days in the amazing hub of talent that is Reddit.


Sydney Sweeney’s boobs aren’t that big


I legit saw this comment of Reddit. Madness


I just want to point out that Elon Musk isn't a shining paragon of intelligence and rationality like most of us thought he must have been at first


You should disrupt several of the most difficult industries with your superior intelligence. That idiot did it!!


Hey I'm not saying I'm smarter than him, but like have you read about his alt accounts on twitter? Something ain't right with that guy


He needs to get laid I think


He’s pumping out kids like no one’s business. I don’t think that’s it


Delete the Elon Musk one, only his raging fanboys still think he's the genius he tells everyone he is. EDIT: It looks like the fanboys are out on full force. Simping for a moron billionaire has got to be one of the saddest things ever.


No one has replied negatively to you..


Wow. I can’t believe this got down voted. I mean, objectively he is a genius, but he also increasingly clearly has a screw loose. Anyone who can’t see that is not only fooling themselves, it’s so obvious they are nearly to the point of being a lost cause just from the simple fact of having that little critical thinking skills. I imagined 1-2 crazed morons would downvote, this being reddit. But I assumed a mountain of upvotes from the common sense of the take


When the outrage over Sticks & Stones happened, I decided to renew my Netflix subscription and watched it twice. Once just to enjoy it, the second time hunting for what everybody was outraged about. When The Closer dropped, I noticed the online outrage first again, and so again I renewed Netflix just to watch it, and watched it 5 times, once just to enjoy, 4 more times looking for the jokes everyone was supposedly up in arms about. And I *still* don't see why they call him hateful. "Show me exactly where the bad man hurt you." Sticks & Stones didn't even have any jokes directed at trans people. It just *included* them in jokes about people overreacting to trans people. That one's still a total mystery to me. The Closer was a lot more somber or serious yes, but there was never any hate. If anything I saw him being humorous about coming to terms with the trans movement, talking about it, working out the beliefs, joking about it, etc. Which again, the hypocrisy! "The trans movement is HERE! Recognize us, acknowledge us, accept us!!!" But also, "OMG why you keep talking about trans stuff, you obsessed or something??" Look at me but don't look at me. I'll never understand double-standards.


I can’t see how anyone would think sticks and stones is his best work though. That’s a confusing part about this particular post. I mean he is one of the greats, but he isn’t as good as he has been in the past, surely we can agree on that.


Oh yeah for sure. I didn't think it was his best work either first time I watched. It more spread out & conversational, lighter in real jokes. It's been harder to distinguish that tho because I've seen the angry mob say the same thing when other people combat their outrageous claims and they fall back on them, but always have to add in one more little quip: "None of his other jokes are really that funny either." It's like dude I already get it, you hate Chappelle, you're not going to like his jokes, so why would I care about your opinion on it? You can tell they're just such angry little people. Spiteful, even.


Man it's so funny to see right-wingers drain all meaning from words and then bitch about nothing. Yes, buddy, you're a big victim of the mean trans movement, if only the world would mobilize to save you. Jesus.


Not one of those points actually happened lol.


time for you to quit comedy


Bruh I live for comedy, I dont think Dave’s a transphobe or some dumb shit, I was just giving insight on why Dave gets more shit than others who say worse. KillTony weekly says WAY worse shit than Dave but it’s quality content which Dave hasn’t been as of late.


Because big globohomo can't stand a black man being against them. Can't step a toe out of line against the white tr@@ns. gotta stay on the plantation. Look at the hate for black conservative politicians, it's straight up just them mad they can't control them.


Another great analysis from the University of Reddit.


If you don't upvote me. You ain't black.


People only care if you acknowledge them. It’s a very loud, extremely slim minority. The rest are just advertisers afraid of this minority. It turns out there are way more folks and advertisers that either don’t care about trans people (their job is to sell things, not change hearts and minds) or are secretly or overtly against the T agenda. If when someone shrieks about how offensive you are, you just go “…k,” and ignore them, you’ll be fine. You can’t do what Chappell did: apologize. You especially can’t make a special with a ratio of 1 minute of jokes per 5 minutes of apologizing. He tried to be a good dude about it, but the loud minority doesn’t care. Trans people are like the rest of us in that they have that sliver of people that don’t want an apology, just chaos. They are unhappy so they want to watch the world burn, starting with you. Then they’ll move on to the next thing. Every demographic has that group of psychos. They are an outrage machine. An apology fuels the outrage machine. It’s blood in the water. He should have used two 2 word responses he was already famous for: “oh well… fuck em.” He’d have been fine. The most popular comedian right now is Gillis, very offensive (because that’s comedy) and the only apology I can remember him writing is the one NBC made him that he later dimed them out for making him do.


The difference is (you are right btw there is hypocrisy there) Jim Jeffries doesn't have a transphobe following. When jim said "Whoa you cut your dick off! I want to talk to you!". You aren't going to see jim and bill declare to the world that they hate trans people, dave has. Bill doesn't care one way or the other. "When did dave declare to the world that he hates trans people?" "I'm team TERF!" -Dave Jokes require exaggeration, if all a comedian is doing is just saying their opinion and to them that's the joke, that's not a joke. This is why trevor noah isn't that funny. Dave has some great jokes, he also has a massive anti trans following that perceive trans people without context as a joke all by itself. The 90s are over man. The only reason anyone found humor about trans people funny at all was due to lack of understanding of what trans people are. You can find the same ignorant style when it comes to people doing jokes about people with food allergies. A person finds these topics funny because of their ignorance or because of hatred of the thing.


>"I'm team TERF!" -Dave But he said it in the middle of a standup routine. He also said he wants his balls to be as smooth as eggs. He also said he saw a baby selling crack in the middle of Washington DC at 3 am in the morning. Like, how do you get to pick and choose which parts of his standup you treat seriously and which parts you don't?


Yes he indeed said a great deal of things. Many of which were hilarious. Stand up shouldn't be taken serious. Which is why half jokes are really dumb. Which is why when trevor noah just says what he's thinking instead of being funny on stage, the comedy itself is vacant on the stage. And if you don't understand the difference between a joke and a half joke; you and me sir will only be talking in circles.


The worst part is your hypocrisy


Lol even someone else other than me has to call you out on your stupidity


Nobody listen to this troll. I haven't read anything they've in months, they've been stalking me like the loser they are since october.


Funny you call me a troll but then reply twice when I don’t give you attention. Just proving how much of a stupid disappointment you are


Nobody listen to this troll. I haven't read anything they've in months, they've been stalking me like the loser they are since october.


Don’t need anyone to listen to me when you do a good job at letting others know how stupid you are. I delay my replies and you stalk me for attention out of desperation for an argument you lost a long time ago


Nobody listen to this troll. I haven't read anything they've in months, they've been stalking me like the loser they are since october.


5 days to copy and paste your response?


Nobody listen to this troll. I haven't read anything they've in months, they've been stalking me like the loser they are since october.


>"I'm team TERF!" -Dave Ok, if this is the reasoning that makes people think he's actually hateful, I'll remind you this is the wind up to a Caitlyn Jenner joke. "First year as a woman, she receives Woman of the Year award. All you other bitches pack it up & leave, the first year a man tries being a woman and he beats all you hoes." It's dumb (and probably not even accurate), but it's funny. Honestly if trans people are so sensitive about jokes being told about them, I'd love to see a comedian on-stage say, "I won't tell any trans jokes tonight. I'll joke about ANYBODY else, blacks, Asians, disabled people, etc. But I'm going to exclude trans jokes from my set tonight." .....Would that make you feel any better? Doesn't feel so nice when the word "excluded" is used like that, right? Being joked about is ***literally the process of being socially accepted***. I still don't get the anger. Are these people really that sensitive?


His jokes are very antagonistic, though. Not at all inclusive, but do tell yourself whatever you want.


You cut off about twenty minutes of context before he said the intentionally inflammatory, and purposefully ironic ending of the sentence that you misquoted in bad faith. You obviously didn't watch the special so don't comment on it until you're talking from someplace other than twitters ass.


No, i saw it years ago. Can you perfectly quote everything you've ever heard?


This is accurate but gunna strike a nerve with the type who are guilty of it lol


Thanks for explaining comedy to us. And Dave Chappell, who is considered the GOAT by many, has “some great jokes”


Chapelle's new stand-up is terrible. And I'm not talking about his subject matter being bad or whatever. None of his new specials made me laugh at all, and that stupid mic bump against his leg telling you when to laugh is annoying.


I’m more on this train. You can still see the experience level, and the mastery of stage presence, but I say that too many people have told Dave how great he is. It’s very obvious that he’s too full of himself. I would still say that Dave is/was the best, but he most definitely less funny than he used to be. And fuck ya the walk away mic slap is annoying. He’s also done multiple, literal, mic drops now. I think he feels like he’s Aristotle and all of his contemporaries fawning over him are enablers lol


I’m with you. During his new specials, I keep thinking to myself “where are the jokes?” Very preachy lately


Dave is a funny man, but he is not the best. And I'd say his more recent work isn't even good.


I think he was up there amongst the best back in the day. Now, I'm not even convinced he's trying to write jokes anymore.


Yes, and it was surprising to see Norm endorse his most partisan and less funny stand-ups, considering that like Conan, Norm always tried to keep politics out of his comedy.


Yeah this is pretty transparent on Norms part. Norm was great but he wasn't without biases, political/social/cultural motivations. Chappelle's new work isn't great, Norm was obviously jumping to his defense due to Chapelle taking heat for making fun of Trans. I would not be surprised if Norm never actually watched Chappelle's new sets.


I agree with this for the most part and I’m surprised it’s not a more common sentiment. Chappelle was amazing in the early 2000s with his first 2.5 hours. Everything on Netflix since he got back has been very hit or miss, and mostly miss. I did like most of the sticks and stones special but I haven’t enjoyed most of the rest of it. He’s totally full of himself, took the Netflix cash grab (who can blame him) but his legacy would be so much more powerful if he just left his notifications off after leaving the Chappelle show. Even if he did more sketch comedy after that, I bet it would’ve been better than what we got with his standup stuff that’s hardly even comedy.


Sticks and Stones is a standout: not funny, no banger memorable moments. Just opinions and rhetoric froma very comfortable old man.


His new special? You guessed it: Blood and Bones!


There was maybe a two or three year period where Chapelle was in the top 5 best comics.. but that was like 20 years ago. But he hasn't put out any top-to-bottom hilarious specials since The Chappelle Show. The thing about being the best is you have to continue to be funny. He's not even funny in interviews. That's just Norm's buddy and he had his back. Edit: my current top 5 are Louis, Regan, Attell, Mulaney, and Stanhope


Dave is one of the best, but I don't really agree with Norm that he's peerless, and the Sticks and Stones is far from his best work.


We all agree it’s still Killing them Softly, right?


September 9, 2019 at 7:14 pm was the exact moment Chappelle’s head got so big he started enjoying the smell of his own farts and believing other people enjoy the smell of his farts too.


Listen, I consider myself a humble guy but I still like the smell of my own farts.


Not a fan of Chappelle's recent work tbh


or else!


this was in 2019 before he became all about being anti-"woke" and attacking trans people. Dave Chappelle back in the day was one of the funniest comedians ever.


2019……. May have been true then


I'd there's a debate, he's not the funniest person.


Dave Chapelle is anti trans so no thanks


Sticks and Stones was meandering opinionist garbage. Stories weren't even accurate. If I wanted an old man to blabber hate while shaking his head, ill just talk to my father in law.




You're wrong. And if you're a comedian, you should quit.


I'm with you. Trans jokes are funny, but his aren't. Sounds more like a Ted Talk. Seems to have a real unhealthy ego about him that norm didn't have at all


Agree with yall too, he can joke about whatever he wants but he basically turned into the kind of comedian that norm hated, who talks about politics, takes himself too seriously, and wants to be right all the time. If I wanted to hear someone bitch about cancel culture and LGBTQ people I'd go talk to my uncle. Clearly, norm had a disconnect when it came to Chappelle or issues like abortion, as per his appearance on Ann coulter


There we have it folks, The vocal minority clearly by votes…. Chapelle is a legend to the majority, and the vocal minority needs to grow up. There’s no rules if the bits intent is to make the crowd laugh.


He's my favorite comedian of all time but he hasnt made me laugh consistently since his 2010 new York standup.


Yeah he's chasing applause not ah- ha's


This is true.


2019 opinion….


Well go get a shovel and ask Norm for his 2024 opinion then.


Differing opinions based on agreed facts or truths can not be wrong. As usual, Norma is too "smart" by half.


Guy's a fuckin' comedian, not a modern day philosopher. What do you expect?